Zaps Apple

by Electuroo

Prologue – The Darkness

Zaps Apple
Prologue The Darkness

Running. That all I could think of, what I wanted to think of and wanted to do was run from fear, fear of something that was chasing me. I didn't know why or what it was but I felt fear like I never felt in my life, it was chasing me at every corner. I took the darkness swallowing everything in its path. I just needed to run and running was all I knew as I cried...




I had no idea who or what was saying those words, but I didn't care as I ran harder and faster with all my strength. I just wanted to get away from whatever it was and my fear grew and grew as my heart raced at an uncontrolled rate beating faster and faster with my breaths increasing in number with aching and sourness throughout my muscles...

Endless darkness... it was nothing. The blackness was endless I didn't know what I was or who I was anymore since the darkness was eating everything I was. ’Why was I running?’ ‘Why was I running?’ I repeated to myself and sensed that the fear I had was all too real. It was what I had to do, all I had left was to run from it! Run for what life I had left... if life was life... what was life? What was the meaning of it!? I didn't know!

I fell, hitting the darkness before with a thud turning and looking for something to latch to something that wasn't blackness... that wasn't darkness. Anything! Please anything will do! I cried in my mind as I felt the racing heart increase it beats I never felt fear like this and I knew what fear was, but this was beyond fear, beyond anything I could put my head around. I knew it was getting closer, the teasing, the voices...

'What a loser...'

'He never does anything right...'

'Always and will be a failure...'

'You’re no better than a child, a nobody that no one will ever care about'


“SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!!!!” I screamed out into the darkness as I felt tears falling. I was so alone and so scared and so frightened. I didn't know what to do, were they right? Was I useless? Was I an idiot... am I running from the truth?

'Look into the darkness and pick out a single light, use that light as your hope, your heart and your soul. Never let those around you knock you down because in the end they are the ones that have nothing to gain.'

“Huh?” my eyes were watery, but I knew there was only darkness around the where voice was coming from, and yet soothing and understanding... I track my gaze for any form of light. “What light?! I see nothing! What are you!? Where are you!? I want to get out of here! Please!!! HELP!!!” I cried out with tears falling again as I rose to look for a way out of the endless sea of darkness.

'Only you can find the way out. The light is there but your eyes are not seeing, find it in your heart and the light shall show you the way.'

'Hahahha really you think he will listen to you lady, your nothing as much as he is, weak and useless.'

'Sometimes weak is the strongest form of strength because from those come greatness that you can never find.'

'Yeah, yeah, but he a worthless soul in hiding in the darkness when there is nothing but darkness, a loser. A Wimp, and a chicken!'

'Only he can find his way and that is all to lead to life.'

His gaze came to see something , sparks of lightning with light shining from each burst he stood gazing to it and turn back to see the horrors before his own eyes. The darkness was alive and it was coming for him...

'Run to the light and don't look back, darkness will not hold you if you ignore it!'

I gulped feeling his heart racing even more at the gaze of his fears and the darkness grew and the light dims. Then I heard it, a voice from the darkness which was a voice and not an echo, “Run my little friend we will hold and dispose these fiends!”

I didn't know what it was or who it was but the voice was female and soft to the touch and so I turn and ran to the lightning seeing a string of rainbow light bouncing off one and another again and again. This was it, the path he charged for. Nothing I knew or what I knew or what was it I knew? The mind was a mess nothing made sense anymore I did as the female voice said and charged for it with all the energy I had the fear was hammering into me...

Closing my eyes and charging for it... to escape the fear, the fear of the darkness never looking back never opening my eyes, all I did was run with the sounds coming back I could hear the rumbling of thunder and the flashes of light against my eye lids the sound of wind and the feel of it... wait I can feel! Is this what wind feels like? Why did I not know how it felt... the gravity of it was extreme I had no sense of what was going on anymore but this feeling of wind, lightning light against my eye lids it was a feeling of freedom from the endless darkness that I ran from...

The sense of this was freedom... I was getting out I didn't know who was that... or where she came, but whatever or whoever she was, it was her whom gave me the final push I needed. A way out and I was for sure with all the strength I had left to push through to whatever was ahead I open my eyes to see the rainbow energy around me lightning and wind. Finally I was out of, I was out of the nightmare of the endless darkness the fear that had took hold...

The feeling around me was so much I couldn't process... I felt my vision blur the dark trees around and above I could see as I stared at grey color apples they glowed and with a beam of rainbow light they turned into rainbow color glittering fruit with lightning sparking around them as the sound of thunder and sight of lightning could be seen in the clouds above, the wind whistling through the trees and nothing... my senses was overloaded and everything fell into darkness once more as my lids close against all the will I put to not see darkness again... the fear of falling into it... the fear...