A Darker Side

by RoadBurn

Nightmare Moon's Story: Still An Endless Nightmare

Villains are their own enemies. They are still searching for rather if they want their spot in the world, or the world's approval. Difference have made villains the same. Standing out in cold places, filled with ordinary ponies that go about their ordinary lives. They tried fitting in. They tried being normal. But destiny has decided for them. And no, they didn't parish facing heroes. They had their reasons for what happened. Some wanted revenge, others, power. Some even wanted approval from another, or they were forced to do what they did. It happened, we all witnessed it. Did they have their reason of why they turned out this way? Yes. This is their stories.

Princess Luna never wanted to hurt anyone. All she wanted was love. But soon envy and pain took over, turning her into the feared creature she is; Nightmare Moon. The Mare in the Moon wished to shroud the land deep in everlasting night. The ponies forgot about her, so many years she was in the moon. But soon, she will give them something to remember. Night would last forever!.....Or so she thought.

Nightmare's POV:

Little ponies. They frolicked in Celestia's light. Once, I thought it would change, thought it would all change! Night would have shined above, showing that it is one thing in their pathetic lives that couldn't be ignored. I thought I would be overshadowed no longer......but alas, I was wrong.
After that day Celestia defeated me and banished me to that rock in the night, I couldn't bare the feat. There was nothing for a villain to do there but dwell and mourn over her failure. But, as every great thing ends, her seal could no longer contain me. I broke free and reigned down atop Equestria. That day, night started earlier than usual, yet no pony noticed. Yet in my short period of victory, I was defeated by Twilight Sparkle and her pony friends who ended up being the legendary protectors of the land; The Elements of Harmony! I was then wisped away into the rainbow-tinted light of friendship, and casted from my old body. Princess Luna now rules Equestria once again with Celestia. Yet they still mock me with Nightmare Night. Why would I eat them? Why? I would never do such a thing. Eat my own kind? No. But that day, that day......Oh, the pain and humiliation that day brought upon me! Some of you ponies don't even know me, do you? I'm the Mare in the Moon, Nightmare Moon. You might think you know how it all began, but no pony truly knows. The suffering I went through for over a thousand years. I'll tell you though, just so you understand.
It was a warm fall day. Ponies were playing in the sunlight, loving every moment of their retched lives. Sadly, Princess Luna, the Moon Princess, Princess of the Night, looked out on them all, the sun pouring in her eyes. She was overshadowed, yes she was. No pony enjoyed the night. They all loved the day. It was a torrid sight to the young princess's heart. Year after year, the praise went to Celestia, the elder sister who was suppose to be watching out for Luna. Until, finally, Luna had enough. No pony loved her or her glorious night. She saw that now. She decided to take matters into her own hooves.
Celestia came looking for her one cold night. She had found Luna in her room. She had boarded the windows, so it would be forever dark in her room. But it wasn't Luna, no. It was I, the Nightmare, the Mare of the Moon. I was darker and more powerful after the transformation, however, Luna wasn't as fortunate. I rose up the air, shattering the wood of the windows. That night, Celestia fled, that is how it went. I was left in Canterlot, a darker Canterlot. I was the era that cold night. Ponies would bow before me, ME! The darkest pony known to ponykind. That night, for once in so many eons, I could peacefully sleep. I had no need to watch over the night. For it could do that itself for once, since it was shrouded all across the land.
In the morning, or what seemed like the morning since the night still reigned, Celestia had returned, but something looked different about her, something seemed....off. Yet I flew out to the darkened streets of Canterlot. There, she said my reign of tyranny would end. And ended it did. We fought in the streets. Ponies were frightened yet watched us the whole time. It was as if day and night were fighting too. Half of the sky was illuminated by the sun, and the other half was illuminated by the dim moon. When we at last had our last clash of horns, the moon eclipsed the sun, blocking it's light. I laughed. I though I had won. I thought the fight was over, I thought night would continue, FOREVER. But I was incorrect. With a wing of her matted and dirty wings, she rose in the air, flashing a great rainbow-like light in my teal eyes. There, I woke up, and I saw nothing but darkness around me. It was not the darkness I wanted, not what intended. It wasn't the kind I wanted surrounding me. I was sealed in the moon. And since then, to ponies who still read old books and scrolls, I was known as the dreaded Mare in the Moon. But I was thought of as a myth, a fake fairy tale meant to frighten little fillies and colts into staying in their beds at night. Just another legend....
Celestia wronged me. She didn't love me for who I truly was; a nightmare, a frightening image of evil. I came back for revenge, but left Equestria as a shadow, never to be remembered again. That is my story, my legend. Princess Luna is the true princess who rightfully deserves to rule next to Princess Celestia. But you think I'm admitting? No. I want you ponies to remember; wherever there is light there is always darkness! And where there is darkness, there is me!