//------------------------------// // Prologue // Story: Justice Risen // by stickmonkey3 //------------------------------// "PUSH SUNNY! PUSH!" "AAAHHHH!!" " I SEE HIM! I SEE HIM!" "COME NOW, ONE FINAL PUSH!" "NNYYAAAAAHHHHH!!" "Got him." " Your foal is beutiful ma'am." " Let me see him. Oh my, he is beutiful. I wish his father was here to see him." "He'll be fine stallion when he grows up." "And a great unicorn too." "Yes he shall. In fact...Wait...is that... a feather?" "That can't be unless..." "OH MY GOODNESS HE HAS WINGS! LOOK MARCIE, LOOK!" "I SEE THEM TOO MARCEL! WHAT DO YOU THINK IS WRONG WITH HIM SUNNY?!" "Nothing is wrong with him!! He's just fine." "Sorry Sunny, but what are you going to name him?" "Well, his grey horn makes him very handsome, so I shall name him Greyhorn." "That's a dashing name Sunny." "Indeed Marcel. Indeed."