//------------------------------// // First Night Out! // Story: First Night at Shiny Hooves // by DjDashie //------------------------------// "It's pretty loud in here, Dash!" Scootaloo exclaimed. "I know!" Rainbow piped back. "Isn't it awesome?!" Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash had just walked into what was to be Scoot's first night at Shiny Hooves, a night club well known in Ponyville. The music was roaring, the lights were flashing, and the ponies were intoxicated. Scootaloo had never seen anything like it. A whole new atmosphere was to be explored tonight, and there had to have been at least 400 ponies there. Excited yet nervous, Scootaloo trusted that Dash had the situation under control. She wanted to make sure everything was perfect tonight. "So what're we going to do first?" Scoot asked. "That's up to you, Scoots," Dash smiled. "The night is yours!" Scootaloo grinned and looked around. The dancefloor looked really enticing with all the lights, music, and dancing ponies. She also wanted to get her first alcoholic beverage though. She always overheard Rainbow and Applejack talk about nights at Shiny Hooves, from picking up cute stallions to how trashed they got. Some stories even involved a few of their best friends being spotted around here every now and then, such as Twilight and Pinkie Pie. Fluttershy never liked going because of the music being so loud, and Rarity always found Shiny Hooves "very dirty." "Let's go get some drinks!" Scoot decided. "Sounds like a plan," Dash agreed. They went over to the bar and saw a tipsy Applejack spinning around on one of the stools. "Hey Applejack!" Dash yelled out. "Well howdy, Rainbow!" Aj called back. "How's your night goin'? "We just got here a couple minutes ago. Scootaloo's checking out the scene for the first time." "Well I'll be darned. Looks like someone's gonna be havin' some memories tonight. That is if she can remember them," Rainbow and Applejack laughed. "Yeah yeah," Scootaloo brushed off the joke. "Can I just get a drink already?" "Sure, sugarcube!" Aj giggled, "Hey Red! Can you get this cutie pie here a raspberry cosmo?" A very handsome blue stallion with a curly black mane looked over at Aj while wiping down a glass. His cutie mark portrayed a martini glass. Scootaloo couldn't help but blush a little. "Just a sec, Aj," Red replied. He made the cosmo and set it down in front of Scootaloo. "Next three are on the house since it's your first night here." "Wow Scoot," Aj slurred a little, "You're pretty lucky! My first night out the guy only made my first drink free." Scoot took a sip of the colorful drink. The taste was pretty fruity, but she could definitely tell it wasn't any juice she had tasted before. She downed the rest of it and called out for another one. The next one wasn't as fruity, but she didn't seem to care. "Pretty soon here, everypony will know who you are at Shiny Hooves! Just like they do with me already." Rainbow laughed and put ten bits on the counter. "Lemme get one of those cosmos too Red." "K Dash," Red smiled and started mixing the drink. "So Dash, when do you think the Wonderbolts are gonna get back to you? You were telling me about how you sent them a letter to attend their academy the last time you here." "Knowing me," Rainbow started, "I'll have a ticket to their training grounds in my mailbox tomorrow morning." "I don't know, Dash. The Wonderbolts are a very prestigious group. Seems like it would be hard to get a spot in their academy." "Hey! You know who you're talking to right? The fastest pegasus in Equestria, that's who! Now get me another cosmo!" "Hehe, alright Dashie, take it easy." Applejack started spinning on the stool again, this time almost falling over. She managed to keep her balance and gave a sheepish smile. She picked up her hat off the floor and brushed it off. "I really gotta know when enough's enough," Applejack chuckled. Dash laughed and started drinking the cosmo that was set in front of her. "So most ponies know you pretty well around here, huh Dash?" Scoot asked. "Let me show you how it's done, Scoots." Rainbow Dash downed her drink and trotted off past the dancefloor, ponies giving her high hooves along the way, and onto the stage. Vinyl faded out the music and grabbed the mic. "Looks like we got the mare of the night with us on stage!" Vinyl yelled. "Let's hear it for Rainbow Dash!" Dash made a few loops in the air and grabbed the mic waving her hooves in the air. The crowd cheered loudly for her. "Wow. I didn't know she was this popular." Scoot said to Applejack. "Yup. She's quite the sight around Shiny Hooves," Applejack explained. "This club isn't popped off until Rainbow Dash gets here." "That's so awesome!" Scootaloo grinned. She downed her second cosmo and asked for two more. Red set it down in front of her and without hesitation she drained them both. "You know, Scootaloo," Aj stated, "I could get you something a little stronger if you want, just to see if you enjoy some of the harder drinks here. Hey Red! Slide me a Royal!" "Thirty bits, Aj," Red replied. "Thirty bits?! Are you out of your noggin'? Last month it was twenty bits, and the month before that it was fifteen. Are you tryin' to swindle me here?" "Sorry, Aj. They've been raising prices here pretty often. Business has been slow these past few months. Thirty bits." "This is slow?" Scootaloo thought to herself. "Shoot," Applejack slammed the thirty bits down on the counter, "Soon I'll be goin' back to the Barrel Hopper. May not be as hyped, but at least the Royals there aren't no thirty bits." Red slid the shot glass down to Aj and she handed it to Scootaloo. Scoot looked down into the glass. The drink smelled really strong and made her head shake. She shrugged it off and poured it down the hatch. The strong and spicy taste of it made her scrunch her face up and let out a cough or two. "Hehe. First shot of liquor tastes pretty weird, doesn't it?" Aj chuckled. "Don't worry. If you keep comin' here, you'll get used to it." Scootaloo felt the drinks go through her system and a wave of heat hit her. She started becoming red to the face and felt hotter than before. The lights looked more vibrant and the music was more engaging, not to mention the young stallions were looking more and more handsome as the night went on. "What's up, Ponyville?!" Dash yelled into the mic. The crowd roared again wanting more from Rainbow Dash. "Tonight, I have somepony here with us that just became old enough for her to enjoy her first night at Shiny Hooves." As she was introducing this pony, she waved at Scootaloo for her to come up to the stage. Scootaloo beamed up and galloped to the stairs of the stage. She took a few steps and almost stumbled off the stairs, but regained her composure and went over next to Rainbow Dash. "I want you all to give it up for my sister, Scootaloo!" The crowd cheered for Scootaloo the loudest they have all night. Random shout outs like "Way to go, Scootaloo" and "Yeah, Scoot" could be heard from the ponies, but this isn't what caught Scootaloo's attention. For the first time in her life, Rainbow Dash had called her sister. She never had a large family in which she only knew her father, and that was it. To have someone call her sister was wonderful. Scootaloo had never felt so at home. The best part was that it was her idol that called her sister. Rainbow Dash was her sister. Scootaloo started to tear up. The lights were still going and the crowd was still roaring. She never wanted the moment to end. She felt the universe was shining on her for once. That no one else was as important as her and Dash at that time. Sooner or later, she started to wave to the crowd and gave Dash a nudge, albeit she felt a hug would've been way better. "Thank you Rainbow Dash," she whispered to herself. "I don't want to keep you ponies still for too long, so I'll let Vinyl get you back in the mix!" Rainbow Dash set down the mic and Vinyl threw on one of the more popular songs known throughout Equestria. The crowd started dancing to the beat again. Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo stayed up on stage for some more songs. Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo did some tricks with hula hoops and beach balls that were always available on stage for hyping. The crowd was loving every second of it and wanted more of them. Scootaloo's first night out was a blast, and she knows now this won't be the last time here at Shiny Hooves.