The three heroes

by Sunburst Pony


Luna Reece, Dustin, Sam, Twilight, and Nyx jumped out of the portal, but it was a little higher than Luna expected. Dustin and Reece transformed and landed safely, and Luna flew down. Sam turned into his Godzilla form, Grabbed Twilight, and Nyx and landed with a safety with a small explosion from the momentum from the fall.
“Sam, are you alright?” Twilight asked
“Yea I’m fine. I can take a lot of punishment in this form.” Sam said
“WOW that was amazing Sam, you just transformed, flew over grabbed us and landed like it was nothing.
“I don’t know how I did it, it just came to me. Like an instinct or something.” Sam said
“Yes your bond to your entity is so strong you already react like they would.” Luna said
“So the more you like them the better you can be as them?” Reece asked
“Exactly the bigger the bond the more you can use them.” Luna said “Now we must move to get to Canterlot soon.”
“Wait we aren’t in Equestria?” Dustin asked
“No Chrysalis must have put a barrier around it so no magic could enter it.” Luna said
“Aright let’s move guys.” Sam said as he transformed back into a human.

It was about seven o’clock and Sam, and Reece thought it would be a good time to camp for the night, but it was still one o’clock by the sun.
“Luna why has the sun not set, it’s almost seven?” Reece asked
“Oh my I forgot that Tia was captured. I guess I will lower it.” Luna reached out with her magic and pulled the sun down slowly. Three minutes later the sun was down and the moon was in the sky.
“Huff Huff how did Tia do that for 1000 years?” Luna said panting
“So the sun and moon don’t move on their own, you us magic to raise and lower them?” Reece asked
“Yes Tia raises and lowers the sun and I raise and lower the moon.” A little bit later everyone but Twilight and Sam was asleep. Sam was up watching over the others wale they slept and Twilight just couldn’t sleep.
“Sam can I ask you something?” Twilight asked
“Yea what is it?” Sam said
“Well I’ve noticed that Nyx is very fond of you. She seems to look at you like a father. She wouldn’t have calmed down as fast as she did when we went through the portal and the fall. So I was wondering if you wanted to….”
“EEHHHAAAA look what we found boss. A little mare and a….. What is he?” The bandit asked
“I don’t care kill him and take the mare.” The bandit leader said
“If you want her you’ll have to go through me.” Sam said pulling out his sword. “Twilight stay behind me.” Sam said
“Oh ho ho feeling brave freak, me and my bandit will gut you faster than you can blink.” The leader said laughing A bandit charged Sam with an ax but before he could swing it Sam’s sword was inside his gut. Sam pulled his sword out and the bandit fell to the ground. “How dare you kill one of my men, I will KILL YOU!” The entire bandit cult charged at Sam and Twilight. Knowing he couldn’t take all of them in his current form he turned in to Godzilla and slammed his tail down on all of them. Sam turned back into his human form and ran over to Twilight.
“Twilight are you ok, are you hurt?” Sam asked
“No I’m ok what about you?”
“I’m ok…… Twilight what’s wrong?” Sam asked Twilight’s eyes filled with tears and she fell on to Sam’s chest and began to cry.
“Darn it Sam you could have gotten yourself killed. Those bandits wouldn’t have thought twice about it. Twilight said crying.
“I knew they were dangerous Twilight but I couldn’t just let them take you, I couldn’t live with myself if that happened. Sam put his arms around Twilight and hugged her like he did Nyx. “I will never leave you Twilight I promise.” Sam said The sound of the fighting must have awoken the Reece and Dustin and they were run to Sam and Twilight. Sam saw them and signaled them to stop. They looked at him confused and then figured out they should probably leave them alone.

The next day they made it to Ponyville by noon. The town looked deserted. No pony was out of their house walking the streets. They stopped at the golden oaks library to tell Spike what happened.
“Twilight you’re ok!” Spike said as he ran over and hugged her.
“I’m just fine thanks to this guy. Twilight pointed over to Sam and he came up to spike.
“Thank you for saving Twilight, I don’t know what I’d do if she died. She’s a really good friend.
“You’re welcome Spike I just couldn’t leave her in the condison she was in.” Sam said rubbing Twilight on the head.
“Alright we will rest here for the rest of the day and in the morning we head for Canterlot. It’s about an hour long trip by train if they are still active.” Luna said
“The trains stopped as soon as you and guys left.” Spike said.
“Ok I’ll call my royal guards in the morning and they will fly us there. Luna said, Sam stood up and said
“Yea here that everyone tomorrow we take back Equestria.

The next morning Spike insisted on making breakfast for everyone before they left. Luna thought they needed to get moving as soon as possible but her stomach told her otherwise. Reece and Spike made eggs, hay bacon, toast, and surprisingly corn.
“Wow Reece, I knew you could make mac and cheese but all this is amazing.” Sam said glowing at the food.
“Well I couldn’t have done it without Spike. He’s great at cooking.” Reece said patting Spike on the head.
“Well everpony lets dig in!” Luna said

At seven o’clock Luna called her royal guards with two dark blue carages. Sam, Reece, and Dustin got in one carege and Twilight and Luna got in the other one. Luna commanded them to take off and they did. They flew with the speed of a jet plane. They flew for about thirty minutes and landed at the gates of Canterlot. Surprisingly there were no changling guards at the gate.
“It’s quiet, too quiet.” Luna said scanning the Inside of the gates. The group walked through the big city without seeing any pony. The once booming city was now quieter than a forest. Soon they made it the royal Canterlot Castle. As soon as they opened the gates a swarm of changelings came out of the castle and formed up in front of it. Up on the balcony was Chrysalis staring down at them.
“Well who do we have here? The lunar princess and her lakys?” Sam looked up at her and yelled
“Chrysalis you have taken over Equestria, captured Celestia, and tried to kill Twilight, and for that you will pay. Ready guys?
“Ready.” Reece and Dustin said at once. They brought out their sword, pointed them straight up, closed their eyes and began to concentrate. After a few seconds they were engulfed in a blue light.
“What, what’s going on? What are you doing?” Chrysalis asked. A blue beam shot up in the sky and despaired instantly. Chrysalis looked down in shock of what just happened and saw that the three humans transformed. Sam looked up at Chrysalis with his new reptilian eyes and saw she had fear in her eyes. She walked back into the castle and the changelings attacked.
“Get ready guys here they come. Twilight stay behind me.” Sam said griping his sword tightly. “ATTACK!” Sam, Reece, Dustin, Luna, and Twilight charged the army in front of them ready to kill them all. Sam was the first to attack, throwing his sword at a line of changelings, sending it through ten of them. His sword engulfed in flames, Reece sliced it to the ground and sent a wave of flames at a group of them, insenrating them. Dustin was running around cutting up changelings every were. Luna flew into the sky blasting changelings out of the sky with her magic lighting. Twilight staying behind Sam blasted a couple of them with a knock out spell. The spines on Sam’s back began to glow blue and Reece knowing what would happen jumped behind him for cover. Sam’s mouth began to glow blue and a beam of blue fire came out incentrating many changelings with one blast. Running forward he swore he herd Twilight scream. He looked back and say that she was surrounded.
“Sam help!” Twilight yelled as the changeling closed in on her.
“Twilight I’m coming!” Sam yelled. Sam tried to run strait for her but the numbers of changeling were too great, he couldn’t get through. “No I have to get to her now.” Trying to push his way though he rammed at the wall of black and green.
“Sam they’re getting closer. Sam HELP…… CRACK!” Sam’s hart sunk.
“No no no NO!” A blue pulse came from Sam’s body knocking back all the changelings around him and Twilight. After the pulse faded Sam ran over to Twilight.
“Twilight are you ok? Twilight wake up, come on Twilight speck to me, please. TWILIGHT!” With tears forming in his eyes Sam let out a loud roar of pain. “SKKRREEE-ONK!!!”