//------------------------------// // (Chapter 1) Into The House // Story: Endless Night Terror // by The Critical Wizard //------------------------------// "Wait up Applebloom I can't keep up!" Sweetie Belle shouted after us. "Then maybe you should've packed less stuff." Applebloom replied. "I still don't think this is a good Idea you guys." I said nervously. "Ah ain't to fund of neither but we can't let Diamond Tiara win, we don't have to stay here all night we just have to stay longer than her." Applebloom said but I was still unconvinced. As we got up the large metal gate of Alucard Manor I could just feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up and I knew this was a bad Idea. I could see the large mansion off in the distance and it looked like a giant grey wooden mountain that just loomed over the ground. Even though the sun was setting it looked as though no more than a few beams of light could get through to the area where the house was, it was old, dark, and dry. All the trees surrounding had since lost all their leaves and they lay scattered across the property like no one had cared for the grounds in over a hundred years. The mansion itself was in good condition and besides a few cobwebs it didn't look to bad from here. Applebloom and I had gone to the library and looked up it's blue prints to be better prepared for when we go inside, it is huge! It covers thirteen million square-feet! It has five floors above ground, a basement, an underground tunnel system, a court yard, and at least ten smaller buildings outside of the main building. The only way into the smaller building is is through the underground tunnel's and there is only one door into the main building itself. All the widow's on the first floor have been boarded up and bared on the outside. It really would be a cool place to live if you fixed it up a bit, but to know that we are going in there at night with only a few flash lights and some snacks is just a terrifying thought. I couldn't shake the feeling that something was horribly wrong and that I wasn't going to be all right. As we sat and looked at the mansion other people started to show up to prove they were the bravest pony in the class. Snips and Snails were there, along with a few others, we all were trying to play it cool like we weren't all scared out of our minds. "Well well, I didn't think you three babies would even show." Diamond Tiara said as she came from what seemed like out of nowhere. "Yeah we're here, I'm surprised you didn't pay someone else to show up for you." Applebloom retorted back. "Well then what are we waiting for lets get in there." Diamond said very full of herself. "Fine, after you." Applebloom motioned toward's the mansion with her hooves. And so with twelve of us in total we all made our way up to the mansions front and only outside doors. On the door was a large pony head shaped knockers with rings in their teeth, we pushed the doors open and saw the main hall, it was a large open room with a double stairwell that spiraled down the sides of the room that lead up to the second level, in between the stairs was a hall that took you down to the rest of the first floor. If you followed the second floor to the end there was a spiral stair case that took you up to levels three, four, and five. In the center of halls was an automated lift that would take you up to all five levels and down to the basement, from the basement there was a door that lead you to tunnels. Each floor themselves are multi-hallway and are very confusing to navigate through In the center of the mansion there was the large rectangular court yard that was in as bad of shape as the rest of the grounds. The general shape of the mansion is like a big plus sign that connected at the corners to make also like a box. There was also a tower as one of the other building that the tunnels connected to, it was the tallest part of the whole complex standing a full ten floors above ground level. The whole complex itself was essentially a maze and now that she was inside it she didn't think it would make a good house no matter how you fixed it up, it was just too big and too confusing to navigate. As I watched the sun set and then the doors close I had that really bad feeling again, but I wasn't going to be the first one to bail and look like a coward. As the hours passed people gradually left the dinning hall that we had chosen to hold up in. Someponys were leaving to go home and other would leave to explore, come back get there stuff and then go running out of the building. Personally it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, it was mostly just sitting around in a dark room talking to my friends, it was kind of like a sleep over. Now it was just Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, and I and I was starting to get bored. Silver Spoon said good buy and got up and walked out of the room. Moments later we all heard her scream and went running out to see what was wrong, we saw as soon as we came around the bend, there lying in a pool of blood was Twist's headless corpse. I heard them scream, I myself was in shook, who could have killed Twist? Applebloom fell over crying at the loss of her friends and Diamond Tiara screamed out: "That's it I don't care any more I'm getting out of here." "Me too." shouted Silver Spoon. And the two ripped off for the exit. "Come on Applebloom. We'll get the police down here and they'll find who ever did this." Sweetie Belle said comfortingly. As we walked to the exit making sure to watch our backs we were still in shook. We got to the main hall and saw Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon trying to open the door. The three of us came over and pulled on the door all together and we were able to force it open. We stared in disbelief as in front of us was nothing more then another hall way.