//------------------------------// // Losing control // Story: The three heroes // by Sunburst Pony //------------------------------// Sam held Twilight in his arms trying to hold back the tears flowing from his eyes. He had just losted the first person he had ever loved and he was angry. “I’m sorry Twilight I failed you. I promised to protect you and I…. failed.” Sam said putting Twilight on the ground. “AAAGG my head ARG!” Sam yelled griping his head in agony. Sam fell to the ground still griping his head and roaring in pain. “Sam are you ok?” Reece say run to his friend “Reece stop, stay away from him.” Luna said firmly. “Why what’s happening to him?” Dustin asked “The Godzilla spirit in his body is feeding on his rage. It is beginning to take over his body.” Luna said with fear in her voice. A blue aura began to form around Sam and he began to stand. “No it is almost complete. We must stop him now.” Luna said. “But what about Sam?” Reece asked “That is no longer your friend he has been overtaken by Godzilla and we must stop him now.” Luna said firmly. Reece and Dusrin readied their sword for the battle to come. The aura around Sam grew with his body. His human skin despaired, and was replaced with Godzilla’s black scales. The blue aura desipered and Sam was no more, there was only Godzilla. He grew twice his orreganle size and he looked comply like Godzilla, no skin, no human face, just black scales and a snout. Godzilla looked back at Luna and the others and glared. He roared a challenge and his back spines glowed. “Move NOW!” Reece yelled and the team despered. Godzilla stopped charging his beam and charged at Dustin. He kicked at Dustin but he jumped over it and landed on Godzilla’s head. “Sam stop we’re your friends.” Dustin said Godzilla grabed Dustin and though him to the ground with a cloud of dust. Reece’s sword ignited in flames as he tried to slice Godzilla in the side, but it just bounced off his diamond hard scales. Godzilla angered by the little human trying to hurt him kick Reece into one of the shops far from the castle. “Sam n no.” Reece fell with a thud. “Sam stop this nonsense now!” Luna yelled The loud voice made Godzilla turn to the source. He glared at the Lunar pony and charged. Luna flew over Godzilla to avoid his attack and blasted him with magical lightning. The suden pain on Godzilla’s head made him flinch and stumble back. But this just made him more angry. He ran over to Luna faster than before and grabbed her in his hands. This shocked Luna and she tried to escape but she had no luck. Glaring strait at her Godzilla began to close his hands. The force of Godzilla’s hands closing around her made Luna scream out in pain. She was about to faint when he stop closing and stayed in one spot. Luna looked up and saw that Godzilla was confused. Like there was some force inside his head telling him to stop. Sam was fighting back. But soon Godzilla regained control and began to squeeze again. “SAM STOP!” A voice said from behind them. Godzilla turned around and saw a small purple unicorn standing at his feet. Godzilla looked down in confusion. He had seen her before. He shrugged off the thought and dropped Luna. He then grabbed the unicorn and brought her up to his face. “Sam it’s me Twilight, please remember.” Twilight said with tears in her eyes. Godzilla saw this and put one of his claws out to catch the tears. “I know you’re in there Sam you can fight him.” Twilight said looking straight in Godzilla’s eyes. Godzilla reared back in pain as if something was hurting him inside is mind. Twilight used her magic to see inside Godzilla’s mind, it was surprisingly easy. Then she saw Sam’s spirit battling Godzilla’s, and he was winning. “I won’t let you take over my body. I won’t let you destroy Equestria, and I won’t let you hurt TWILIGHT HYA!” Sam lunged at Godzilla, he was glowing red as if he was filled with magic as he busted thought Godzilla’s chest landing behind him. Godzilla’s spirit roar in pain as it evaporated away. Sam stood up and looked at Twilight, then she was forced out of his mind and she saw Godzilla shrinking still roaring in pain. She was thrown to the ground but Luna caught her before she hit the ground. Godzilla was clawing at his head trying to stop the pain in his head. Soon he was down to one knee as he shrunk down to human size and his black scales were replaced with human skin. His snout turned back to Sam’s face and his roar turned to screams. His back spines dispersed and hid claws turned to hands. Soon Godzilla was gone and Sam was back. Sam stumbled as he stood up; he held his head like he had a throbbing migraine. “What happened, I don’t remember anything after Twilight was killed.” Sam said to himself hoping someone herd him. He fell to his knees and began to tear up again, Twilight was gone. Then he heard a familiar voice yell. “SAM!!!” Sam looked in the direction of the voice and saw a purple unicorn galloping toward him. He stood up in disbelief but soon his body moved on its own and he began to run over to Twilight. Sam kneeled down and caught Twilight who didn’t slow down when she got close. “I knew you were still there Sam, you never stopped fighting.” Twilight said tears flowing from her eyes. “”You’re alive, but how I heard the changelings snap your neck.” Sam said holding Twilight. “That was me snapping one of their necks after the tried to get me to stop screaming.” Twilight said wincing at the thought of killing somepony. “Thank god your alive, I thought I had lost you Twilight.” Sam said with tears forming in his eyes. “Promise me you won’t leave my side intel after this is over. “I promise Sam.” Twilight said as she fell into his arms and began to cry. Sam hugged to little unicorn and looked around Canterlot. “What happened here, it didn’t look like this when we first attacked?” Sam asked. Twilight dried her tears and looked up at Sam with her ears down and said “When you thought I was dead you got really angry and you turned into Godzilla and went on a rampage. “WHAT, oh no. where is everyone!” Sam said as he looked around looking for his friends. Soon he saw Luna hurt lying on the ground. “LUNA, oh god no what have I done! Sam said as he and Twilight ran over to her. “It’s alright Sam. I’m alive. You have some strong hands when you’re mad.” Luna said looking up at Sam. “Hey, Sam your back. That’s good.” Dustin said limping over to the others. He was about five feet away when he began to faint. Sam ran over to him just in time to catch him. “Easy Dustin your injured, you need to rest. I’m guessing I did this to you? Sam said, his voice filled with guilt. “No it wasn’t you Sam it was Godzilla, you couldn’t help it.” Dustin said smiling up at his friend. “Dustin where’s Reece?” Sam asked. Dustin pointed over to a shop that had a huge hole in the side. Sam eyes widened and he ran over to the shop. Twilight wanted to go with him but she thought she would just get in the way, so she stayed and watched Luna and Dustin. Sam got to the shop and he went to the big hole in the wall. He looked inside and saw that it was unstable; he would need to find Reece fast. As soon as he walked in he heard a quite moan. He called out “REECE, are you here?” Sam yelled. “Sam… is that you?” A quiet voice said. Sam honed in on the voice and saw Reece’s leg. He lifted all the debris of him and made sure he was alive. “Are you ok Reece, what did I do to you?” Sam asked “Godzilla kicked me in here after I tried to slice his side open.” Reece said. Twilight was worried; Sam hadn’t come back for ten minutes. She looked over at the shop, trying to see Sam but all she saw was the shop collapsing. “No Sam was in there.” Twilight said with fear in her voice. A blue light came from what used to be the shop and a black figure shot out of the roof. It went up high in the air and landed near Twilight. After the dust cleared she jumped. It was Sam in his Godzilla form carry Reece. He put him down next to Twilight and said “His whole body is hurt; do you have a spell that can heal him?” Sam asked “Yes but it will take time and concentration.” Twilight said calling on her magic. Sam stepped back and let Twilight cast her spell, but nothing happened. “I don’t know what’s going on, he supposed to be healed at least a little, but nothing.” “What a minute, Reece told me something about Roy’s game that his sword is powered by the Fire Emblem. Maybe the same thing would work on Reece.” Sam searched Reece for the Emblem and found it in his armor. He grapped Reece’s sword and held the Fire Emblem up to it. The sword began to glow red, and the power flowed into Sam. He could feel the Emblems power in him; he gained control of it and redirected it into Reece body. Reece began to glow red and lifted into the air. Sam saw the wounds on his body heal, cuts disappeared, blood evaporated, and bones healed. The light around Reece disappeared and he jumped to ground. “Thanks Sam, I thought I was dead.” Reece said “I’m here for you whenever you need me. Now I need you to stay here with Dustin and Luna incase more Changelings come out.” Sam said “Ok what are you going to do?” Reece asked “Twilight and I are going in to the castle to find her friends and take care of Chrysalis.” Sam said with a flare in is voice. “Alright Twilight let’s get in there and find your friends.” Sam and Twilight ran to the castle door and Sam punched it in and they ran in. “Ok Twilight where are the dungeons?” Sam asked “This way.” Twilight lead Sam down a hall to a big metal door that read Dungeon. Sam kicked to door open and they ran down a steep stair case. They got to the bottom and Sam heard a quiet squeak. “They’re in here.” Sam said. “How do you know?” Twilight asked “I heard Fluttershy squeak” Sam said. Stay here and warn me if Changelings come, ok.” “Ok” Twilight said. Sam began to walk down the hall with cells on all sides. He looked in everyone but he didn’t see anything. Then he got to the last cell and he saw a yellow figure in the very back of the cell. He got closer and he saw it was Fluttershy. Sam forced to bars open and said “Are you ok Fluttersh…” Suddenly he was bucked in the face. The force almost sent him to the ground but he regained his footing just in time to get bucked in the stomach. That buck made him fall onto the cell bars. “What was tha…” Then he felt a buck in the groune. Thankfully his Godzilla scales were the strongest around that area. “Ok what the heck happened?” Sam said rubbing the area on his face where he was bucked. He looked up and saw three ponies glaring at him. “Who are you, what do you want?” Rainbow dash asked “Easy Rainbow I’m here to help you.” Sam said “Likely story SPY!” Rainbow reared up to buck Sam again but Sam caught her leg before it hit his face. “Sam are you alright I heard a loud thud down here and…. Rainbow why are you trying to buck Sam “TWILIGHT!!!” The five mares yelled when they saw their friend. They jumped over Sam and covered Twilight. “We all thought you were dead.” Applejack said hugging the unicorn tightly. “Dead, What do you mean?” Twilight said. “Discord said he saw Chrysalis push you out one of the windows in the throne room and you fell to your death.” Rainbow dash said trying to hold back her tears. “Well I almost did, but Luna saved me before I hit the ground. Then we went to Sam’s world and brought him and Two of his friends to help us take back Canterlot.” “Oh, sorry Sam, I thought you were with Discord.” Rainbow dash said rubbing her head. “I’m sorry too.” Applejack said “I should be the one who is really sorry. I know how painful getting kick in that area can be.’ Rarity said. “It’s all right girls, you didn’t know, and I’m fine. I’ve taking grater hits than that. Sam said “Well well well who do we have here?