//------------------------------// // chapter 2: searching for hope // Story: A part played calando // by fullmoonbeast //------------------------------// The office smelled like coffee, that was the first thing Trace noticed when he left the interrogation room. One of his colleagues was writing a file on the newly acquired case and did not look very happy. His desk was filled with empty coffee cups and an empty box of muffins. Trace chuckled." You feeling alright there?" he asked him. "Oh just peachy," the stallion started. "First I have to endure a three hour concert of the foal. then when I am almost asleep, I get paged that there was a murder and I have to search the house and write a report. That mare better had a good reason to commit a murder that late in the evening, otherwise she is in more trouble than she is now ." Trace nodded "She could have, one of them is that she didn't do it ." The stallion huffed "Coming from mister 'I have no doubt she did it '." "I know when a pony lies, and she clearly did not . And I have to find out who did , that is my job and that is why I signed up. to convict the right pony for the right crime ." His colleague nodded "I like that spirit , you sound like the pony that could get things done here. But don't go pointing conclusions now hmm? I heard the crime scene is open now for you so you should investigate." Trace nodded , he grabbed his notepad and walked to the crime scene . The house was set off with police tape ,many agents as well as curious ponies stood around it . They all eyed the detective when he showed his badge to the guard before the tape and got through . He walked to Octavia's chamber and pushed the door open . Inside was the coroner , a pony named Night Blade , working on the file. He looked up from his work and smiled at Trace ,who walked to him . "How are you doing to day Night? This must have been a hell of a wake up for you." Night sighed "Yes indeed it was , first I wake up around 3 because of a phone call and then they tell me miss Octavia is dead. It was difficult to understand at 3 in the morning , but now I am around here for a few hours and well, it is a damned disgrace." Trace looked at the file and nodded "Yes indeed it is . What was the cause of dead ? "Well according to the wound I found on her head , I'd say it was a penetrating force trauma . " Trace looked around ." And what was the murder weapon? I thought it was the cello." Night showed a little smile." That was what I initially thought too, but I researched the cello and it is perfectly fine, apart from the blood ." He gave the file to Trace and excused himself , then he left leaving Trace alone in the chamber. Trace grabbed his notepad and wrote his info down . Date: February the 24th. Case: murder. victim is Octavia Philharmonica, played in the national orchestra. Cause of death: penetrating force trauma. Suspect : in custody, Vinyl scratch , famous dj. Alibi? : not yet,no motive either. I believe she hasn't done it. Trace sighed,this was going to be a long case.