//------------------------------// // Trials To Come // Story: A Wish That Could Be // by Faithful Brony //------------------------------// "Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when your riding through the ruts, don't complicate your mind. Flee from the hate, mischief and jealousy. Don't bury your thoughts, put your visions to reality. Wake up and live." -Bob Marley It was a really nice morning at Sweet Apple Acres and Rob was enjoying a relaxing nap under a tree on an average sized hill with the wind blowing in his face just ever so slightly, like a hand gliding effortlessly across his face. The sun only added to the effect, giving off a warm and inviting glow that truly made the whole thing feel serene and calming. Rob enjoyed the mornings, it was quiet and peaceful. The young ones were not awake, Granny Smith would be making breakfast, Big Mac was taking care of the north and west field, and Applejack was taking care of the south field plus plowing a new field for more vegetables. Rob was tasked with getting the east field harvested, and he had decided to take a quick rest after about three hours of knocking apples out of the trees. The morning sun rising was a great sight as well and Rob simply took it all in. The peacefulness would soon be interrupted however as Twilight came running over to him talking quite loudly to Applejack. "I need you to come with me to the library," Twilight said in a hurry. "wait, whats going on, and i have work to do here," Rob asked questioningly. "look, I don't have time to explain it to everypony individually, just come with me and i will explain to you all at one time," Twilight said before turning around and heading towards her next destination. "Ok I guess I will follow, though I don't see how much help I could be," Rob said before the two ran after her. After catching up, the three headed towards the Carousel Boutique which was not that far from Sweet Apple Acres. Once they got there Twilight started knocking on the door. "Come in and I will be with you in a second, Rarity said in her sing song voice. They headed in and saw the fashionista fitting a dress for none other than Pinkie Pie. Why hello darlings, don't mind me, I was just putting the finishing touches on this new dress I made for Pinkie here to wear at the next Grand Galloping Gala," She said right before putting a pink lace on the dress. "It look great but do I really need a new dress for the Gala, I could just wear the one I already have," Pinkie Said with a smile. "Sweetie, I think its time that you started looking into the idea of dating. Maybe with this new dress your luck might turn out great," Rarity said in a motherly way. "Girls, the dress is great and maybe a stallion in Pinkies life would be good, but I need you both to stop what your doing and follow me," Twilight said in in a rush. "Why, where are we going," Pinkie asked with excitement right after taking off the dress. "We need to get Rainbow Dash who we will most likely find at her special training area, We need to get Fluttershy at her cottage, and we need to find Jessie but I don't know where he is." The two girls joined the group headed towards Rainbows training place. It took a little longer to get there since her spot was at a secluded area on the outskirts of Ponyville. Once they got there, they could see Rainbow Dash performing tricks and Fluttershy trying to improve her cheering. The pair of pegasi saw the group, waved and flew over. "Hey girls what's up, Rainbow Dash asked casually? "I need you to come with me and do either of you know where Jessie is," Twilight asked in a hurry? "I saw him this morning, he asked me if I had any extra quills he could use for sketching," Fluttershy said with her usual softness. "Well, Rainbow can you find him and bring him back to the library so I can say what's going on," Twilight asked. Rainbow responded with a nod then taking off to find the human, the rest of the group headed back to the library. After reaching the library they had to wait thirty minutes before the two showed up. "Alright now that everypony is here, Twilight paused for a moment to get some papers out. Celestia sent me this letter last night in the middle of my late night reading session." Dear Twilight, I am sending you this message because something very important is going to happen. In a year, the treaty that I made with the dragons is being renewed and so one of the elders of the dragon nation is coming to Canterlot for negotiations. I think it would go great if you, the rest of the girls, and the two humans were there to help me. I will need you to learn what ever you can about dragons, this way you will know what to expect when you meet the elder. The meetings will begin on the night of nightmare night and will go on for an unknown amount of time, so be prepared. I will have a chariot sent to your house on that day so you will be here before it starts, see you soon Twilight. sincerely Princess Celestia "Wait, so your telling me a dragon is coming to Equestria, and she wants us to be there as advisors." He better have good manners because I will not deal with another ruffian like the last one we met," Rarity said adamantly. "I don't think he's going to be like that dragon. He is one of the three elders of the dragon nation, a huge dragon city inside Mt. Volcaina," Twilight stated informatively. Spike came into the room with a tray of chocolate cookies and handed everypony one. "did she say what his name was," Rainbow Dash asked with no interest in the whole conversation "If your looking to know his name, there's a book on dragon society on the shelf, Spike said which alerted them he had been listening the whole time. Spike walked over to the shelf, pulled out a big leather bound book and put it on the desk. This book will tell you all you need to know," Spike said in a lecturing manner. "I've never heard of any book on dragon society, just about them as a species specifically," Twilight said with amazement. "This is one of three copies made for the different pony nations after the peace treaty with the dragons was made, at the beginning of Celestia's ruling, Spike explained. The Dean at the library gave the book to me since he thought it would help me find out about my past, he added in. Spike opened the book and started flipping through pages until he got to one with three giant illustrated dragons on it and on the next one was their names and a little bit about each of them. The one we are going to meet is Rockjaw. He commands the Vanguard dragon army and he deals with diplomatic issues foreign and domestic," Spike stated. "Wow, thanks this will help Spike, thanks my number one assistant," Twilight said then she gave him a hug. Letting go of the baby dragon she turned to her friends and conjured copies of the book handing one to each of them and said to start reading. After reading for an hour, Jessie got Robs attention and motioned for him to follow. The two got up an walked out onto the library deck. "so what's up with the quietness," Rob asked confused? "Well, I can't find more info so I wanted to show you my findings to the whereabouts of Russell," Jessie proceeded to pull out a global map. "He said that he was going to live in Zebrica for a couple of months learning about their potion making skills," Jessie drew a line from the Everfree forest to the ports of Zebrica and then to the north east villages. "He said that once he was done learning those skills was to find a more permanent living space, either the Dragon Nation or the Griffon Empire," Jessie proceeded to draw a line north all the way to the two countries of topic. "This should be the path that he will take. So what do you think," Jessie said glad to be able to share that with Rob. Rob stared at the information now presented before him and he was impressed, but one thing caught his attention. There was a little four headed worm looking thing in the middle of what appeared to be a desert that separates Zebrica from the two countries. "Hey Jessie, what is that thing on the map," Rob asked while pointing at the worm looking creature. Jessie saw what he was pointing at and immediately went into the library. After about a few minutes he came back out with a red hardback book and the title said Bestiary. "This book was made by a famous scholar pony named Burstmark. He went all over the world to record and cataloged information about every creature on this planet then he put it into this book." Jessie opened the book and flipped through the pages until he found what he was looking for. The image was of what Rob saw, a four headed worm except now he could see it in full detail. It was a giant creature with spikes all over its body and many thousands of rows of teeth inside each mouth. The creature truly looked terrifying and now Rob feared for their mutual friend. "I'm concerned on how he is going to get pass the desert and that thing, that's one big bug," Rob said with bewilderment. The two were now concerned about how their friend was going to get pass this unforeseen obstacle. "I know him and if anyone can find a way passed it, he can. He was resourceful enough to figure out a way to come here, right, so we shouldn't be so worried," Jessie said forcefully. In truth Jessie was panicking on the inside. His compadre was headed for something dangerous and they had no way of contacting him without letting Celestia know the big secret. Jessie and Rob picked up all the documents and books and took them back to Jessie's temporary room in the library. After they cleaned up, Jessie and Rob joined the girls in the main room again but noticed the extra ponies in the library. Princess Celestia and Luna were standing there talking to Twilight and then they took notice of their presence. "Hello Jessie, Rob, I was just talking to Twilight about getting you two but now that your here I can explain why we have come. You see approximately four hours ago I felt a disturbance of magic that I have not felt in a long time, not since my sister and I fought Discord. Not soon after, I got the letter from the dragons about the peace treaty renewal. These two occurrences have happened to close together to be a coincidence, and if my spellcasters are not mistaken than the disturbance happened not to far from their homeland," Celestia finished. She looked around gauging the groups reaction. "Can you tell us exactly where the disturbance was located," Jessie asked with reserve in his voice. "Yes but I would need a map, Twilight can you get me a global map please," Celestia asked her pupil. She pulled out her own copy of the world map and laid it out on the table. Celestia pointed to the location where the magic spike occurred, and Jessie immediately did a silent takeback. The spot she pointed at was in the middle of the great scar, the desert Russell had to get pass on his journey. "The magical disturbance was brief and if it wasn't so unique we wouldn't have paid any mind to it. Since it was, we plan to do an investigation on the matter in hopes to find out what wields this power," Luna said with reserve in her voice. "When we find out more I will notify you Twilight, until then I want all of you to continue your studies. I will give you further instructions when the time comes, now we must take our leave," Celestia said before both Alicorns teleported away. The group got back to work studying, only now Jessie had something else to think on. And so the year went on, ponies going about their days and the group continuing their jobs while doing the task assigned to them.