
by Flutterkill123

I Can't Forget You.


By: FlutterKill

Based upon this comic: Congratulations comic

A decent song to listen to while reading: You And I- Anarbor

"Scootaloo? Wake up!" A familiar voice called. She opened her eyes, to see Derpy, standing above her. "Come on! Rainbow Dash is waiting for you. Sweetie Belle and Applebloom are waiting for you outside to escort you to her!"
"Ugh... It's so early... Where are they, anyway?" Scootaloo said, slowly standing up, surprised and a little startled to feel a bag being put around her waist.
"Well... Oh! You mean your the two fillies! They're outside, waiting for you." Derpy replied, shoving a muffin in Scootaloo's mouth. "Well, you should go ahead on your way! It was a thrill to have you here, Scootaloo!" She said smiling. She flew quickly to open those huge doors that were in front of the orphanage, and then smiled. "We'll miss you, Scootaloo!" Scootaloo laughed, smiled, and cried all at the same time, as she ran toward the front door, and tears streamed down her cheeks as she was hugged by her two best friends. The worker, Derpy was as sweet as... Well, as a muffin! It was just the younger kids who she hated. She smiled, and began to trot, unable to control her happiness.
"So, Scoot! What do you wanna tell us about Dash today?" Sweetie Belle said, in her happy and high pitched voice.
" 'Ya! You've been mighty far 'way from us with switchin' orphanages and whatnot!" Applebloom said, nudging the orange filly. She smiled back, a shaky, and extremely happy voice.
"It was SO awesome! I can't believe was actually flying with Rainbow Dash! Tomorrow Rainbow Dash promised me she was going to teach me the proper way to glide!"
"I'm so glad for 'ya!" Applebloom said, nuzzling her friend once more, and continued. "Not every pony at the orphanage gets to get a month out of the orphanage, let alone with who they admire and respect!" Scootaloo was lost in thought. And a tear drizzled down her cheek.
"It still feels like a dream! Rainbow Dash is going to take ME under her wing and teach me everything she knows.. The big sister i always wanted..." As they approached the girls, they didn't seem to notice, but did see Rainbow Dash flying around in circles.
"GUYS!! It finally happened! I've been accepted to the Wonderbolt Academy!"
"Wow!! Congratulations Rainbow Dash!" Twilight said, levitating a piece of paper."
"Ah' can't believe it, Rainbow Dash! All 'yer hard work finally payed off!" Applejack said."I guess you're going to move back to Cloudsdale then, 'eh?" she said.
"Yea! I'm leaving tonight! My training officially begins tomorrow!" Dash replied.
"Heh! We sure 'ar gonna miss 'ya Rainbow Dash! Try not to forget about us ponyvile folk on 'yer way to fame!" Applejack said, laughing.
"Are you kidding!? There's no way I could forget... About... Huh?" Rainbow saw the girls looking behind her. And, she looked too. To see a crying, ear-flattened Scootaloo.
"S...Scootaloo?" Sweetie Belle said. Her only reply;
No reply.
Still no reply.
"YOU... You.. Were like my guardian... I couldn't have prayed to Celestia more just for you too see me... That one day you accepted me... Was like... It raining a million dollars on everypony at the orphanage, and those who were struggling... I guess... Dreams go as quickly as they come...!"
Still no reply.
"I'll get out your way! F...For good this time! And... F..For the future... I loved, and cared about you as a sister... Not like a guardian... Thanks for showing me how much you be lilttle me..!" She burst out crying, and ran off.
"WAIT! SCOOTALOO!!" Rainbow Dash tried to bolt off, but she was grabbed by the tail by Applejack.
"Hold on there, sugarcube." She continued. "It's best to give the filly her space, then try later, okay?"
"But.. I..." Rainbow Dash sighed, obviously trying to fight back some tears.

That evening.

"Scootaloo!" Rainbow Dash said, swooping around in the skies, in every direction. Growing more worried by the second. "SCOOTALOO!" A moment of relief rushed over Dash as she saw her sitting at the edge of a cliff.
"Kid!" She growled from behind. "Where the hell have you been! Do you know how worried i've been!" She continued trying not to cry "I know.. It may seem as if i've broken your heart.. And... It may seem as if I don't care about you... And... I know.. I've been a selfish jerk... I just... Ugh... It's so hard for me to tell anypony this but... For you, I can make any acception... I love you... And... I hardly tell anypony that... In fact... I've never told ANYPONY that... I love you stronger than Celestia loves Luna... And if possible... I love you more than that... I may not always be around... But.. I've still got responsibilities to tend to... And... I was just like you... An orphan, looking up toward becoming a Wonderbolt... Soarin was such a big inspiration to me, that I didn't give up until I got his attention... I see how you are... I've felt the same way, when he left Cloudsdale to go to Canterlot to join up with them..." Scootaloo stood up. And turned around. Rainbow Dash gasped to see her eyes blood-shot red from crying.
"T..Thank you sister..." She sniffled, and started crying more, but broke out and hugged her. Dash's wing rapped around her, and no longer could she hold back. She began crying lightly.
"But... Why can't you tell anypony you love them...?" Scoot said.
"Because... The only person i've truly ever cared about, is you, and my... Mother.. Who I lost in a storm awhiile back in a storm back in Cloudsdale, right before the big race I entered, and got my cutie mark, which is another story you already know." She smiled and replied, while kissing her forehead. "Here's an idea; Why don't I talk to Spitfire, about you coming with me to Cloudsdale and watching me train?" Scootaloo's eyes bloomed as she begun to smile. And nodded quickly. Dash kissed her forehead.
"Let's head home." She smiled and said. "I love you sis."
"I love you too."