//------------------------------// // Day 4: The Tower (+) // Story: Good, bad, and why me? // by Normalguy //------------------------------// Day 4: The Tower (+) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jon) The building looks like any other tall building you would see. Tall, windows, people washing the windows, well washing yeah but they're flying and scrubbing. Wonder if they're afraid of heights? Maybe that one guy, but you know...Back on topic. I decided to talk out to them to see what's going to happen. " So we just walk in?" I question. " Not like that we won't." Says the angel. What's wrong with what i'm wearing? OK, so maybe school clothes aren't the best choice for a office but it's all I have. "What's wrong with it?" I ask her. " Honey, you can't just walk into this place like that. it's to casual." " Well what do you want me to do? Poof a suit out of nowhere?" "Yes but since your dead i'll have to do it." She waves a hand and snaps. The clothes before are now gone, and now replaced with a blue suit for the top, blue sleek pants,white undershirt and a red tie to finish it off. The shoes are a nice brown and loafers. She herself also gotten a change. her once white dress is now a secretary outfit. Death is also in a suit, surprisingly. He has a red jacket with red sleek pants, white undershirt, and a black tie. If he was a skeleton before. He now looks human. His face shows comfortableness as his dark brown hair is sleeked back and shiny. I kinda want to laugh at him, nut if I did he would kill me. Wait a minuet... " It's stuffy, can't I have something else?" I whine. " No if you want anything else, it'll be a stick up you butt hole. Now let's go." She says as she walks towards the entrance. " Oh come on!" I walk after her. Death hasn't say a word yet. His eyes look like they want to shoot lasers. Creepy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Inside) The inside is fairly normal looking as for I can see. Some furniture here and there but nothing big. The receptionist though looks like she has seen enough of everything and wants it to stop. Death's wife is talking to her, while I stay back and look around. wonder if it's gonna go smooth. like a smash and grab. That would be nice. " Hey Death?" I say. " *Sigh* What?" He replies. " So how do you think this is gonna work?" " What do you mean by that?" " Do you think it's going to be smooth sailing, or rocky road?" " I don't know and I don't really care, your the one that might be reborn." " So... Smooth sailing?" I say in a shrug position with my hands up. " Shut up and wait." " Wow. Rude." I say. Wonder what crawled up his butt and died. " Oh it looks like she's done." Death's wife is walking back. with a smile on her face. " So what's the news?" I ask her. " Well, you see. We can just take a easy path there." Wow simple. " That's it? No trials? No test? No super-ultra-mega-ridiculous-stupid-dangerous maze thingy?" " Well you see..." " There really is a maze thingy is there. Oh dear lord I hope it doesn't have encounters." "Shut up and listen! All we have to do is act like we belong here and reach the elevator." "There's a elevator? Why can't I see it?" "Because it through the office doors. When we walk in pretend to fit in. Got it?" " How? Do we just split up and walk to the elevator?" " Good Idea, let's go with that." "...You don't have a plan?" " Shh! Here take these." She hands each Death an me a clipboard and a pen. " How is this supposed to help?" " On the board is a map of the first floor, so I each got us a different path to the elevator. Can you figure out what to do?" " Uhh yeah?" I has the butterflies. " Good let's go." She walks to the one door next to the receptionist and heads through. I would of gone through the door if I hadn't seen the receptionist face. She looks like she just got told there's a hostage situation and has to stay silent. What did she say to her? Moving on. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ First floor) Oh god, the people. There are so many peoples. Oh no. From what I can see, there is a shit tone of people in this room, their like ants. Moving in a coordinated time marching in line. Creepy. The room it self is huge, and very very plain. everything is white, the floor, the people, the suits, the cube walls, everything except the shiny silver doors that indicate the elevator is right there. good. =============================\ Time skip ==============================\ Ok so a slip here, a distraction there and bing bang boom. I'm here. Am I the first one? Looking around only gives me a headache, to much white. I feel a hand on my shoulder and tense up immediately, but it's followed up with this. " Hurry up slow poke." The voice is somewhat familiar in the time I met him. It's Death, the person and his suit and stuff. " Can you like... Um... Not do that again, Please?" I ask him. " Just shut up and follow me." Fine then. Jerk I follow Death just for a little bit to find the only damn elevator in this building. The elevator looks normal, but then again i'm dead, I think. So at the elevator is Death's wife, wonder if she has a name. I don't know her name, should ask, maybe. Anyways. Death's wife is waiting rather impatiently for what I see. She's all tapping her foot and arms crossed. What's up with that? " So we gonna go in the elevator? To see the guy? " I ask her. " Yes we are, now get in." That's what she said...As the elevator doors open. We all step inside and go up... Floors. cause it's a elevator. Yup. "So the CEO is on the top floor, right?" I ask. " Yes it is." She replies. " So what's your name? Never got it." " Did I never mention it? Well you can call me Joy. " Oh, got it." The conversation ended there. And now silence. Waiting in the elevator is hard, The silence is still here and I don't even know how many floors there are to go, might as well start a new conversation. " So, how did you two meet?" I ask. " That. Is none of your business." Death says in reply, scowl says he does not ever want to talk about it. EVAR! " You sure dear? It is quite a interesting story from what I can remember. We also have a long way to go." Joy cuts in with a slight smile appearing across her lips as she points to the number of levels left. 2453 floors left...Nope, 2452. " Well part do we tell him? Ad why do you even want to tell him?" He replies. from what I can hear, Death sounds tired. Maybe he doesn't like it here(?). " Uh look, it's fine, you don't have to tell me how you two met." I wave both my hands in the air as if i'm trying to scull in water. Now we must attempt to change the subject. Charge! " So do you both like to play video games?" After I said that the silence that once shrouded the area is now lifted. " Oh my god, I love them, especial RPGs They're so easy and fun, oh and the adventures! ...." What have I started. well at lest the silence is gone. Through out her rant of fantabulous game talk, Death seems disgruntled, yes, quite a bit I say. Maybe he sucks at video games(?). " ...And so I had to run back to the market and buy some healz, but I ran out of money Which meant I had to get back out there and grind and grind and grind and grind-" " Uh, hey Joy?" I interrupt. " Oh! Uh , Yes?" She looks and sounds like she wants to keep talking. " Does Death suck at games?" From the looks of it he might considering that his face has turned into a scowl of anger, any minuet now and he might start grinding his own teeth. "OMG, you won't believe the games he plays, all he can play are puzzle games on handhelds." Joy says with a blank face and a small shake of her head. Death just looks peeved now. " Well even though all hes good at is puzzles, it has helped me occasionally." She says. Death give a short *hmph* From what I could hear. *Bing* Went the elevator. When the doors opened the room appeared to be white. Maybe it's the wrong room. " Is this the right room?" I ask to none in particular. " Why yes it is." A mysterious voice spoke. As it spoke some of the white around the room faded away revealing a door. I walked out of the elevator and towards the door. Opening it reveals a quite posh office. the office itself looks like a trap, pictures and awards in frame and many others lie resting without a lick of dust. his humongous desk practically looms over the room. On said desk is a plethora of items ranging from pictures to pencils and pens, but the most surprising thing is the gigantic stack of papers on his left and his right. " Now, what do you want?" Says the man at the desk. The man himself seems normal, is bald wears glasses on the bridge of his nose, white suit, and a face that can't wait. Also looks in his mid thirty's. " Uhh. I'd-" I start, but he has other plans. " 'Like to be revived to be revived, so I can right my mistakes' is what you were going to say, hmm?" He just took the words out of my mouth. " Umm, uh, no?" I reply questionably. "*sigh* Then what is the reason you would like to be revived. Please, tell me." " To save a innocent and a loved one." "..." Silence. "Is that so? I guess I could." " What! Really! That's great! Oh happy day! Oh happy-" "But." He interrupts." I would like something in exchange." Oh no. " Uh, sure, name it." " Can you give my greetings to the rulers over there for me?" Well that's easy. " Uh sure, anything else?" " Say hi to that, uh..." He stops to lift a paper to his eyes." Oh say hi to that Discord fellow would you?" "Got it... Is that it?" " Oh tell them that the guy says it, now do you want anything at the time of revival?" What does he mean by that? " Can i have super powers?" " I don't know, can you?" He replies with a smirk. " May I have super powers?" " No you may not." " Why not!" " But I can give you something else." " Please tell me it's not magic." Silence. " Now I can't tell you. Good job." " Why would you want to give me magic?" " Well why don't you want magic?" " Well someone gonna have to teach me. Guess who?" Twilight. "Well what do you want then?" I open my mouth to start, but it looks like he has other plans. "That isn't super powers, magic, or something that could destroy the world." " How about a weapon?" I ask. " You already have one. Try again." " Why can I have then?" " I dunno. A pet?" " A pet? What kind?" " So you choose a pet then?" " Uh, yeah! Yes! What can I have!" " Anything you want..." " Anything? How about-" " No legendaries ." He cuts in. " I wasn't going to. Now let me think." So, no legendaries, totally didn't want one, totally. I always wanted something mythical like a unicorn, pegasus, dragon, ETC, but it seems like Equestria has most of them. I'll ask someone later or something. A Pokemon would be nice, but which one? And what type? What other game has an awesome animal type thingy. Yoshi? Maybe... I can think of a Pokemon, charmander, eevee, or yoshi? So many choices. I think charmander. Always liked fire, always choose fire. " Can I have a-" " No." " But you said I could have something!" " Yeah Just kidding, so what do you want?" " *deep inhale and then exhale* I'd like to have a charmander, can you do that?" " Yes I can." Yes! "But..." Shit!" your going to forget about it, got it?" " What do you mean ' I'll forget about it.'." " Well we can't just have a animal come out of nowhere when you revive. So you will get charmander in time." " Couple of days, at least no longer than a week." " Gotcha, now what?" I ask. I turn around for a answer from Joy and Death, but all they have is the "Are you kidding" face. I has thoughts. Oh. " Oh, OH, OOHH, got it. * double thumbs up* So can you revive me now?" " I CAN." " *sigh* ...May I be revived, oh one who holds power?" " Yes, Now why don't you give your goodbyes while I get ready." " Got it." I turn to the couple behind me." I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me all the way to this. If you ever need my help, be it video games, something big, or just a opinion, come find me and I'll do the best I can." "Sure..." Says Death. " Maybe next time we can be gaming buddies!" Says Joy. " Yeah..." i turn back towards the desk." I'm ready." " Well i'm sure not. Now wheres that button? Ah-ha! Got it! Now prepare for send off!" The man at desk says. " Well, good bye then..." I say to everyone. "See-ya!" Says Death with a small 2 finger salute. "Don't forget to tell her your true feeling!" Says Joy. " Initiate!" Says the man behind the desk. The man at desk slams a fist at the button on the table. At that exact moment of pressing the button the floor opened and I went through. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * PaRaNoRmAl ShIt* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I open my eyes to see blurry blobs of colors and Darkness. I try to move my legs, but all I get is a twitch. I take some short breaths. I'm still a pony, Right? I throw what's on top of me off of me and inhale air to the max. *GASP* I look towards the sound to see a blurry outline of a pony. " ZOM-PONY! Everypony run!" She quickly gallops away to inform others I presume. Me being the person I am panics. " Shit, need to do something, now!" " Holy gods, your alive!" Says Iris."Where were you?" She then asked. " Dead, you?" "I knew you were dead. I was just floating around, all lonely... But now that your alive now..." "Aw did you miss me?" " NO! Uh,um don't you need to do something?" She says with worry. " Oh yeah! Shit! let's go!" I get off the table and on towards the exit. When I reach the outside I see the the same pony who saw me "wake up". She's yelling at some ponies behind a desk, claiming what she saw. " I saw it! That foal woke up! Now it's a zom-pony! We have to escape!" Says the mare who saw me. " Oh, come on. There is no such things as zom-ponies. Your just tired. Go home and get some rest." Says the other mare behind the desk. " But...But, *Sigh* It...It must be my imagination." She turns towards me next. " OH MY CELESTIA! It's him! Run for your lives everypony!" As she said that everyone started to panic. The mare, accompanied by others ran outside spreading the news. I chase only to the outside not to far behind them. From the looks of it, the time must be around 9:00. I look towards Canterlot and run towards it. ~~~ ~~~ Scene change! ~~~ ~~~ Twilight stayed up studying on Equestrian law. She had to defend her friend. Her studies were soon interrupted by a screaming pony. " RUN! ZOM-PONY!" This set off her radar. pushing herself away from the desk, she canters to the outside to confront the hysterical pony. " What's going on?" Twi asks. " A zom-pony appeared! And it chased us!" " Ok then... what did it look like?" " It was a unicorn foal!" " Did it happen to have a piece of armor on it's leg?" Twilight asks hoping it wasn't who she thought it was. " Yeah! Now if you excuse me I have to go spread the news." The mare soon runs off yelling and spreading the news Twilight on the other hand has to go find some friends. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Another scene change! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I. Hate . Running! I'm on a weird dirt path in the middle of nowhere, and all I know is that I can see Canterlot. May be I can teleport(?). It's one of the choices, so let's make it the only one. All I have to do is concentrate on someone or someplace right? Let's hope so. I start concentrating , but where in Canterlot have I been? I stop to think where ive been.The dungeon, the hall, and throne room. Not too many choices. All I know is the royals. Let's go with Celestia. I restart only for it to not work. Oh god, now what. Panic " Work damn it!" Panic " Come on! Work! More panic " Son of a-" * ZAP* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene change! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Huh, Where the ground go? Air? " Biiiiiiiiiii-" *splash!* Water? Water! Need air! iasdhjkj.ghdfilugvaikurgUIKGFDIHIugfiugyaw! I'm floating? Have air, take it! * Hah, hah, hah....* " Hello little one." Huh? Who?" What caused you to drop in?" "Where am I , who are you? What?" " Calm down little one, for where you are, your in the royal castle in Canterlot." Made it! "For who I am? I am the Ruler of the day, Princess Celestia." " Cool, got it. I need help..." So tired... gotta sleep, gotta rest... " You must of come a long way, why don't you take a rest now." her horn glows a soothing light making me more tired "But I need to do something..." it must have knocked me out. I think...