//------------------------------// // Ch. 3 A Promise Kept // Story: My Friend Pinkie // by brilliantblaze //------------------------------// Chapter 3 A Promise Kept It has been a few months since I first met Pinkie, and I been having the time of my life. We've been spending more time together, seeing movies, going to the beach for Thanksgiving break, I even got my grandmother to take us to Disney World. Pinkie has met my parents, I've met Pinkie's grandmother, both parties like each other thankfully. I feel like we are getting close but I would never have the guts to ask her out, yet I had the guts to do one of the stupidest things in my life today. …………..... Today wasn't special at all, it started like any other day, I picked up Pinkie, went to school, had morning classes, had lunch, then it all went down. I was in Robotics and Pinkie was in Cooking, ironic isn't it? My favorite class and her favorite class at the exact same time. I was working on a new prototype bot when suddenly the fire alarm began to scream and I nearly jumped right out of my skin. I grabbed my bag and started following the group of classmates out the door when the principal's voice came over the Intercom. ATTENTION STUDENTS THIS IS NOT A DRILL EVACUATE THE BUILDING IMMEDIATELY! the voice said in panic It took a second to sink in, then everyone was soon screaming and began running out the door. With the fire alarm still screaming I soon got outside and onto the bus loop. Teachers began counting their students to make sure everyone made it out and reported the numbers to the admins. I overheard one of the admins talking to his radio, "Where was the origin of the fire?" He asked "The Cooking classroom." The radio buzzed and my eyes widened "Is everyone accounted for?" He asked "We are still missing one from the Cooking classroom." The radio buzzed and I walked to the admin "Do we have a name?" He asked "Pinkamena Diane Pie." The radio buzzed and my heart stopped Without thinking I began running to the school. The admin grabbed my jacket and stopped me. "What are you doing?!" He yelled I shook off my jacket, "Something stupid." I said and ran into the school Now would have been a great time for me to know where the Cooking classroom actually was, but I soon found it from the origin of the smoke. I came to the smoke filled hallway and crawled under the smoke to the burning room. I went to turn the doorknob but immediately recoiled at the heat, I then used my foot to turn the knob and rushed into the room. The smoke was too thick for me to see anything. "Pinkie," I shouted, "Where are you?" I heard a groan from the back and found Pinkie unconscious on the floor. I picked her up and said, "Never break a Pinkie promise." I then ran with all my might to get her out of the school. I was able to reach the doors and I almost collapsed on the pavement with Pinkie still in my arms. The last thing I remember was being surrounded by paramedics then everything went dark. ……………… I opened my eyes to see the white ceiling of the hospital then a nurse came over to me. "What happened?" I asked sitting up and rubbing my head "You had minor shock and hyperventilation, you were quite brave saving that girl." The nurse said "Pinkie," I said, "where is she?" I got off the bed but the nurse stopped me "You have to rest right now." She said calmly "No I have to see her." I pushed the nurse aside and headed out of the room. To much of the nurse's protest I eventually found Pinkie's room. She laid in the bed with an oxygen mask on. I turned to the nurse, "Tell me she will be ok." I said A doctor walked up and said, "She is still unconscious but she will be fine in due time, she just needs to rest right now." Suddenly there was a lady and cameraman walking up to me, "Hi, local news big buzz about the school fire and you saving this random girl, so I'm just gonna have a quick interview with you, just say you did all this because it was right and the usual stuff, so let's make a good interview for my career." I just stared at the lady in anger as the camera started rolling, "So tell me why did you save her from the school fire?" The lady asked "Okay firsts things first lady, that random girl is my best friend and she would have done the same for me, second you want to know why I did it? I made a promise to keep her safe and I will never break that promise, I didn't do this to get attention, I did this to save her life no matter the cost." I grabbed her mic and looked right at the camera, "How's that for an interview?" The camera guy cut the recording with a smirk on his face. The lady was furious, "Young man do you have any idea that I could have lost my job!" I got in her face, "Do you have any idea that she could have lost her life!" The lady stormed off and the camera guy gave me a thumbs up and followed her out. I gripped my forehead, What came over me? I thought to myself. I went ahead and opened the door to Pinkie's room, I knocked on the door frame and the attending nurse looked up at me. "Can I have a minute with her?" I asked "Yes of course." the nurse said and walked out I went to sit down next to her bed and now realized my clothes were still burnt in spots from the fire. I must look like such a hero right now. "I'm sorry I didn't reach you sooner Pinkie," I grabbed her lifeless hand, "You know before I met you my life was boring, just F.R.A.N.K. and I," I sighed, "I don't know if it was your smile, your hair, heck your shirt, but something just told me to go talk to you that first day. I guess since your unconscious I can just tell you, I love you Pinkie." I just looked down and sighed still holding Pinkie's hand, then her grip tightened! "I love you too Nick." She said through the oxygen mask I looked back up and smiled, "What was that?" She took off the oxygen mask and kissed me, "Did that clarify?"