This New World.

by Sanquil

Life Five

I respawned for umpteenth time since coming to this strange place. By the third time, I should've realized that Equestria is radically more dangerous than my native land of Minecraft. Oh well, I guess I'm just an idiot.
Sighing, I contemplated on what I should do. It was the middle of the night and all of my new found friends were either asleep or getting their eardrums blasted out with "bass drops". After going over everything, I decided to retire for the night with how exhausting dying can be. I'll figure out what to do in the morning.
"Oooaaaah!" I yawned, stretching my arms out over my head, feeling better than I had since I jumped into the End. I yawned once more, blinking the sleep from my eyes and allowing for adjustment as to not blind myself with the bright rays from the sun. Once I was fully awake, I gazed at my surroundings. The first thing that struck me as odd was the room. I fell asleep on the side of the road, unable to get a bed created. The walls enclosing me gave me a short burst of claustrophobia, but I soon calmed down.
"Oh, my." I heard a soft voice speak. I looked around for the source, but it must have come from outside the room. After a minute, I saw the petite, yellow pegasus glide through the door, carrying a platter of plants. "How did you sleep?"
I blinked a few more times, making sure my brain fully registered everything. "Fine. How'd I get here?"
She fluttered over to me, placing the platter of fruits and vegetables on the bed. "Oh, well I was out last night searching for my missing chicken when I saw you sleeping on the side of the road." Nodding, I reached for a reddish pink fruit as my inventory identified it as a "Strawberry". I didn't care what it was called. It was scrumptious! "With the help of some of my woodland friends, we carted you back here."
I finished off the strawberry and quickly vacuumed up several more, noticing that my hunger bar was dangerously low. As I munched and crunched the juicy and sweet food, I scanned the room once more, noticing that it was her bedroom. Swallowing the now ground fruit, I voice my question.
"Where did you sleep?" I felt guilty. She gave me, a complete stranger, her bed, and now she shared her food with me.
"Oh, well, I slept on the couch in the living room." She shied away from me. Her face was absolutely adorable, though!
I gazed at her, giving her a sympathetic look. "You didn't have to do that." I stated. She squeaked, and scooted ever so slightly away. Notch, was this pony's special talent being adorable? "Thank you." I reached and stuffed a few more strawberries into my inventory along with multiple other foods on the plate set in front of me, including "Bananas", "Cabbage", and "Cherries". I'd try them all later.
"Listen," I said, returning my attention to the pegasus, who I remembered was Fluttershy. "Fluttershy, I'm still a little lost here in Ponyville, so do you think could guide me through the town?" If it was possible, she became even more cute at my request.
"I would like to..." She started to reply, but then the small, snow white bunny hopped into the room and began to kick her back leg impatiently. "Yes Angel, I know. I would like to accompany you, but I still have a lot of Spring Cleaning to do, and Angel is getting really impatient." You don't say. "Good luck, though."
I left a few minutes after that. I kept playing over our conversation. It seemed to me that Angel pretty much ruled Fluttershy's life. I didn't think she minded, but still.
Coming out of my mind, I realized that I had circled that town square several times already, and people, ponies, were starting to stare. I looked around at them, blushing slightly, and left. It was time to go find someone who could help me.
Looking around town, I noticed a house that had cracked windows. I deduced that this was Vinyl and Octi's house, and that I wasn't really keen on blowing my eardrums, and health, out... again. I quickly passed by their house, moving on to go find someone I knew.
After a few more minutes, I became engrossed in my thoughts yet again, and that's exactly the time that some pony decided she should charge me.
"OHMYCELESTIA!" She shouted at the top of her lungs, galloping towards me at top speed. I didn't even have time to react as she plowed my down, grinning wildly at me. "You have HANDS!"
Brushing her off me, I replied. "Yeah, I guess I do. You are?" I extended my arm towards the aquamarine mare, and she practically fainted on the spot. What? Was I, like, the DeadMau5, of this place?
"Lyra," Another pony, this one a really pale yellowish, "please don't harass other pon..." She stopped mid-sentence, seeing that I wasn't a pony.
"I told you!" Lyra exclaimed at the other mare. "I told you that they existed, didn't I? But you were all like, 'No, there is no such thing as a human', but here he is!"
She continued to obsess over my body for several minutes. I did nothing but stand there, not sure what to do.
"I'm terribly sorry for Lyra's behavior." The pale mare apologized, extending her hoof towards me. "I'm Bon-Bon, and you are?"
I grasped her hoof with my hand, causing Lyra to go into another fit of excitement. "Steve. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Lyra."
Several minutes later, we were over at their house. It was simple, single story house near town center. From the window, one could see Applejack's apple stand and Sugar Cube Corner. I removed myself from the window, turning to sit in the chair next to Lyra. She had calmed down greatly, going from hyperventilating at all of my movements to just staring. Bon-Bon had left to the Sugar Cube to pick up Lyra's cupcakes. As it turned out, her birthday was today.
After the merrymaking was done, I left Lyra and Bon-Bon to themselves. I was feeling... good, actually. Even after dying on a nearly constant basis, I was glad to see that this world, albeit round and foreign, isn't all that different in essence from my own. Now, all I need to do was figure out what to do about sleeping arrangements.
Walking around for several minutes, I was about to give up hope. Then I saw Fluttershy poking her head out from around the corner. Moving in to her, I noticed her pet bunny, Angel, glaring at me with discontent. Big surprise.
"O-oh, hello." She squeaked in her small voice. Honestly, I've just about had a heart attack just from the adorableness of these ponies.
Smiling, I replied, "Hey Fluttershy. What are you doing out here at this ungodly hour?" Gazing towards the moon, I made not of the speed and judged about 3 more hours of night.
"W-well," She began, shrinking away from me. Angel pushed her back into my view, though. "I was going to ask you i-if you needed someplace to stay, if only for the night."
Taken aback, the surprise on my face must have scared her, poor girl. "My, that's quite kind of you. Are you sure?" The fact that I've only known these ponies for not even two days, and yet this little... filly, I think, finds it in her heart to trust me and invite me into her home.
Once we had trekked to her house, the little cottage at the edge of the forest seemingly blending into the scenery, I took note of something: houses usually don't float around... upside down?!
"Oh my," She gasped, fluttering up the chaotic cottage. "It seems Discord decided to visit now." After a brief moment of silence, the homely hut was returned to it's natural, peaceful place on the ground. "Okay Steve, I'd like you to meet..."
"AH!" I jumped back, taken by surprise by the... thing, that presented itself to me. It was part pony, part bat, and part dragon(?), and part... monstrosity.
"'AH' yourself, sir." He replied in an ungainly matter, mimicking my very movements, even taking my shape! Shifting back into what I presumed was his normal form, he bowed deeply. "Lady Fluttershy, how great it is to see you have returned safely."
"Discord, this is Steve." She directed his attention to me. "He's new to our world, and he needs a place to stay. I've offered to let him stay here for the night."
"Steve?" He questioned as I moved forward to shake his... hand? Paw? I don't even know anymore.
"Yes," I said. "And I apologize for my reaction. I was just... surprised by your appearance."
"Heh, I get that a lot." He dismissed.
After entering Fluttershy's home, she directed me to the spare room, stating that Discord preferred the couch, anyways. Weird guy.
I settled down, ready to put this day behind me. I felt as though I was forgetting something, though.
A chill ran through my blocky spine, reminding me promptly of what I was forgetting. Wolves, cats, and barrels are dangerous. Oh, and bass drops. Can't forget the bass drops.

Spawnpoint Set.