Steel Shoes

by Sir Hat

Metal fever day four

Better....well not exactly better but a lot less crappy.

Most of the symptoms are gone now, just a feeling of still being slightly sick, "Man....I wish I could get something done...." I still had to finish the royal guard shipment, and keep up with all my clients, "Man....Ben must be having a hell of a time."

"Corey. back," Vinyl pushed inside again, "So you're finally done rolling around on the floor?"

"Yes....also hindsight is twenty-twenty, but I can say at the time it seemed like a good idea,"

"Yeah well I expect the same when I get sick,"

"That's fair..." She wandered into the kitchen, "So, anything cool going on?"

"Not really, supposed to snow later,"

"Snow again? I thought they only did it once a year?"

"Naw, they do it to keep it even about a month in,"

"Man....I wish I could go outside..."

"What's stopping you?" She walked back into the living room.

"I don't want to catch a cold along with this crap...I'm missing enough work," Vinyl took a seat next to me.

"Why are you worried about work? Yesterday you were worried about a spa...."

"Yeah I get weird when I'm sick, my brain goes all wonky, and I can't stand doing nothing..."

"Yeah...your better, too bad, sick Corey was kinda fun..."

"Define fun,"

"...not always working..."

"I'm not working now..."

"Not always thinking about working,"

"....yeah....I do that don't I..."

"Yeah, but I guess it's cause you care,"

"Well that and I get restless," I got up from the couch, "....wait...when's your next checkup scheduled?"

" week?"

"Not anymore...." I started towards the door, "I'm not supposed to work metal, but hooves aren't metal, I'll be right back,"

"Vinyl, I'm back," I pushed back inside with my tools in hand, "Vinyl meet me in the bathroom," I hurried and set my tools out, a cleaning pick, brushes, and a file.

She poked her head in, " got a thing for hooves?"

"Oh shut up...I need something to do,"


"Hey I'm doing you a don't get charged for this," She took a seat next to the tub and lifted a hoof.

"That's like saying I should thank a doctor for giving me a shot, sure I need it, but it's still not fun," I took her hoof and started clearing debris.

"This doesn't hurt...your comparing a light scaling with a needle,"

"You knew what I meant..."

"Doesn't make it any less invalid," I cleared the inside of her hoof, "Next," She switched hooves and I quickly cleaned it.

"How is this fun for you?"

"It gives me something to do," I quickly cleaned them off and grabbed my brush. I started quickly scrubbing down the hard of her hooves, "Alright...back legs,"


"Uh....come here," I picked her up and laid her across my lap.

"Hey!" I started cleaning off her back hooves, "What do you think you're doing,"

"my job....have to improvise without the chair," I could feel my leg startting to bounce on its own.


"Sorry, my leg does that when I concentrate," I quickly finished up with her hooves and grabbed the brush again, "One...two...three, there, nice and clean,"

"You done yet?"

"Just a quick trim and we're done," I grabbed my file and did a few quick passes per hoof, "You look annoyed,"

She blew a strand of hair out of her face and pushed her glasses up, "No...I just love being put over your knee and bounced like a foal,"

"Oh deal with it...your hooves are going to be in great condition,"

"Oh thank Celestia..." I set her down, "Huh," She trotted in place causing a nice click clack sound on the tile floor, "'re really good at that...."

"I went to school for horse production and management, I better be...paid good money for those classes,"

"Well...." She kept trotting, "I wonder...." She started stamping her hoof in rhythm, "...Corey....could you make a tapshoe?"

"Just put a brittle plastic bit at the toe and heel....I could do that in my sleep....why, you want one?"

"Be great for keeping a beat," She stopped moving and prance out making sure to step hard to keep the clicking going.

" what?" I packed my tools and went into the living room again...."bored...." I could hear Vinyl stomping her hooves in the hall, "....huh.....Vinyl, I'm gonna go get some beer," I stood up and started out the door, "I'll be back in a few,"

"Yeah sure- dun dun da-"

"Vinyl....I'm back....and I might have drank a few on the way home...." I set the box down next to the kitchen archway, "Vinyl?" I could hear muffled bass coming from my office, "Oh god dammit..." I grabbed another beer and popped the cap on the counter, "Bass head....." I went to my office and opened the door," I was immediately assaulted by extreme bass and excessive wubs, "JESUS!"

"What's up?"

I slammed the door shut, " is she not deaf," I went back to my living room and flopped on the couch, "Oh I love you," I just sat there drinking until I could no longer remember where I was.