Undisclosed Desire

by Dark Enigma

So Who's The Master?

The TV drones on, spitting out advertisements about some product that is supposed to change your life for the better. Zack couldn't care less. Besides knowing those are lies the voice actor is reading off a script, he has a genie that can do everything the product claims to be able to do and more. It's that "more" that scares Zack. Genies, from what he's read on books and seen in movies, are tricksters. Some way or another, they can twist an innocent wish back on the wisher, putting him in a deeper hole than he was in before.

Zack is a smart guy. He knows he has to word his wishes carefully and not let Trixie get the better of him. But is she really all that bad? That fiasco when she turned into a human... it caught Zack off guard. At least it didn't waste one of his wishes, but still. He has to really think out what he says before he talks to Trixie. She's an all powerful being probably thousands of years old. She knows much more than he does. The more Zack thinks about it, the more he gets discouraged. She has experience under her belt that far exceeds that of Zack's. What can he possibly say that she hasn't heard already?

Maybe that's why that guy threw the urn at Zack. All this pressure is too much and his life might actually be better off without having any wishes. That kind of power can really screw up not only his life, but other lives as well. It's like having the entire world in the palm of his hand, and he's trying so hard not to drop it. Zack doesn't know what to do.

He needs to know more about his genie so he has somewhat of an idea of what he's dealing with and if it's even worth wishing for something that can potentially bite him back. Zack carefully picks up the urn and rubs it. The cork jumps off, not like last time when it forcefully hit Zack on the head. It weakly falls off the urn as if it lost all desire to fly. Blue smoke wiggles out of the opening like a worm poking its head out of the ground. It takes form on the couch next to Zack. Trixie appears glaring at him.

"What?" asks Zack.

"Nothing. Do you have a wish?"

"No, I want to know more about you."

"Please, Trixie has no interest in your species. If your that lonely, wish for a girlfriend."

"I thought you can't tamper with a heart?"

"I never said this girlfriend has to like you."

"Oh..." That's one thing Zack can cross off his list. "Um, how old are you?"

"Older than you. Compared to Trixie, you're a child, nay, a fetus. Do not bore Trixie with trivial questions that will get you no where near Trixie's heart. Do you or do you not have a wish?"

"Hey, you're my genie and I am your master. You must do what I say." That'll show her who's in charge.


Um... maybe...

"Listen here, I am an all powerful unicorn genie who has seen the ends of the universe. You are nothing compared to me. The only reason Trixie is belittling herself for the likes of you is because thess bands I'm wearing tie me to that urn and won't come off until I grant one million wishes. If it wasn't for that, I would destroy you where you stand. In fact I can destroy you where you stand, and all Trixie would get is a thousand more wishes added as a penalty. So don't tempt me, because I have destroyed some previous 'masters' that got under my skin. Let's just say the penalty was worth it. You got it?!"

"Um... yes ma'am." Zack's voice quivers at Trixie's threat.
