Mega Man X: Forgotten Legend

by Blue Bomber

Equal Opportunity Employer


X looked at his system to see Luna knocking on his firewall again.

"It's been a while since you last visited, Princess." X said as he opened the firewall to let Luna step in.

"Indeed it has. So I've come to talk to you about some things. Hopefully this isn't too late at night."

"No worries, Princess. I don't... require sleep. It's a good thing too. Back where I came from, you wouldn't be getting a lot of sleep if you had a job like mine."

Luna gave X an odd look. "Tell me then, X. Why have you left your home to come to our land?"

"It's a long story, Princess. To be honest, if you had these things called computers, I'd simply leave the data on a disk and be done with it. It would be much simpler that way." X looked down. "But I no longer wish to see any more computers. I've spent too much time fighting and too much time looking at screens during my life."

Luna raised an eyebrow. "So what Celestia said was true. You do have combat experience, don't you?"

"I do, Princess. Several hundred years of combat experience. I wasn't even in my own body for several of those wars."

"Your world sounds... chaotic."

"It is, Princess. It really is. It wears you down, even if you're not in your own body. I simply want to enjoy some peace, and your world seems peaceful enough." X looked Luna in the eyes. "I mean no harm to the ponies here. If you would allow me to live out my life here in peace, I would be eternally grateful. My old world holds nothing anymore."

Luna looked back at X. "You are an odd one, X. You are skilled in combat, yet you do not enjoy fighting. You fought for your world, and yet you left it. You are a walking paradox." Luna smiled. "Fine then. Me and Celestia will let you stay if you prove your worth. You like the peace, don't you? And you're good at fighting. You have a mellow personality, too. A very good combination for a Royal Guard."

X looked up. "You don't mean..."

"We leave for Canterlot tomorrow at dawn. Don't worry, a carriage will take you there. I don't expect you to know where Canterlot is."

"But...I'm not a pony. Wouldn't your Guards think it strange to let someone like me to serve with them? And I don't enjoy fighting wars."

"Don't worry. We're an equal opportunity employer. And we haven't had a war in a few hundred years. Of course, your friends will come too. I've already told them about it. Captain Shining Armor has been meaning to see his sister anyways."

"Captain..." X look thoughtfully for a moment. "You know, Luna. My men used to call me 'Captain". I'll always be a B-Class Hunter at heart."

Luna smiled. "I'm sure you and Shining Armor will get along just fine. Don't forget to bring a weapon with you."

X waved his hand and smiled as Luna logged out of his system. He pulled out his Z-Saber from the side of his leg and watched as the bright green blade extended in front of his face. He looked at his reflection for a few moments as his systems prepared for sleep mode.

From the outside, X smiled as he lay on Fluttershy's sofa, basking in the moonlight.

"P-Princess Luna?!"

Several pegasi-drawn carriages had gathered around the town square, but none of the Mane Six expected to see Princess Luna herself.

"I have a special guest to bring with us." She nodded at X. "He is coming too."

Applejack patted X on his back, making a soft clang each time she did so. "Nice to have ya' with us! I guess you can carry our luggage for us. Hahahahaha!"

She stopped laughing when X proceeded to carry everypony's luggage in his arms and piled it on a larger carriage that he assumed was for the luggage. "So, are we ready? I don't have any luggage, by the way. I don't really have any belongings..."

After a few minutes of preparation, the pegasi flew up towards Canterlot as some other townsponies looked on.

"Wait!" cried a mint green unicorn. "I wanted to see that guy's arms..." she said sadly as she slumped down on a nearby park bench.

"So this is Canterlot..." X mused as he looked down at the mountainside city. As with any capital worthy of a great nation, the streets were covered by telltale signs of commerce, the lifeblood of any successful nation. The land was covered with tall stone buildings, and everywhere you could see the busy activities of the ponies below.

For whatever reason, a mysterious force was compelling X to visit the mountains outside of Canterlot as soon as possible, and the urge only got greater as he got closer to the city.

The carriage landed in front of Canterlot Castle, and the pegasi proceded to escort the ponies out. X was about to pick up all the luggage, but an earth pony Guard beat him to it and carted it all away. Applejack shot X a sheepish smile.

Under the watchful eyes of the shield and spear-wielding Guards at the gate, X and all the other ponies walked into the castle. X was awed by the beautiful architecture of the castle, while Twilight fed him facts about the castle like a walking encyclopedia.

"Did you know Canterlot Castle was assembled by magic? After all the ponies mined up all the stone needed, the unicorns used their magic to piece the castle together!"

"Don't forget the earth ponies did the actual mining," grumbled Applejack.

"And don't forget that the pegasi kept the weather clear while the building was going on." Rainbow Dash crossed her front hooves as she hovered above the ground.

"Didn't think somepony like you could remember a historical fact like that one." Rarity helpfully commented.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" Rainbow Dash shouted.

As RD and Rarity bickered in the back, Twilight caught sight of a familiar somepony.

"Shining!" she cried as she practically flew at him.

"Twily!" Shining Armor caught Twilight in his magic and the two hugged.

"X, this is Shining Armor. He's my brother!" Twilight said proudly.

"Pleased to meet you." X said, as he offered his hand. The two shook hands/hooves.

Luna silently trotted over to Shining and whispered something.

"So you're the one Princess Celestia was talking about! You're the one who drove off the dragon! Well, now I'll believe the princesses when they said it was a capable recruit into the Royal Guard. You're a good fighter, aren't you?" Shining Armor leaned in closer to X and whispered, "Actually, we've been getting some really wimpy recruits and it takes forever to whip them into shape." Shining Armor stepped back again and cried, "Well, per the request of the two princesses, you'll prove your fighting me! If you beat me, I'll let you skip boot camp."

The other ponies gasped, except for Rainbow Dash. "Watching a fight in the Royal Arena? So awesome!"

Twilight, however, was unsure of how to feel letting a new friend engage a family member in combat. Luna saw her expression and leaned over to ease her anxiety. "Do not fret, Twilight. We'll see to it that the both of them do not get seriously hurt."

They won't get seriously hurt. Well that's comforting.