Undisclosed Desire

by Dark Enigma


For the rest of the afternoon, Zack cleans up the mess caused by Trixie's beating. There is so much broken glass everywhere. It's strange; the glass didn't cut him. Perhaps, and this is just a thought, Trixie didn't want to hurt Zack, intimidate him sure, but not hurt him. Maybe she's all talk and no bite, but Zack really doesn't want to test out his theory in the likely case he is wrong.

He sweeps up some glass from a broken picture frame that holds a picture of his departed father. He carefully pulls it out from the damaged frame. His father is the only person in the world Zack could ever call his friend. No matter what happened, no matter how much Zack messed up and his mother called him a failure, his dad always stood up for him. His last words he told Zack before getting shipped overseas was for Zack to man up and stand up for himself.

"I guess he never thought I would go up against a genie," Zack says to himself.

The day his family got a visit from a Chaplin and a military personnel was the day it all changed. The loss of his father took more out of Zack's mother than Zack surprisingly. She quickly became a drunk and frequently disappears for weeks, sometimes even months. There's no telling where she is now.

Zack looks at Trixie's hiding place. What if he wishes for his life to go back to the way it was before his dad died? Would Trixie let go of her arrogant ways to give him at least that luxury? No, that wouldn't work. She can't bring people back from the dead. But what if he words it as a time traveling wish? There are so many factors, too many factors. Trixie is sure to find a way where his wish would backfire. So much for having whatever he wants...

Genies really are nothing but trouble. It's as if they purposely spend their eternal lives making others miserable merely for entertainment. Then again, living for so long would take the fun out of life. Trixie doesn't even seem to like her job. She doesn't want to hurt him--from what Zack is guessing--and she really hates it when people tell her what to do. Instead of making others suffer for pleasure, Trixie is probably doing it out of habit after doing the same routine for millennia.

It's too bad she won't open up and talk about it. It would be a lot safer for Zack if he could get on Trixie's good side. Zack folds up the picture and places it in his wallet. He needs to get on Trixie's good side and she needs to get her problems off of her chest. This is going to be difficult, but Zack--after driving off so many people from his life because of his social ineptitude--refuses to give up on his only friend; even if his first wish doesn't feel like it counted, Trixie is still his friend. He'll get through to her somehow.