//------------------------------// // Promises That Can't Be Kept // Story: Tears // by CutieMarkCrusaders //------------------------------// Luna flew over Equestria. She flew over Fillydelphia, and Saddlearabia, and Manehatten. She continued flying until she reached the arctic north. She slowly set her hooves down in the cold snow. "Sombra!" she yelled. She used her wings to shield her face from the blizzard that was raging at her. Freezing snow slammed into her from what felt like every direction. It felt as if she were being stabbed by a thousand icy knives. "Sombra!" she screamed again, but it was no use. She could barely hear the word coming from her own mouth. Then suddenly, she felt a warm sensation all over. She opened her eyes to see that she had been encased by a black smoke. Then she looked up and saw that it was looking back at her. She was startled for a moment before she recognized them. They were Sombra's eyes, and they were warm and inviting. Sombra quickly led the princess to a cave where they rested. Luna started a fire with her magic and the light shown upon her long lost love. It was warm and quiet inside the cave as the light from the fire danced along the cave walls. "Sombra," Luna said, holding back tears. "I missed you so much. While I was on the moon, the hope of seeing you again was the only thing keeping me alive. I- I love you." Slowly the shadow disappeared; revealing the black unicorn. His armor glinted in the light of the fire and his cape was draped over his shoulders and all around him. "I love you, too, Luna," he said as he levitated the cape from his back and draped it around his princess. The two ponies talked for a long time, and told each other about all the things that had happened. Sombra told Luna about how he had overtaken the empire and why he did. "After Celestia put you on the moon," he said. "I felt alone. I felt more alone than I ever had in my entire life. Then I became greedy. I wanted love, and the Crystal Empire had more love than any other place in Equestria. I wanted to rule over it. I wanted to have subjects and I wanted them all to love me. But they feared me instead. "I didn't want them to fear me. I was angry at myself, and at my subjects. In my anger I took the crystal heart and hid it away inside my castle. I thought it would make me happy, but it did not. Eventually, I was overtaken by sadness and I suppose I went mad. I captured all of the crystal ponies and made them my slaves. Then, I was banished. "I thought you were going to be on the moon forever, but I found you. You have brought a ray of moonlight into my life. For that I thank you, Princess Luna." King Sombra finished his story and nuzzled Luna, who then told her story. "I was angry and my sister. She took all the glory because she ruled the day instead of the night. I could live with that, except she pushed me over the edge one day. She forbade me from seeing you again. I think that it was because she was jealous that I had love and she did not. It was strange. I had been jealous of her my entire life because she had been born with a greater destiny. Then, she was jealous of me because I had you. She always did want to have the best of everything, and I got what was left over. "I decided it was my turn to rule Equestria, so I refused to lower the moon, and Celestia banished me there. When I was on the moon, the thought of seeing you again was all that was keeping me alive. But when I came back, you were gone, and it was her fault." Luna looked at Sombra when she finished and he looked back at her. They smiled at each other. "I promise I will never love anyone but you, Sombra," Luna said. "I promise too," Sombra replied. Then, he slowly leaned forward and kissed Luna, and she kissed back. "Princess Luna!" a pegasus guard said as he galloped into the cave. "You must come with us, now." Princess Celestia walked into the cave behind the guard followed by two others who proceeded to put a chain around one of Luna's hooves. "I told you to stay in Canterlot, Luna. How dare you come here! How dare you disobey me!" Celestia screamed as she got up close in her sister's face. "Leave her alone!" Sombra yelled as he jumped up from where he had been sitting. He backed away from Celestia and looked at her as if he was going to charge. "Get back!" the guards yelled as they hurried to form a barrier between Sombra and Celestia. They were too late. Sombra charged right passed them and hooked Celestia's chin with his horn. She wasn't hurt but it bled a little. The guards pulled Sombra away from her and chained his hooves. "Flee, my love!" Luna screamed as she used her magic to break Sombra's chains. She hoped that if she let the guards take her, it would give him time to escape. Sombra turned back into shadow and swarmed over the guards and Celestia. "We have to get out of here!" one of the guards yelled. Celestia and the three pegasus guards galloped out of the cave, dragging Luna behind them. Sombra looked down at the cave floor and began to cry. Princess Celestia, once again, had stolen away his love. He saw his cape laying on the ground where Luna used to be. Anger rose up inside of him. He took the cape and left the cave, headed for the Crystal Empire. Sombra was going to overtake it again, and release it only when Princess Luna was returned to him. "I'm coming for you, Luna. This time, I will win."