Broken Wings

by ComradeUncleJoe

Chapter 14: Broken Heart

Chapter 14: Broken Heart

Rainbow Dash flew around clearing the skies over Ponyville. She had gotten up early so she could finish her work early. Rainbow Dash had plans to spend the day with her best friend Applejack. It’s been a long time since she actually spent some one on one time with Applejack; they both had been far busier than usual. The weather team had taken decent care of Ponyville, but without Rainbow Dash’s skills and leadership, they hadn’t done as good as they normally do. It was the same on the farm. Without Applejack, Big Mac had to buck all the trees himself, since Applebloom was too small and Granny Smith too old. Although, since he had hurt himself while working he was unable to finish. Applejack had to finish apple bucking the rest of the trees herself when she got back from vacation. However, finally the two had some free time and they decided they’d spend it together.

Rainbow Dash landed gently on the ground near Sweet Apple Acres and trotted towards the barn. She spotted Applejack pulling a cart of apples around the back of the barn. Rainbow Dash flew closer and called out to her friend. Applejack turned her head and waved to Rainbow Dash.

“Heya Dash, whatcha been up to?” Applejack unhinged herself from the cart and trotted over to Rainbow Dash.

“Hey Applejack, I just finished clearing the skies for today.”

“Well that’s great Dash. Ah’ve been busy sortin’ out the farm. Ah’m whipped. Ah couldn’t wait fer tonight.”

“Right on Applejack; you ready for our date?”

“Of course Ah am. Let’s get outa here.” The two ponies trotted side by side as they headed for town. The ponies chatted a little during their walk, mostly discussing work and family. It felt good to talk to friends; after all the chaos from the past week, it was nice to just relax and be with friends.

Finally the two reached a small restaurant hidden behind some shops. It was a small, hole in the wall type place. Even by Ponyville standards it was small. Despite its size and out-of-the-way location, it still drummed up fairly good business. Applejack knew the owners of the place, a family friend of the Apples, and came here often with her family when they were done working.

“So Dash, how’s things been, haven’t talked wit ya in forever.”

“Things are going alright, just been so busy, you know?” They both pick up a menu and proceed to wait on their waiter.

“Well Ah know what ya mean. The farm has been nothin’ but chaos. Why, Ah had to work several days in a row to get everythin’ back in order, what with Big Mac hurtin’ himself an’ all”

“I know, right? The weather team really slacked off when I was away.”

Applejack laughed “Sounds terrible. Boy, it’s crazy how things’ll just fall apart without a leader.”

“Sure is” Rainbow Dash chuckled and looked out the window. It was a beautiful day out, the skies were clear of any clouds. Rainbow Dash admired her teams work.

The two friends chatted on. When their food arrived, they continued to chat, only stopping to take bites out of it. Before they knew it, it had been an hour or two. They both had finished their food a long time ago and had spent the past hour just talking about nothing. The friends seemed to find enjoyment from just being together.

“Boy, where has the time gone? It’s past four o’clock already…” Applejack says as she checked her watch.

“Is it really? Time really flies, doesn’t it?” Rainbow Dash and Applejack both laugh

“So uh…Dash, how’s things been goin’ wit that Speedster fella?” Applejack asks curiously. The questions made Rainbow Dash freeze.

“Huh? Oh…He’s fine I guess. He’s been great about giving me my space when I told him I needed some time to think.”

“Uh hu…an’ what about…what’s his name? Thunder?”

“Lightning. His brother is Thunder. I don’t know, I haven’t heard from him since Las Pegasus…When I heard he was here I looked everywhere, but I couldn’t find him.”

“That’s unfortunate. He seemed like a nice enough pony.”

“Oh he was, really nice. One of the greatest stallions I’ve met, but…I don’t know, just seems like something is off.”

“Whatcha mean sugar cube?”

“I don’t know. Lightning is nice and all, but after that night with Speedster…I don’t think I feel the same way I did when we met.”

“What about Speedster?”

“I…I don’t know…I’m not sure how I feel anymore.”

“Dash…Ya need to figure these things out and let both of ‘em know what ya want.”

“But…I don’t want to hurt anyone, I feel I’ve done enough damage to Lightning as it is.”

“If you have no feelin’s for him, then you need to let ‘em know. Ah’m sure he’ll understand, and He’ll be grateful that ya told ‘em the truth and didn’t jerk ‘em around.”

“Yeah, you’re right Apples…I just hope I can find him…I gotta go, see you later.” Rainbow Dash got up and left. She knew what she had to do; she just hoped Lightning could forgive her.

Lightning made his way through the Everfree Forest. He was determined to find Rainbow Dash and set things right, to tell her how he felt. He just hoped he wasn’t too late…

…And that he’d be able to find his way. The Everfree Forest was massive, and he had only been through it once. It was pure luck he found his way the first time, this time he wasn’t sure he’d be so lucky.

Lightning passed by a broken stump and continue moving. A few minutes later he passed by a similar stump, and again, and again, and again. “Am I going in circles?” he passed by the stump another time and decided to take a rest. It was getting late and he was getting hungry.

*grooooowlll* “I hear you tummy, but we didn’t bring food with us…seems like a fairly large thing to overlook…” Lightning rubbed his tummy as it continued to growl hungrily. He began to look around for something to eat, but everything was foreign to him. He wasn’t sure what was poison and what wasn’t.

He decided to take a leap of faith and try a mushroom on the ground. He slowly plucked one and raised it to his mouth. Just as he was about to chomp down, somepony swatted it out of his hands. “Foolish ponies eating here, often costing them dear.”

“What…?” Lightning looked up and saw a cloaked pony unlike any he has seen before. This pony was black with white stripes…or white with black stripes. He couldn’t tell, but it did look very strange to him. “Who are you?”

“Zecora is what I go by, but I prefer to start off with a simple ‘Hi’.”


“Hello to you too, how may I be of service to you?”

“Um..Maybe you could help me get out of this forest? I’m trying to get to Ponyville.”

She nods and begins to head down a path. Lightning is quick to follow her.

“So…do you live around here or something?”

“Indeed I do, and what about you?”

“No I don’t. I’m just going to see someone.” The strange pony made her way through the forest with ease, whereas Lightning was tripping and struggling to keep up.
After a few minutes Zecora stops at her hut and proceeds inside. “Hey, I thought you were taking me to Ponyville.” Lightning followed her in, a little disappointed.

“To Ponyville we go, but first, how about some Gazpacho?” she walks over to a large cauldron and puts a few ingredients in and begins stirring.

“Um…Thanks” Lightning says a little confused. “So…uh…that’s an interesting coat pattern you have. I’ve never seen something like that on a pony before.”

“That’s because a pony I am not, I am a zebra, a creature from a place that’s very hot.” She continues to cook.

“Oh…Well pleasure to meet you. I’m Lightning Bolt by the way.” After the necessary cooking time, Zecora scoops up some in a bowl and hands it to Lightning. He scoops up a bit and tries it, surprised at how good it is. He continues eating.

“The pleasure is mine; I enjoy meeting new faces from time to time.” She smiles and sits across from him.

“So what are you doing living all the way out here in this forest?” Lightning looks around, taking in the very strange décor.

“I enjoy the seclusion of forest life, peace and quiet, away from city strife.”

Lightning nods understandingly. “I know what you mean, I lived in Las Pegasus most of my life and the hectic city is very stressful sometimes…” he finishes eating and sets his bowl down. “Well I guess I better get going. I need to meet with someone in Ponyville.”

Zocora nods and stands up “I shall show you the way. The path can be dark and treacherous, and those unprepared always pay.” She leads him out of her hut and proceeds down the path towards Ponyville.

As they walk, the darkness of Everfree is soon overpowered by the bright sunlight of Ponyville. Zecora stops at the edge of the Everfree Forest. “Ponyville at last, here’s hoping you have a blast.” Lightning thanked her for all her help and walked past her, hurrying to find Rainbow Dash. As he runs away, Zecora calls out to him “Beware of what the heart desires, it may set your soul afire!” Lightning barely hears her as he runs off, determined to find Rainbow Dash and tell her how he feel.

Lightning ran down the street, focused on his mission, oblivious of his surroundings. His mind was set on one goal, and nothing could stop him. He was so oblivious to his surroundings, that he completely missed Rainbow Dash as she flew over him. He would’ve kept running too, if not for Rainbow Dash spotting him and calling out his name “Hey Lightning!” she lands

“huh?” he looks behind him and spots her. His eyes widen and his heart begins to beat faster. He has always been so confident, but, even now, he is rendered nervous by Rainbow Dash. “Oh, hey Dash…I was looking for you” he smiles.

“Y-Yeah…I was looking for you too.” She shuffles nervously, knowing what she had to do, but dreading actually saying it.

“I wanted to tell you something.” “We need to talk…” they say at the same time.

“You go first” Lightning says.

“Oh…Okay I guess…look, I just wanted to say…I really like you, and I’m super happy we met, you’re such a great guy, but I don’t feel the same way as when we first met…I don’t think we should see each other anymore.” Lightning just looked at her, same stare as always, same cocky grin and everything, but inside her died a little. He could feel his heart shatter into pieces as she talked.

“Yeah, I understand, and I totally agree. I feel the same way.” He chuckled to himself, holding back tears.

Rainbow Dash smiled “That’s great to hear, I’m so glad you feel the same. So, what did you wanna tell me?”

“What? Oh, just that I’m leaving and going on a bit of a trip…” he smiles and turns around “See you later!” he calls out as he walks off.

“Uh…y-yeah, bye…I guess…” she watches him, confused, as he walks away.

Lightning walked off without another word. He just continued on his path towards nowhere, no longer having a set goal, or a destination. He kept his composure the entire time he walked, without another word, or even a glance back, until finally, he faded from view.