//------------------------------// // She Dreams of Disaster // Story: Pokemon: Friendship Version // by Lionfish19 //------------------------------// Chapter 1: She Dreams of Disaster Twilight was in the middle of a enormous arena. She couldn’t see the crowd, but she sure could hear them. They unleashed happy cheers for the girl who had made history mere moments ago. Confetti rained down on Twilight, who couldn’t remember a happier time in her life. Her facial expression certainly reflected the happiness in her heart. Twilight stood alone on a winners pedestal, a large golden trophy cup in her hands. Suddenly, an unseen commentator screamed into a microphone. “And that's a wrap folks! The new champion of the Equestria region is none other than Twilight Sparkle! At the young age of sixteen this spectacular girl defeated trainer after trainer, eventually besting even the Elite Four and the former Champion! With her powerful partner pokemon, Spike the mightiest of Axew, she’s taken the throne as ruler of the Equestria League!” On cue, an Axew the size of an Ursaring uttered a booming roar that could be heard throughout the entirety of the arena. As if a herd of Dugtrio have used Magnitude, the ground around them to quake with the sheer power of its cry. “AXEW!!!” Twilight’s mentor Celestia appeared behind Twilight. Twilight turned to greet her teacher. She wore a warm smile as she looked up at the girl who had once been that cute little Psychic who had shown raw potential during her entrance exam and had been made her personal student. To think that was eight short years ago. “Congratulations Twilight. You have earned your new title. You have made me very proud to call you my student.” Twilight looked away. She blushed from the praise that she had been given by her role model. When she looked back, she saw her brother to the right of Celestia. Huh? Had he always been standing there the entire time? She quickly dismissed the thought and rushed towards her big brother, intent on greeting him with a hug. “BBBFF! I did it! I finally did it!” Shining Armor met Twilight’s hug with one of his own and nearly choked her with the intensity of it. It wasn’t difficult to see why when you notice the difference in their physiques. Twilight, who spent most of time reading when she wasn’t practicing her psychic powers, was much notably weaker than her brother who trained daily to retain his amazing physical strength. Twilight pushed her brother off of her, to the point where she regained the capability to breathe. Twilight felt something wet touch her cheeks and looked back towards her brother. She was shocked to see him crying. She was worried that her brother had been upset somehow and tried to comfort him. “Its alright BBBFF. I don’t know what I did that made you cry, but does it help if I apologize for whatever I did?” Shining Armor look at his sister, his surprise quite evident. “W-what are you talking about? If it’s about these,” he pointed at the tears leaking from his face, “then there is no reason to worry. This is just some liquid pride.” He wiped away the tears that had previously been cascading down the side of his face. Twilight understood that her brother was crying because he was proud of her achievement and stifled a giggle at his attempt to keep a “manly” image. It didn’t fool her though. While he was quick to deny it, her brother was a big softie under those muscles. Twilight simply closed her eyes and leaned more into the hug. When she open then she was no longer in the arena. She was instead surrounded by those closest to her. Her parents, Celestia, Shining Armor, Cadence and him. They showered her praise for her dazzling trainer skills and exceptional intelligence. Twilight closed her eyes, hoping that this would never end. “Don’t be so foolish. All dreams must end at some time.” Twilight’s eyes shot open startled by the voice. It wasn’t that of anyone that she knew or would ever wish to have the displeasure of knowing. The voice was feminine and haunting. It sent shivers running down her spine. Whoever she was, she was definitely untrustworthy. Terrified by the sudden intrusion, she looked around to her loved ones for support only to discover a to her horror that they were all frozen where they stood. It was if time had been stopped for them. They still wore jovial expressions and warm smiles, but they now felt cold and distant. “Who, or what, are you? Where are you? What have you done to them? Wait, you said this is a dream. Is it a dream?” With each question Twilight’s confusion only grew and so did her fear when she received no answers. The mystery woman spoke once more. “What foolish questions from a more foolish girl.” A misty, silvery purple and black mass rose from the ground surrounding Twilight and the petrified group, completely covering all escape routes, forming a dark wall. Misty tentacles reached towards them, snaking its way toward Twilight. When she tried to force against the mist it proved to be uncharacteristically sturdy. The task is similar to trying to move a brick wall with your bare hands. With no other options Twilight gave in to despair and shriveled away as the darkness slowly inched closer and closer. She could swear she heard it laughing. It was a deep chuckle reminiscent of a monster from Tartarus. Why is this happening? What creature would take such joy in making others miserable. Twilight was on the verge of tears when the mist ceased its movements. Twilight held no sense of relief, as it instead spread out, covering the entire area. Twilight pulled back but not fast enough as it had made contact with her leg, tripping her when she attempted escape. She pulled against the dark cloud in vain, its hold too strong to break. It covered the rest of her within moments. She heard the woman again. She had a condescending tone, mocking Twilight’s hopeless situation. “Oh how the pitiful dream has become such a lovely little nightmare. It’s beautiful, is it not? Though you stupidity is saddening to behold. Did you truly believe this whimsy to be a possibility? Of well, goodbye now young one. She’s all yours ...” Twilight sobbed as the cloud completely encased her in a deadly grasp. She opened her eyes to a world of murky darkness. It swirled and flowed as if made of some nauseating liquid. Where am I? I am I going to just float here for eternity? W-w-what I am I going to do? all...shall...fall Twilight spun around. What was that? Someone, or something, was there with Twilight and this knowledge brought more fear to Twilight than the idea of being alone forever. Movement to her left side caught Twilight’s attention. She turned to come face to face with… nothing? More movement, but this time behind her. She saw the faint trail of something and swiveled her body to catch up with its speed. Try as hard as she might she could get the entire thing in the vision. It was always there, right outside the corners of her eyes, but it refused to reveal itself, until Twilight finally realized the effort was futile. She should make better use of her time and compose a plan of action. “ all...shall...fall” That cry. The same cry as before. And Twilight was horrified when she realized the ‘point of origination. It sounded like it was directly in front of her. And it was close. Twilight slowly lifted her head, skin pale, shivering uncontrollably, tears on the corner of her eyes and horror painted on her face. In front of Twilight was a ghost-like pokemon. Its features were indiscernible, but she could see a white head with the appearance of a flame. It billowed about, almost as if constantly blown around in a non existent wind. There was a collar of red, jagged stone that reminded her of teeth stained by blood. But what truly left Twilight paralyzed was one glowing blue eye, the other covered by the white substance that seemed to be its hair. “all shall… fall to… to the power of...” It floated an inch closer to Twilight. “Nightmares” Horror-stricken, Twilight screamed as it charged her. AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH…. Narrator: (grave and serious tone) As our heroine is approached by this mysterious enigma pokemon the situation seems dire. She lays helpless in face of the dangerous adversary. Will find a light of hope in this world of darkness. Find out as the journey continues.