To The End

by Kickass222urmom



The day had been like any other day. Ponies moving about their daily lives, and the animals were all gathering food for the coming winter.

But then the skies darkened and all of Equestria was thrown into darkness.

While in this darkness, a new group made their presence known. They destroyed cities, towns, and every little settlement. Thousands of ponies was killed in a matter of minutes. The invaders became known as 'The Dark ones'.

Nopony knows where they came from. All that is known is that they came down from the heavens and began the extermination of all ponies.

The place hit the hardest was the palace and the surrounding areas. There had been no survivors, the area had been flatted before any pony knew what was happening.

The Dark ones had killed over seventy percent of Equestria's population in less than a day.

After The Dark ones finished destroying every city and town, they just disappeared, like they never even existed. What they left behind was a post-apocalyptic Equestria, were violence and death became an every day thing.

The ponies of Equestria had to fight to survive. As a result of this, they began fighting each other. Turning Equestria into a true hell.

No order, no law, no control, and no rules. The chances of waking up in the morning are very small. Nopony is safe in this hell, except for the few who were trained all their lives for this kind of situation.

The Nightblades, the secret organization that was formed to protect Princess Luna, had been training and preparing for a life threatening event like this. They would have given their lives to keep the Princess safe from harm.

But they also had another mission, one that only the members knew. They were suppose to be ready for Nightmare Moon to return and posses Princes Luna again. They would then launch their plan to remove Nightmare Moon once and for all. That was their mission, but since The Dark ones arrived and killed almost everypony, including Princess Luna, their mission was over.

Many Nightblades died when The Dark ones arrived, but four are left. All had been sent out on four separate missions, they had been far enough away from any towns or cities to be safe from The Dark ones wrath.

One of the Nightblades, Cole, was sent deep into the wilderness to investigate a the possible return of Nightmare Moon. Upon leaving the forest, he saw a world gone to hell. Cities and towns almost burnt completely down, bodies lined the streets, and a few lucky ponies that had survived.

He was a dark grey Pegasus, with a black and slightly spiked mane and black tail. His cutie mark was two swords crossed over a shield, with a lighting bolt on each side. He wore a black pair of goggles and black cloak. He carried around his sword, he had had it since he was very young, which had a slightly curved blade and sharp edge.

He, like all other Nightblades, had been trained to fight and kill if necessary. They had almost no emotion, emotion just slows you down is what the instructors had said. Nightblades were trained to endure the most sever pain.

Cole was no exception to the rest of the Nightblades, he could endure pain, but he had a small weakness. His emotions wasn't as dulled as the rest of the Nightblades, this weakness could get a pony killed out in the wast lands of Equestria.

This is his story, its been two long years since The Dark ones arrived and destroyed everything. Ponies died every day in cold blood, there was no mercy and no love. The lands of Equestria was a living nightmare.