Cameo's Adventures

by CutieMarkCrusaders

Canterlot Vacation Part Three

Oh, what to do, what to do? Cameo asked herself as she paced back and fourth. She didn't know what to do! The contents of that suitcase were very important! She could have sworn she packed them! Ok, let's see what I'm missing, she thought. My extra quills and paper, my fancy dress, my books, and, what else? She continued pacing until she figured out what else she was missing. Cameo gasped when she finally remembered.
The necklace! The necklace mother left me! I lost all I had left! Cameo fell onto her bed and began crying. Her mother had left Cameo a beautiful jade necklace in her will, and she lost it. I have to get it back! Cameo thought. She kissed Teddy on his fuzzy little forehead, packed her saddlebags with pads of paper, and galloped out of the hotel.


Cameo galloped through the streets of Canterlot. She looked carefully in every nook and cranny, and she asked every pony she saw if they had seen it. Well, she didn't really ask them; she just held up a paper that said: Have you seen this necklace? Underneath the words, there was a drawing of it. Every pony in town shook their heads.
After asking what seemed like the zillienth pony, Cameo slumped to the ground and began crying once again. Not even the stars decorating the sidewalk that she alone could see cheered her up. Then, all of a sudden, Cameo heard a soft voice.
"Um, excuse me?" Cameo looked up to see a unicorn mare looking down at her, wearing her necklace. "I think I have the necklace," she said as she levitated the paper Cameo had been showing to everypony.
Cameo jumped up and nodded excitedly. The mare took off the necklace and gave it to Cameo.
"I found it next to the train station," she said. "It looked valuable, so I thought I would try to find who it belonged too." Cameo looked over the necklace with a smile that faded when she failed to find a small detail. On the necklace her mother had given her, the words "Happy anniversary, Merideth. I love you," had been engraved on the back of the jade. On this necklace, there was nothing. Cameo levitated the necklace out of her hoof, and levitated a quill. She wrote This isn't mine, on a paper, and gave the necklace back to the unicorn.
"Oh. I'm so sorry," she said. "I'd love to help you look for your necklace, though! My name's Timber." she smiled at Cameo, who took in the details of her new friend for the first time. She was a peach colored unicorn, whose cream colored mane hung over her shoulders in long ringlets. Her eyes were a beautiful shade of rose, and she had saddlebags to match. The necklace looked better on her anyway. Cameo didn't get a chance to look at her cutie mark, yet.
"So, what's you name?" Timber asked. Cameo smiled and levitated the quill once more. After all these years, she finally had a friend.