//------------------------------// // Chapter 10: WHY? // Story: Time is up, Twilight // by Dream Whisper //------------------------------// Twilight's breath was slow and rhythmic. Her head was swinging forwards and backwards again and again, never stopping for a moment. It made her feel better, it was comforting. It almost reminded her of the comfort of a crib, that swings from side to side. The motion was so repetitive. There was nothing new she had to face, nothing undesired. There was nothing that could disturb her right now. The slow wind rushed through the leaves in the trees, causing the same rustling noise as for the last hours. It felt so good not having to do a thing in the world, just swinging forwards and backwards. A tear was running down from her left eye. She didn't want to think of a reason for that tear. It was all okay now that she could comfortably swing back and forth. She had given up long ago. There was no way to succeed, nopony to help her through. How was she supposed to survive this? She broke out in sobbing again. Why? Why? Why? That question would never leave her mind nor would the images. No, don't think about it, Twilight! She intensified to swinging, causing slight nausea. It was still better than remembering. A cold breeze ran over her long hair that was cluttered and filled with specks of dirt and dust. How long had she been sitting here? It didn't matter. Back and forth. Such a calming motion. Her teeth clenched together as the memories tried to regain the control over her body. She forced her eyes shut, trying to forget it all. Just back and forth, back and forth. Back and fourth, back and fourth. Another tear ran down her eyes, even though she had already thought there were no tears anymore. Her mouth was dry and her belly was empty, but did that even matter? Maybe death would give her answers for the questions she searched to forget. There were no answers to be found. There were no answers for those questions at all. Why? She would have cried if she would have had the strength to do it. She was done with the world and the world was done with her. Why? She forced herself to look up again, although the water in her eyes made it hard to see. She looked down again. She could not stand it. Tears fell from her eyes as if she had not cried enough already. She began panting for air again as so often before. "WHY?!" She screamed and yet no pony heard. No pony was there to hear. Her body fell to the side but there was no impact, no pain. Only this loneliness. This anger. This sadness. This different type of pain. Her sobbing turned into crying again. Why? The memories were flooding her brain again like the dam holding them back had broken apart. She was too weak to hold them back. The Canterlot Castle, in ruins. The lifeless bodies. Why? The slow walk through this infinite field filled with death. The whole world had died, the stars had stopped twinkling, the darkness filled the world. Why? She had found them, not long after. Stop it Twilight! You can't! You can't think about it! Just forget it all! Just... The pain would kill her. Why? There is nothing in this world even closely related to losing who we loved. She had not only lost one, but all. This world was not a place to live in anymore. She forced herself up, trying to contain the tears but they just kept coming. Right before her were the graves, all six of them. Behind them, six more graves. She decided to speak last words to everypony before the inevitable would happen. She had tried to go back, of course. There had been no way. The slightest idea of traveling back to a better time already threw her back into the ruins, into the field of death. With each and every try to go back, she had been forced back into the field of death. She had not given up. She was strong and yet so weak. It had been reset 777 when she had given up. There was only death in this world. Only death. Why? She stopped again, being reminded of every single face. Every single empty expression screaming the same question at her: "Why? Why, Twilight? Why have you done this?" Every single pony had screamed at her, their eyes ripping her very soul apart. Why? She was too weak to continue thinking about it. She had lost track of time after the thousandth reset. It had been more than a month and she had given it all up. There was no way out of this insanity. Why? The first grave she arrived at was Fluttershy's. Her grave was filled with Narcissusi. She had found it matching to give her this flower of beauty and sleep. Fluttershy had always been a Narcissus. "Goodbye, Fluttershy! It... It... You..." She could not do this. She hated herself for that inability to speak up, but she just couldn't do it. It was hurting her. She cringed with every step, but she couldn't do it. She stumbled over her own legs, falling down again. "Why Twilight? Why did you leave us?" Why? It had been nothing but her own fault. All along, it had been her own fault. She tried to scream, but nothing came out. She could not do this. How was she supposed to do this? She was just a pony. Why? She couldn't answer that question. That one action, that one single mistake had taken her life. She hated herself for the inability to do anything. She hated herself for what she had done. She hated herself for everything. This was her own fault. Why? It may already be too late. This wasn't her own fault… Yes, yes! This was... This was somepony's fault, but not her own. No no. She giggled. Her breathing was fast and discontinuous. This was the answer to all her problems: It was all PAST Twilight's fault. That foolish pony had ruined everything. Yes yes. That foolish pony had to be stopped. She would stop that foolish pony and everything would be just fine. She would stop past Twilight and everything would be fine, yes yes. She turned around again. “Fluttershy!” Another breeze of wind hushed over the surface of the grave, blowing away the narcissi. Twilight felt cold, but she would… “What are you saying Fluttershy?” She was sure, she had heard her. Fluttershy had just spoken to her. If Fluttershy had only been a little bit louder... "Come on Fluttershy, speak up!" Silence. Only shadows of the clouds above her running over the ground. A breeze of wind and rustling of leaves. Why wasn’t Fluttershy answering? “Answer Fluttershy! Please!” Oh, Fluttershy wants to go the hard way. Then she will show her the hard way! Yes yes, the hard way. With a single swipe of her magic, the grave was taken apart. The dirt sprayed into the air, revealing her hideous friend. She was alone here with Fluttershy. The whole world around them didn’t matter anymore. “You have lost your hair, Fluttershy. I still think you are beautiful. Yes yes. Very beautiful.” Fluttershy refrained to answer. Why was she not answering?! “Fluttershy, talk to me!” Oh, you are not going to answer? Twilight will make you answer. Everything would be normal. Yes yes, Fluttershy will answer. Twilight chuckled as she thought about it. This time, the skeleton answered, but the answer wasn’t something she wanted to hear. No no. It wasn’t her fault. “It wasn’t my fault! Do you hear me?! IT WASN’T MY FAULT!” Her heart started beating faster and faster and what was left of Fluttershy was staring at her. No no, into her soul. Fluttershy was judging her. She wouldn’t allow Fluttershy to judge her, no no. With a flash of her magic, the skeleton evaporated into thin air. Her eyes were blinded for a moment, but it had been worth it. Yes yes, Fluttershy would no longer judge her. Yes yes. The leaves of the tree started rustling again and the grass was blowing softly in the autumn breeze. They had seen her do it. The tree had seen her. And the tree would tell Celestia. And the grass would tell Celestia. Yes yes, they would rat on her. Would she allow it? No no, she wouldn’t. The grass and the tree would have to die. And the others too. No pony would squeal on her. NOPONY! After having done the necessary, she traveled back through time. She had done that thousands and thousands of times before, always without success. Today, however, she was a different pony. One that could do anything, yes yes. Anything. It was Ponyville, yes yes. However, she couldn't show her self. No no. There was past Twilight, but she couldn't show herself. No no, she couldn't. She made her way up to that place. There was one mare who could help her. The mare in the moon. Yes yes, That place. The moon. Yes yes. Here she would find her. Yes yes. The mare would do what she was not able to. Yes yes. The mare would kill that nasty pony. She was no murderer! It wasn’t her fault! It wouldn’t be her fault in the future! The mare would do it. It will be the mare’s fault, not hers. The mare would kill past Twilight; yes yes. "Who hath come to our lair? Thou art doomed upon coming here. Eternal night shall reign once again!” A deep laughter echoed through the empty space. "No, no. I am here to aid in your escape. Yes, yes. The stars have sent me to aid in your escape. Yes, yes." "Who art thou, foolish mare? For Nightmare Moon is who you have awoken." "I don't have a name. No no." She giggled. She once has had a name, but that name had lost all of it's meaning. Yes yes. She used her magic to free this bitter mare. Nightmare Moon would kill her. "Foolish mare. Thou hath freed me once and for all. The time for my reign hath cometh." A deep laughter howled through the empty space. And she giggled. Yes yes. She liked giggling, yes yes. No no. It has not worked, no no. Nightmare Moon has failed. The dragon, whose original home she had destroyed, has given up. The parasprites, who she had driven into the Everfreeforest, have been captured by that pesky pink pony. Yes yes, pesky. Even the hydra who she had angered and beaten for days had not had a chance against past Twilight. She almost spit out that 'T'. Yes yes, spit. There had been others, trying the same... A cockatrice, diamond dogs, buffaloes. Things she had not planned but also had failed to stop those six. They were hard to stop, yes yes. Nonetheless, she would stop them anyway; yes yes. She giggled. A thought slowly crawled up into her brain, the memories of what had once been her… It was time to bring forth other creatures, creatures like Discord. Creatures that would have a chance at defeating them. Yes yes. It was the third day already, on which she was just cowering there, waiting for somepony to approach that statue. Instead of it being somepony useless, as so many times before, this time there were perfect targets. Yes yes: Three little fillies arguing about the definition of Discord. She used her magic, quietly and with determination. Slowly, she weakened the spell containing Discord inside of this stone shell. Discord would be free. Yes yes, free. They would not know what hit them. Past Twilight would finally have to give up. Yes yes, give up. She giggled again. “Ahh! What a wonderful day to spread chaos once again!” "Yes yes, it is. Yes yes. Spread your chaos, Discord. Spread your chaos and destroy that pony! Yes yes, chaos." "Oh, and who are you, my insane subject? Insanity is such a wonderful thing, isn’t it?" He burst out in streamers and balloons and she giggled. Yes yes. He was a master of chaos. "I have no name. No no." "Oh, isn't that a wonderful coincidence? I have no name either!" She giggled. Yes yes. This one would make everything just fine. It was time! Yes yes, it was time. He had failed. It had been going so well. Yes yes, so well. She had almost done it if there had not been that damn dragon. Yes yes, that dragon. Pesky little thing. There had to be pesky little things all the way ruining the possibility for success. Yes yes. She couldn't let that continue. No no, she couldn't. "What are you doing in my lair? Get her, my children." "No no. I am not here to fight with you. No no, not fighting." The shield she had created was holding the changelings off her as long as it was necessary. It had been a long search, but she finally found a suitable replacement for Discord. She would not only send one, but two problems for past Twilight to deal with. Yes yes. She would send two. Yes yes, two were better than one. "What do you want, then?" "I want to give you the Crystal Empire, the love of their citizens. A whole empire to feed upon. Yes yes, an empire. I want you to kill her for me. Yes yes." "The whole empire? Who do you think, I am? I am not a fool! I am the Queen of the Changelings." "Yes yes, you are. Yes yes. I know who you are. You are Chrysalis. You don't seem to know who I am. No no, you don't." "Indeed. That is a dilemma. So what is your name? I would like to know it, so I can tell who I destroyed." "No no. I don't have a name, no no." She giggled. This queen was stubborn, but she would get her to do what she wanted. Yes yes, she would. "Pah!" She started channeling her magic, but Twilight knew, what she had to do. "Silence!" It was her royal Canterlot voice. Yes yes. She had learned that from that pony. Yes yes, she had learned it. "The Crystal Empire will be free for your entry and only yours at the dawn of the next day. Be there and have the possibility to feed your children or starve together with them. It is your decision. Yes yes, it is your decision." It wasn't her decision. No no. The children would starve. Yes yes, starve. The queen would have no choice but coming. Yes yes, no choice. She had already prepared it all. Queen Chrysalis would have an easy game. Yes yes, easy. And Twilight would try and fail. Yes yes. She giggled. It made her insane. Yes yes, insane. How could everypony fail at her command? It was an easy command: Getting rid of Twilight Sparkle. Yes yes, so easy. The queen has been beaten by the power of love that she had been eating up all along. Yes yes, how ironic. It would have still worked, if this stubborn King would have awoken faster. Yes yes, stubborn little thing. The ice had been thicker than she had expected. The magic had been stronger. Yes yes, strong magic. It were four days without eating or drinking or sleeping. No no, no eating. It had been four long days of an exhausting use of magic. Yes yes, exhausting. Now it was time. The deep laughter coming from below was the first sign of his awakening. Yes yes. He was finally awake. Yes yes. "The time for vengeance has come!" The King erupted through the ground without her being able to say anything. No no, not able. That being was filled with hatred. Yes yes, pure hatred. It would most definitely destroy past Twilight. Yes yes. This would be the final blow. Yes yes, finally. She thought about it for a moment and giggled. That pony had been right: It is already too late. And she liked it.