Wub Radio Part 2

by SuperPinkBrony12

Tuesday: Show #12 (Reader's Choice 7)

"This sucks!" Vinyl Scratch said, laying on the couch. Her stuffy nose had not gone away as she had hoped and now she was really sick.

"Oh dear you're burning up Vinyl." Octavia said, pulling a thermometer out of Vinyl Scratch's throat. "I'd say you've come down with the flu. You're not going anywhere!"

"But I've got a show tonight Tavi!" Vinyl protested.

"I'm pretty sure your fellows DJs wouldn't you to come in and risk getting them sick as well." Octavia said "Besides in your condition I doubt you'd even make it to the station."

"But what am I suppose to do?" Vinyl Scratch asked "I can't just leave the guys hanging."

"You let me worry about Twirls and the others." Octavia said "You just lay down and try to get some rest."

"I guess I can do that." Vinyl Scratch said, sniffing a little. Her nose was completly clogged.

"Now stay put and I'll be back in a minute with your medicine." Octavia said. But no sooner had she left the room when she heard Vinyl Scratch say "Oh Celestia!" and saw her rush straight to the bathroom. A loud vomit sound soon followed.

"Great now I've got the stomach bug too!" Vinyl Scratch said, her pale face hovering just above the toilet.

"Poor Vinyl." Octavia thought. "I can't imagine how horrible she's feeling right now." Another loud vomit sound came from the bathroom.

"Sorry Tavi" Vinyl Scratch said, flushing the toilet "Looks like I'll be here a while."

"So Vinyl's not coming tonight huh?" Twirls asked.

"Yup." Octavia said "But don't worry your pretty little head about it, Doctor Octavia will take good care of her patient."

"Just make sure she doesn't come back until she's completly better." Twirls said "Whatever she's come down with I don't need it spreading."

"I'll make sure Vinyl's feeling 100% before I let her go." Octavia said "Oh and before I leave Vinyl wanted me to give this to you." she gave Twirls a letter. She then departed for home.

"So no Vinyl tonight huh?" Draft Punk asked.

"Nope." Twirls said "But we can manage."

"Yeah. You guys did a great job when I was sick." Zone said.

"Still it must really suck to be Vinyl right now." F3tlock said.

"Well it could be worse. She could've contracted The Trots." Techbeat said "Then she'd really feel like crap. See what I did there?"

"That's just gross Techbeat." Zone said "Keep stuff like that to yourself next time."

"Sorry, couldn't resist." Techbeat said.

"Guess it's a good thing we decided not to bring in another guest star tonight." Draft Punk said "Vinyl would've blown a fuse if she found out that we interviewed Neon Lights without her."

"I know." Zone said "Vinyl's pretty scary when she's angry."

"Alright that's enough talk about Vinyl." Twirls said "Let's focus on our show. Take your places everyone."

The DJ's did so. No one commented on the chair left empty due to Vinyl Scratch's illness. The "ON AIR" sign flickered on.

"Hello there listeners." Twirls said "It's time for more Wub Radio. But first we'd like to take the time to send a little message our fellow DJ Vinyl Scratch. She's currently feeling a little under the weather and couldn't be here tonight. If you're hearing this Vinyl we wish you a speedy recovery."

"Speaking of Vinyl Scratch it looks like our first question for tonight's show is coming from her." Draft Punk said "According to this letter there was a meteor strike in Moscolt recently. Nopony was hurt but apparently the official Moscolt radio station said that the meteor was an attempt by Princess Luna to convince Moscolt that 'Global Warming' is real, depsite our faithful princess of the night having no control over such events. And VInyl would like to know if we're as disgusted as she is about the whole thing. Especially because the Moscolt government didn't punish the radio station for such a claim."

"I agree with you VInyl." Zone said "The princesses get blamed for everything wrong with the world these days. Even when they have nothing to do with the events!"

"Well I'm not disgusted but I am ashamed." Draft Punk said "I never thought any radio station could stoop so low."

"Same here." Techbeat said "At the very least that radio station should be heavily fined. Freedom of speech does not give you the right to issue blatant lies!"

"Well as much as I'm upset by the station's actions I doubt there's much that can be done to make them or the Moscolt government change their ways." Twirls said "Don't get me wrong they should still be punished for this, but I know how much of an uphill battle that will be."

"Interesting." F3tlock said "I'm pretty disgusted as well. No one insults a leader for no good reason!"

"Moving on." Twirls said "The next question is are we excited for the upcoming Equestria Games in the Crystal Empire? Well I know I am."

"So am I." Techbeat said "I haven't missed a single Equestria Games since I was young and I don't plan on starting now."

"Guess that means you'll be going right?" Draft Punk asked.

"Well duh." Techbeat said "I don't care how cold The Frozen North can get, it'll be worth it for a chance to see the Crystal Empire in all its glory."

"I'm excited." Zone said "But tickets for the games are expensive. I don't think I can afford them."

"Perhaps I'll buy an extra one for you then." Draft Punk said "Cause I'm going too."

"If you can do that I'll so owe you one Draft Punk!" Zone said.

"Hey what are friends for?" Draft Punk said.

"Well if you guys are going I suppose I'll come too." Twirls said "But if Vinyl Scratch isn't going then I'll stay behind. Hopefully we'll all go though and we'll be able to broadcast the games live!"

"That would be so awesome!" Techbeat said.

"I'll go next." Zone said "Here's a good one. If we could pick any city in Equestria or even beyond to live in where would it be?"

"Las Pegasus of course. "Draft Punk said "And I'm sure that's where Vinyl would want to live as well. Though I doubt Octavia would be very happy with that."

"No kidding." Twirls said "For me I think Canterlot is quite nice. And that's where we are now."

"Figures you'd pick that one." F3tlock said "I'm thinking Manehattan sounds good if you ask me. After all there's a lot of up and coming talent in that place. And despite the rumors most of the ponies who live there are quite nice. It's just too bad that the police are always overwhelmed."

"I'd sat Ponyville." Zone said "After all there's never a dull moment there. And I'd get the chance to meet Equestria's saviors face to face. And I'm their biggest fan!"

"I just wish they'd do good will tours." Techbeat said "I've only heard about them. And no I haven't been living under a rock, thank you very much. As for the question, well I'd love to live in the Crystal Empire. That place is so beautiful from what I hear. And apparently there's a lot to see and do, you can even visit the palace and meet the royal crystal couple Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor."

"Fascinating." Twirls said "Well this concludes another show of Wub Radio. Hopefully when you next tune in Vinyl Scratch will be feeling better and will be back in the studio with us. Until next time this is Wub Radio signing off." The "ON AIR" sign flickered off.

"Guess we'll see you around Twirls." Zone said.

"Just don't go getting sick on me guys." Twirls said "Even I can't run this station alone. Make sure to frequently wash your hooves. Especially when someone else sneezes or coughs near you."