//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: The End Of The Light // Story: A Fractured Soul // by Shadowmane PX-41 //------------------------------// As Sunset Satan orbited Canterlot Castle, She shot down royal guards like archery targets, As she broke through the shield surrounding the throne room, She smashed through the roof and landed in front of the princesses who tried to hold her back with magic, When that turned out to be futile, They started fighting back against the demon. This fight lasted for longer than both sides thought it would be, With light and dark constantly facing off against each other with lasers, Swords, And even dark and light magic. "As the two on two swords clashed, Celestia asked the demon, "What are you?!" After knocking the princesses back, Sunset Satan explained everything while beating the crap out of them, "I am the darkside of the other world, The demonspawn of greed and power, And the end of Equestria itself! Those are just some of my titles, But you will call me... SUNSET SATAN!!!!" Celestia and Luna gasped in horror as they now knew what they were facing, "I knew this was going to happen sometime, But why now?!?!" "The Spirits Of Harmony only sealed me away, And i waited and waited very patiently for a change, Waiting for the binding powers to eventually dissipate, Until they were weak enough to allow my escape!" Sunset Satan explained to the princesses. "Looks like you've broken the other worldly possessions rule, And this was the punishment." Luna said as she was starting to stand up again. "I prefer to think of it as a reward, After all, How else would i have complete and utter control other everyone and everything around me?!" The demon retorted as she knocked Luna back down again. "You won't get your meddlesome claws on Equestria, I'LL DIE FIRST!!!!" Celestia said as she charged at the demon once more. "Very well, Celestia, My advice: Be careful what you wish for!" The demon said as she started to clash with the white alicorn once more. This fight composed of 1-on-1 clashes in which the two entities pushed each other backwards and forwards as if to knock the other to the floor and finish it up with a fatal attack, After what seemed like forever, Twilight and friends barged in and immediately rushed to Celestia's aid. "I see the gang's all here again." She said laughing as more dark magic appeared in the palms of her claws, "I've also learned a few new tricks since our last encounter, Twilight, Like this for example!" As she shot a torrent of dark magic into the sky, It turned into a planet consuming lightning storm, As the ponies were struck down by the black lightning, Their souls were attracted to Sunset Satan, Who immediately created evil copies of the victims with a few differences, Their coats and general appearances were more dusk than usual, And their eyes were now red yellow and black, These copies were loyal to Sunset Satan only, And started pulling out even more dark magic from their horns and even wings, And if that wasn't bad enough, This storm struck EVERYPONY IN EQUESTRIA!!!!! In mere seconds, Sunset had created a perfect recreation of the entire Equestia population, Princesses included. "Now little princesses, How do you expect to stop me, WITHOUT STRIKING DOWN EVERYPONY WHO WORSHIPS YOU?!?!" "No, This is impossible!" Celestia said whilst looking at the dark monstrosities that were once her loyal subjects. "Now for the finishing touch." Sunset said whilst opening another portal, This time leading to Canterlot High, "Why have an army of zombies at my command? WHEN I CAN HAVE A WHOLE ARMY OF DEMONS AS WELL!!!!!" As she channeled dark energy through the portal, It mutated everyone in Canterlot High into demons as well, After admiring their new twisted visages they flew through the portal to their new champion and ultimate overlord, Sunset Satan. "Now we're looking down a demon army as well?! This doesn't look good guys!" Rainbow Dash said as she finally, For the 1st time in her life showed a sign of fear. "Now, BEGONE WITH YOU!!!!" Sunset said as she opened a gale of wind on the 8 mares knocking them back through another portal which she just created. "With the Spirits Of Harmony out of my way, I shall conquer this pitiful world, AND ALL WORLDS BEYOND IT!!!!!!!" She finished laughing with her demons and zombies.