//------------------------------// // In the River's Golden Flow // Story: Cameo's Adventures // by CutieMarkCrusaders //------------------------------// Cameo trotted along the dirt road that led to the park. She had decided that it was a lovely day, so she might as well go for a stroll around Ponyville. She trotted along as she looked at the beautiful towering flowers that only she could see. Some ponies stopped her and asked why she was smiling, but she couldn't answer so she just continued on her way. After a while she finally got to the park. She sat for a while in the center of the field, still admiring the flowers. After a minute or two she saw a beautiful river. She trotted over to it and saw that the banks were covered with daisies and tulips, and the water flowing through the river itself was the most perfect shade of gold. Cameo placed a hoof into the river, and when she pulled it back out, it stayed the same gold as the water. She looked back down at the river and noticed a small rock that glimmered brightly on the other side. She didn't see any ways around the river, so she slowly submerged her entire body into the cool water. Carefully keeping only her head out of the river, she made her way to the other bank. Cameo tried to levitate the stone out of the river, but because her horn had been broken, she could only levitate things that she was very close to. Cameo took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Horn glowing, she ducked her head under the water and came back up with the stone. It floated in front of Cameo's face, and the light blue magic that surrounded it just made it shine even brighter. Cameo waded out of the river, and trotted back to her home with her new treasure.