The Fourth Star.

by Golden Paw

The Price of Freedom

Catalyst breathed deeply as he focused his magical power, the swirling energy was twisting and turning around him in an agitated way, as if fighting to be free of his clutches. He smiled as the flow of spell was trying it's best to break free from the restraints the Catalyst was putting upon it, feeling the dark delight of domination. He was fighting against the natural order of the world, trying to undo the enchantments done by Celestia all those years ago and revelled in the act. He had done so much to ensure Nightmare Moon could be free once again and wasn’t going to be stopped now.

        The cult leader along with his most trusted followers were all channelling their power and souls into the ritual circle, a number having already withered away as the spell drew upon their life force along with their magical strength. The invocation was marked out in powdered crystals and dark patches that could have only been vital fluids.

        The lines of eldritch force mapped out a scene of the moon above, bearing the likeness of the mare in the moon. At specific points within the pattern were bound captives; A bat pony's unconscious form was placed equal distance from a Broken lithi and a dark unicorn, around what could be described as the ‘eye’ of the mare on the moon.

        The ruins of the castle towered above the whole scene and further up still the moon hung high in the sky, mirroring the magical arrangement below. Catalyst's wrattle python lurked close to its master and snapped at any who threatened to intrude on his final masterpiece. So intent on his work that it was no surprise the python was first to feel the threat, the tremors of the approaching army causing the snake to uncoil and roar a warning.

        Catalyst noted the snake’s unease and without stopping his spell, motioned with a hoof. What was left of the Heralds moved to secure the outer walls, knowing that if they could hold the lithi off for just a little longer then the intruder’s efforts would be for naught. The collection of beasts, soldiers and the last few cult ponies formed a protective ring about the ruins with its contained ritual. Catalyst grinned to himself as yet another of his coven fell lifeless to the ground from exertion, almost there Catalyst told himself, just a little longer......

        The lithi charge impacted on the line outside the ruins with the sound of splintering stone and broken bone. Though tough as rock and far stronger than any normal pony the lithi were still hard pressed. The monsters from the Everfree forest had heeded the call of Catalyst and his cabal of shadow casters, meaning that far more foes than simple pony folk barred the way.

        Timber wolves darted and snapped, grappling and raking their wood claws across cold stone. Manticores dived down to land like comets among the lithi's regiments; smashing the stone creatures with their powerful bulk. Looming over all these were Hydras, only two in number, but massive enough to wade into the lithi formations without a second thought, their many heads striking out to smash and crush with their powerful jaws.

        Foresight found herself huddled away from the fighting; all those present keenly knowing how vital it was she made it through to Catalyst. As the main force of the lithi clashed and fought with the monsters surrounding the ruins, a far smaller number escorted the living ponies through the battle.

Enigma was using her magic to shield Sky Strike and Shakala from the enemy, though she would openly admit to lack the skill to confront Catalyst in a battle of wills, Enigma had skill enough to conceal the little band from the minds of his minions.

        The small group picked their way as carefully as they could through the fight. Every so often Enigma would nod to herself, listening to reports coming in. Sky didn't understand fully how it worked but Enigma was communicating with the Lithi's leaders with her mind. From what she'd explained earlier, the lithi were all linked by a magical connection allowing them to act as one force together.

        Foresight had suspected as much after the escape from the Cult's dungeons and voiced her theory to Sky during their journey here. Enigma had confirmed this and explained how they had given her access to those same lines of power, as such none of the ponies present questioned Enigma when she suddenly took cover or diverted their course, seemingly at random.

        Every time some unseen threat would be bypassed as the lithi relayed their warning to the band of infiltrators. This didn't allow the small group to avoid all the fighting however and both Sky and Shakala had blood on their blades; having quickly dealt with any who came to close to Foresight.

        All the while the pull of magic was felt being drawn in across the field, sucked up into a flashing vortex seen above the largest of the ruins. Every equine could feel the power's flow and the sense of dread grew with every moment. After a tense half an hour the party finally reached the outer walls to the main keep of the Royal Pony Sister's old home.

        The vine covered stone resonated in Foresight's mind, trying to tell her of the sad history they had borne witness of. Memories that were not her own tried to flood Foresight's physic taking the mare by surprise. When she had been here before the castle had slept quietly, but the massive magical event within had disturbed the ghosts of the past that lingered here and they were desperate to make themselves known.

        What ever Catalyst was up to within the walls of the keep was causing the world to writhe in discomfort and Foresight was feeling it with greater clarity than ever before.

        "We need to stop this, I can't take it," Foresight cringed, covering her ears as she tried to block out the pain thudding in her skull.

        Sky reached out a hoof and gently laid it on Foresight’s shoulder, ignoring the cold shivers it caused, "Come on Foresight, don't get cold hooves now, we're nearly done and then we can go back to what is left of our lives." Sky assured her before cracking a little smile. Foresight gave a little grin in return at his attempt to lighten the mood.

        Foresight had never been touched by a normal pony in all her life, even when she was younger and couldn't create her own aura of cold and darkness. The other foals had kept their distance even as they taunted her. She had been hugged by her mum and dad of course who loved her dearly, but this was the first time a warm-blooded pony had ever reached out to her in such a manner

        It was a kind gesture despite the uncomfortable heat she felt and Foresight was grateful for the support. Steadying herself, she turned her green cat's eyes to look in Sky's brown ones before whispering a simple “thank you”. Sky nodded before he spread his wings with a determined expression on his face.

"Wait here, I’ll find us a way in," With that Sky Strike launched into the tortured air.

        Catalyst felt the lithi's cold essence flow into the spell and sneered as the crippled stone pony crumbled to dust. "Well you wanted freedom from your curse, you should thank me," Catalyst mocked his fallen foe. That just left the final part of the spell to complete. The dark unicorn turned his fanatical eyes on the last altered in the circle.

        "Thank you for all your 'help' Black Star, without your contribution this would not have been possible," Catalyst informed the slack jawed shadow caster. His second in command continued the stare blankly up at the sky, his normally crimson eyes unfocused and a small trail of spittle hanging from his muzzle.

        "You really were the best of my inner circle and I knew you would go far in the coven," Catalyst mused before sneering once again, "In fact your ambition may take you all the way to the moon. Don’t worry I'll be sure to let our Queen know of your contributions to the cause," Black Star failed to see the humour (or anything else for that matter) as the last vestiges of his soul were swallowed by the incantation.

        Catalyst's smile faltered and his exultant mood was dampened as another’s magical presence began to intrude on his thoughts. Beyond the battle raging outside the ritual he felt a familiar aura. He knew that power. Casting his gaze about Catalyst spotted the small group of infiltrators behind a crumbled statue on the edge of the magic circle.

        "I was starting to wonder if you would make it here at all,” He sent out before his confident smile returned, “No matter the spell has been cast and there is nothing you can do to stop it. You may as well come out and die with some dignity rather than skulking in the shadows," Catalyst's sending was full of mocking scorn.

        Detecting his master's ire, the giant snake that served as Catalyst's personal mount reared its huge head and hissed at the intruders. He smiled indulgently as the beast moved about the spell's circumference to interpose itself between Catalyst and the small group of equines.

        The three ponies and one zebra stepped out of their hiding place, not sure if this act was out of bravado, or at Catalyst's urging. They were tiny compared to the monster before them, its sand coloured scales with patches of brown mottling glistened in the reflected light of the spell behind it. The reptile opened its fanged mouth wide to let out another challenging hiss.

        "This ends today Catalyst, your army is falling as we speak and your plans have failed you. I am going to make you pay for every death and vile act you have wrought, do you hear me?"  Enigma was the first to reply to Catalyst's taunts.

        "Brave words for a failed commander, unless you have gained some skills or amazing powers since we last met Enigma dear, I doubt your threats will come to anything," Catalyst informed Enigma in a dismissive way as he shook his head slowly. His pet monster seemed to share his contempt, Foresight could have sworn it was grinning too.

        "Why, why do this at all, can you really want Nightmare Moon back?" Foresight called out from the back of the group, her fear momentarily overcome by a sense of anger that wasn't entirely her own. She could feel Star Glow's emotions forcing their way to the surface.

        As Sky Strike planted his hooves defiantly in front of Foresight, Shakala attempted to circle around the monstrous guardian of Catalyst, but the beast knew its role in this meeting and moved its body around to shield the taunting cult leader who payed these actions little heed before addressing Foresight.

        "Why you ask me, well that is very simple my dear. I want power; power and freedom for me along with control over this world, never again will I need to hide who I am," Catalyst explained as if to a slow foal, "I don't pretend to be more than our true Queen of course, but I want to be free to go where I will without the threat of the sun. Let Nightmare Moon cover the world in darkness, I will revel in it and under her rule I will be rewarded for my faithful support."

        "And what of Luna, you would doom her forever? What of the lands that would turn to ice and death would soon follow? The world will be ruined without the life giving light of the sun," Foresight's eyes had taken on a blue glow now and there was a distinct echo to her words as if two ponies were trying to speak the same words at once.

        Her aura had risen in concert with the anger Foresight felt and ice was starting to coat the floor about her and wisps of frozen fog coiled where the warmer air met the chill. Sky was forced to take a few steps back and Catalyst raised an eyebrow at the display. "Oh 'very' impressive Foresight, what you can manage with all your 'borrowed' power. Stop playing with forces you don't even begin to understand little filly, let me show you what a true altered mage can do," Catalyst 'sent' in mocking tone.

        The spell was fuelled by the stolen life force of his acolytes, even with so much power behind it this was no brutish display of lights and fire, but a spear of malice aimed right for the heart of a foe. The beam of darkness lanced out, but to Foresight's horror it headed right for Shakala.

        The zebra didn't have time to register the threat before it struck him square in the chest, or at least would have if Enigma had not raised her own magic to deflect the spell, her effort of blocking the arcane force drove the mare to Enigma knees, blood running from her muzzle and ears.

        The Rattle python also struck out doing its best to sink its sword like fangs into Shakala, guided by Catalyst to overcome its blindness. Shakala, having been speared a blow that would have reduced his mind to a blasted ruin, made the most of the time Enigma had given him.

        Diving to one side in a skilled roll he brought his weapon around in a slashing counter strike that left a deep groove in the snake's cheek which instantly began to weep blood. The Monster roared in anger as Sky Strike took to the air, darting past and around the rattle python as his wing blades flashed out. The gigantic snake didn't even seem to notice his attacks however, keeping its focus on the darting Shakala on the ground.

        "Your protection is formidable orb bearer, but fortunately I don't need to break it. I can break your friends, one by one and enjoy every moment of it. I can leave you with nothing of value and that would be a far sweeter compensation for me, seeing as you denied me the orb." Catalyst's sharp teeth glinted in the reflected light of the moon. "You're beaten, you just don't know it yet", Catalyst's beratement continued even as he worked to summon another bolt of darkness.

        Even without being able to use magic to get into Foresight's mind, the doubts he was sowing began to take root. Foresight looked to Enigma, bloodied and trembling from her efforts, Sky and Shakala for all their courage could not hope to prevail against such a beast under Catalyst’s command. Yet again Foresight felt like a speck of dust being blown in the wind of events.

        Fresh words came into Foresight's mind: "You have strength beyond your years, don't let this evil pony make you doubt yourself Foresight. He's scared, I can feel it in him. Remember Foresight that Celestia gave ‘you’ this quest, the magical orb opened for ‘you’. You can do this," Enigma 'sent'. Her words were full of pain from the magical lance she had deflected. She was staring at Foresight with one eye, the other closed in sympathetic pain and her gritted teeth lined with blood.

        Foresight attempted to banish the doubts forming in her mind, looking deep into herself she tried to figure out what she must do. When it came down to it what could Foresight do? She was no fighter nor a battle mage. Foresight didn't have the first clue as to how to use Catalyst's spell to free Luna. Foresight wanted so badly to run away, to leave all this behind and just go home.

        As Foresight agonised in indecision Catalyst was not idle, once again his horn glowed with a dark green aura and another bolt of energy struck out at Sky strike this time. It only clipped his wing, but he gave out a mournful cry as Sky tried to voice the utter despair filling his mind before he plummeted to the stone floor with a crash, carving a furrow in the soft earth and laid there unmoving.

        Shakala was caught in delicate dance for survival. The rattle python had already come close to swatting the zebra or goring him with its fangs. Enigma was fighting to raise herself, but blood was still trickling down her chin, showing that something vital within her was badly hurt. All the while Catalyst's condescending stare bored into Foresight, telling her she was worthless, no, less than worthless and would suffer endlessly for intruding on his plans. A single tear rolled down Foresight's cheek as the hopelessness of the situation threatened to overwhelm her.

        It was only then, when Foresight felt all was lost that a small light began to build in her mind. A simple voice that she had come to know well whispered words only she could here. "You have a good heart Foresight and that holds a power few understand. Of all the ponies who could have carried me safely here, it was you and I am so grateful it was. Thank you for letting me share your mind and body. Now it's time to pay you back for all you have been through. I only ask one more thing first; please come with me, I’m scared and don't want to go alone."

        A ghostly image of Star Glow materialised before Foresight, looking as she had been before Nightmare moon had changed her into an altered pony. Star had a faint smile on her yellow face and a sparkle in her brown eyes. Slowly the apparition held out her fore hoof to Foresight. "Come with me and I'll do the rest" The spectral pony asked in a soft voice. Foresight hesitated, but swallowing her fear she held out her own hoof.

        Star Glow nodded with encouragement and as their hooves met Foresight felt nothing but a gentle tingle that warmed her in a strangely pleasant way. It was a feeling of light and friendship, the love of ponies and their desire to bring happiness to others. It was all the things Foresight had missed about being in Equestria and with a new sense of courage in her heart she followed Star Glow forwards.

        Enigma saw Catalyst's eyes grow wide with fear as Foresight, her own eyes closed held out her hoof to thin air. She saw a smile appear on the filly's face and even though Enigma couldn't hear it, the black and blue pony spoke words to a pony who wasn't there. Still keeping her eyes shut Foresight stepped into the ritual circle that Catalyst had summoned and there was a bright flash of white light.

        Enigma was horrified, she could feel the power of the barrier that Catalyst had erected. It should have flayed Foresight's soul to a withered husk from the briefest contact, but the young pony stepped through the warding line as if it wasn’t there. The magical force seemed to bend around her like a bubble forming in water, leaving Foresight completely unharmed.

        Catalyst was trembling now, and in a panic threw another bolt of darkness right at Foresight, but the power behind it evaporated until only a tiny breeze wafted Foresight's mane as it passed. The rattle python, feeling it's masters fear turned it's attention upon Foresight its gargantuan mouth opened letting out an ear splitting roar, but it had troubles of it's own.

        Shakala, taking advantage of the monster's distraction, leaped onto its scaled body and deftly began to climb. Every so often thrusting his spear into gaps between the snake's scales and used it to haul himself further up. The rattle python found itself torn between targets. Catalyst was compelling it to kill Foresight, but the stabbing pain of Shakala's climb was a problem it just couldn’t ignore.

        Enigma felt the beast's thoughts as it thrashed back and forth; caught in the grip of instinct and the imperatives from its master. In the end Catalyst's will won out as it had done so many times before and the snake reared up before thrusting down to crush the oblivious Foresight. As the monster closed on the tiny filly, she paused, opened her eyes and looked right at the giant snake. She caught sight of the blue glow within Foresight’s eyes and to the Enigma amazement the rattle python veered aside.

         The snake was confused, in pain as yet another consciousness made its way inside its mind, but this one was different: Unlike the sharp forceful nature of Catalyst, the reassuring and gentle presence here was a totally new experience. This new comer offered the snake what had been denied it for so long: Freedom from the constant goading and pain used to control the rattle python, all it had to do was one simple thing and it could be free.
        As her sight darkened, Enigma heard the cry of horror from Catalyst. She watched the cult leader as he dived to one side, the massive form of his ‘protector’ had suddenly turned on it’s former master, “What are you doing beast! You dare defy me? I’ll blast your ungrateful mind into withered dust!.”

        Catalyst summoned his power again and threw another bolt of darkness at the wrattle python. Just before it contacted the creature Enigma threw the last of her strength into a final shield. The gigantic snake found itself enveloped by a great feeling of warmth it had not known for many, many years. It beheld the source of all the python’s woes trembling before it, so small and without power to hurt it again. All it took was another gentle nudge from the new friend in its head and the wrattle python knew just what it needed to do.

        With a final cry of anger and fury Catalyst disappeared into the maw of the snake, the following sounds of grinding teeth and crunching bones sounded like music to Enigma’s ears.

        Triumph filled her heart even as Enigma felt the last vestiges of strength leave her. That last barrier had been more than she could have hoped for and satisfied that she had done her part in Catalyst’s demise Enigma let herself drift into oblivion.

        Enigma therefore failed to see Shakala sliding off the python’s back with wonder in his eyes. He looked to Foresight who was still standing amid the flowing power of Catalyst's spell, her form distorted as if by a heat haze and the blue glow still lighting her eyes from within.

        "Thanks for everything Shakala, please keep an eye on the others, I could be gone a long time and they may need you before then," Foresight sent into his mind.

        Shakala looked worried at this pronouncement, "Where are you going oh mare so brave, is it to your princess, who it’s your goal to save?"

        "I don't know how far I will have to go, but only as far as Star Glow needs me. Please take care of them both," Foresight's voice sounded distant as if she was speaking while half asleep.

        Before Shakala could ask who Star Glow was there another bright flash emanating from the magical circle and he was forced to shield his eyes from the glare. When he could finally see once again he saw Foresight lying on her side, all traces of the magical ritual had disappeared apart from the withered remains of those whose life force had been spent powering it. The giant snake was now sound asleep, leaving him alone with only the continued sounds of fighting echoing from outside.

        He shook his head, not understanding most of what had just occurred. As he looked over to the other two ponies in the room Shakala’s chest tightened in worry before galloping over to Sky Strike. He was out cold and wouldn’t awake, despite Shakala’s shaking. Deciding that whatever had happened to Sky was beyond his skill to heal, Shakala bowed his head in defeat before looking to Enigma.

        Enigma was in a bad way, the blood had dried on her muzzle, ears and even around her eyes. With trepidation he lowered his head to her chest and to Shakala’s relief detected a faint heartbeat. The stallion knew Enigma had done something to save him from Catalyst's dark magic, something beyond his understanding and he ached to do something in return.

        Not knowing what else to do, Shakala did what he could to make Enigma comfortable before sitting down for his lone vigil of his friends with only the sleeping snake for company. He stared up into the night’s sky, the immediate world around him calm and still despite the fighting going on outside, “May the stars guide you safely Foresight, that your endeavours may save us all from an eternal night.”