The Thing From Beneath the Sea

by Jabberwocky1996

Now It's the End

The creature raised it’s toes high and it’s claws gleamed in the moonlight like massive black axes.

“DUCK!!!” Fluttershy screamed.

The ponies ducked behind a wagon as the claws came down with a massive crash and a cloud of dust. Some of the buildings shook violently and fell apart, causing even more dust and debris.

“Quick, we have to get the Elements!” Twilight yelled.

“Point taken!” the other ponies said.

The ponies began running back to the hotel but then without warning the monster swung it’s tail. The swish caused a massive cloud of dust to cover the ponies. The tail slammed into the hotel and two other houses. Wooden debris, dust and various objects flew everywhere like deadly missiles.

Twilight had luckily managed to form a magical shield around her friends. The debris moved around them harmlessly and slammed into the houses around them causing even more dust and debris. In the force field, Twilight looked to her friends.

“Okay, we need to find the elements.” she said sternly “Me and Rarity will distract the monster with Rainbow Dash. Applejack, you and Fluttershy will go and search for the elements. We got one shot at this. Every pony ready?”

The others nodded.

“Okay….LET’S DO THIS!” Twilight yelled as the force field evaporated.

In less then a few seconds, the ponies flew into action. Rarity and Twilight super-charged their horns with magic and they glowed light and purple. Then, with a mighty blast of color and magic, the beams flew at the monster hitting it squarely in the chest and face. The monster roared in pain and fell backwards and hit the ground with a loud thunderous crash and a cloud of dust and spear sized wood planks. But Rarity and Twilight put force fields to protect themselves and the debris bounced off and the dust just circled them harmlessly.


When the monster fell to the ground, that was the signal for Rainbow Dash to spring in. Like lighting, she high above the monster. Then, when at the right altitude, she stopped, back flipped and began a diving run on the monster. The wind screeched around her and her eyes began watering but the water flew out of her eyes and evaporated. Then, with one more flap of her wings, there was an explosion of sound and a rainbow and she flew at the monster as fast as her wings could carry her. As the monster stood up and opened it’s mouth, Rainbow flew right into it’s mouth and as the mouth closed, she landed on the uvula and then flung herself at the monster’s mouth.

And with a loud scream, a loud, painful roar and a flash of moonlight and spurts of blood, Rainbow flew out of the monsters mouth and four massive teeth followed after her. Rainbow crashed to the ground in front of Twilight and Rarity and the teeth crashed around them forming sort of a circle around them. The three looked around.

“Huh. Weird.” Rainbow said.

The monster then roared angrily and stomped it’s two front feet.

“Twilight!” called a voice.

Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Twilight turned around and saw Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Applejack running towards them. In a few minutes, Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy were handing the other elements to the other three ponies.

“Alright girls!” Twilight ordered “Let’s show this monster what we can do!”

The ponies closed their eyes and concentrated. Slowly, the elements began glowing and the light began getting brighter. The monster looked very perplexed as the light grew brighter and stepped back a bit. Then, the ponies began levitating off the ground. The dust began to curve around them as if ready to embrace them and the rocks under them began to float and white beams began connecting the elements. In no time at all they were about as high as the monsters chest. The ponies then opened their eyes and in a flash of white light a rainbow colored beam shot out and slammed into the monster. The monster roared a defiant roar before the beam surrounded him and then in a massive explosion and a loud sonic boom a sonic wave was released. Whatever was left of the buildings flew apart and for a moment everything literary turned black and white.

And with that the monster was catapulted roaring back to whence it came. It flew over the desert and then slammed into a mountain top. Rocks and debris flew everywhere as the monster hit the mountain and in one massive splash of water and sand and rocks the monster hit the water and vanished into it’s watery domain.

Back in Dodge Junction, the light faded and the ponies landed softly on the ground and shook their heads. They looked around and then at each other. They then cheered happily.

“Not bad, girls.” Twilight said.

“And not a speck of dust on us.” Rarity said “Nice.”

“Can we go home now?” Fluttershy asked quietly.

The ponies laughed.

“Yeah, let’s go.” Rainbow replied.

“Uh, no, you ain’t!” yelled a voice.

The six ponies turned around and saw the citizens of Dodge Junction who had come back after the fight. Only problem was they looked really angry. The one who had yelled at them was the mayor who had a pen and paper cutie mark and had a white mane and a grey body. He also wore a jet-black top hat.

“You idiots ain’t going nowhere until you help us clean up this damn mess!” he yelled.

The six ponies awkwardly turned around and looked closer at what was left.

The town was practically non-existent. Broken boards, splinters and wood chips were everywhere. Rocks were also scattered along with them. Coal from the train yard was at the ponies feet and a fire blazed nearby. Spilt apple cider created mud along with water from the destroyed water tower.

“Oh, our bad.” Twilight said awkwardly.


Four days later, an exhausted Twilight approached the door of her library. Her hair had a twig in it and she had some small bags on her eyes. Fortunately, she shook her head to wake herself up and the twig flew out into a nearby bush. Then, with her magic, she fixed up her hair as best she could and opened the door. She then gasped.

Party streamers covered the whole room and there was confetti on the floor. Balloons hung on the walls though some were deflated on the floor along with a stain from what seemed to be a punch bowl on the floor. And there, lying on the floor, was a sleeping Spike. His mouth was covered with ice cream.

To Twilight’s amazement, the books were untouched. All of them were in their shelves and not a single on was missing. But for now she had to tend to Spike who was snoring on the floor.

“Well, hey there, sleepyhead.” Twilight said.

“Huh? What?” Spike said as he woke up and shook his head. He then rubbed his eyes and licked the ice cream off his lips “Oh, morning Twilight. Glad to see your back. Did you kick that monsters flank?”

“Yup.” Twilight responded. She then looked around then at Spike. “Might I ask why there’s party equipment all over the place?”

Spike looked around, got up and, moaning, cracked his back.

“Sorry.” he said “Derpy’s baby shower. She says it’s okay you didn’t show.”

“I understand.” Twilight said “Where’s Owlowiscious?”

“Upstairs taking a nap.” Spike replied.

Twilight smiled and walked up towards her bedroom.

“I’ll talk more later. Right now, I need a nap.” she said as she flopped on the bed.

“Okay.” Spike said.

He then looked at his arm and noticed a tattoo. It had a heart with an arrow in it and inside it said “Carla”.

“Who’s Carla?” he said to himself.