//------------------------------// // Chapter Four: Reassigned // Story: Orbit: The Future Of Equestria // by Ace26 //------------------------------// Charger made his way through the ship and towards the helm. The helm was the center of command for the whole ship, everything was controlled from the tower. The Captains chair and office were both there, at the very top. Luckily there was an elevator. Charger pressed the button and waiter for the elevator to come down all 120 levels. This usually took about a minute. As he was waiting he heard walking behind him. He turned around and expected it to be Gold Wings but it was in fact Sights. Sights didn't look to happy, he was limping and he seamed to have a flushed face. It wasn't normal for sights to cry, only if something was really wrong. CHarger had known they would take him off the battlefield, but he didn't expect him to cry about it. Charger actually expected Sights to just be really pissed not sad. " What happened to you?" asked Charger cautiously. Sights looked at him with a hard stare and then look back down at the floor. " NOTHING'S wrong." said Sights is a cold chilling voice. He wasn't in the mood for talking so Charger just left him alone. While they were waiting for the elevator Charger wondered why the Captain had called them to his office. Normally you would just report to your barracks manager or CO. If you were called to the Captains Office, it meant something big was happening. Charger didn't worry about this, even if the captain did intend on punishing him for something he didn't expect it to be too bad. Charger and the captain went way back. Charger's first and only ship he was ever assigned to was the Eternal Flame, he's seen plenty of ponies cycle through, but he never left. The captain enjoyed being able to count on Charger not to leave or be reassigned, he soon became his favorite private. The captain even was there the personally promote Charger to a PFC. A loud "Ding" was heard and the elevator light switched green. The metallic doors open and the two stallions stepped inside. Charger and Sights usually competed and tried to press the button first, just like back in the academy. Sights didn't seem in the mood for a "friendly competition" so Charger just pressed the button. The elevator ascended at a quick rate and Charger could feel his ears popping as the elevator got higher and higher. The floor was vibrating and the windows on level doors zoomed by as if stars during a space jump ( a space jump is like hyper speed). The elevator voice came on and said in an eerie female tone. " Approaching Helm, this is the last stop gents." The elevator stopped suddenly and Sights was almost through to the floor. He was usually ready for sudden things. "Something must really be distracting him." Charger thought to himself. The elevator doors opened and they both walked out into the clean white glowing hallway. The helm was the cleanest place on the ship. It would normally have been hard for someone to pick out the right door, but Charger knew exactly where the captains office was. As Charger started off towards the captains office Sights stared around for a second, he then realized he was being left behind and he quickly galloped after his friend. He didn't have to wait long to catch up with him. Charger was standing outside of the captains office waiting to be let in. They then heard a scruffy voice from inside. " Come in gents." said the captain. The two stallions entered the room at attention. The captain was a large dark blue Pegasus. He was muscular and built as well, the ideal ship commander. He wore a navy blue vest displaying all of his metals, or attest all of the ones he could fit. His mane was a lighter blue with a small streak of white running down it. His wings were hidden under his vest and his eyes were a dark brown. he also had a small beard, it was white and well groomed. " Please, take a seat soldiers." said the captain motioning towards the two chairs in front of his desk. His desk was a wood table cluttered with a large computer on each side, and random assortment of pictures and models of ships in the middle. His office was painted like the sky, a baby blue with clouds. Other medals and flags were hung up either in Cases on the wall or hanging on the wall. The air forces emblem was mounted on the wall behind his desk. Once the two stallions had taken their seats the captain put his hooves together and towards them. " So, Sights, are you enjoying your stay on the Eternal Flame?" he asked in his normal old voice. " I was, sir." answered Sights without emotion. The captain nodded to this and looked at sights foot. " I understand what it's like to be taken out of combat soldier." explained the captain. " It cuts you up on the inside, knowing you could be doing your job, but you can't." Sights looked down and then up again. The captain knows how soldiers think and work, he was certainly getting to Sights. " Sir, you're right, it does cut me on the inside." answered Sights smirking. " I'm guessing you're referring to your operation, I like how you lighten the mood with humor." chuckled the captain. Sights hen gave a weak smile. This impressed Charger, " The captain works fast." he thought. " Sights, I don't want you out of service completely, you're a great soldier and I believe we can still use you while you heal." Said the captain. This remark lit Sights face up like a christmas tree. " You can, sir!?" he exclaimed bursting with joy. The captain smiled. " Yes, we can use you back on Melisium." said the captain still smiling. Sights smile faded. " Melisium sir, that giant ring floating off of Equestria?" asked Sights. Melisium was an artificial city built in space, it was in the shape of a ring to create gravity. THis was built do to large population boosts and overpopulation, that was before the revolution. now the planet below is filled with only a few cities, however Melisium is still there. It was at this time Charger decided to speak up. " Sir, with all do respect, Sights isn't really a city pony. Now, if you had a job for him down in the departments in Equestria he would do just fine." explained Charger. The captain looked at Charger. Then he looked at Sights. He seemed to be thinking something, something important. Both Sights and Charger wondered what he was going to do. They waited as he thought. He then looked up at both of them again. " Charger, this might just work out for Sights." said the captain smiling. " How's that, sir?" asked Charger. " Well, you are one of Sights closest friends, correct?" asked the captain. He was still smiling and looking back in forth between Sights and Charger. " Yes, sir we've known each other since the academy." said Charger carefully. " What is he thinking?" though Charger. " You also mentioned he was uncomfortable around the city?" asked the captain. " Yes, sir I'm not that good with city folk." answered Sights. The captain looked at both of the stallions again. " Then it's settled." he finally said. " Sights, you will report to this given address in the city of Melisium, and Charger, you shall accompany him." ordered the captain. Both of the stallions eyes popped wide open. They didn't know what to say. Charger respected his friend and he wanted to help him but, he didn't want to be pulled out of combat. Sights thought the captain would try to put him back on the battlefield, not drag Charger out too! " Sir, I don't need a guide." began Sights. The captain held up his hoof to silence him. " These are orders stallions." he said now serious. " You can follow them or be punished for treason." Both Charger and Sights were surprised by this remark. They looked at each other and then back at the captain who sat back in his chair. " You, are dismissed Sights." he said. Sights slowly got up, and hesitated to salute the captain. The captain saluted back and Sights left the room. The captain now turned to Charger directly. " Charger, this isn't a punishment, it's actually an order, from above me." whispers the captain. This left Charger even more stunned, he was being ordered out of action! " Sir, who ordered this?" Charger asked. The captain shook his head. " I can't tell you who it is Charger, orders from Luna herself." said the captain. Charger couldn't believe any of this, The princess had actually ordered him out, or at least someone as high up as her. " Sir, why are they ordering me out?" asked Charger more seriously. " The director of the project said he needed you soldiers for security reasons." explained the captain. " Don't ask for anymore information?" ordered the captain " You are dismissed, also don't tell sights anything, he is to only be working in an office, you are the one with the actual assignment." said the captain. Charger nodded and saluted the captain the captain saluted back and Charger left. " Why, do they want me? What's so special about me? Why are they so secretive about everything?" wondered Charger as he walked out of the office. When he reached the door Sights was waiting down the hall, looking concerned. When Charger left the office he started to feel anger arising in him. He didn't know whether he was mad at Sights or at the captain or the chain of command. All he knew was that he didn't deserve to be pulled out. Sights started to gallop towards him. " What did he say?" asked Sights with his eyes wide open. Charger thought what to say, he didn't know whether to tell Sights to mind his own business or tell the truth. Finally Charger said, " The captain was just prepping me for our assignment." answered Charger trying to show a convincing smile. " You know, just last minute details." Sights looked at Charger for a long time. They both just stood there in the hallway facing each other. Charger couldn't smile for much longer, he wished Sights would just say something, thankfully he did. " You're mad at me aren't you?" Sights asked. Charger honestly didn't expect this. " No, I'm not mad." he answered unsure of himself. " Oh crap, you are mad, I'm sorry I didn't mean to get you pulled off the battlefield." Sights pleaded. Charger had never heard Sights apologize like this before, frankly he didn't like it. " Um, it's ok Sights, don't beat yourself up about it." answered Charger with an even weaker smile. He could tell Sights still wasn't convinced. He wasn't either. The two stallions walked to the elevator, there was a fence mood in the air. Charger still didn't know whether to be mad or relieved he was being taken out of combat. He also had a feeling he wasn't out of the clear entirely yet. He still had a job to do, and that job started like any of his jobs, shipping out.