//------------------------------// // Chapter 8: Another view on things // Story: Dream Whisper // by Dream Whisper //------------------------------// My dark prison was silent. As for the last thousand and some years. Then, I could finally feel the dream. It was a strange feeling after all those years, but I immediately knew what to do. Only the slightest grasp was enough for me. I was slightly out of practice, but it was nothing you would ever forget. I grabbed the dream, not letting it go. Climbing closer into it with every beat of my heart. It was finally time. All those years for this final moment. It was finally time. 'Now' somepony screamed. You cannot save a pony from a dream, at least not without paying the price. The price of bringing me back to reality. In the end it was also me, who did rescue that puny Princess Luna, but that was a price I really did not care about. She should have her life again as long as I would be unleashed agian. It was time to bring chaos to the world again: „All those years, now I have returned.‟ I had thought about what I would say as my first word for a long time. These I had found to be matching. As I entered reality, it was a good feeling to finally feel gravity again. To feel the rules applied to you, because without the fundamental rules of nature, there is just chaos. I hope everypony knows, what happens if you have more than thousand years to train your magic; You become very good at it, even in real conditions. Now it was time to use my improved skills to do right, what was done wrong. Here she sat: Princess Celestia, the banisher. She would get the punishment. „I see, you have grown incapable of defending yourself, dear Celestia. Or should I say, Molestia? Haha, I love puns. No, but seriously, you and me will have a great time.‟ I looked at her. At her fear, anger and disgust. Exactly the combination I had hoped for. „Haha. Have I baffled you?‟ The first one speaking of their little group wasn't Celestia herself, but a young mare: „Who... Who is that?‟ Now I could finally hear Celestia's voice again after all those years: „Twilight Sparkle, you and your friends should leave this room... And Dream Cry, this is between me and you. The other ponies are no threat to you.‟ I already wondered, if Celestia had forgotten me. Obviously yes. „Dear Celestia. You should be the pony to know that I have interest in all ponies, not just you. Yet, for what you have done to me, you will suffer more than anypony else.‟ The ceiling was crumbling as I created my way up. A cylindrical hole, just large enough for me to fit through. I created a disk of mud below me and started to lift myself up. It was quite a deep hole, but every hoof closer to the exit was a hoof closer to my victory. Yet again, Celestia crossed my plans. As I arrived at ground level, she was already waiting for me. I hate teleportation, such an unfair spell. In a matter of a heartbeat, I started to assemble the energy of the sun, creating a ring of fire around us two. Celestia was the first one to attack, throwing a couple of stones at me, then teleporting behind me. „Haha. That's all you've got?‟ I destroyed the stones in their flight, so only little pebbles arrived in front of my feet. Then, I turned around. From the sky the first meteoroids were falling. The thing about magic is: Don't use it excessively. If you want to rain chaos from the sky, don't create your own. Use what is around you. It was easy to nudge the comets in space toward this very location, but it's hard to create fiery balls of massive stone with a high velocity. Magic is about knowledge of everything that is around you. The first meteoroid crushed a field of trees behind Celestia. Another one was flying towards her, but she deflected it. However she deflected it with such low power, that the meteoroid's impact still threw her from her feet. More and more meteoroids were raining from the sky. This is how I imagined it for all those years. I slowly trotted towards Celestia: „Where are all your fierce manouvers? Where is your wild spirit? Have you grown old and weak?‟ Celestia slowly stood up: „I will never surrender to you.‟ Funny, how there are always these heroic sentences, even though they were facing certain destruction. An itch, nothing more, but it was enough for me to notice, that somepony else teleported right behind me. Maybe he or she wanted to attack me with the element of surprise. A huge root crawled up from the ground, piercing through small pebbles, reaching towards the pony behind me. The defender of Celestia had not expected my awareness. The mistake number one: Underestimation. I turned around, but not before letting a tree fall onto Celestia. That should stop her from doing anything crazy for the moment. It was not, who I had expected. „And you are the Twilight Sparkle, who had just been ordered to stand down? Well, you should have listened to Celestia.‟ The young mare was surprisingly quick, burned the roots and teleported to Celestia. That's what they always do. Help the wounded, even though the danger is still there. She started to lift the tree in the next moment, trying to relief Celestia of some of her pain. The ground around them formed three of my new creations: Molten Crawlers. Just a being of molten lava, burning everything around it. You know, what I said about excessive use of magic? Screw that, it was time for vengeance. The three crawlers should be enough to finish them off, if they did not escape in any moment. The damage was done to Celestia and I would not overstay my welcome. I knew where I was; This was no good place to fight. I just saw them teleporting away, then I turned around. I had to find a place, where I could hide, until I could meet with him again. Then, I would have the chance to end the misfortunate life of Celestia and all of her fellow ponies. I carried myself up in the air with another plate of earth, hovering above the ground. I would be waiting to meet with Discord before revealing my cards. The direction was north, at first. The further north, the further from civilisation. I turned to east after a while. The landscapes below me were passing by in incredible speed. I thought about my arrival. Maybe I had shown them too much already, they would not underestimate me again. Then again, Celestia was wounded and would not recover very fast. It had been an old tree, about 20 hooves at diameter. That was about enough force to crush every of her bones. Most likely not lethal, though. There were two big questions still remaining: 1) Why in all of Equestria had Celestia been so weak? She was a bucking Alicorn and she had the Elements of Harmony with her. It was enough magic to fight me, but she had just been a sack of potatoes, unable to fight even a small filly. 2) Who was this other Alicorn? I have never seen her before. She was young, probably born after my ... enforced disappearance. Twilight Sparkle. She was also weak, but not even as weak as Celestia. There was something about this pony, I could not get my thoughts from. She was a threat and I would better not underestimate her. She had immense power and probably was the student of Celestia. This was the most probable answer: Celestia had grown old and weak and Twilight Sparkle would be the heiress to the Elements of Harmony, if she did not already had some. I found a suitable cave, hidden at the edge of the forest, I was just flying over. I landed and walked towards it. This was perfect. The cave was just a couple of hundrets of hooves long. I made light inside, starteling some bats. Then, I created a soft and comfortable bed. Now it was the time to wait. Wait until I could complete my vengeance. When dusk finally arrived, my time had come. Meanwhile, I had prepared the cave for my further stay. Some furniture made out of branches and leaves. I lied down, waiting for my body to calm down. It was a strange feeling to be tired again, after all these years. My body was following the rules again. Hunger and thirst were two problems, I would care about tomorrow. I closed my eyes and when I opened them again, I was already in a dream again. Now the time has come. I used the dream to my full advantage: I assembled enough magic for one strike, which would contain all of my hatred. I could feel the energy of the dream slowly drained, adding to my magic. I could feel, how in the end, I was taking the energy from the dreamer. What was a pony's life worth, when it's for the greater good? My plan? To create a giant river of lava, which would destroy all of Canterlot. There was enough lava, deep in the earth, waiting for a way to get up here. I just needed to create the way, nothing more. It should be nothing, but a mere taste of my magic. They should taste my bitterness, that I had assembled in the last years. Maybe, my plan is crazy, but then, why shouldn't it be? Somewhere, I could feel the earth crumbling. The dream veiled the quaking. I was still draining the dreamer's energy, until he collapsed. Into the next dream then. My spell was not complete yet. I started to suck the energy again, broadening the lava canal, until it finally broke through. I could almost feel the fear in Celestia. She knew, which ancient power she had provoked. I created a small window in which I could see Canterlot at this very moment. A firery hell, burning trees, burning houses, burning ponies. The lava was slowly crushing everything in it's way. After all, it was still molten, heavy stone. Then, I looked over to the Castle. Celestia was standing at her tower, Twilight Sparkle at her side, helping her to stand upright. They could see my face in their sky, but they could not see the fear on their own faces. „Oh, dear Celestia. I have waited an eternity for this moment. Now watch your beautiful Canterlot burn in flames. These flames are your doing, Celestia. You are the reason for the death of thousands of ponies. You should not have killed them. What they did may have been wrong, but what you have done is unforgivable.‟ Another eruption from the stream of lava surrounded the castle. It was a horrifically beautiful landscape. The castle just above the neverending sea of lava, once called Canterlot. I closed the window and stopped the eruption. Enough pain caused for today. There were enough situations for me to taste my wrath. Meanwhile, I already had used six ponies, all collapsed from the leak of energy. I was not the murderer, I was just the judge.