The Canterlot Wedding: Alternate Ending

by MightyDestroyer9876

The Escape

'Found anything yet Twilight?" asked Cadence.
"No. Not yet." Twilight responded. The girls kept searching more quickly. 'We would have to go super fast to get to that wedding or else it will bye bye Equestria.' Twilight thought. They kept searching. "I just can't find it. Got any ideas Cadence?" she asked.
"We could just use a spell to see if it is hidden inside a rock. I've seen those tricks all the time." Cadence replied.
'Good idea." said Twilight. She scanned the room for a good place to start. When she found a big rock, she gasped. She ran straight toward it charging up the spell. She charged it up. She was excited that she and Cadence-
"HEY TWILIGHT!" Cadence yelled. Twilight tripped at the surprise yell. The spell released off her horn. It ricocheted off a rock, off the ceiling, and into the water. Twilight gave Cadence a mad look.
"What was that for?" Twilight asked angrily.
"I found a frog." she said.
"Well, thanks to somepony for startling me, I nearly had one of us killed by that spell........." Twilight drifted off as she looked at the ceiling. There, up on the ceiling, was a shine. This shine came from a blade. "Oh my gosh. The sword is on the ceiling! We can get out of here. Cadence, go get it."
"Way ahead of you." she replied almost at the sword already. She grabbed it and yanked. It would not come out. She pulled harder and harder. Eventually, it came out. "Yes! I got it. Where does it go?"
"It goes in the slit on that rock on the top of the ramp thing, I think." said Twilight already pointing at it as she stood beside it. She was looking for where it goes while Cadence was pulling it out. Cadence put the blade in the rock and it instantly moved up and out. The girls felt a great feeling of accomplishment within them. They crawled out and found themselves in a wooded area.
"Where are we?" asked Cadence.
"I think we are in the Everfree Forest." replied Twilight. "That does not matter. How fast can you fly?' she asked as she pulled the sword out of the rock again.
"Pretty fast. Do you have a spell to make me go faster?" Cadence replied.
"Lets go then! Hop on my back." Twilight got on Cadence's back and flew along with a speed spell. They flew straight for Canterlot.