A Tail of Two Pinkies

by Evil_Enchanter

Chapter 1 - The Morning After

Sun filtered through the pink curtains, painting the walls a deeper shade of pink even more than they were already. The floor of the colourful room was littered with various items and leftovers: crumbs of cupcakes, soaked streamers, deflated balloons and several suspicious looking pools of liquid that must have been cider that was spilled during the festivities.
Not a noise was heard in the house, which was strange considering the pony that resided there. Instead the peaceful chirping of numerous species of small birds that had made themselves home in the garden below could be heard. Accompanying the sweet melody of the birds came a strangely familiar voice that seemed to be getting closer, a voice even sweeter than those of the birds that were already very talented at singing.

A knock at the door was heard, breaking the peaceful tune of the birds as they left in a flurry of wings. Pinkie sprang out of bed, with the usual spring in her step, but suddenly realised she was too lethargic to be her bouncy self.
‘Oh Pinkie,’ she muttered to herself, ‘You’ve gone and done it again! You really need to lay off that cider.’ Reminding herself of the thrilling memories of the party and the delicious Apple Acres cider last night, Pinkie gazed at the balloons resting around her hooves, covering her floor in an array of vivid colour.
Pinkie mustered up the energy to continue her trademark bounce as she leapt down the stairs to answer the door. Curious as to whom would be visiting at such an hour she peered through the peep-hole in the door to see a lock of pale pink hair obscuring her view. She instantly knew who it was!

The door flew open and Pinkie greeted her visitor as jauntily as she did every morning.
‘Good morning Fluttershy!’ Pinkie said in a rather excited voice, ‘What brings you to Sugar Cube Corner so early? After some lollipops?’
Fluttershy opened her mouth to speak.
‘Oh, oh, I know you want some of the cupcakes that I had out last night!’
If she wanted Pinkie to listen she had to be assertive.
‘Wait no; you wanna help me bake a cake!’
‘Umm, Pinkie…’
Dominating the conversation as usual, Pinkie suddenly interjected.
‘THAT’S RIGHT. You came to thank me for hosting the party last night! Well that’s no worry, because EVERYPONY knows I like a good party!’ Pinkie leapt up and down with excitement, just thinking about last night made her eager for another reason to celebrate. ‘It was really no trouble Fluttershy, you didn’t have to come all the way over to thank me.’
‘Oh yes Pinkie, thankyou, it was a wonderful party.’ Fluttershy said softly in her assertive voice, ‘But Mr. and Mrs. Cake told me to tell-’
‘Don’t you worry about those two! I’m sure they’re still asleep. They’ll be over to open up shop in no time!’ Pinkie added.
Fluttershy knew this was an opening; she had to get a word in.
‘Umm, Pinkie, Mr. and Mrs. Cake won’t actually be around for a couple of days.’
Pinkie pondered for a second upon what Fluttershy had just said, a slightly confused look upon her face. After a moment of deep thought Pinkie lit up as if she had suddenly come to a conclusion.
‘Couple of days!? Fluttershy, you’re such a good joker!’ Pinkie huggled Fluttershy predictably.

Still locked in Pinkie’s hug, Fluttershy managed hurriedly get the message through to an excited Pinkie, as if she was letting out an entire conversation in a single sentence.
‘You have to listen to me this is really important Pinkie I’ve been trying to tell you that Mr. and Mrs. Cake told me to tell you that they’re attending a business workshop in Canterlot with Mr. Rich for a few days and that you are in charge of Sugar Cube Corner for the weekend which is going to be a really big job because you’ll have to cook cupcakes and serve customers but you shouldn’t worry because your friends are here for you if you ever need help even though you’ll be fine because everypony knows that you’re the pony to come at Sugar Cube Corner!’ Fluttershy exhaled heavily and gasped for air.

Ponies passing by had stopped in amazement to gaze upon her. Rainbow Dash, who had been overhearing the conversation while kicking clouds, fell out of the sky and onto her back into the bushes just outside the door. Never before had anypony seen Fluttershy talk so much at once! There was a look of shock upon Pinkie’s face, which soon faded into her usual playful smile.
There was a moment of silence as the birds returned to the window ledge and again began to sing. Fluttershy stared into Pinkie’s face eagerly awaiting a response.

‘Oh, silly. Why didn’t you tell me sooner then?’ Pinkie replied.