Dream Whisper

by Dream Whisper

Chapter 2: An unpleasant meeting

I woke up in a strange, big room. I immediately recognized, that I was inside a dream, but why? Did the sleeping potion not work? My head knocked and knocked. Somehow, I seemed to have lost memories of the hours before starting to sleep. Usually, I can remember it quite well, because I enter a dream fully consciously. This was ... different.

I looked around: There was nothing special in here, a couple of bookshelves, two beds, a short table with some letters on it and a big brown door. Usually, I wouldn't disturb the privacy of others, if I had the possibility not to. However, I wanted to find out, what had happened to me, why I was inside a dream. So I went straight for the door and opened it. It was heavier than expected and I had to carefully use some magic. The inside of the tower was completely black, though. Just nothing. I must have come to the edge of the dream already. I turned around and looked back. The only other option was the window, but I wasn't sure, how I should get out of a tower like this. I looked outside and tried to recognize these sourroundings. The dreamer should be out there somewhere, too.

Then it hit me: This is Canterlot. Somepony was dreaming of Canterlot.However, the houses looked unnaturally small, which probably meant, that the dreamer had to be in some kind of tower, too. If the dreamer would have been on the ground, he or she would experience the houses as normally sized. If however, the dreamer has fear of heights, he or she does experience height much more dramatically. Furthermore, the dream edge would probably have not ended behind the door when the dreamer was down there. To do anything, I would have to get out of this tower. The walls were definitely not fit to climb on, because the uppper part was completely flat and the lower part was covered with long thorns, that went off the tower surface in every possible direction, much like a berry bush. The opposing tower seemed to have the same structure as my own, but before I could start making any plan, the dream location seemed to change. The ground beneath my hooves started to lean towards the window.

I tried to grab onto anything, but it was already too late. I fell through the window right after banging my head against the wall. In the air, I was thrown around as if somepony was playing with me as a toy. Behind me, the tower collapsed in a big cloud of smoke. I could get a glimpse of somepony standing in one of the rooms in the other tower, just before I was thrown up again. I was not falling as you would expect, the force didn't seem to let me go. A brick hit my back very hard, destabilizing my flight once again. The world was turning and turning in circles, while it was getting smaller too. I was being lifted somewhere up. As my back crushed against something, I lost my senses just for a short moment. When I regained them, I was lying on the moon, at least that is what I thought it was. The dreamer was right beside me, also lying, but didn't seem to be hurt very badly. I slowly stood up, while everything was still blurry. Up above us there were the two towers in the distance. They were hanging from some kind of a ceilingn now, which was totally mindbending. Some parts were still collapsing, but instead of falling down on us, they were falling upwards.
I don't know if it was this strange sensation, or the hard landing, that caused me to collapse again.

When I woke up, the surface of what I had believed to be the moon had drastically changed. The dreamer sat next to a big fire, just a couple of hooves away. We were in some kind of forest now. It is always impressive, how dreams can still change, even though you are inside them. There were only trees around us, and it seemed to be night. The dreamer was a yellow pegasus, with a pink mane. Her cutie mark seemed to be a couple of flowers, but it was hard to see in the dim, alernating light of the fire. The dreamer asked first, before I could even say anything: „Who are you? If you don't mind telling me. I mean, I don't want to be rude or anything. You can also stay quite, if you'd ...‟ The rest of her words were too quiet to understand. I decided to tell the dreamer about me, before the situation could get dangerous. The forest seemed too dark for this to just be a dream. The recent events led me to the conclusion, that this was a nightmare; And in nightmares, sometimes ponies get hurt.
„I am Dream Whisper. Now, please, listen carefully:‟
I did not like to tell them this, but sometimes it was necessary.
„This is a dream‟.
The dreamer's eyes told from disbelief, then from fear. At least, I did not say, this was a nightmare.
„We both, you and me, have to get out before somepony gets hurt. This dream is real. I know it sounds stupid, but you have to trust me.‟
I should really make up a better explenation in the future. This all just sounded ridiculous, even to me.
„Hello Dream Whisper, I am Fluttershy. Your story does not sound stupid, I believe you.‟
She smiled at me. Not something usual, when you invade somepony's dream.
„Okay, we just have to find some water. Water wakes you up. We should better make this fast.‟
The dreamer, Fluttershy, did not seem to disagree with that idea anyway. I stood up, and realized, that I could hardly do it. My leg was badly hurt and I would need to rush into a hospital as fast as I could.
Inside a nightmare, there are never hospitals; Except scary ones. As if standing up had been a signal, we instantly heard a growling sound.
„Timberwolves,‟ screamed Fluttershy „HIDE!‟
The last part she shouted as loud as you could not even imagine for such a shy mare.
„Hiding won't help! They will find us. We have to run!‟
The timberwolves seemed to be far behind us, but their growling was quickly catching up. After a short amount of consideration, finally the dreamer began to run. It was about time we got away from here. As it was the nature of nightmares, we were stopped very soon. I just had jumped over a couple of sticks in my way, when my landing was not successful anymore. It was not the inability to jump or anything similar, but the ground itself was falling apart beneath my hooves. The forest had suddenly ended and right before us there was a giant cliff. A cliff? This was a pegasus' nightmare. Why in Equestria a cliff? Fluttershy stopped earlier than me and was standing a couple of hooves to my left.

„Not a cliff.‟ She was obviously frightened. „Not a cliff.‟
Obviously I had found the first pegasus with a certain fear of heights. We both turned around. I could hear crumbling beneath my hooves and just hoped for the ground to hold on. We were cornered in, our only chance to escape was fighting.
The growling got closer and closer. The heartbeats were tense, nothing moved, except a light breeze through the leaves of the dark trees. The first timberwolf was as suprised as I had been and jumped a little bit too far and fell right into the cliff. The second timberwolf however, stopped in time. It turned around towards Fluttershy, ready to jump. Without thinking, I used my magic to remove bits of ground below the wolf. It worked, but I already saw the price incoming. If I would take off too much ground, I would also fall. Going forward was no option anymore, as another 3 Timberwolfes jumped in front of me. I removed the earth below them, but it caused me to be taken with them. The world flipped around while bits of dirt and small stones were flying through the air. Then everything went black.

The pain was the first sign of the consciousness I regained. The first Timberwolf had stopped my fall, but had been crushed under my weight. The other Timberwolfes had also been crushed by the fall. Somewhere up on the edge of the cliff, I saw a bright light.
Another, bigger pony came down from the sky, right next to Fluttershy. I could hear her echo down here:
„shy, shy , shy, got to, got to, nightmare, nightmare. Find, find, find, nightmare, nightmare, come again, come again.‟
Suddenly, I heard growling again, followed by another echo:
“beasts, beasts.”
Then, two screams. One of them belonged to Fluttershy; I couldn't indentify the other pony. Until she fell down.
The growling had stopped, turned into whimpering, as the rest of the timberwolfes fell down with the other pony. My body felt incredibly heavy, but I had to get up. The sound of crushing sticks filled the abyss. I tried to walk forward, but after two or three steps I collapsed again. In the distance I could see the blue skin, much similar to mine. First I was surprised: Did I somehow managed to get stuck in this dream a second time? Then I realized the bitter truth. It was Princess Luna.

I had only heard stories of Princess Luna entering nightmares to calm her subjects down. However, the dreams I enter are different. Not even princess luna could have known that. I tried to stand up again, and after a couple of tries it finally worked. I carefully stepped forward. Towards the remainders of the timberwolves.
Towards whatever horror might await me there. Step by step. I needed a couple of heartbeats after every one of those, to regain my will to do another. I fought against the pain.
There she lay. She looked like she was sleeping. The puddle of blood before her told other stories. I closed my eyes. This was my fault. If I had not entered this dream...

What should I do now? I had no power over this dream. I could not change anything. I was just in it. Almost as if you watched the fireworks; Everything explodes in the distance, but in the end you caused the explosion.
My blood was pulsing through my body. It was my fault. My legs stopped holding me up.
I knew it made no sense. A tear was dripping down on the cold ground. Have I really just murdered Princess Luna? Is this all just some bad joke? Is this my own, personal nightmare? I wasn't even paying attention to my surroundings anymore.

I just murdered. I just murdered.

After some time I awoke again. The same cliff, the same terrible picture. How long have I been unconscious? In the far distance I could hear the growling of timberwolfes. Most of the sticks in this cliff had been broken with the fall; No threat for me right now. It would take them a long time until they would be able to grow the sticks together again. I looked around: Nothing but rocks and death. I tried to do something, but my legs were not able or willing to get up.
Only this one thought: I just murdered.

I almost went back into unconsciousness, but then I heard a loud rumbling. Every stone was jumping up and down. The cliff started to swing to the left side, then to the right side. In a matter of heartbeats, the whole cliff turned upside down. I fell down, out of the cliff, while the world around me was being deformed.