//------------------------------// // Chapter 4 "Another Day" // Story: Equestria Noir Season 2 Case 6 "Mirror Mirror" // by Jacoboby1 //------------------------------// Chapter 4 “Another Day” It was, beyond anything I could’ve hoped for. I was with my parents, Tailspin, we were all together as one family. I had no idea what to think. Part of me wanted to chalk it up to it all being a weird dream. I slammed my head into the mirror and I was asleep on some bed back home. But, so far Luna hasn’t shown up as a pony, so I’m guessing it’s no dream. But, it was amazing having Mom back. She was almost exactly how I remembered her in terms of personality. Bright, sweet, and just the greatest mom in the world. At dinner, I went and told everybody how my day was. I was careful to omit Twilight and the fact I came from another world. The first would get my mom on me for hours, the second would probably get me sent to a mental hospital. When night fell I went up to my room. It was almost the same as my old one back when I was a kid. Granted the posters were updated to reflect my teenaged tastes. But the bed was still the same color as it was, a simple silver. The bookshelves were overstuffed with all sorts of books ranging from science fiction to detective novels. My desk had one addition that it didn’t before, a computer. I would mess with it, but I was too tired to do so. I’ve had a long day and sleep was quickly starting to make a good case. “I know it’s not totally like home.” I turned and saw that Mom was there, she then said, “But, with your father’s new position we had to leave Manehatten behind.” “It’s okay mom,” I said with a smile, “It feels nice being here.” She smiled and said, “I’m glad, I was a little worried about how you would adjust but, if your testimony about today is anything to go on, you’ll do just fine.” “Thanks mom,” I said, going to sit on my bed. “So,” she said as her silver eyes slowly became half lidded, “Your father and brother are out of earshot, tell me about her.” I blushed bright red. “What are you talking about!?” I exclaimed. “You can’t hide anything from your mother, Private, it’s just a fact,” She said with a smile and a wink. “Through out your story I knew that you met somebody and were nervous to talk about her.” “Maybe you should be the detective,” I said with a laugh. “I doubt it,” She said with a laugh, “I’m only really good at solving my son’s secret crushes.” “Mo-o-om,” I groaned. “So, tell me all about her,” She said, coming to sit beside me on the bed. “Well uh,” I said, looking down at my shoes. “Her name is Twilight.” “And she is the one who helped you get settled?” She asked. “Yeah,” I said. “She’s, amazing, Mom. Smart, pretty, and very humble too.” “So when can I expect to hear wedding bells?” She said suddenly. “MO-O-OM!” I yelled. “I’m teasing!” She said, holding up her arms defensively. “Not funny, Mom!” I fired back. “Just be thankful you have a mother that’s willing to meddle as much as possible,” She said with a mischievous smile. I rolled my eyes and just chuckled. “So, does she live nearby?” She asked. “I’d like to meet my son’s sweetheart.” “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” I said. “She might get scared off by your being so overbearing.” “I’m am NOT overbearing!” She yelled. “I’m just curious about the company my son keeps. You can’t arrest me for being curious.” I sighed and said, “Fine, she does live nearby.” “Have you decided to ask her out yet?” She asked. “Mom we only just met.” I replied. “I just wanted to gaug-” “You are NOT making me a tuxedo!” I interrupted. “Oooh,” She said in mock disappointment, “But I was going to make you this really cute one with a little bow tie.” “Mom, need I remind you of a certain polka dotted tuxedo you had me wear during elementary?” I said, laughing. “It wasn’t that bad!” She said, giving me a shove. “It was in the style at the time!” “Maybe during your time!” I said, shoving her back. Before long we were laughing at the silliness of our argument. After a few minutes of messing around she got up and headed for the door. “I’ll be expecting a full report tomorrow, Preventus!” She said, looking back at me. “I’m not getting out of this am I?” I asked. “Nope! Where do you think you got your stubbornness from?” She asked grinning. I got up from the bed and pulled Mom into another hug. After a minute, I felt her arms close around me as I said, “It’s, good to see you mom.” “I’m not going anywhere Preventus.” She said. “I have too much to live for.” With that, she let me go and I was left alone in the room. I slipped off my trench coat and hat, setting them on the desk chair and putting myself into pajamas. I plopped onto the bed and fell asleep almost immediately. Everything was just so...right with the world… _____________________________________________________ YOU ARE A FOOL PROMETHEUS! OW! Okay I know I deserved that one. Do you have any idea of the risk you put your descendent through! I could’ve broken the very fabric of reality by allowing him to pass over! What was I supposed to do? Let him suffer with the idea he wouldn’t be seeing your descendent for two and a half years? Maybe it would’ve done him some good… How can you be so cold? How can you be so blind? Do you have any idea what could've happened? No, I don’t, I only know what did happen. He got here, he found Twilight, all’s well. All is NOT well. Oh how I wish he didn’t connect us together so I wouldn’t have to listen to you trying to justify something so reckless and stupid! It’s good to see you again by the way… Don’t even start. You know full well what happened. I missed you… Promy...just...don’t… But Izana- This isn’t about us, this is about them. My descendents have always been chased by yours. First Nocturne with Twilight Twinkle. Then Swiftsky with Twilight Starlight. Even Eclipse had that fling with Twilight Spellbinder. What are you saying? I’m saying...that maybe it’s time you stopped… Stopped what? Trying to get you to understand how I feel? I know exactly how you feel Promy...but you shouldn’t make Private feel the same… His feelings are his own...you will see… ______________________________________________________ “WHAAAHOOOO!!!!” I heard a yell and the feeling of somebody jumping on my bed. I opened my eyes and turned over into my pillow. “First day of school starts today Private! Come on!” Tailspin yelled. I groaned and tossed a pillow at the guy with my...arm? Hand...two legs...flat face...it wasn’t a dream...none of it was. I was still human. “Come on bro!” Tailspin said, throwing the pillow back at me. “Let’s go!” “I’m coming, don’t push me,” I said, getting up out of my bed. I looked over and saw sunlight coming in through the open window. Geez, this really is high school all over again. ________________________________________________________ Perspective: Twilight Sparkle It’s strange. Here I am, months after breaking up with Flash Sentry… And I’m walking to meet a boy, so we can walk to school, together. He… He doesn’t make me feel like I did with Flash, though. He makes me feel… Strangely whole, like there was part of me that was missing, and I had just found it. It’s truly odd, to be honest, and that house of his is intimidating, even without a big wall and gate. He’s my friend. I have nothing to be afraid of. I will go right up there, and ask, politely, if Private is ready to walk to school. I can do this. Oh no I can’t! Yes you can, Twilight! Keep it together! I walked up to the door, and rang the bell, taking a deep breath, and letting it out. And did it again, using the breathing exercise that Cadence showed me. It helps to keep me from totally spazzing out, like I tend to do, sometimes. Okay. I’m ready. The door opened and a woman was standing in front of me. Wow, she looked pretty, judging by the fact her eyes are same as Private’s, this had to be his mom. She smiled warmly, a kind of warm smile that reminded me a little of AJ. “Can I help you, dear?” She asked. “Uh, hello,” I said nervously. “I’m Twilight Sparkle, is Private home? I was hoping to walk to school with him.” Her silver eyes practically glowed and she said excitedly, “Oh my gosh! You’re the Twilight Sparkle he was talking about!” Wait, Private was talking about…me…? She took my hand and shook it. “It’s an absolute pleasure to meet the girl that helped my son fit in.” She said, keeping her smile. I smiled in turn and said, “It was my pleasure ma’am, I know what it’s like to be new at school. I just pointed Private to the right people to be friends with.” “I think I’m going to like you,” She said. “The boys are inside right now, they should be here any minute.” “Boys?” I asked. “Oh, Private has a little brother too, he’s starting today,” She said. “Tailspin, watch out for him though, he’s known to be quite the little charmer.” Tailspin...where have I heard that before...and why does it make me feel….sad? I shook my head as I heard footsteps. ________________________________________________ Perspective: Private After a light breakfast provided by Dad, I went towards the door where I found Mom standing there. I came outside, “Oh hey m-TWILIGHT?!” I yelled as I saw she was standing outside. My head suddenly felt very hot and that weak kneed feeling came back. “I was just getting to know your friend here,” Mom said. “You were right when you said she was pretty.” Twilight and I both turned fifty shades more red. I won’t even bother trying to translate what came out of our mouths. Just a bunch of mumbling half sentenced apologies. “Aww, you two are simply adorable together,” My mom gushed. “Mom, for pete’s sake!” I groaned. “Sorry, I’ll leave you two while I get Tailspin,” Mom said, walking back inside and I swear she winked at me. When she left I sighed and looked at Twilight. “Sorry, my mom was curious about the people I met and you came up,” I said. “Oh, it’s okay,” Twilight said. “She seems friendly, plus it seems I’m on good terms with her, already. That can’t hurt.” “True,” I said with a smile. At that point Tailspin came out the door and looked up at Twilight. Then he looked at me, “You weren’t kidding Pr-” He didn’t get to finish his sentence before I conked him on the head. “Can it you flirt!” I said. “Ow!” Tailspin said, rubbing his head. “You know you could put me in the hospital for that.” “Maybe I can convince them to perform charm removal surgery,” I grumbled. Twilight giggled a little and lowered herself to Tailspin’s level. “Tailspin right? Glad to have you at Canterlot High. We’ll take you there to get registered while your brother and I head to class okay?” She said. “Sound’s great,” Tailspin said with a smile. “I just hope the other girls there are as nice as-ow!” Round two. Point Private. “Forgive my brother, he can be a bit of a flirt,” I said to Twilight. “Oh I’m sure he’ll find plenty of girls, his age, to flirt with,” She said, smiling. One in particular…. _____________________________________________________ We made our way towards the the school using the same route we used leaving it. Tailspin was a little ahead of us. The little guy was excited to be at a new school and meeting new people. That’s just the kind of person Tailspin is I guess. Twilight and I haven’t talked much since we started walking. Every now and then I’d give a sidelong glance at her, we’d blush, look away and then peek back again. Rinse, lather, repeat. Then, a subject came into my brain to start us talking. “Twi?” “Yeah Private?” She asked, looking at me. “Uh, Raiden mentioned something called the Spring Fling?” I asked. “Care to enlighten me?” “Oh,” Twilight said, going into model student mode. “The Spring Fling is the spring variation of the Fall Formal. A dance that celebrates school unity and a night of having fun. The whole school pitches in to help set it up.” “Isn’t there a contest to become the Princess?” I asked. “Yeah,” Twilight said. “It’s not that big of a deal in my honest opinion. All you really get to do is wear a crown, get your picture taken, and get popular for a few weeks before everybody realizes they still have to attend class.” Crown… Alright, time for Operation Spring Fling! This is perfect, I’ll be Twilight’s date for the Spring Fling. She’s a shoo-in to become Princess. If Spike’s story is anything to go on, and it is currently, I just have to be her date, have her win the crown, and then I have her use it to take us home. But...wait...she probably doesn’t even remember the importance of that crown. I had to make sure to jog her memory before then. That means… I just gotta ask her out… Simple..easy...any minute now...go on….come on…. What’s wrong with me? Why can’t I just ask her out? I’m totally freezing and freaking out here! Twilight was looking at me curiously. “Private are you okay?” She asked. “Uh, yeah, perfectly fine!” I said, hopefully she didn’t hear my voice crack. “Hey guys! The school’s up ahead!” Tailspin cried. With that, we walked towards Canterlot High without another word. _______________________________________________________ Tailspin getting registered was probably a lot easier than me getting registered. Twilight and I were sitting on a bench outside. We saw Tailspin walking out with Luna. “Thanks for the help Vice Principal Luna,” Tailspin said with a charming smile. Luna...smiled at him. She put a hand on his shoulder and said. “I wish you all the best Tailspin. Welcome to Canterlot High.” With that, she walked back inside. I crossed my arms and glared at my little brother. “If I get cookies in the mail, I’m so telling Mom,” I said firmly. “Aww come on Private,” Tailspin said, “I was just being cute and friendly.” “You’d better get off to your first class,” Twilight said. “Right, I’m off! See ya guys!” He said, and with that, he took off. I then was escorted by Twilight to my locker. Twilight gave me a crash course on locker space management. Granted it probably took longer than normal thanks to Twilight’s constant OCDness, but, we got through and I was left with Twilight as students around me started to head off to class. “Thanks for the help, Twi,” I said, closing my locker. “I really appreciate it.” For a minute, she and I stared into each others eyes. Then she looked nervous, I noticed her finger was twirling a bit of her hair. “Oh, anything for a friend…” She trailed off, her eyes not leaving mine. She and I just gazed into one another’s eyes. I had nothing to say. I couldn’t think, I just, felt her looking at me. She was here, I was there, nothing else mattered… Then...I reached and took her free hand in mine. Gosh, human skin is soft. As I held her hand, I felt her smaller fingers try to entwine with mine… RIIING!!! The spell was broken and I let go of Twilight’s hand. Twilight and I looked at each other, before she finally said, “I’m sorry.” Then she turned and ran down the hall. Wow… ______________________________________________________ Perspective: Twilight Sparkle The primary exports of Guatemala… Oh… Goodness gracious, Private’s eyes are… Stop it, Twilight! Focus! The primary exports of Guatemala… His hand was so warm… Why does being with him feel so much more right.. GAH! Fruits, vegetables, flowers, handicrafts, cloths, sugarcane and palm oil! I can’t concentrate! I keep thinking about Private! And it’s interfering with my school work! Maybe… Maybe that’s the difference? I never lost concentration when I dated Flash… And I haven’t even started dating Private, and now I can’t even stop thinking about hi- “Miss Sparkle!” A voice yelled. “Yes, sir?” I said to Mr. Rich as he stood at the white board. “I know Economics may not be the most entertaining subject,” He said. “But I do expect a model student to pay attention during the lecture. No matter how good your grades are, learning is also important.” “Yes Sir…” I moaned as I heard some people snickering around me. “Now, during the 18-” Mr. Rich went off on his lecture again. “Psst!” I heard someone hiss. I looked to my right and saw AJ was there. She wrote on the side of her journal, and held it up so I could see it, but Mr. Rich would just see AJ holding her journal open. It said: How did the walk go? I looked up at Mr. Rich. He was occupied and to be honest I already read the material ahead of time. I think I can state AJ’s curiosity. I moved to a blank page in my notes and wrote on the corner. It went well. Actually, he asked me about the Spring Fling of all things. AJ smiled, and wrote again. Are ya gonna accept the invite if he gives it tah ya? I shrugged helplessly in response. She gave me a look and wrote, Dun tell me, is this bout Flash? I shook my head and wrote a longer note. No, it’s not about Flash. Something about this just feels so, I don’t know, right. Like, we’re meant for each other. Aj simply smiled and wrote, Mighty Romantic Twi, have ya considered maybe ye’re just over thinkin again? I grinned sheepishly, I have been known to overthink things. Aj just chuckled quietly and wrote, If he does ask you out, give him a shot. “Miss Apple! Miss Sparkle!” Both of us sat up straight as Mr. Rich turned around again. “I don’t know what is so important. But class is in session, idle gossip can wait until later!” Aj frowned and wrote, Hard Ass I tried not to smile at that. ______________________________________________________ Perspective: Rarity English Class, where you are put through the wringer of sentence structure, and taught how to write properly, and use commas in the correct fashion. Tis a pity that so many skate this course. These are things that future writers really should know. Especially the proper use of quotations. There was one person, though, who was not thinking about dangling participles. Over there was Private, whose mind was, obviously, on our dear friend Twilight. It’s a love story for the ages! Though I can’t, truly, trust myself to pen it… I fear I would succumb to purple prose, and exaggeration, making it far more… Well considering my main reading material consists of trashy romance novels, you get the idea. Fluttershy, who I had the absolute privilege of sitting next to, looked at Private, and then pointed down at her notebook. Ah, time to sneak a conversation while dear Mr. Fancypants has his back turned. Fluttershy wrote first on her notebook side Something seems to be on Private’s mind. He’s been looking out that window all class. I smiled and wrote in my eloquent hand writing It would seem so. I’d bet a month's worth of dress fabric that it has something to do with Twilight. Well, we shouldn’t jump to conclusions. She wrote. But it does seem likely. I tried to force down a giggle and wrote Oh, it is romantic is it not? Fluttershy’s head drooped a little as she wrote, Yes… Oh my goodness. Here I am talking about romance and dear Fluttershy is getting herself worked up. I must meddle! Darling? Are you lonely at all? I wrote, my eyes gentle as they looked at her. Fluttershy tried to shake her head, but she saw the sincerity on my face and slowly nodded. I don’t mean lonely as in no friends lonely, you got that covered. I mean, as in pining for attention from the male sex lonely. I wrote. Fluttershy finally wrote on her notebook after a sigh. Oh, it’s okay, I don’t need a boyfriend. But, it would be nice. Have you eyes on any particular boy as of late? I wrote. Fluttershy’s aqua eyes wandered a little. I followed her glance and saw Macintosh Apple sitting ahead of us. Well, I must admit he is quite handsome and, well, large. But his quiet and gentle nature would be perfect for Fluttershy. Fluttershy caught my eye and saw where I was looking. Her cheeks turned the most darling shade of pink as she wrote in big letters. NOBODY!! I just smirked slowly as she sank into her chair. Oh the poor dear. Nothing to be ashamed of. I wrote I mean, he is quite strapping wouldn’t you say? She wrote in small and rather nervously written letters ...yes… I thought on this small romantic problem, before I had a brilliant flash of inspiration! It was all I could do to keep from standing up, and shouting: “Eureka!” Fluttershy just looked positively anxious. Oh, pshaw, my last idea wasn’t so horrible, was it? Twilight won the Fall Formal, the ears and tails are selling like hotcakes, all proceeds going to the Home Ec class… Hm. Note to self: Private needs a set of ears and a tail, but FIRST, Fluttershy’s romantic dilemma! It’s simple, darling, we arrange for you and he to meet it Sugarcube Corner, I wrote. We ask AJ to bring her dog, and this gives you and Big Mac some common ground. You two chat, hit it off, and the rest is history! I could’ve sworn I saw Fluttershy write Oh dear…. _______________________________________________ Perspective: Twilight Sparkle I’ve just opened my locker, and am looking at myself in the mirror. For some reason, I’m kind of nervous. I try to fix my hair, after I had gotten my books for the next set of classes, and I look around for Private. Wow, I’ve got it bad. Besides, what could a guy like Private see in me? I mean, I’ve never really considered myself to be that pretty. But, when I’m with him everything seems right. Suddenly everything makes sense...and at the same time doesn’t… Uggh, my head hurts, and it’s not just because Rainbow is bouncing a soccer ball off it. “Earth to Twilight, we’re losing you!” She said. I sighed and turned around to look at her. “What is it Rainbow?” I asked. She smirked, “You were off in la la land and I had to pull you out.” She answered. “So, what’cha thinkin’ about? What’s under Private’s Trench coat?” “Rainbow!” I uttered, exasperated. “Geez, I’m just teasing Twilight.” She said, twirling her soccer ball on one finger. “I know, but,” I shook my head and said, “every time I’m with him, it feels, like I’m supposed to be there. Like...” “Dude, you’re not buying into Rare’s talk about Soulmates are you?” Rainbow said, rolling her eyes. “It’s what makes the most sense at this point,” I said, raising my arms into the air. “This, Twilight, is why you always will be considered an egghead,” Rainbow said, going to her locker which was two over from mine. Out of the locker fell Scootaloo. Wow, I’m amazed she fit in there. Rainbow looked down at her. “Squirt? What’re you doing in my locker?” She asked. “You gotta hide me Rainbow!” Scootaloo said, getting to her feet. “This new boy keeps following me around trying to be helpful, and it’s FREAKING ME OUT!” “Tailspin?” I asked, curiously "How do you know him Twi?" Rainbow asks, looking over. "More importantly, why did you pick my locker Squirt?" She said, looking at Scoots. "And how did you get the combination?" "Cause you'd probably help me more than tease me about it, and your combination is 18-1-9-4-5-14..." Scootaloo started to say. “Uh, that’s enough info, Squirt!” Rainbow interrupted as she saw my smirk. “Still, can I hang out with you for a while? You know, to sort of deter him?” Scootaloo begged. “Alright, kid,” Rainbow said, patting Scootaloo on the head. The pair started to walk away before Rainbow called back, “Good luck finding your soulmate Twilight!” Despite her laughing, I sort of liked the idea. I turned back to the mirror. Maybe it isn’t a big deal. Private appreciates smarts, Flash was probably there because of Shimmer. It didn’t matter, Private was a new start, a new beginning. I was not about to let this fail- I blinked at my reflection...I wasn’t me… I was...a pony…? Like those little dolls Cadence would buy Skyla...I was...purple… I blinked and my reflection was normal again. Wierd… Maybe I should stop late night studying for a while. But that doesn’t matter now! I’m going to figure this out! I’m going to get to know Private! I’m going to make this the best it can be! I wonder if I can find a book about this… _______________________________________________ Perspective: Private Eye Geez, of all the subjects I had to revisit, why’d it have to be physics? Even the syllabus was an incomprehensible mess. I walked down the hallways with a sigh. At least I had lunch to look forward to. I rounded a corner and saw, Shimmer… She was striding confidently towards me. I narrowed my eyes in contempt. There was no way I was going to let her get away with making fun of me or Twilight again. She saw me and smirked, “Oh, hey Twilight’s boy toy! You’d better watch yourself o-” She faltered for a minute. “I mean...you…” “Yes?” I said, crossing my arms. “Just, stay out of trouble you hear?!” She then stomped away rubbing her temples. What was that all about? Weird. ______________________________________________________ Perspective: Twilight Sparkle This book isn’t really helping that much. Communication, I get it, but seriously, a whole book about how to communicate with a suitor? Seriously, this is kind of ridiculous. But I don’t want things to go wrong, this time. No matter how right it feels, I worry. It could go wrong, if I don’t do the proper research. I saw Rainbow slide in next to me, she read the title of my book, “How to get guys i-Twi seriously?” she said. “What?” I asked, closing the book and looking at her. “I’m not about to go into this without conducting research first.” “Twi,” she said, slipping an arm around me, “Let me be the teacher here, you don’t need this.” She took the book and chucked it into a trash can. “All you need is pure-bred confidence! The rest comes easy!” “Rainbow that was a library book!” I pointed out. She shrugged, “Eh, I’ll get Squirt to dig it out later.” “And what experience do you have with boys?” I asked, crossing my arms. “The only experience you had is you constantly rebuffing Raiden. Honestly just admit you like him, you have his name as your locker combination for pete’s sake. Rainbow shrugged and said, “Details” “IMPORTANT Details!” I answered. “Sides,” She said, smiling confidently. “I don’t like Raiden, in fact if that jerk were to come in here right now and beg to for me to date him, I’d just brush him off.” “Say, isn’t that Raiden over yonder?” Applejack casually asked, as she sauntered up to our table. “WHERE?!” Rainbow yelled, looking around. Applejack chuckled as she took a seat on the opposite side of us. Rainbow blushed and absolutely fumed. “Not funny AJ!” she yelled. “Locker. Combo,” I said firmly. “Coincidence!” Rainbow yelled. “Whatever sugarcube.” AJ said, then she looked at me. “So, ya convince Private yet?” “I haven’t seen him yet.” I said with a sigh. “Ah man, I’m so nervous.” “Don’t you worry yer little head Twi,” Applejack said. “All ya need is tah be yerself. Don’t listen to any Rainbow mumbo jumbo.” “I got the book!” Pinkie said, popping out of nowhere from under the table, holding the book. “Oooh, Twilight are you and Private doing kissy wissys?” “Pinkie!” I yelled, blushing. “She hasn’t been asked out yet.” AJ explained. “Aww well, at least it won’t be long before you talk to him,” She replied. “Why is that, Pinks?” Rainbow asked. “Because Private walked in right now,” Pinkie answered. Just now? He walked in just now? Oh my gosh! What do I say?! What do I do?! I don’t want to mess this up! He’s the most amazing boy, I’ve ever met, and I don’t want to mess up, to fail… “Twi, breathe,” Aj deadpanned. I took a deep breath. Then another, then another. Okay, this is getting easier, now. But still… Private’s right behind me, isn’t he? “Go get him for pete’s sake!” Rainbow said, picking me up out of the chair and shoving me towards him. _______________________________________________ Perspective: Private Eye I felt somebody bump into my back, linger there for a minute, and then let go. I turned around and saw it was Twilight. That same weak kneed light headed feeling came back as I looked at her. “Oh hey Twilight, fancy you bumping into me here,” I said, trying to sound normal and not a love struck idiot. She smiled a little nervously and said, “Uh yeah, sorry about that.” she then looked down, then back up again. “Private, do you, wanna, you know, hang out sometime?” Well she just made my job infinitely easier! Okay, no comes the easy part! Just accept. “I uh...” WORDS DAMN YOU! USE THEM! “I’d love too.” I said finally. YYYYYYEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!! She smiled in turn and said, “Great, Sugarcube Corner? They have smoothies.” Huh, so Sugarcube Corner exists in this world. I guess if there was any place to hang out, it was there. “That’d be great,” I said. “Wonderful, I’ll see you after school,” She replied. We were about to part when I realized my hand had unconsciously took hers. Both of us looked at each other. Both of us were blushing furiously as I felt Twilight’s hand close around mine. “Wow, this just got...awkward…” She said, looking at the hand. I reluctantly let go of her hand. “I’d, better get going,” I said. “Yeah,” She said, reluctance in her eyes as well. “Me too.” We parted silently at that. What’s wrong with me? It’s like I’m falling in love with Twilight all over again. It’s amazing… I saw Fluttershy sitting by herself at another table. I couldn’t help but notice her gazing longingly at another table. I followed her gaze. I saw she was staring at….Big Mac? Unlike the vast majority of the humans, Big Mac’s skin didn’t really reflect his pony counterpart. It was pink, rather than scarlet. He wore a red and brown cowboy jacket over a white shirt, blue jeans and red and white sneakers. He was still big, towering over any student that happened to pass by. He would look intimidating if he didn’t have that mellow look in his eyes. So...I get to play matchmaker again? This just keeps getting better and better! I walked over to Fluttershy, she was still off in Mackey land. I spoke up to get her attention. “Fluttershy? You okay?” That broke her trance, she looked at me and nervously said, “Oh, I’m uh, fine I guess.” She then went to look at her fruit salad with deep intent. I smiled and put my head on my hand. “Thinking about a certain farm boy?” I said gently. She gasped and said, “How did you know?” I may or may not have helped you get him where I come from? “Lucky guess,” I said. “So, when are you going to have him sweep you off your ho-I mean feet.” She giggled a little, “You’re definitely getting into the Wondercolt spirit.” I laughed a little and said, “Anyways, about Big Mac.” “Oh,” She said, blushing and looking back at her fruit salad. “He’s strong, really handsome...but I don’t know. I think I might not be able to say anything.” “Have you tried talking to him?” I asked. She gave her trademark adorable squeak and shook her head furiously. I should’ve saw that coming. “How bout I talk to him?” I asked. “Convince him to come to you?” “Oh, I don’t know…” “Shy you can’t always hide,” I said. “Sometimes if you want something, you gotta stand on two feet and face it when it comes.” Shy slowly smiled and said, “Okay.” With that, I strutted off towards Big Mac’s table. I slid into a chair beside him and said, “Yo Big Mac!” He looked at me a little confused and said, “Eeyup?” “I’m Private. I’m new here,” I said. “Aj told me bout ya, said you were a good guy,” Big Mac said with a mellow smile. “I try to be,” I said with a smile. “Now, on to business.” “Business?” He asked with a raised eyebrow. “Big guy like you,” I said, putting an arm around his shoulder, “has attracted the attention of a certain little lady.” “Really?” He said, his face dumbfoundead. “That girl over there!” I pointed behind us. Big Mac turned around to see Fluttershy looking up at him. She gave the smallest wave possible before going back to the fruit salad. “Oh,” He said, his face now starting to turn red. “Judging by the blush,” I said, “I believe you approve my good man?” The big guy looked down and kept his blush. “E-eeyup,” he stuttered. “So, what’re you waiting for?” I asked. “What?” “Go talk to her!” I encouraged. He shook his head. “Ah dunno, what would we talk about?” He asked. “Well,” I said, “you work on a farm, she likes animals….” Take the hint, Mac! His green eyes grew wide, “Oh! Oh!” he said as he got up and ambled over. I moved and hid myself behind a pillar as Big Mac moved to meet Fluttershy. I smiled as I peeked out. I wasn’t alone actually. “Ugh… Darling, you completely ruined my plan,” Rarity whispered. “Rarity? What’re you doing here?” I whispered. “I had this wonderful idea on how to get those two together, and you go and spoil it, by… getting them together…” Rarity said, with a sigh. “And it was such a good plan, too.” “Whatever you master plan was,” I said. “Nothing beats simply talking and getting to know one another.” I tilted my head for us to look. We both peeked out as Big Mac went to take a seat beside Fluttershy. He looked at her and nervously said, “Howdy.” Fluttershy looked up at him, and gave a quiet, “Hello.” “Well my plan,” Rarity whispered, as we watched them, “ would have given them something to talk about. I was going to arrange for them to meet at Sugarcube Corner, and ask Applejack to bring her darling dog, Winona.” “Oh ye of little faith,” I said. “Just watch.” “Ya like chickens?” Big Mac asked. With that, the two got into a deep conversation about a new batch of baby chickens that just hatched. Rarity’s jaw dropped a little and I smirked. “Okay, just admit you’re impressed,” I said, smiling. “What are you, some kind of matchmaking guru?” Rarity asked. “I just get a feeling whenever two people are meant together,” I explained. “I was pretty confident this would work out. See ya.” With that, I walked away. But I could’ve sworn Rarity muttered: “A little too confident…”