//------------------------------// // Ch.2 // Story: Justice Risen // by stickmonkey3 //------------------------------// Finally, the day has come. It has been seven years father has been gone, and now I finally get to see him. My father has returned from an oversea journey with the king to help settle a new colony. I never really knew what even looked like! Mother says he's a strong, white stallion with a great sparkling horn and majestic mane. As a privelage of being a royal guard, father commands his own platoon. The platoon's name is Majestic Strong, and they are the strongest platoon the king has! I can see the king and his subjects disembarck the vessel, and right there beside the king is a white stallion in gold plating armor with a coat of blue! "Velord Array!" mother exclaimed. "Flara is that you?" the stallion responded. "Yes my love, tis I." mother gracefully replied. "Oh Flara, you're still as beautiful as I remembered." said Velord. "Oh Velord, you are such a flatterer. But first, there is someone you must meet." She scooted a bit to the left, so the stallion can clearly see me. "Velord, this is your son, Greyhorn." "Ah, such a strong filly he is. He shall be a fine soldier when he grows up." the stallion said with pride. Finally, I got the courage to speak to him. "Daddy?" The stallion looked at me with a questionable glance. "Yes, child, I am your father. But that word is so childish. From now on you shall address to me as father and same follows for your mother." "Yes, da-" I began, as father raised his brow with a glance. "I mean, Yes father." "Good. Now let's go home." father said. Once we got home, as if he can read my mind, father began to tell me his entire journey. He told me his platoon had to fight sea serpents, giants, trolls, and even giant slugs! Once the perfect spot was found, the peasants that were on the voyage quickly began construction of a village. As soon as the village was finished, a dragon appeared and burnt the whole place! Construction began again, but this time a defensive barrier was built as well. Then the peasants had to agree that this land shall be in the jurisdiction of the king. As father was telling his stories, momma quickly prepared dinner for us. After that, me and Dad went in the yard and we tussled a bit. All worn out, I decided it was time to go to sleep. Mother tucked me in bed, and father quickly told me another story. Then he left the room and closed the door. BUT!! As if some voice in my head told me to, I got out of bed and opened the door ajar. I then silently listened to my parent's conversation. My father began by asking my mother something. "Flara, what is wrong with our child?" "What do you mean?" she asked. "Our son has wings and a horn!" he proclaimed. "Are you saying you don't like the way our son is?!" she questioned angrily. "It's not that! I'm just worried for when he's older." father responded back. "What do you mean?" said mother who is now puzzled. "When he finally does join the platoon, the other soldiers will mock him. With this mockery afoot, I will no longer control over my soldiers!" father exclaimed. "The you just have to make them not mock our child! In fact, they're your soldiers, so they shouldn't being tomfoolery in the first place!" mother exclaimed back. "Hmm. Perhaps you are right, what do you think son?" Knowing that I've been caught, I let the door swing wide open. I stared at my parents bleakly, and then said, "Mother? Father?". Mother sighed and told me to go back to bed, and that she'll explain in the morning. Upon hearing this, I quietly closed the door, got into bed, and fell asleep.