//------------------------------// // Wanting to Fly Free // Story: The Rainbow Trials // by Foxes33 //------------------------------// 5. Wanting to Fly Free They don't want me. I am just there play toy, I can't trust them, but my outside connection if terminated, Jasmin if here and she is injured. What can I do? Rainbow's face dropped into a frown, she felt bad, she should have gotten rid of the notes afterwards, this was all her fault. She had ruined the plan. Her stomach ached from the thought of what she had done. She looked around the cold metal room, all was the same, but there was another bed, that was the only change. She looked back at Jasmin who was waiting for a reply from her. "I am sorry. This is my fault and don't object to it, you know it. I should have gotten rid of the notes, but I neglected to do so. I ruined our chances of freedom." Rainbow Dash stated grimly. "No. Rainbow I know we can get out of here, were both capable mares, considering we have roughly the same skill. I have watched you, your can maybe break through the door. Its our only way out, and I think your faster then me. Using speed you can blast through it maybe." Jasmin explained as she looked at the solid steel door. Rainbow looked at the door, wondering if she would like to test her luck with the next trial, but yet, there was no choice. She nodded and got out of the bed and to the very end of the cell. The roof was lower then the rooms where she had done trials, but if she could circle once then blast down that would maybe be enough. Fear was in her heart that she would crash and be knocked out. That they would just decide to kill her because of what she had done. She loosened herself up and went forward, taking off, before her hit the door she swung right and circle around, gaining speed, then she went for the target. She could feel the wind blowing at her face, pulling it back somewhat. Her wings stung, but she pushed herself until she was at her limit. She quickly curled in a way that she would loose much speed. She crashed into the door, her right shoulder first into the door. She heard a snap and it came off its hinges. Jasmin was astonished by the amazing speed that was preformed right before her eyes and quickly moved towards Rainbow. The hall was also metal and cold, but that was no matter they had to hurry. "Rainbow, you okay, can you move?" Jasmin asked, helping her up. "Yeah, but we need to fly and fast." Rainbow answered, soon taking off and Jasmin followed. Pain surged through both of them, it somewhat burned, as though burning into there flesh. As large stallion guards rushed through the doors, they only went faster, dodging some and kicking there back to slow the large mass of ponies. Rainbow's heart thudded, she was scared of being caught, she wasn't ready to die yet. They bother needed help to take down whatever place this was. She felt as though she would maybe be betraying Celestia, betraying Equestria. Darts went by and Rainbow could hear each one pass by, and she found she was now following Jasmin, already knowing she was the only one that knew the way out. Jasmin swung a sharp left turn and Rainbow followed and she pulled her down, making sure she was seen. The guards passed and Jasmin checked. "Were good, come on, we have to keep moving." Jasmin said, leaving with Rainbow following. They walked, deciding to take a brief break from flying, considering it was becoming hard on there wings. They were still slightly injured with many cuts and bruises that were painful. There were also the small burns from being forced to fly through fire. Jasmin looked over her shoulder at Rainbow and slowed her pace so they were walking side by side. "We will have to move soon, they probably are going to turn on the cameras. We should actually start now." Jasmin said, beginning to take off. Rainbow followed, although her wings hurt, but she knew Jasmin was probably right. They swung around corners and soon red lights went off, following them like trackers. They flew faster, until Rainbow was checked by a guard and hit a wall, she got up, almost pinned, but Jasmin swung back and hit the guard in the head. Rainbow just nodded and took off again, her sides hurting slightly more then her wings now. That was when she heard glass shatter and Jasmin had broken the window. Shards flew everywhere but Rainbow flew through it, having to keep up with Jasmin. They flew through the sky and the real wind felt great, the clouds soothing and the summer sun all the much better. Even though they were in danger, she couldn't help, but to smile, it just felt so good, even though there was pain surging through her body. They flew in silence for a few miles, until Jasmin landed, and walked over to her with a shard of glass, and Rainbow was confused, backing up. "Don't worry Rainbow, I am just going to take out the tracking device, I am going to do the same to me." Jasmin explained coming closer. She took Rainbow's left hoof and in the middle between her knee and hoof, mad a gentle cut and dug out the device. Rainbow clenched her teeth, until it was out and Jasmin grabbed something, her saddle bag. She took out the blanket from one of the beds and ripped it, wrapping her wound and gave it a tight knot. She soon did the same thing she had done to her and took out the small device. "Rainbow, can you wrap it, it is hard with one hoof?" Jasmin asked, holding her left hoof forward. Rainbow nodded and wrapped it, giving it a tight knot like she did. Jasmin took the two devices and hid them in a tree. She nodded to Rainbow and she knew that it was time to move again. Jasmin took off and Rainbow followed, and they both were happy yo be flying free. "Where should we go Rainbow?" Jasmin asked. "I think Ponyville." Rainbow answered, knowing her friend were the only ponies who could help them now., since they might as well be fugitives.