//------------------------------// // Chapter Eight: Break In // Story: Orbit: The Future Of Equestria // by Ace26 //------------------------------// Charger walked up to the front gate as casually as he could. He pulled out his check in card and gave it to the guard. The guard checked the card and allowed Charger to enter. Today Charger wouldn't mind walking through the ground gardens before work, however he had showed up early for a reason. He walked over to e bench at the side of the building. there were no cameras pointed towards him, this is exactly what he needed. He pulled out a pair of optical binoculars and scanned the grounds. There were three cameras directly over the entrance. he saw a hidden camera near the gate entrance. He noticed some trees had green cameras untangled in their branches. He also noticed the guards. He saw two guards posted at the entrance, and one at the gate. there also seemed to be five foot patrols walking the grounds. None of them carried lethal ammo or weapons. every pistol was modified and every round he saw on them was a stun round. The guards out front were meant to stun, not to kill. " The guards up top are a different story." Charger reminded himself. He packed away the binoculars and walked out from behind the bench. No one had noticed Charger, so he walked in to the building as if he were checking into work. He walked past the guards who seemed to be eyeing him. he knew that the word had spread though out the building. Every worker and office pony probably knew about him tazzing Boston. They all looked at him as if he were dangerous. he didn't really mind them, he was going to be long gone before tomorrow. he would never see any of these ponies again. He would be in deep space, far away from any military or police service. Charger approached the door to the stairs. Charger stopped at the door and eyed it carefully, he saw a small monitor hooked to the key pad. " A detector, if I punch in a code, they'll know the door was being opened." Charger had half expected something like this. When you half expect something in the military, you act as if it's certain. Charger pulled out a small blinking device. It was a glass circle with a suction cup and two wires poking out. this thing was the size of a marble. Charger hit a small button on the top of the ball and then set it under the key pad. he opened up the pads circuits and looked around, he finally found them. there were two large red wires stuck into a port within the key pad. He quickly undid one and hooked the wires of the ball to it. He then closed the key pad back up. " First jammer in place." he said to himself. he opened the door and proceeded up the stair case to the top floor. As, Charger was doing this Sights entered the building. He had a mission of his own as well. He wasn't setting anything up or filming anything. All he had to do was mess as many things up as possible. He proceeded to his work place as quickly as possible. When he arrived on the office floor he didn't go to his cubicle. Instead he headed over to his bosses office. He opened the door and closed it behind him. His boss wasn't here yet, this meant he had time. He quickly galloped over to his desk and pulled a drawer open. he proceeded to look for anything hat had been touched. He found a small pile of files. he picked them up, released that his boss had bookmarked things in them and they were obviously important. " These are the first things to go." Sights said. He opened his bosses window and chucked them out, they fell to the street a hundred feet below. He saw them finally drop into a trash been in an alley. " GOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAL!" Sights thought to himself. He looked around for more papers and chucked them out the window. He looked at his watch, his boss would show up any second. He then closed the window. closed all of the office drawers and simply walked out of the room. He made sure to close and lock the door behind him. Just has he was walking away from the office his boss was walking up to it. He opened the door and walked in. Sights waited for a few seconds. He wanted to see how well he had done his job. He waited for a minute and then, he heard it. " Crap, where are those papers?" Sights heard from in the office. Apparently, he had done well. He happily walked over to his cubical and pulled out his work. He didn't do very good on any of his reports, he would be long gone before tomarow. Now that I think of it, he really didn't work at all that day. Charger was now down in the weapons room. he was getting his rifle for today when the weapons manger stopped him. " Hold on a second, your to be given a club today, they don't want you tazing any pony." said the manager. This partially annoyed Charger, he had hit a stallion for something he was doing wrong. Sure, maybe he did nock him out, but he didn't mean to. Actually he completely meant to, he was just trying to justify his actions. " Are you sure I can't get a smaller gun?" asked Charger. The manager looked at him funny. " Why would you want a smaller gun?" he asked curiously. Charger was trying to think go an answer. Most guards didn't care if they were issued a club or a gun, they didn't really have to use their weapons much. " Um, I just think a club is annoying to carry." Charger lied. The manager did not budge. " Well, you should have thought about that before you hammered Boston in the face, he's out fr medical leave because of you." Stated the stallion. Charger hesitated and then took gave the manager his card. He then gave him a key and he proceeded to the weapons rack. Charger opened up the cabinet and pulled out a club. He then quickly grabbed a smaller club and shoved it in his vest pocket. He needed a weapon for Sights. he casually thanked the manager and reported to the tank room. When Charger arrived on the top floor, every guard, scientists, and worker looked at him. He could tell some of them were impressed which what he did. He also saw that others hated him for his actions. Either way, he ignored the glances and whispers about him. He was leaving tonight, and he would never see this building again, unless the break out made it onto the news. Charger knocked on the tank room door and a scientist opened the door for him. Charger then proceeded to the cat walks, as soon as he set foot on the first platform he heard every guards weapon click, they turned their safeties off. Charger decided it was better to be down on the tank room floor, he didn't want to be stunned by Boston's companies above him. He walked around in a large circle a few times. He was trying his best not to show his excitement. He wanted to break all six of the mares out right now, but he couldn't. He would have to wait till night fell. He started to think of the six again. he looked over at their tanks, the yellow one seamed different. She didn't seem in as a relaxed potation as the day before. She had adjusted her lags, and her head was tilted back. he examined her wings. She had one bent down, and the other up. He looked closer towards the straps around them. They had moved up one wing and down the other. She had obviously moved! Charger was shocked by this, no pony could move during criosleep, that was what made it so dangerous and unique to other forms of rest! She also had bruises and marks on her wings. She has tried to escape! Charger could feel it, he just knew that she had tried to free herself, judging by her position and bruises she had wanted to get out pretty bad. This angered Charger. He felt his hoof grab for his club, but he stopped himself. He would do no good for the mares if he was stunned or shot for killing a worker. He wished he could just pull out an automatic and sweep the room with it. He wished he could shoot up every fucker holding the mares in their glass metal prisons! " Wait till tonight." he told himself, trying to calm down. He started taking deep breaths and then he looked at the tanks. he stared directly into the shut eyes of the Fluttershy. " I'm getting you out, even if I have to kill." said Charger to her under his breath. He knew she couldn't here him, but it was all he could do for now. The bell for evening check outs called six hours later. Charger was ecstatic to get out of the place. He knew he would be coming back a a few hours, but he so eagerly wanted to leave right now. he checked in his weapon, not the one for Sights and galloped out the front door before the manager could interrogate him. he knew that that stallion had dots about him. Every one of them did after his clash with Boston. Some thoughts towards him were of hatred. Other thoughts were or respect and impressment for his deeds. He didn't care what they thought. All of them were doing something wrong, and they all knew it. He would teach them tonight. He would show them the right thing. he would show them that he wasn't going to stup down and do a bad stallions bidding. He had no respect for any of them. He was going to win tonight, he was going to get them out. Charger thought this all the way back to the VA home. He arrived and charged into his room, he was transforming into his old self now. he was changing from a worker to a warrior. He pumped himself up he punched at the air. he was ready for a fight. He rage from today would fuel him. Sights was depending on him. Gold Wings would depend on him. The Mane Six would depend on him. He was ready. Sights walked in a few minutes later and pulled out a piece of paper. " I found this building lay out in my bosses office." said Sights placing it on a table. Charger opened up his vest pocket and tossed the small club to Sights. Sights caught it and looked at Charger confused. " It was all I could get a hold of. We'll have to steal some weapons fro this run." stated Charger. Sights gave him a smile and nodded. " Then it's a good thing my boss is still looking for those papers." Said Sight smirking. " You are absolutely sure he is still there." asked Charger. Sight gave him a nod. " Alright then, we move in thirty minutes, get your gear together." ordered Charger. Sights tuned to a table piled with gear they had been collecting and stealing. Sight started packing as much as he could into his pockets. Charger noticed this. " Let me carry something." Charger said. Sights looked at him, he looked almost fat with all the stuff in his vest pockets. " You will break everything that isn't a gun." Sights stated. Charger knew he was right, hw didn't have the delicate handling and hoof work that a sniper had, he always broke or dropped equipment. The two stallions walked out the back door of the VA home. They both had black ski masks on and navy blue bullet proof vests. Charger had a crow bar he found behind the VA home and Sight carried the small club. They both carried smoke and flash bangs that Charger smuggled out of the weapons room. The were both ready for a fight. They had their game faces on and they had a warriors mentality. Fight and succeed, nothing else. They started walking towards their work place. The complex was one of the brightest buildings in the sky, so they had no trouble finding it. They kept to the shadows as much as possible. They didn't want to be seen be any civilians or guards. The snuck up to the gate of the building and paused. They were making sure no pony had seen them or knew they were there. Charger pulled out his binoculars again. He started to scan the front yard for a threats. he spotted a guard in the gate booth, a pair of guards by the doors, and one guard walking the gardens. Charger knew they couldn't enter from the front. He also knew that they couldn't get in a fire fight outside of the building. The goal of this mission was stealth. " Sights, do you see any points of entree?" asked Charger scanning the fence line. Sights pulled out a pair of binoculars as well and looked towards an ally. There was only one building close enough to the wall that they could use to jump over, and there just so happened to be a dumpster near it. He tapped Charger on the back. " We can use that building to jump the fence, the dumpster should give us an easy leg up there." Sight said punting in the buildings direction. Charger looked at the building with his binoculars and didn't see any guards around it. " Point of entry established." Charger thought to himself. The only problem now was getting in. He scanned the guards movements a little longer. He realized that they usually came around in two minute cycles. This gave them a two minute time window to get in. Charger had known where the cameras were and he realized there weren't any pointed towards the path they needed to take. He turned around and nodded at Sights they then waited of the guard to walk by. " Our two minutes starts now." Charger whispered to Sights. The two stallions then dashed to the other side of the wall. The took cover and remained still, making sure no one had seen them cross the entrance. They then looked forward and and ran into the alley next to the building. They found the dumpster and hopped up on top. When they were on top of the dumpster Sights took up a firing position. He eased into a prone firing position as if he had just done it yesterday. Charger was a little impressed by this. It showed how Sights remembered his true duty, even though he wasn't doing it. Charger focussed back on the mission and pulled himself on to the building. He was now on the roof. He could see the gardens and yard of the target building below. He was waiting for the guards to seed him. thankfully they were focussed on what was in front of them, not above them. Charger scanned the gardens more. He was looking for other guards or cameras he had missed, he didn't see any. He motioned to Sights to come up. Sights came out of his firing position and started to haul himself up onto the roof. Charger took out his binoculars and looked up at the glass ball onto of the office building. He tried looking through the tinted glass, but he couldn't get a glimpse of any machinery or tanks. When Sights was on the roof they looked for a jumping area. They found a nice clear area that was close enough to some bushes so they could hide. Charger went first. he walked to the middle of the roof and turned towards the wall. He started to gallop at full speed as fast as he could. He saw himself getting closer to the edge. He then jumped as high and far as he could. he felt his hooves leave the building and he was in a super man like position in the air. He then started dropping. He started to shift his wait towards his head and he did a front flip. he landed on the ground half way through the flip and broke the fall using a roll. He then took up a kneeling position and scanned the area with his rifle sights. He Waved up at Sights who jumped down too. " Entry point in sight, about half a quarter of a click out." said Sights looking at the door through his sniper scope. The two stallions slowly moved forward. " I take the guard on the left, you on the right." said Charger. The stallions then brought out there small clubs, well Sight brought his out. They couldn't use their guns, only if they needed to. The two stallions were crouched in a bush right behind the guards. Charger counted to three under his breath. When he hit one they sprung out and grabbed the guards by the neck area. Sights quickly pulled the guard into the bush and sacked him with the club. Charger hit the guards neck and nocked him out. He then quickly grabbed some stun rounds and a stun pistol. Sights did the same. They wanted to free the mares, not kill there own team. They backed back up into the bush. They knew they had just avoided the camera. Charger had made sure to know every angle and blind spot. Since the stun guns fired a small burst of electricity Sights took aim and fired at the camera. The green laser hit the camera and there were many blue sparks. The camera then slowly fell and faced the ground. " Alright, entry is dark." said Sights. The two stallions came out of the bush and rushed into the building. They found themselves in the main lobby. Charger noted how there was plenty of cover, he also noticed plenty of guards.