//------------------------------// // 002 - Arrivals and Answers // Story: Kingdom Hearts The Key To Harmony: Episode One Equestria // by SoulboundAlchemist //------------------------------// Kingdom Hearts: The Key to Harmony By darkponyD 002: Arrivals and Answers Location: Japony, Equestria, 1002 CE Sakura hurried from her room. She had never encountered such an area within her mind before, and that strange voice. It echoed through her mind like a prophecy. '"You, and the others I have chosen, are the ones who will open the door", what does it mean?' So lost in thought was she, that she didn't even know that she'd reached her final destination until the guard guarding the door to the room of Japony's Elder cleared his throat. Snapping back to reality, Sakura smiled sheepishly at the guard in front of her. "What is your business, Sakura-san?" "I wish to speak with the Elder." The guard nodded and banged his pike on the ground. "Sakura-san to see Elder Konishi." The voice of Elder Konishi came faintly through the door. "Let her pass." The guard stepped aside, as the doors swung inwards. Sakura swept past the guard, only pausing to give him her thanks, before rushing towards the earth pony in the center of the room. Elder Konishi Petal, renowned martial artist, technical master, ruler of Japony and sister of Sakura sat in a meditative position in the center of the room. "Ahh, Sakura, I have been expecting you." Sakura rolled her eyes. "Sister, you should know by now that I won't respond to that the way you want me too." "Oh come on, you're such a kill joy," Konishi says with a huff. "You know I like to have a good joke every now and then. This Elder job is downright boring. Anyway, what brings you here this early? Was it some strange dream that felt real, had a mysterious voice, and had three different types of weaponry?" Sakura's jaw dropped when she heard this. "How did you know?" Konishi smiled mischievously, "A good Elder must never give away his/her secrets. That would just break the illusion that we're all knowing." "You used the experimental dream reader didn't you?" "Oh come on! Why do you have to go and spoil my fun?" Konishi pouted. Sakura rolled her eyes, "Why do I even bother anymore? Anyhoof, what did you make of it?" "Make of what?" "The dream." Konishi sighed, walking to one of the windows, gazing out into the distance. "I honestly don't know. The whole thing looked like some sort of power inheritance ritual. What that power may be, however, i haven't the foggiest idea. The voice, however, was on I hope I would never hear again." Sakura blinked. "Hold on, you're telling me you've heard that voice before?" Konishi nodded. "He was one of Japony's most hated enemies. Fuwa is his name. He is the embodiment of chaos itself, and until very recently, he was imprisoned, I know not how, within the nation of Equestria. He broke free, about a year ago, while you were up in the mountains training. He came here and wrecked havoc on the nation before returning to enact revenge on one of his captors in Equestria, where he was once again imprisoned. As far as I know, he is still in the dungeons of Canterlot Castle." "Then why was his voice in my head?" "I honestly don't know, but I suggest you find out. Go to Ponyville and search for Twilight Sparkle; she was one of the mares that imprisoned Fuwa again, so she should be able to help you. Did you get the tablet I made for you?" Sakura nodded, pulling it out and hoofing it to her sister. Konishi began tapping instructions into the interface, a look of sheer concentration etched on her face. Finally, with a look of satisfaction, she tapped one final icon, and the tablet began to glow. "There, I upgraded it to allow you to store your weapons and items in it. It may be rather unconventional, but it sure beats dragging the massive sword everywhere." Konishi said, hoffing the tablet back. She then pulled out a small microchip off of her desk. "Use your magic to implant this in your brain, it'll allow you to call any item you have stored in your tablet to you. Rather useful if you come across unexpected trouble. Oh, and I already input the coordinates of Ponyville into the teleporter ap. "Thanks, sis." With that, Sakura activated the teleporter and vanished from the room. Konishi stared at the spot her sister had departed from. "Stay safe sister." *** Location: Outskirts of Ponyville, Equestria, 1002 CE Blob’s mind reeled as he made his way to the library. He had never had such a realistic dream in his life. ‘For all I know, it actually happened. Though where that place could be, I haven’t the slightest idea. Maybe Twilight will know…’ He made his way across town, spotting the occasional pony opening shops and preparing for the day. Within about fifteen minutes, he had made it to the library, only to find that he wasn’t the only one needing to speak to Twilight; standing in front of the library door, while pounding on it, was a crystal pegasus mare. Blob walked over. “Hello there, I need to talk to Twilight, is she home?” The mare looked over, her attention being drawn to the green unicorn that had approached her. “I don’t know but I need to talk to her as well,” she said with a sigh. The mare suddenly brightened as an idea formed in her mind. “Maybe you can help me!” Blob shrugged, “I can try.” The mare smiled, “Thanks, my name is Midnight Aurora by the way,” she said as she held out her hoof. “A pleasure to meet you Aurora,” he said, shaking her hoof. “My names Blobking, but you can call me Blob.” “Now that we’ve got introductions out of the way, would you two be kind enough to explain why I’ve been woken up at six in the morning?” The two ponies looked to the source of the voice, seeing none other than Twilight Sparkle in the doorway with a rather irritated look on her face. “Sorry Twilight, I didn’t mean to wake you up, but I’ve got a bit of a problem that I need your help with. About four nights ago, I was sleeping on a cloud in the crystal empire when a strange looking creature called out for help then vanished. I woke up right after that, one of Luna's stars vanishing from the night sky and the sky crying out in pain. I found this crystal next to me when I woke up,” Aurora explains, holding up the crystal she found. It was a red crystal orb with a black symbol on it. As Twilight examined the crystal, Aurora continued her explanation. “I tried all the crystal shops in the Crystal Empire, but they don’t seem to recognize it, not even what type of crystal it’s made from! All they were able to ascertain was that it has a strong power in it. I was hoping you might be able to shed some light on what it is. Well, I was until that dream last night…” This got Twilight’s attention. “Dream? What dream?” “Well, last night, on my way here, I had a dream that involved the sun, the moon and a star, all on pedestals, with a voice asking me to choose one.” Blob and Twilight just stared, not quite believing what their ears had heard. Twilight, brushing it off as mere coincidence, continued her investigation of the crystal. Blob on the other hoof, was speechless. Once he got his voice back, he asked. “Did they represent power, magic and defense?” “Eeyup.” “And you got those key sword things from the dream?” “Two for two” “I had the same dream, though, instead of the sun, moon and star, I was given the choice of a sword, a flower and a helmet.” Overhearing this conversation, a Japonyese unicorn mare ran towards them. “Hold on, you had that dream too?!?” Blob turns his head away from Aurora, to look at the newcomer. “Yeah, I did. Wait you too? That makes three of us!” Twilight's jaw dropped. She was too busy being shocked at the description of the dreams the three before her had described to continue her examination of the crystal. Other than a few details, they were almost exactly the same as her own dream. "Hold on, are you saying that you found yourself on a stained glass pillar with 3 pedestals around you with items that symbolized power, magic and defense? All three of you?!?" She exclaimed. “Yes, exactly,” Blob said nodding, the words not registering in his brain at first. When they finally did register, his eyes widened in shock. “Wait, you too?!” Twilight nodded, not trusting herself to speak. Finally she mustered the willpower to say “You should probably come in.” “My thoughts exactly Twilight.” The group whirls towards the voice, emanating from an ominous dark portal, a pony dressed in a black cloak walking out of it.