Antasma's Reincarnation

by Shadowmane PX-41

Chapter 2: The Fall Of Celestia

At the ruins of Canterlot Castle, Celestia (who looked like she had been through hell) crawled out of the wreckage with scars all over her face, And her horn had been completely and utterly destroyed.

"Princess!" Twilight said as she galloped towards her, As she got within touching distance of the princess however, Antasma cast a forcefield around her, Knocking Twilight onto her stomach.

"Hands off my prize!" He said to the bruised alicorn, Who was poking her head out of the dirt.

"How did you do that?" She asked him with a concerned yet angry tone of voice.

"I did wish for A LOT of other things before Mario and Luigi crashed ve party." Antasma explained to her.

"This can't be." Twilight said as she finally realized Antasma's origin, "You're supposed to be dead!"

"Dead, Me, HA! How illogical vat must sound coming from you, Tvilight." He said back to her with a sinister look on his face, "Let's just say vat somepony of yours gave me a helping hoof if you know vat i mean."

"Sombra?!" Twilight said as he materialized behind Antasma with an infuriated look on his face.

"I warned you not to rival my power! And you decided to disobey me!" The unicorn said before charging at the bat king with horn ablaze and black mist carrying him.

"Oh come on! Ve plumbers did vorse van vat!" Antasma said performing his thousand bat himself swarm, Dodging Sombra's attacks and countering with his mine rings, After a good hour of combat, Twilight got the idea to get Celestia to safety, No sooner had she thought of the brilliant plan when Antasma and Sombra sealed the princesses from each other with a forcefield spell.

After knocking Sombra back, Antasma said, "I said HANDS OFF!!!!!"

"You foolish bat, Thinking you are the dominant fear in this world, Pathetic, I showed Twilight here what hell is like."

"Vell, I used some archaic bass speakers called "The Dreambeats" To put everyone on Pi'llo Island to sleep, Just so I could drain veir life force and steal veir wallets."

"Ooh that's a good comback, But it still won't help you! I am Equestrian fear! And you are just a misplaced vampire king."

"Oh yeah? Vell vis vampire king is taking ve princess and running!" Antasma said before swooping down to grab Celestia and take her back to his castle.

"Don't run from me, Antasma! I KNOW YOUR WEAKNESSES AND I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVED!" Sombra yelled before Antasma dissapeared from his and Twilight's vision.

"No, He's gone, And he's taken Celestia with him." Twilight grieved and grimaced over the loss of her ruler/teacher.

"Twilight, I know we're enemies, But we have to work together on this, Antasma has clearly rivaled my powers, And he must be taught a lesson he'll never forget!" Sombra said as if to form a temporary alliance with her.

"No, I'm saving Celestia, BY MYSELF!" She said thinking back to what Sombra did upon his return to the Crystal Empire.

"Very well, But don't come crying to me when he's too powerful for you to handle." Sombra said before dissapearing into a black portal.

"He needs to pay, And Celestia knows i'm the only one to deliver equine justice." She said as she looked at her friends, Who were all asleep with dream portals above their heads, "ANTASMA THE BAT KING! I'M COMING FOR YOU, AND WHEN I GET THERE, I'M SENDING YOU BACK TO YOUR 3DS!!!!"