//------------------------------// // Chapter 9: Awakening // Story: Dream Whisper // by Dream Whisper //------------------------------// "What have you done to me?‟ Rainbow Dash was furious. The problem is, I don't even know, what just happened. There had been some catastrophic event, but otherwise? I tried to feel, whether I was in a dream or not, but it was quite hard. On the one hand, every law of physics still applied, on the other hand, it felt as distant as any other dream. „I don't know. I have no idea, where we are.‟ After completing the sentence, I realized, that it was not complete darkness. It was dark, but there were even darker shades around us. It seemed like a dark forest. This idea was further verified through the smell of leaves and logs. I had the sudden idea, with which I could probably test whether I was in a dream or not. I just had to use some magic: If it was easy, I was in a dream. If not, then I was almost certainly not in a dream. I started to unroot a tree. This was some dream, because obviously, I could not unroot any tree in reality so easily. „Hey Rainbow Dash! This is some sort of dream and I think I know how to get out.‟ Rainbow Dash turned around to me again, after she had tried to fly up to explore the area around us. „You think you know how to get us out?‟ Her voice was so angry, it was almost creepy: „Do you know, how the last time ended, when you thought you could do something? Yes, we got stuck in this bucking dream. You have killed Luna, you nearly killed Twilight, you got me stuck in this dream. You are a threat to every pony in Equestria. Why in Celestia's name should I trust you? That's right. I won't. You are a terrible pony, who should have been imprisoned years ago. I don't even know, why Twilight gave you another chance, but obviously you have wasted it. You have wasted your chance, you have imprisoned me here and you have killed Luna. I don't even want to listen to you anymore. It's all just lies anyway.‟ I closed my eyes, opened them again, unable to even stutter a word. My mouth was wide open now, my breathing had stopped. I slowly let my breath out, still unable to say anything. Rainbow Dash just turned around and flew away. I would have loved to just give up now. The problem was not Rainbow Dash's aggressive attitude. I have met many aggressive ponies before. The problem was, that she was right. She was right in every single point of her accusement. At some times, the truth is just crushing. I laid down, dropped my head on my hooves and started to slowly weep. I don't usually weep, but at this point, I was in a dead-end. Not with some duty or some idea, but with my whole life. I had messed it up without the intention to. After all, what do intentions count, when nopony believes you? It's right, they don't count a bit. After a while, I somehow drifted from wheeping to sleeping. There was nothing I could do or should do, so I didn't even care. There was no dream I woke up in, probably because I already was inside one. The next thing, I could sense, was already the sun reaching my nose. I sneezed and slowly stood up. I was very tired even though my sleep should have been resting. I was still in some forest, but it was a much friendlier place now. Not so dark and scary anymore. I started to look around, searching for food. Somehow it must go on. Not because I deserve living, but because the ponies I hurt deserved reparation. I found some berries. They were not very tasty, but they alleyed my hunger. After trying to find Rainbow Dash without success, I started to regret my choice of food. A terrible stomachache grew stronger and stronger. After a couple of steps, I had to lay down. The world around me started to delay a bit, and I could not fully see my environment anymore. For an eternity, there was just pain and the inability to do anything at all. That's how life works. In one moment, you are perfectly fine, in the next moment, there comes a catastrophy, but life doesn't stop there. When you are at the lowest point you can imagine, life hits you once again; or maybe I hit myself. I was the one murdering Luna, eating the berries. Life was just providing the possibility for me to hit myself. Maybe it was a good thing, that I was punished for my doings. I have ruined multiple lives, spreading nothing but chaos and death. I was not worthy living in Equestria, not worthy of any friends. The only thing I was worthy of, was feeling the pain. Sometimes, there is no solution to the problem. I felt the slight tingle at my back, somewhere between the strong feelings of pain and regret. I turned around, at least tried to. Half way through turning around, I fell on the ground, as the pain struck again. There was some light on my side, but I was unable to see any further. Luckily the source of light slowly arrived at my field of vision. Up there in the sky, there was something unusual, hard to describe. Much similar to the frozen falls, but a little bit more awesome. It was a circular pane of rainbow. Yes, a strange description, but you should have seen it: It was magnificent. Behind the rainbow pane, there was Rainbow Dash flying through the sky, leaving a rainbow trail behind. The pane itself expanded in every direction, filled with every possible color, but it only got really awesome after the sound arrived at my ears. It was a mixture of 'boom' and 'swoosh'. The wind was blowing through every tree, through my mane, nearly taking me with it. Even though I messed up every little thing in my entire life, I could not let Rainbow Dash rot in this dream. I had to get her out. Somehow, this light gave me the will power to change what was wrong. I should stop living for myself, and start to do something for others, understand their position. It was time to get out of here. Sometimes in life you are in a depression, but you have to get out of it at some point and this was the right point to finally do something. Another blast of wind rippled through my body and I started to channel my magic. She deserved to get out and it was my duty to get her out. If I wanted to change my life around, I would have to start somewhere. And this was the point to start at. I saw the whispy lines swirling around the shield. Rainbow Dash was quite surprised about the shield and tried to get rid of it by flying away. It was hard to focus the shield around her and not let her go, but I was determined to do it. With a big thunder, Rainbow Dash finally disappeared. The magic slowly declined, until I was fully alone with my pain. The wind howled through the trees. Everything else was quiet.