Friendship is Epic - Book 3: Blessings of the Night

by FlareGun45

Flare Through Time III

*Road to Rupert Theme Song plays in the background*



MegaSean45 as Flare Gun
Cathy Weseluck as Spike
Brony with the Bowtie as Doctor Whooves
Tara Strong as Twilight Sparkle
Ian McKellen as Starswirl the Bearded



Today was cleaning day! The day to clean out my trailer of all the worthless trash, dust bunnies, dead insects, and other hazardous materials out of my trailer! And they say I’m too lazy to clean out of my trailer more often! I mean, c’mon; I only clean it monthly! How more often can I clean it? Doesn’t really make sense to me. While I was organizing my laundry, my fish were watching me, and are in fear for some reason.

“Ugh! Cleaning day,” Piddles complained.

“What’s wrong with cleaning day, Piddles?” Dorothy asked.

“Yeah c’mon! Every cleaning day, Flare makes the tank nice and clean! All shiney and gets all the unwanted filth and bacteria,” Pearl said.

“Yeah, but every time Flare cleans the tank it’s always the same thing” Piddles said. “For example: Flare opens the tank and Yoyo always dances around, thinking it’s feeding time.”

A cutaway gag shows Yoyo putting a bib on himself and takes out a knife and fork, licking his lips after I open the tank. “Alright, feeding time! It’s not very often that he feeds us in the afternoon!” Yoyo said excitedly; but just then, I place a siphon cleaner in the tank to take out the bacteria from underneath the rocks while I was listening to Spice Girls on my Ipod, singing it out-loud. Wow, come to think of it, I sang this song recently! Wow, does time fly. Anyways, after I place the siphon cleaner inside the tank, Yoyo thought it was food and started sucking on it, like what all bottom-feeders do. “Wow, this is the biggest, strange-tastiest food I ever tasted!” The cutaway ends.

“And then there’s the glass magnet cleaner that Darrel chases all the time.” Piddles added.

Another cutaway shows Darrel chasing the magnet glass cleaner, and talking to it “Hey, I’m Darrel! Don’t I see you come around once a month? It’s the time of the month again, huh? Why don’t you ever talk? I just see you slide around the glass. Teach me to do that! Teach me to slide around the glass!”

“Oh my Luna, Darrel! Would you stop it?! It’s an inanimate object! Grow a brain for once! UGH!” Pearl groaned and swam away.

“Speaking of times of the month.” Darrel said with an awkward tone. The cutaway ends.

“And lastly, it ruins my sleep!” Piddles complained.

“You know, you do sleep a lot.” Dorthey reminded him.

“Yeah, Piddles. Do you actually need it?” Pearl asked.

While my fish were jibber-jabbin, I don’t even know their language, so I can’t be entertained by them. Meanwhile, I was folding my fun t-shirts! Like one of my t-shirts has a shroom and says ‘I’m a fun guy’, get it? Fun guy, sounds like fungi, which is a shroom? Yeah, old joke, I know. I was folding all my shirts on my bed using my shirt folding board, and piling my shirts on my bed. The ironic thing is, I hardly use them; I mostly wear a vest anyway. Meanwhile, my sister Water walks inside with a pile of laundry. “Hi!” she said.

“Oh, hey sis!” I said. “F-Y-I, the hot water is inadequate on the washing machine, so colors only; I’m gonna try to get that thing fixed.”

“Thanks!” Water said, dumping all her clothes in the washing machine at once.

“Holy Wizard of Feelings, sis! Why don’t you take your clothes to the river and beat them with a rock?” I asked. Just then, Water takes the detergent, and just pours nearly the whole thing in there. “I thought you had standards?”

“I do, but right now, I could care less.” Water said.

“Coltfriend problems?” I asked.

“No, worse! Marefriend problems! Spark Note thinks she can gain two tickets to the next Janet Jackson concert, but she ends up inviting Mynx instead of me! Who does she think she is?” Water complained.

“I-D-K, maybe she’s more of a type that likes to spend more time with her coltfriend than her friends.” I assumed.

“Ugh! Why does she have to do this to me?” Water asked.

“I would’ve thought you were familiar by that. You always spend more time with your 20 different coltfriends than your friends, let alone your own family!” I said.

“First of all: 19 coltfriends; second: You’ve seen how my friends were in Mareami! Users, like that pig friend of yours!” Water said.

“I thought we said not to mention that again?” I asked in an anger tone.

“Whoa, mister sensitive over here! Whatever! Hey, Flare, can I ask you a question?” she asked.

“I’d rather you not, but I won’t go as far as to forbid it.” I said, as I continued to fold my clothes.

Water just stared at me with a strange look on her face, and she said; “I heard yes, so I’ll go for it. Have you ever dated a regular mare?”

“I assume you’re not referring to digestive regularity, because I learned such inquiries are inappropriate.” I said.

“Well, something like that. I meant ever dated a mare that doesn’t have any sort of problems, like socially.” Water said.

“I’ll have you know Crèmepop is a wonderful mare, and you know she’s been socially active! She always hangs with you, Bonnie, Lyra, Wind Racer, Spark Note, and Crystal in your mare-time. Or as I call it: gossip time.” I said.

“Oh get over it, Flare! That was ONE time!” she said.

“No, you were CAUGHT one time. I heard so much gossip going on around town; like that one time everypony was laughing at Rarity’s hat, saying it was from the junk yard.” I reminded her.

“Only because it was true!” Water added.

I just stopped folding my shirts, and stood there not saying anything, until I eventually said; “Good point.”

“Exactly! Ain’t your big sis so smart?” Water asked.

“Oh you’re a genius! You should be in PH.D!” I said sarcastically, as I moved to my personal chest, opening it up.

“Yeah, I should shouldn’t I?” Water said to herself happily. “What are you doing now?”

“Going through my personal chest, seeing if there’s any junk I don’t need.” I said, as looked through it.

“How is it so big on the inside?” Water asked.

“I dunno, it was probably a gift from the Time Lords!” I teased. “That same technology is also my stomach!”

“Which is why you need to lose weight.” Water said.

“I’m fine, Water! I ain’t fat!” I said.

“You may say that, but I can see your gut growing every day.” Water said.

“You know, sis, when you say that stuff to me you have no problem with it, but why do you make it such a big deal when I say it to you?” I asked.

“Because my weight actually matters! Unlike you, I always make sure I look good!” Water said.

“So do I, but I don’t make a big deal over it!” I said.

“You don’t understand. You’re a stallion.” Water said.

“Eeyup, and proud of it! I ain’t so emotional like you mares are!” I said.

“Mares are superior in Equestria! Our princesses are both mares!” Water said.

“What makes mares more superior anyway?” I asked.

“Because we know how to flatter others more!” Water said. A cutaway shows mail stallion knocking on a door, holding a package. A stallion wearing nothing but purple and black stripe socks opens the door.

“Yeah?” the stallion asked.

“Eww! Show some respect! I ain’t giving a package to somepony wearing that!” the mail stallion complained.

“Who is it, honey?” a mare wearing nothing but purple and black stripe socks asked her husband, as she walked towards the door.

“Well, aren’t you a cute thing?” the mail stallion said flattering to the mare.

The mare giggled. “Thank you!”

“Hey, what gives? We’re both wearing the same thing!” her husband complained.

A voice in the background started singing, as the exact words appeared on the screen the same time the voice sang them: “Mares! They know how to look good!” The cutaway ends.

So I was going through my personal chest, found a few unique items, some items junk, some I wanna keep, but then I stopped after I found an old radio. “Hey! Look at this, Water!”

“What is that?” Water asked.

“What do you think it is?” I asked.

“Looks like grandma’s radio; or at least a radio for a grandma.” Water said.

“I remember having this! This is the radio I found in the junk yard back in Mareami!” I said.

“It was probably in the junk yard for a reason.” Water said.

“I wonder if it still works?” I asked.

“Uhh, did you not hear what I said?” Water asked.

“I did, but I didn’t want to, so I’m ignoring.” I said.

“What are you going to do with that thing?” Water asked.

“Spike’s gonna wanna see this!” I said.

“What makes you so sure of that?” Water asked.

“I dunno, but right now, I feel like seeing Spike anyway.” I said. So I took the radio, I exited the trailer, and started running to Twilight’s house. Water just stood there in my room.

“What? No goodbye; and you’re just gonna keep your chest open for everypony to take stuff out of?” Water asked. She looked around suspiciously, and looked at my chest. She started walking towards it, but she knew she was doing wrong by walking towards it. “No! I ain’t snoop dogging around in there!” she said, as she turned around and walked out of the room. But as you expected (or at least I assume you expected, it’s pretty obvious), she runs back into my room, looks inside my personal chest and starts singing Snoop Dog raps.

A while later, I went to Twilight’s house to see Spike. Once I did my special knock, he let me in, and I showed him my radio. I placed it on Twilight’s desk near Owlowiscious’ hanging spot. “Wow, an actual old radio! I didn’t think you’d have one of these.” Spike assumed.

“Oh I do, my friend! I do!” I said.

“I would’ve thought you’d stolen this radio from Granny Smith.” Spike said.

“To be honest, the only thing I hear on the radio is country music.” I said.

“That’s all she listens to. That, and brony pop.” Spike said. A cutaway shows Granny Smith wearing a bikini, and boots, singing the fanmade Equestria Girls song, which by the way, looked pretty creepy. So creepy, Big Mac had to cover Apple Bloom’s eyes, and Apple Bloom covered his eyes. The cutaway ends.

So I turned on the old radio, but all I got was static really. I started pounding the top of the radio, but it was still staticy. “Piece of junk! I guess this explains why I never use it, and it also explains why it was in the graveyard.” I said.

“Told ya!” Water said, as her head popped through the window near the desk, and then she ran off.

“You know, Flare, they say you can use these old radios to talk to dead ponies.” Spike said.

“That’s sick, brah! Who would want to talk to a dead pony? The only dead pony I’d talk to would be Billy Neighs. But I’d only hear his voice, I wouldn’t see his thumbs up, that’s what I miss the most.” I said.

“Well, try to find the radio frequency. Go to…. I think it’s 102.7.” Spike assumed.

“Oh cool! 102.7 was the 60s and 70s pop station back at Mareami!” I said, as I moved the radio frequency to 102.7 to see if I can hear any ghosts. I stopped hearing static, but I didn’t hear a thing. “I don’t hear a thing, Spike.”

“Say something then! Don’t be shy.” Spike said.

“Uhh…. hello?” I talked through the radio to see if there was anypony there, but to my surprise, I heard a voice.

“Yeah?” the voice said.

“Holy Wizard of Hope, it worked!” I said shockingly.

“What worked? Who is this?” the voice asked.

“I’m Flare Gun! We’re using this radio to talk to ghosts.” I said.

“Well, you came to the right place! I am surely a free spirit, able to communicate with mortals on old junk yard radios.” The voice said.

“Hey, you sound a lot like Discord.” Spike said.

“Discord? No, you must be mistaken. Discord isn’t dead! I’m Starswirl the Bearded!” the voice said.

“Hello, Starswirl the Bearded! Can you bring Billy Neighs on the line?” I asked.

“Flare, that’s Starswirl the Bearded!” Spike reminded me.

“Yeah, I know, I heard him.” I reminded him.

“This is Twilight’s idol! This is the stallion that got Twilight to be very interested in magic!” Spike said.

“I thought that was Celestia?” I asked.

“Ah, your friend Twilight sounds like a very interesting pony!” Starswirl said.

“She is, but she talks too much.” I said.

“This is amazing!” Starswirl said excitedly. “I haven’t talked to the living in thousands of years! Tell me, what is Equestria like?”

“From your point of view, it sure has changed a lot! You know Princesses Celestia and Luna controlled the Elements of Harmony when you were around, right?” Spike asked.

“They sure did! You may not know it, but I helped out in the process of finding them.” Starswirl said.

“Oh, really now?” Spike asked.

“Sure did! Maybe we can hang, and I’ll tell you more about it!” Starswirl suggested.

“Why that sounds like an awesome idea, brah! Count us in!” I said.

“No doubt! Twilight would love to talk with you!” Spike said. Afterwards, he yells out for Twilight; “Hey, Twilight! We’re talking to Starswirl the Bearded on Flare’s radio!”

“That’s nice!” Twilight yelled back.

“Want to come and talk to him?” Spike yelled.

“No thank you! I’m busy working on this new spell! I need to concentrate!” Twilight yelled.

“But this is Starswirl the Bearded! Your hero!” Spike yelled.

“That’s nice! I’ll come by when I’m done!” she yelled.

“That’s weird. I never thought Twilight would say no to talking to her idol.” Spike said to him.

“She probably doesn’t believe us.” I said.

“Oh well, who needs her? We can have fun time on our own! She’ll just miss out!” Spike said.

“Excellent! Excellent! Take me to your favorite places, and I’ll tell you about the time I made the magic spell that turns ocean water into ink!” Starswirl said. So Spike and I took my radio with Starswirl in it to places where we hung out, and Starswirl told us a bunch of awesome stories! Like when he witnessed the disharmony wars between a cult known as the Zambrocks against the Equestrian military, which was the biggest war in Equestria’s history. We also did a bunch of stuff together, like we took Starswirl to a Karaoke club nearby, and we sang a duet together.

“Ok, next up on stage, let’s give a big karaoke welcome for Flare and Starswirl!” the host said as I took Starswirl up on stage, placed him on a stool, and used my magic to grab the microphone so we can get started. Everypony cheered as we went up on stage.

“Ok, this is one of our favorites; hope it’s one of yours!” I said to the audience as the music started playing in the background, and Starswirl and I sang a duet of ‘Don’t Go Breaking My Heart’ by Elton John. We both took turns singing, starting with me. “Don’t go breaking my heart!” I sang.

I past the microphone to Starswirl so he can sing next. “I couldn’t-“ But that’s all we heard, because the radio was interfering with the microphone, causing a very loud noise causing everypony to scream and hold their ears.

“Oh, honey if I get restless!” I sang.

“Baby, you-“ Another big screeching noise, causing everypony to scream and hold their ears.

“Don’t go breaking my heart!” I sang.

“You ta-“ Big screeching noise, everypony screams.

“Oh, honey when you knock on my door!” I sang, doing a knock impression with my hoof.

“Oh, I gave-“ Ditto. So after the disaster at the karaoke club, I took Starswirl and Spike over to the Bistro, and grab a bite to eat. Even though Starswirl can’t eat since he’s a ghost inside a haunted junk yard radio, I just let him come for the lulz, and awesome stories. Starswirl is pretty good at both.

Starswirl just about to tell us a joke. “So, I was working at a Market stand in Canterlot, and a pony asks me, ‘Are you a unicorn?’ Then I said, ‘You want one corn? On the cob, or without?’”

Spike and I both laughed after he said that joke. “Oh, man! This pony, this pony right here, dude! He’s amazing! No wonder Twilight likes him so much!” Spike said.

“Yeah, it’s great having unexpected idols! For example: people saying My Little Human is a girl’s show, when lots of stallions like it too. There are unexpected idols every day, my friend!” I said.

“Hey, Starswirl, what other stories do you got?” Spike asked.

“Well, I did do a magic spell on Simon Cowell, and he said; ‘It was absolutely terrible!’” Starswirl said, doing an impression on Simon.

“Wow, he does impressions too! That’s amazing! I’ve always wanted to do cool impressions, and do awesome sound effects like the guy on Police Academy!” I said.

“Think that’s amazing, check out my David Letterman laugh!” Starswirl said, and started laughing like a monkey.

“Hey, David Letterman, want a banana?” Spike teased, and we all started laughing. Just then, Water came by, since she works here, with our food, and placed them in front of us.

“Ok, one crystal nuggets for the baby dragon, and one Ranch-House treeburger for the lil bro!” Water said.

“It’s restaurant-brand ranch, right?” I asked.

“Yes.” She said.

“Not like the ones in the store?” I asked.

“Yes.” She said.

“Curly fries, not straight?”

“It’s right in front of you.”

“Sea-salt not regular?”

“Yes.” She places sea-salt shaker on the table.

“Purple onion slices?”


“Hot mustard?”


“Poppy-seeded buns?”

“No.” she teased, because it shows the poppy-seeded buns right in front of me. I looked at my burger, and I looked back at her, giving a sarcastic laugh that sounded like two quick inhales.

“Hey, Starswirl, tell my sister that pirate joke you told us before.” I instructed himi.

“Alright! What is a pirate’s favorite letter? You would think its ‘Arrr’, but when you think about it, it’s actually the C.” Starswirl said, and Spike and I laughed really hard. “You gotta- you gotta- you gotta love this pony, sis!”

“You’re talking to somepony on your radio?” Water asked.

“Yeah, it turns out you can talk to ghosts on old joke yard radios, Water. It’s so awesome!” Spike said.

“Oh really? You having a good time talking to Discord?” Water asked.

“What do you mean? That’s not Discord, that’s Starswirl the Bearded!” Spike corrected her.

“Actually, if you think about it, Starswirl actually being Discord before he was Discord would be an awesome plot twist!” I said to Spike. “Nopony knew magic better than Starswirl, so maybe he created himself a mortal form, and that’s how Discord was made! I mean, it makes sense. Discord knows some of the greatest magic spells, and there are stars when he snaps his fingers.”

“Well, if that’s an actual spoiler, be sure to keep it to yourself, bro.” Spike suggested.

“C’mon, how can you talk to ghosts on an old radio? There could be a plot to this.” Water said.

“Water, since when did you talk smart?” I asked.

“If you don’t believe me, why not talk to Twilight about it?” Water asked.

I nodded. “Yeah, okay! Let’s go see Twilight then!” I said to Spike.

“Good idea!” Spike nodded back. “Hey, Water, can I have a to-go box?” So we collected boxes for our food, but we didn’t actually need them, because by the time she got back we finished our food, and then we left the bistro and went over to Twilight’s house, and placed the radio with Starswirl on her desk while she was working.

“Hey, I was working on a spell! I nearly had it!” Twilight complained.

“Sorry, but we need to ask; is this actually Starswirl?” I asked.

“I highly doubt that Starswirl is a radio, Flare.” Twilight said, giving me a funny look.

“No, not the radio, the voice in the radio. C’mon Starswirl, talk!” I requested.

“I’ya don’t know what you mean. No Starswirl ‘round here!” Starswirl said in an Italian accent.

“He’s right. Starswirl wouldn’t joke around like that, and that voice sounds a lot like Discord.” Twilight said.

“And how do you suppose you know that?” I asked her. “You may know Starswirl’s spells and his history, but you have no idea how he sounds like, or his sense of humor.”

“It’s true, Twilight Sparkle!” Starswirl said.

“Okay, now I know its Discord.” Twilight said with a glare.

“Alright, so you found me out!” Discord complained on the radio. “But you have to admit, that was a pretty fun prank!”

“Oh what?!” Spike complained. “We’re not talking to the spirit of Starswirl the Bearded! It’s just a prank played by Discord!”

“You catch on fast, little dragon!” Discord said.

“Aw man! This was a bigger rip-off than a Nickel-Back concert!” I complained. A cutaway shows me at a Nickel-Back concert, listening to their music, and I was just sat there with a boring look on my face, and I said; “I paid 5 cents for this?!” The cutaway ends.

“I can’t believe Discord played a prank on us!” Spike complained.

“Well, what can you expect from the god of disharmony? All you can expect is funny gags just to entertain himself.” Twilight said.

“Remind you of anypony, Twilight?” I asked her with an obvious question.

“Hey, you have to admit, I did a pretty good job acting like Starswirl! I mean, believe me though, it ain’t easy acting like a pony that discovers magic that can control time and space. You gotta know what he’s capable of, and everything.” Discord said.

“Wait, what did you say?” Twilight asked.

“You gotta know what he’s capable of, and everything.” Discord said.

“Before that.” Twilight said.

“I did a pretty good job acting like Starswirl?” Discord asked.

“No! In the middle!” Twilight corrected him with an attitude.

“It ain’t easy acting like a pony that discovers magic that can control time and space?” Discord asked.

“Yes! That one! Its part of this assignment I’m working so hard on!” Twilight said.

“What assignment?” Spike asked.

“The princess assigned me to discover a magic spell that happened thousands of years ago.” Twilight said.

“No, Twilight. Don’t say ‘the princess’. There’s more than one princess, and you know it. Celestia, Luna, Cadance, not to mention YOU’RE A PRINCESS! You can’t say ‘the princess’ anymore like you did back when you lived in Canterlot, there was only one princess then. Get with the time!” I complained.

“Oooook, but you know I’m talking about Celestia, right?” Twilight asked.

“Of course you are, and it made more sense when you weren’t a princess, but now you’re talking like you don’t include yourself.” I said.

“Whatever. Discord, tell me what you know about this magic.” Twilight instructed him.

“Well, it was all a blur for me. I don’t remember that much, but it happened about….. 1,273 years ago.” Discord said.

“Got anything you DO remember?” Twilight asked.

“Sorry, Twilight Sparkle, but ever since I gained my immortal form I don’t bother thinking about stuff I have no interests in.” Discord said.

Twilight nods. “Ok, Discord. Thank you for your assistance.”

“No problem, Twilight!” Discord said.

“Yeah, and thank you for the lies, brah!” I said sarcastically.

“Need anymore pranks, you know my frequency!” Discord said, and then I turned off the radio.

“What now? Princess Celestia gave me this assignment, saying it was urgent! I have to discover this magic.” Twilight said.

“Why? You know plenty of magic.” I reminded her.

“Besides, you said yourself, you didn’t want to be that powerful of an alicorn.” Twilight said.

“I’m not using this magic for myself, I’m trying to discover it. That particular magic was wiped out the same few minutes as it was first used. It was used to wipe out a powerful army of some sort.” Twilight said.

“Like the Zambrocks? Because Discord was talking about them.” Spike asked.

“Not the Zambrocks. Something else, something much more powerful, but nopony was able to gain influence of this event.” Twilight said.

“Well, maybe we can see for ourselves!” I suggested.

“What do you mean? Like going back in time?” Twilight asked.

“Exactly!” I said.

“I dunno, Flare. I did time travel once before, and it was a waste of time.” Twilight said.

“No, this will be good! This ain’t some spell or nothing, this is an actual time machine I’m talking about we’ll be using, and it’ll be driven by one of the greatest heroes in the universe!” I said.

“Oh no, you’re not saying what I think you’re saying are you?” Spike asked.

“Oh I believe I am, Spike! I believe I am!” I nodded mischievously.

“What are you talking about, Flare?” Twilight asked. So the three of us ran over to the TARDIS to go see the Doctor. Once we got there, I did my famous knock. Knock, knock, knock; “Doctor?” Knock, knock, knock; “Doctor?”

The Doctor opened the door and said, “Yes?”

I knocked on the open door a third time because I wasn’t finished. “Doctor?” I said.

“Ah, Flare! Spike and Twilight too! I just made some tea! Want some?” the Doctor asked.

“No thank you, Doctor. I have a request.” Twilight said.

“Research paper from Princess Celestia?” the Doctor asked.

“Yep!” Twilight nodded. “Need to go to 1,010 years ago from seven weeks ago. Starswirl the Bearded discovered a new magic that’s able to control time and space. She wants me to discover it and bring it back to her.”

“Well what are the odds?” the Doctor asked. “Remind you of anything, Flare and Spike?”

“Not really.” I said.

“Nope.” Spike said.

“Remember the last time we time travelled?” the Doctor asked.

“Yeah, I was shot in the leg by my future self.” I said.

“Oh right, you don’t remember because that time period was erased. By I remember!” the Doctor said. “Princesses Celestia and Luna called you heroes after fighting off an invasion force that occurred 10 years from that point of time.”

“Huh?” I asked.

“We’re going to 10 years before Nightmare Moon’s banishment.” The Doctor said.

“Again… huh?” I asked.

“Honestly, Flare Gun! It can’t get any more obvious than that!” the Doctor complained.

“Wait, Flare? You were around during Nightmare Moon’s banishment?” Twilight asked.

“Barely.” I said. “We were stopped by our future selves. We weren’t even in that time period for even a minute.”

“It’s complicated, Twilight.” The Doctor said. “But no matter! Just think of timey-wimey.”

“Excuse me?” Twilight asked.

“Nevermind.” The Doctor said as he started pressing buttons on his TARDIS console. “Now then… we are on our way to Old Canterlot, 10 years before our last insertion.”

“Doctor you never seize to amaze me.” Twilight said pleasingly.

“Thank you, Twilight! You might be pleased even more to know that we’re already here!” the Doctor said. Twilight excitedly ran over to the door and opened it. There we were… Old Canterlot. It looked exactly the same as the last time we were there, because 10 years isn’t much.

“Wow! Old Canterlot!” Twilight said excitedly. “I’ve seen this place before in visions, but being actually here and seeing the ponies of history wander around, I am so psyched!”

“I feel sorry for you, Twilight.” I said as I patted her shoulder.

“Well I hope you enjoy it here! 1,010 years in Equestria’s past! Give or take a day.” The Doctor said. “Now you know the rules of time travel, right Twilight? Because it took me a while to teach these two.”

“WHAT DID WE DO?!” Spike yelled.

“I am so glad you two don’t remember our last time travel mission.” The Doctor said.

“Every time you say that makes us more and more curious!” Spike said.

“Oh, hang on, Spike. You got something on your ear.” I said as I removed the green fin-like thing from his ear, and then ate it. “Mmm! Lettuce!”

“Way to go, Flare!” Spike complained. “You know how long it took to shape both of these things on my ears to make them exactly identical?!”

“Anyways, you three enjoy yourselves here.” The Doctor said.

“What are you going to do?” Twilight asked.

“I… have some research to do.” The Doctor said as he walked back inside his TARDIS and closed the door behind us.

“He seems to be in a rush.” Spike said. “Hey, where did Twilight go?”

“Judging by the alignment of the planets, I say she’s off to see younger Princesses Celestia and Luna.” I assumed. And I was right. Twilight was running over to the castle to see Princesses Celestia and Luna.

“C’MON, GUYS!” Twilight yelled at us. So Spike and I followed her to the castle to meet the younger princesses.

Meanwhile inside the TARDIS, the Doctor was surveillancing everything that’s going on in this age. The Doctor had monitor holograms all over the interior of the TARDIS, watching everything that’s been going on. “Princess Celestia mentioned the four of us saving this age 10 years ago from Nightmare Moon’s banishment from some sort of tragedy. But the question is… what tragedy is that, and further note, how did we do it? Also, why am I talking to myself? I knew we had to come back here some time, but why?” the Doctor asked himself.

“Need some assistance, master?” K-9, the Doctor’s robotic dog asked.

“K-9? What are you doing here?” the Doctor asked. “You’re supposed to be with Sarah Jane!”

“I am. I’m just a figment of your imagination.” K-9 said. “I’m also the ghost of K-9. I short-circuited after drinking toilet water. I should be back by the time I get fixed.”

“Boy, do I love this TARDIS!” the Doctor said excitedly. “I love it so much that I love this really brilliant, yet so familiar trash bin that I didn’t know I had!” The Doctor wrapped up a piece of paper and threw it inside that particular trash bin, which was bronze and had lumps all over it. “I should switch on the magnetic pull so the trash bin doesn’t get away.” The Doctor said as he turns it on.

So Spike and I continued following Princess Twilight to the castle. On the way, we had a nice tour of Old Canterlot that I completely forgotten in my last visit. “I’ve always found the renaissance to be fascinating!” Spike said.

“I don’t. Too many diseases.” I said. “Not enough cures.”

“Well lookie here! A baker, cooking bread an ol fashion away.” Spike pointed out.

“And look, Spike; a blacksmith! We better tell Markipony we found him.” I said.

“CHECK AND MATE, BUCKO!” a familiar voice shouted in the background.

“You’ll never take me down alive!” another voice shouted.

“Oh we’ll see about that, Leafhorn!” the first voice yelled.

“Well what do you know!” I said in surprise. “If it isn’t my distant ancestor along with Herb’s ancestor? Colonel Machine Tony Salvatore Joey Luigi Gun the First, and a longtime rival, Colonel Weed Leafhorn, and the only one of his line and not such a long middle-name.”

Just then, we saw the two of them laughing as they were playing chess. “Looks like you win again, my friend!” Weed Leafhorn said excitedly.

“You can’t beat my intellect, buddy. I know we’re partners in crime and war, but one of us has to be the superior one!” Colonel Gun said excitedly.

“Wow, your ancestors seem to be buddies in this period.” Spike said in confusion. “I thought you said they hated eachother?”

“Maybe not yet.” I assumed. “I never knew they started out as buddies.”

“What’s next? Blaze’s ancestor hates your ancestor?” Spike asked.

“Sergeant Gun… Sergeant Leafhorn.” Blaze’s ancestor said angrily as he marched towards them.

“Sergeant Goldheart! What is it you need, buddy?” my ancestor asked.

“I guess they were sergeants at this time.” I shrugged.

“Don’t give me that kind of talk, mister!” Sergeant Goldheart yelled angrily. “I know what you were hiding from me!”

“Whatever do you mean?” Sergeant Gun asked.

“You polished my gun last night, didn’t you?!” Sergeant Goldheart asked angrily.

“Have any proof of that?” Weed Leafhorn asked.

“Only you two the magic lock combination in my trunk! You dogs!” Sergeant Goldheart said angrily but the anger turned into a mischievous smile. Just then the three of them started to laugh.

“You were saying, Spike?” I asked him mischievously.

“Huh. I would’ve thought Blaze’s ancestor and your ancestor hated eachother.” Spike assumed.

“What made you think that?” I asked.

“Just a… hunch.” Spike said. “I really don’t know why I thought that. What? You didn’t think that at all?”

“Actually I did a bit, until the three of them all started laughing like they were friends. Gotta learn to listen, brah.” I advised him.

“Look who’s talking.” Spike said sarcastically.

“I’m sorry, what was that?” I asked. “I was gonna check my Ponyhoof until I realized there’s no Wi-Fi in this place.”

“This is 1,010 years in Equestria’s past, dude.” Spike reminded me.

“And yeah?” I asked.

“Internet wasn’t around yet.” Spike said.

“Really now?” I asked.

“Yeah.” Spike said as he then takes out his phone. “I should make a complaint to the management. Hopefully they’ll be able to- OH FRINKLEBERRY!”

“Relax, Spike. This isn’t so bad. There was plenty of stuff to do before cell phones and wi-fi were invented.” I said.

“Yeah…” Spike nodded. “I’ll go search them up.”

“Yes you do that.” I agreed.

“OH FRINKLEBERRY!” Spike yelled in frustration.

“This stinks!” I complained.

“HEY! What’s taking you two slow pokes so long?!” Twilight asked from the distance.

“She said poke.” I said. “I remember doing plenty of that when we still had wi-fi.”

“C’mon, guys. We should follow her.” The Doctor suggested. “Seeing the princesses might help us gain information.”

“Doctor, since when did you follow us?” Spike asked.

“I’ve always been following you.” The Doctor lied.

“No you weren’t.” Spike corrected him. “You kicked us out of your TARDIS and stayed behind to work on something.”

“Don’t underestimate a Time Lord, my boy!” The Doctor said.

I coughed and then I said, “GRAVY!” at the same time I was coughing.

Spike chuckled. “Yeah, it is a load of bologna, isn’t it?”

“No I mean, gravy. Look.” I pointed to a stall.

“Gravy! Get your gravy here!” the merchant called out. “Freshly blended gravy!”

“Wait a minute… what is that?” the Doctor asked as he looked at the gravy stand.

“That’s called gravy.” I said. “Us ponies use that sauce as flavor for certain foods we like to eat.”

“Not the gravy.” The Doctor said as he walks over to the stand.

“Wait a minute. IS THAT PONY AN ALIEN?!” I yelled. “IS IT A ZYGON?! Is it… is it a changeling-type alien?! A ZYGON?!”

“Uhh, wh-what are you talking about?” the merchant asked nervously.

“Don’t play dumb with us ZYGON! We’re onto your little tricks! We already have shape shifters in this kingdom! We don’t need anymore!” I yelled at him angrily.

“Flare, I don’t think that’s a Zygon, or even a shape shifter.” Spike corrected me.

“How do you know? YOU WITH THEM, BRAH?!” I yelled.

“Will you pipe down?!” the Doctor demanded. “It’s not the pony either, it’s THIS!” the Doctor takes the mixing beater from the merchant’s hoof and shows it to us.

“Umm…” I said confusingly.

“A mixing beater?” Spike asked.

“Were these around during this time?” the Doctor asked.

“Yes.” Spike said.

“Ok yes, but… I mean… this particular one! Seems kinda off about it.” the Doctor said.

“Is it a Zygon?” I asked.

“NO, it’s not a Zygon!” the Doctor yelled.

“Then what else could it be? A tracking device? A part to something?” I asked.

“Or maybe it’s just a tool this pony was using because he needs it to make gravy and there’s nothing suspicious about it at all.” Spike added.

The Doctor uses his sonic screwdriver on it and thinks to himself, “Hmm… that can’t be right.”

“Can we just see how Twilight’s doing?” I asked.

“Huh? Oh, yeah… sure!” the Doctor said. So the three of us caught up with Twilight, whom was standing outside the castle, about to walk inside.

“Oh there you guys are!” Twilight said.

“Yeah! Why didn’t you go in yet?” Spike asked.

“I was just admiring how the Castle of the Two Sisters looked from the outside before the ruins. It looks so fascinating and so beautiful! I can’t even talk right now! I literary can’t open my mouth to speak!” Twilight said excitedly.

“Thank Faust.” I mumbled to myself.

“Then how are you talking?” Spike asked her.

“Magic!” I said as I snorted twice.

“I’m sorry, I’m being ridiculous right now, but I’m just… so I excited for this moment! I’m actually at the Castle of the Two Sisters when it was still in one piece!” Twilight said excitedly. “And that’s not all; in just a couple of minutes, we’re going to meeting the past Princesses Celestia and Luna! This opportunity is just… it’s just an exciting sensation!”

“I get some companions that act like that all the time. You’re not the only one, Twilight!” the Doctor said.

“Wait a minute. If we meet Princesses Celestia and Luna right now, will it affect the timeline?” the Doctor asked.

“Not if it’s already happened.” The Doctor said. “10 years into the future, the princesses were thrilled to see us ‘again’, and it was explained that we were actually already here, but it hasn’t really happened yet in our point of view.”

“Wow… I understood that.” I said surprisingly. “I thought you were going to make a complicated statement about ‘our future, their past’ and we’d have all a whole argument about how it makes sense or not.”

“And judging by the timeline… we’re going to be meeting Starswirl the Bearded at one of his finest years! All his best magic spells were invented in this time!” Twilight said.

“Are you sure it’s the real Starswirl the Bearded and not a prank from Discord?” Spike teased.

“Discord wasn’t around yet in this time, Spike. It has to be the real him, and that’s who we’re going to see!” Twilight said excitedly. “We’ll discover the spell of Starswirl’s greatest creation, and present-day Princess Celestia will be pleased!” Twilight said.

“Then I’m sure past-Princess Celestia will be pleased to meet us!” the Doctor said.

“In what way?” I asked.

“Timey-wimey stuff, DUH!” the Doctor reminded me. So the four of us walked inside the castle so we could meet the princesses ‘for the first time’. Twilight was gasping in amazement and squeeing over the fact that she’s here; it looked like she was going to get an aneurism. She observed everything, every inch of the corridor we were walking in. In fact, every atom it would seem by the looks of it.

“OH MY GOSH!” Twilight gasped in excitement. “Look at all this pony armor, all shinny and new, with not a single spec of dust! These paintings… no torn sheets, or any fades whatsoever! No rubble… no sounds of everything falling apart…” just then, we heard an organ play in the distance.

“WHOA!” Spike yelled in surprise as he hopped on my neck.

“HEY!” I yelled and coughed.

“And that was DEFINITALY not Pinkie playing that organ!” Twilight added.

“I have to say, I’m quite fascinated in seeing a medieval castle in this equestrian pony universe. It’s so brilliant!” the Doctor said.

“It’s like any other castle in any other universe.” I reminded him.

“That’s because you don’t see how the world looks in my point of view, Flare.” the Doctor said.

“Like stone age technology?” I asked.

“Just because my people have more advanced technology way beyond anything you’ve ever seen, I don’t really consider it to be stone age technology.” The Doctor said as he started to chuckle. “Nope… couldn’t keep a straight face.” Just then, a flash of wind goes by the castle, weakening the torch lights’ flames a bit, but not putting them out.

“What was that?” Spike asked.

“Magic!” I said as I snorted twice.

“C’mon, let’s be serious.” Spike instructed me.

“Actually, Spike, he’s right.” Twilight said. “When a pony is trying to make a completely new spell, sometimes magic could cause a chain reaction.”

“Not the chains! Anything but chains!” I cried. “How could I react with the chaaaaaaains?!”

“Sometimes I can’t even tell if you’re joking or just don’t know better, dude.” Spike admitted.

The Doctor uses his sonic screwdriver in the air, observes it, and then he said, “It would appear that Swirl is making a spell that involves blueberries.”

“That must be that blueberry fresh scent spell he made!” Twilight assumed. “Star Swirl the Bearded made this spell to help make a better scent for cottages after pony’s fireplaces go out, because of the smell of burning wood and ash intoxicates the air.”

“What happened to opening the window?” Spike asked.

“And let bugs come in?” the Doctor asked. “Such a stone age method!”

“Exactly!” Twilight said. “Just think of the infections ponies get from bug bites! This would help save lives of ponies!”

“Right, if the bugs don’t kill you, the smoky atmosphere will.” I teased.

“Hello there!” Princess Celestia said as she and Luna walk through the corridors and spot us. “Welcome to our castle, travelers!”

“What brings thou here in our admirable little paradise?” Luna asked.

“Oh… my… gosh!” Twilight gasped.

“Becky look at her butt.” I said in a teenage filly’s voice. Twilight runs over to the princesses and quickly bows to them.

“What is this? Another princess?” Luna asked.

“It would appear so, sister.” Celestia said. “What kingdom are you from, Princess….”

“Twilight Sparkle!” Twilight said. “And we’re from…” just then Twilight paused because she didn’t know what to say next.

“It would appear that she doesn’t want to tell the princesses we’re actually time travelers.” The Doctor whispered to Spike and me. “For one, I think it’s a smart move.”

“Yeah, we didn’t really ask, brah.” I reminded him.

“Regardless, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Princess Twilight Sparkle!” Celestia greeted. “I’m Princess Celestia.”

“And I’m Princess Luna.” Luna added. “Welcome to Canterlot!”

“It is always a thrill to meet fellow hierarchy from neighrboring kingdoms. They are always welcome!” Celestia said.

“If they come in peace, that is.” Luna added.

“Now, now, Luna. Let us not be rude to our guest.” Celestia suggested. She then looked at us and said, “Squires of yours, I presume?”

“Actually…” the Doctor started as he took out his psychic paper and showed it to the princesses. “I’m the Doctor. I’m Princess Twilight’s royal adviser. We came here because we heard that Canterlot has some of the finest magic spells Equestria has to offer, and we wanted to check them out for ourselves. You see, we’re making a geographical research paper on neighboring kingdoms.”

“Well it’s a pleasure to meet you, Doctor!” Celestia said.

“Does thou have a surname?” Luna asked.

“Smith. Doctor John Smith.” The Doctor said.

“John Smith?” Luna asked. “Is that a real name, sister?”

“It would appear to be.” Celestia said. “Not all names have to be nouns I’m assuming.”

“And how about you two?” Luna asked Spike and I. “Your clothes are fascinating, red one. What sort of leather do you use?”

“Uhhh… I got them from Walmart.” I said.

“To be honest, I’m quite surprised she isn’t surprised to see a baby dragon.” Spike said.

“Oh thy am not that surprised, dragon youth.” Luna admitted. “Dragons are pretty common around this land. We have a whole library section about them.”

“Really now?” Spike asked.

“I thought Equestria knew very little about dragons?” Twilight asked.

“What makes you think that, Princess Twilight?” Celestia asked.

“Well after… you know what, nevermind.” Twilight said. Just then, another wind gust spreads through the castle, and this time, extinguishing all the torches in the process, leaving us in the dark. Just then, somepony was screaming like a little girl when the lights were out.

“Whoa! What was that?” Spike asked.

“Sorry, that one was me.” the Doctor admitted.

“It’s ok, I got a flashlight.” I said as I turned on the flashlight I was holding with my magic. This flashlight had more of a blue glow to it. “There we go! Let there be light! Um… God. I was quoting God.”

“What was that about?” Twilight asked.

“Starswirl the Bearded, our head-wizard.” Celestia said. “He’s working on a very special project. He says its top secret and he must not be disturbed.”

“So, you don’t even know what it is?” Twilight asked.

“I haven’t the slightest.” Celestia said. “It kind of worries me.”

“And you’re not going to do anything to stop him?” Twilight asked. She then clears her throat and says embarrassedly, “For all do respect.”

“Starswirl is our finest wizard.” Celestia said as Luna uses her magic to relight all the torches. “We trust him completely with any type of project he’s working on.”

“It’s true. Starswirl is a very powerful and very noble wizard.” Luna said.

“I have no doubt for a second.” Twilight said with a smile.

“So, my guess is that Starswirl the Bearded is too busy to be meeting researchers right now.” The Doctor assumed.

“Actually… researchers might be just what he needs.” Celestia said. “Might inspire him a bit. When he comes out of his chambers, I’ll tell him to come see you. In the meantime, just take a seat, and he’ll be with you shortly. Now, please excuse us. We have a meet to get to.”

“Make yourself at home!” Luna insisted as her and Celestia walk out, leaving us alone in the throne room. Oh yeah, that’s right, I forgot to mention. We’re in the throne room now. We were walking in there as we were talking.

Spike yawns and says, “Well if you need me, I’ll be taking one of my mid-afternoon naps.” He then falls asleep on Luna’s throne.

“I envy him.” I said. “I’m never able to fall asleep that quick.”

“Please excuse me for a second, you two.” The Doctor said to us.

“Where are you going, Doctor?” Twilight asked.

“Are you going to find clues to hidden the plot on what the Zygons are up to?” I asked.

“For the last time, Flare! We don’t know that Zygons are responsible for this!” the Doctor corrected me.

“You didn’t even correct me that the first time.” I corrected him.

“Whatever.” The Doctor said.

“Is there some sort of invasion force coming here, Doctor?” Twilight asked.

“Yes, but that’s not why I’m going out.” The Doctor said. “I have to go scrape the prickers off the cactus plant.” Twilight and I just looked at him confusingly. “I have to use the restroom.”

“What kind of metaphor is THAT?!” I asked. “I never heard anything like that before, did you, Twilight?”

“I have to be honest, no I haven’t.” Twilight said.

“It’s a Time Lord metaphor.” The Doctor said.

“No you just made that up.” I argued with him.

“Look, it doesn’t matter! Please excuse me for a few minutes.” The Doctor said as he trots out of the throne room.

“Every time I see the Doctor he’s always off on an adventure somewhere.” Twilight said.

“You travelled with him before?” I asked.

“Of course! Many times!” Twilight said.

“Like when?” I asked.

“Well…” Twilight started. <Inserts Doctor and Twilight Sparkle adventure from fanfic here>

“Wow, interesting!” I nodded. “Any others?”

“Well, there was this one time that…” Twilight started. <Inserts another fanfic story here>

“Any that involve Derpy?” I asked.

“Absolutely!” Twilight said. <Inserts Twilight, Doctor, and Derpy adventure fanfic story here>

“Amazing!” I said. “You seem to have more adventures with the Doctor than Spike and I had with him! We’ve only been on like… two!”

“I know! Spike said.” Twilight informed me.

“Well… more like one in a half.” I said. “One in a quarter actually. We weren’t even there for long, but the Doctor keeps claiming that we did. I don’t remember anything.”

“That the mysterious of time travel, Flare.” Twilight said. “You were on one adventure with the Doctor and next thing you know, you don’t remember a thing the next day.”

“Has it happened to you yet?” I asked.

“Actually…” Twilight started. <Inserts fanfic story here>

“Oh, ok.” I nodded.

“Hey, Flare? Can I ask you something?” Twilight asked. “And don’t say ‘you just did’.”

“I can only do that joke for so long with one pony. You pretty much know most of my most common ones by now.” I informed her.

Twilight chuckles. “That is true!”

“So what do you wanna ask me?” I asked.

“It’s about me being a princess.” Twilight said.

“What about it?” I asked.

“You seemed to not be that happy for me when you found out.” Twilight said.

“Well… don’t get the wrong idea, Light. That doesn’t mean I’m not proud of you.” I said.

“I know a lot of ponies seemed to question about me becoming a princess all of the sudden. I was always assuming it’s because they can’t accept change.” Twilight said. “Is that it, Flare? You’re just so used to me being a unicorn that you can’t accept change?”

“No… that’s not it.” I shooked my head.

“No? Then what is it?” Twilight asked.

“Well… I mean… you and your friends are the Elements of Harmony, right?” I asked.

“We CARRY the Elements of Harmony, we’re not the Elements of Harmony themselves.” Twilight corrected me.

“Ok if there’s one change I’d definitely accept from you is to stop correcting every little error I make.” I admitted. “Lemme say how I wanna say things.”

“Well… it would help all the grammar errors you do.” Twilight said as she looks at you, the readers, and then nods.

“No, Twilight, you don’t do that. Pinkie can do it, the Noble Six can do it, but not you. You can’t do that.” I advised her.

“Do what?” Twilight asked.

“Nevermind.” I said. “Anyways, my point is, you and your friends all hold the Elements of Harmony. You all worked together to get to where you are now, but only you were rewarded. You’re the princess here. It just seems that only you get the credit everything. Next thing we know it, you’re gonna get a huge castle for yourself.”

“I wouldn’t go that far, Flare, but you do have a point there.” Twilight nodded. “But my friends do get rewarded for their efforts. I may be the one with the wings and new title, but that doesn’t make my friends any lower than I. I consider myself an equal to them; an equal to all. I don’t consider myself a dictator or a figurehead. I consider myself a representative to friendship, along with my friends. But I agree with you, Flare. Ponies give me more respect than they do with my friends, and I don’t always feel comfortable with that. At least you understand how I feel in that situation. You’re different from other ponies, Flare.”

“I know. I’ve always been different from other ponies.” I said.

“Not in the way you think.” Twilight said. “Ponies have been giving me more respect ever since I’ve became a princess. But you didn’t. You’ve always treated me the exactly the same.”

“Is that a bad thing?” I asked.

“No! Not at all!” Twilight said. “I mean… when we met, you were questionable, but you always treated me as an equal, and you know what? That’s the number one thing I’m hoping for in being a princess. I’m still Twilight Sparkle. I just have a new title, and new wings, but I’m still the same exact pony, and nothing is going to change that.”

“Wow…” I said shockingly. “That whole speech made me wanna hurl.”

Twilight chuckles and shakes her head. “And there’s no changing you either, Flare Gun.”

“Or Engie, or Blaze, or Crystal, or Psyche, or Aqua.” I added.

“Not them either!” Twilight agreed as she put her arm around me.

“So what kind of reward to your friends get?” I asked.

“A PF Changs gift card.” Twilight said.

“Lucky!” I said jealously. “Wait, all received one, or share one?”

“Each received one.” Twilight said.

“Alright good.” I nodded. “Gotta watch out for those tricks, and as Crystal says, ‘Trixie tricks’!”

Meanwhile, the Doctor heads over to the out-house outside to take care of his business, but when he goes in, he holds his nose and says in a disgusted tone, “AH YUCK! What did this pony eat?! Smells like sewer mixed with rotten broccoli and bean ‘n onion breath! ACK!” the Doctor takes the toilet plunger beside the outhouse bucket. “Well someone’s gotta take care of this right now!” So the Doctor tries to unclog the outhouse, but as he’s doing it, he stops. “Wait a minute… why I am unclogging an outhouse bucket with a toilet plunger? Come to think of it, why is there a toilet plunger here? WAIT A MINUTE! Why did Flare have a flashlight before?!” The Doctor suddenly takes out his sonic screwdriver and scans the plunger. Well… it would appear that I have found my suspicions. It’s not reading what this thing is, but something isn’t right here.”

“Hey! What’s taking so long in there, civilian!?” Sergeant Weed Leafhorn complained as he knocked on the door.

“Just about done.” The Doctor said.

“Hurry it up! We have to go again!” Sergeant Machine Gun yelled outside. “Ate too much rotten broccoli!”

“And I ate too much beans and onions.” Weed said.

“Hey do any of you boys have any more sewer water I could drink?” Sergeant Goldheart asked his friends.

Back inside the castle, I was about to play a prank on sleeping Spike, but our little prank was interrupted when the Doctor came in. “We have a problem.” The Doctor said.

“We’re not Houston.” I corrected him.

“What’s wrong, Doctor?” Twilight asked.

“This.” The Doctor said as he throws a toilet plunger on the ground.

“Wow, a toilet plunger. Reeeeeeeally suspicious.” Spike said sarcastically.

“But toilet plungers haven’t even been invented yet.” Twilight said.

“Neither is Flare’s flashlight.” Spike said as he takes the flashlight out of my pocket.

“How did you get that?” I asked.

“It was just sticking out of your vest pocket. Somepony could’ve easily taken it.” Spike informed me. Just then, another shockwave of magic spreads throughout the castle, extinguishing all the torches again.

“GAH! POOPY-POOPY!” I cried. “Poopy-poopy in my pants!”

“Don’t worry, Flare. No need to be scared of the dark.” Spike said as he takes out the flashlight and shines it.

“I’m not so much scared of the dark, as I am scared of what’s IN the dark!” I said. “The darkness comes, and we’re all going to die!”

“Flare, relax.” Spike suggested. “We’re nice and safe in the castle, there’s nothing in here to… I’m gonna stop there before I jinx it.” Just then, a loud slamming noise erupts the whole room. “AAH! POOPY-POOPY!”

“Poopy-poopy in our pants!” I yelled.

“Stay on the alert.” The Doctor instructed us as he takes out his sonic screwdriver and Twilight’s horn begins to glow. “This might be it… the invading force.”

“How are you so sure?” Twilight asked.

“I’m not, but it’s never a bad idea to assume the worse, but at the same time, you should assume the best too!” the Doctor said. “For all we know, it could be the ice cream pony!”

“ICE CREAM!” Spike and I yelled in excitement.

“Ice cream wasn’t around yet.” Twilight corrected him.

“I know, but I always like to humor myself before the possibility of dying.” The Doctor said. Just then, another light glows within the middle of the throne room.

“BRACE FOR IMPACT!” the Doctor cried. Just then, all the torches in the room suddenly lights up again by this one wizard that appeared in the room.

“What seems to be the trouble here, our most honorable guests?” the wizard asked. “Looks like you’ve seen a ghost!”

“Oh… my… gosh!” Twilight said in amazement. “Starswirl the Bearded!”

“Where?” Starswirl asked as he looked around. “I wanna meet him!”

“Wha?” Twilight asked.

Starswirl started to laugh. “I’m only kidding! If you really want to get to know a powerful wizard like myself, you gotta admire my sense of humor!”

“He’s got a point there!” the Doctor agreed.

“Starswirl the Bearded it is a true honor to finally meet you!” Twilight said in excitement. “I’m like… one of your biggest fans!”

“Really? You don’t like paper to me.” Starswirl teased as he creates a Chinese fan and waves it on Twilight’s face.

Twilight chuckles a bit. “Good one, Starswirl!”

“That wasn’t even that funny. Why would she laugh at that?” I asked.

“Starswirl I have soooooo many questions to ask you!” Twilight said.

“I might have even more answers to give you!” Starswirl teased. Twilight chuckles again.

“He’s my pony!” I said.

“Nope. He’s my pony!” the Doctor said.

“He’s not my pony.” Spike said.

“I’ve learned so much from your research, Starswirl!” Twilight said excitedly. “The amniomorphic spell, the temporary time travel spell, and even the fail-save spell!”

“I believe the latter was dud though.” Starswirl admitted.

“Yeah… I kinda figured that.” Twilight said.

“Well it is fascinating to see a pony who loves my books!” Starswirl said. “A lot of ponies do! But some feel that my spells are, how you say, reckless.”

“I would NEVER think that!” Twilight said. “I use your spells all the time with barely any problems whatsoever! You’re an idol to me!”

“Well thank you, Miss… umm…” Starswirl started.

“Sparkle! Twilight Sparkle!” Twilight said.

“Well, Sparkle Twilight Sparkle. It is nice to make your acquaintance!” Starswirl said as flowers just suddenly appear right in front of her. “For you!”

“Really? Thanks!” Twilight said as she takes the flowers and sniffs them.

“Watch how the flowers squirt on her.” I whispered to Spike. Just then, some pink powdery stuff gets stuck on Twilight’s nose and then she starts sneezing rapidly.

“Oh yeah! I remember that prank! Pinkie and Rainbow Dash did that once!” Spike pointed out.

“Seems less funny than the water squirting joke.” I said as I too sniffed the flowers, but then a boxing glove pops out of the flowers and punches me right in the face. “Ok that one was funnier.” I admitted as I collapse on the ground.

“Much funnier.” Spike said.

“Excuse me, Mr. Starswirl? Hi, I’m the Doctor.” The Doctor said as he shows Starswirl the psychic paper. “I’m an adviser of Princess Twilight here.”

“Oh a princess?” Starswirl asked. “How fascinating!” Twilight giggles again.

“Yeah we’re here for the finest magic spells Equestria has to offer, and we wanted to check them out for ourselves. We’re making a geographical research paper on neighboring kingdoms.” The Doctor explained.

“Well I have a lot of magic that share with you!” Starswirl said.

“How about the one you’re currently working on?” the Doctor asked.

“NO!” Starswirl yelled. “Err, I mean… no. No. Top secret stuff. Not even Princesses Celestia and Luna must know about this. It’s a very delicate magic spell I’m working on.”

“Is there a reason why you’re working on it?” the Doctor asked.

“For emergency purposes only. It’s pretty much a last resort if the kingdom has no other alternative of an ultimate defense weapon against any kind of powerful invading force.” Starswirl said.

“Invading force?” the Doctor asked.

“Yes.” Starswirl said.

“What makes you so sure of an invading force appearing?” the Doctor asked.

“Even though I cannot show you the spell I’m working on, there is something I’ll allow you to see.” Starswirl said. So Starswirl the Bearded led us all down into the dungeon where there was a huge metal box, shaking around.

“WHOA!” Spike cried.

“Just as I thought! The invasion of the boxes!” I said.

“It’s not so much of the box, Flare.” Twilight said. “I think it’s more of what’s inside the box. What does this creature inside this metal box have to do with this invasion?”

“Inside this box is a fierce creature. So fierce that I cannot describe its looks!” Starswirl said.

“What’s it called?” Twilight asked.

“A rockdog!” Starswirl said.

“A rockdog?” Twilight asked. “A rockdog isn’t really that fierce.”

“Yeah, I know, I was just getting into the moment.” Starswirl said as he opens the box and a giant bulldog made of stone comes out and pants. Starswirl whistles at the dog and says, “Crunch! Down here, boy!” Crunch the Rockdog crouches down to Starswirl and licks his face. Starswirl starts laughing and says, “Ok, Crunch, ok! That’s enough! That really hurts me.”

“He looks like a cool dog, ain’t he, Flare?” Spike asked, but I didn’t answer. In fact, I wasn’t even there. “Flare? Oh… right. He’s afraid of dogs.”

“WHY COULDN’T IT BE A ROCK-KITTY?!” I yelled from the other side of the room in fear.

“Now hang on a minute. I thought rockdogs didn’t have the sense of emotion? Other than hate that is?” Twilight asked.

“I’ve been doing research on creating a spell that gives emotionless beings emotion. I was successfully able to turn this ancient creature into a playful, loyal companion.” Starswirl said as he uses his magic to throw a giant rock across the dungeon and Crunch runs over to chase it.

“That is incredible!” Twilight said in amazement. “But why would rockdogs want to come to invade Canterlot?”

“No reason, because rockdogs weren’t the invaders I was talking about.” Starswirl said.

“Then… who’s the invading force?” Twilight asked.

“Whatever’s in that box over there.” Starswirl pointed to an even smaller metal box with a magical force field over it. Twilight started walking over to it, but Starswirl blocks Twilight’s path with his giant staff. “Not so fast, your highness. This creature too has no emotion whatsoever other than hate. Too dangerous. Too risky for a hierarch like yourself.”

“May I see it then?” the Doctor asked. “I’m only her royal adviser.”

“Yeah, and Spike and I are her jokers!” I added.

“I can play any musical instrument whatsoever.” Spike said.

“I am sorry, but this creature is still being tested with this new emotion spell I’m working on.” Starswirl said.

“Can you describe the creature?” the Doctor asked.

“It’s more of a squid-type creature.” Starswirl said.

“You don’t say?” the Doctor asked curiously.

“I do say.” Starswirl nodded.

“I respect the fact that you care for our safety, Mr. the Bearded.” The Doctor said.

“Please, friend, call me Starswirl the Bearded. I didn’t go to magic school just so I could be called ‘mister’.” Starswirl insisted.

“I know how you feel.” The Doctor nodded. “But it is imperative that I check out this creature. The clues you’re giving me about this creature is leading me to a result of a dangerous creature.”

“So you know about the krakens, huh?” Starswirl asked.

“The krakens?” the Doctor asked.

“Yes. This creature is an emotionless squid. It’s obviously a baby kraken.” Starswirl said.

“Octopus. For all do respect, Starswirl.” Twilight said. “Krakens have eight legs, not six, so it’s an octopus-creature, not a squid.”

“Niiiiiiiiiiice, Twilight!” I nodded sarcastically. “You put down your favorite idol. I wonder how you’re going to live with yourself, sista.”

“Are you 100% sure it’s a kraken?” the Doctor asked.

“It keeps stating it wants to cause distruction. What else could they be?” Starswirl asked.

“They?!” the Doctor yelled.

“Yeah, there are four of them in there. Four little baby krakens sitting inside a crate.” Starswirl said.

“One fell off and bumped his head.” I teased. “Or her.”

“I’m sorry, Starswirl, but I really need to see.” The Doctor insisted as he started walking over to the crate, but Starswirl picks him up with his magic and places him back next to Twilight.

“What part of ‘too dangerous’ do you not understand?” Starswirl asked.

“I live dangerously.” The Doctor said.

“You’re lucky I let you in this far.” Starswirl said as Crunch comes back with the giant rock and places it next to Starswirl. “Good boy, Crunch!” Starswirl pats his head. “Now, Doctor, your highness, I think you’ve seen enough. I believe it’s time to go back to the throne room to meet with Celestia and Luna, yes?”

The Doctor took a deep breath to calm himself down, and then he said, “Fine.” Just then, the Doctor looked over and saw a couple of light bulbs on Starswirl’s desk. “Are those light bulbs?!”

“No clue what they are, but they work.” Starswirl said. “Now please, I need some time alone for my research.” The Doctor groaned and then angrily turned around and the four of us left the dungeon and walked back to the throne room so we could meet with Celestia and Luna. Starswirl, however, stayed down there and took out some equipment.

“I will give you emotion, little kraken! My spells WILL work! They always work!” Starswirl said. “Except for that fail-save one, but I’m not that desperate for that one.”

“Aaaah… AAAAAAAH!” the kraken cried from inside the crate. Starswirl uses his magic to disable the magic energy surrounding the crate, and he opens it up, very dramatically, and inside the crate contains a little octopus-like creature with a very ugly face. Looks awfully familiar if you actually think about it. Three more of the same creatures crawl out from within the shadows.

Meanwhile back in the throne room, Celestia and Luna eventually come back and noticed we were still here. “Thank you for waiting, Princess Twilight.”

“It was no trouble at all, Princess Celestia!” Twilight said.

“Yeah we never told them our names yet.” I said. “Hello, princesses! My name is Flare Gun!”

“And I’m Spike!” Spike said.

“Nice to meet you both.” Celestia said. “Now then, Princess Twilight; while we were gone, did you happen to talk to Starswirl?”

“We did.” Twilight nodded. “But no such luck on the magic. He did, however, show us pet rockdog.”

“Fascinating creatures, rockdogs are.” Celestia said.

“Sound like Yoda, you do.” I teased.

“Starswirl also wouldn’t tell show us the other creature he had with him. Some sort of kraken creature. Do you know anything about that?” the Doctor asked.

“You know as much as we do, Doctor.” Celestia said.

“It’s pretty odd though. Why would a pony like Starswirl the Bearded hide some brilliant discoveries from even the leaders of this land?” the Doctor asked.

“We don’t look at ourselves as ‘leaders’. We look to ourselves as wise mentors and guardians of Equestria.” Celestia said.

“I look at thyself as a leader.” Luna said.

“I love you, Luna!” I said.

“I have the feeling that Starswirl the Bearded might be hiding something.” The Doctor said.

“And we respect his privacy.” Celestia said. “Starswirl is a stupendous wizard. He’s always been right for everything, and we trust him to do his research in peace.”

“Are you sure about that, Princess Celestia?” Twilight asked.

“I am positive.” Celestia said.

“Then I am willing to respect that.” Twilight said and bows.

“You are a very respectful princess, Twilight Sparkle.” Luna said.

“I agree.” Celestia said. “You are a much honored guest of ours. Please, if you and your squires could take our request of joining us for a banquet.”

“My gosh, I’d be honored!” Twilight said.

“If it has something to do with food, then I’m so in it!” Spike said.

“Oh that’s what a banquet is? I thought it had something to do with money?” I asked.

“Then please, meet us at the dining hall at 6. In the mean time, feel free to look around!” Celestia offered.

“Just be sure to watch your step.” Luna suggested. “Lots of trap doors in this castle. I’d be careful if I were you.”

“Oh don’t worry! We pretty much know this castle like the back of our arms by now!” Spike said.

“Since when did I have a pimple there?” I asked as I checked my arm. So time went by, and it was eventually dinner time. I was graving a lust for lasagna. Come to think of it, I feel like a fat cat right now. So we went to the dining hall. I wanted to sit in the end, but Celestia already beat me to it. I went over to sit on the other side, but Sergeant Machine Gun, my ancestor, already beat me to that spot.

“Snooze you lose, friend.” Machine said to me mischievously.

“Groans!” I groaned.

“Relax, friend. It’s who he is.” Weed Leafhorn said to me. “Took me a while to get used to it.”

“Didn’t give me a problem at all!” Sergeant Goldheart said. “I knew we’d be friends since the day we went!”

“Actually, Blaze; the first moment he opened his mouth you requested to the guillotine.” Leafhorn reminded Goldheart.

“Because I had giant veggies to cut! I was making soup for a giant so he wouldn’t terrorize the kingdom!” Goldheart corrected him.

“Goldheart and I are like brothers!” Sergeant Gun said.

“GROANS!” I yelled. “There’s nowhere for me to sit!”

“There’s a seat here next to me.” Spike said. “Also there’s one by that guard, and another one over there by the Joker.”

“Why so serious?” the Joker asked mischievously. “Also why so bland? This table cloth has no art on it with little teddy bears or hearts or even evil skulls. It’s just a faded white table cloth. It bores me to DEATH! I should invite Batman here one day.”

“I guess I’ll sit next to you.” I said as I sat down next to Spike. “Might as well sit cozy next to my brotha from another species.”

“You got it, bro!” Spike said as we bro-hooved / fisted.

“So Doctor, lemme ask you something.” Twilight requested. “If you don’t think a kraken is in the steel box Starswirl is keeping. What do you think it is?”

“Well… it’s complicated, Twilight.” The Doctor said.

“Does it have something to do with your past?” Twilight asked.

“Big time.” The Doctor said.

“You can’t tell me?” Twilight asked.

“Oh I can.” The Doctor nodded. “I just choose not to. I don’t want to think about it.”

“Understandable.” Twilight said. “But at least tell me this; this new spell Starswirl is working on. Would it make the universe at risk?”

“An emotion spell? Oh no! Pffft! The universe will be just fine!” the Doctor said.

“I meant the control time and space spell.” Twilight corrected him.

“Oooooh, right.” The Doctor nodded. “Well… you do know I am an expert at these things.”

“Why else would I ask you?” Twilight asked.

“Good point.” The Doctor said. “Well, a spell like that could possibly make a crack in time and space. Doesn’t seem to be very safe to use unless you know exactly what you’re doing that is.”

“Do you always know what you’re doing?” Twilight asked.

“Most of the time, yes.” The Doctor said as he takes a sip of his drinks. “I must admit though, I wasn’t always as brilliant as I claim to be. I made a lot of stupid choices. Some of which made the universe out of balance. No one knows exactly what he or she’re supposed to be doing all the time, but you know what, Twilight? I always know how to fix it.”

“Always?” Twilight asked.

“So far.” the Doctor said. “But I wouldn’t want to take any risks. Starswirl the Bearded better know what he’s doing because a spell like this could create a crack in space and time.”

“But Princesses Celestia and Luna trust him completely.” Twilight said. “I don’t want to put down my mentor like this, but… is she right?”

“She’s younger than when you saw her last, Twilight.” The Doctor said. “She wasn’t always very wise. A thousand-ten years, a pony would learn SO MUCH to carry down to the future of Equestria, like ponies like yourself, BUT… there’s a but there; she wouldn’t be who she is in the future if she hasn’t made mistakes in her past.”

“If that’s the case… shouldn’t we stop Starswirl?” Twilight asked. “I mean… maybe his spell vanished for a reason. It’s much too dangerous to handle, and therefore, must be expunged.”

“Bingo!” the Doctor said.

“Sweet Celestia! I never thought of it that way!” Twilight said in surprise.

“Starswirl the Bearded is a brilliant wizard, Twilight, but he’s not perfect.” The Doctor said.

“I know.” Twilight said. “He’s… very brilliant. He’s probably more than even I could ever be, but… wait a minute. Princess Celestia told me right before I turned into a princess that Starswirl the Bearded didn’t know friendship like I do, and he never asked for help for anything. He doesn’t share his untested magic spells. He just creates the spells by himself, tests them by themselves, and then publishes them to the public, but nopony was ever around to give him a second opinion.”

“Then it’s about time we did.” The Doctor said.

“So we have to destroy his spell?” Twilight asked.

“It’s for the best.” The Doctor said. Twilight didn’t feel comfortable with this. She knew that she might disappoint present-day Princess Celestia by not giving her what she wanted, but Twilight knew she had to do what she had to do for the sake of the space-time continuum.

“Hey, Twilight. Are you going to eat that?” Spike asked as he pointed to Twlight’s plate.

“You could have it, Spike.” Twilight said as she gives her dinner to him.

“OH BOY!” Spike said excitedly as he was about to eat it, but I beat him to it.

“Meh heh heeeeh!” I chuckled mischievously.

“Joke’s on you.” Spike said to me. “She might be sick which might be the reason she’s not eating.”

“I’ll take that risk.” I said. “This tree bark brisket is so delicious! Everything in medieval times tasted so good! It’s too bad everypony dies at the age of 40, and if you get a cut anywhere, you’re DONE! Finished! Adios amigo!”

“Then I should probably be worried after I cut my finger while cutting my brisket.” Spike said as he showed me his cut finger.

“I hope you put me in your will.” I said.

“Not in a million years, Flare.” Spike said.

“Awwww.” I whined.

Meanwhile, back down at the dungeon, Starswirl opens the crates the ‘krakens’ are in, places them in jars with liquid in them, and he starts running tests. “Don’t worry, my little friends! Soon you will have tons of emotion! You’ll probably even feel it all at the same time!” Starswirl said to the creatures. The creatures just stared at Starswirl, emotionless, blinking their uneven eyes at him. “Well then… let us see how this magic spell works!”

Starswirl takes a few steps back, cracks his neck and his hooves (not necessarily in that order), spits on his hooves and then rubs his hooves against his horn, then he takes a couple of Tic-Tacs. I guess if he’s going to be shouting out his spell, he has to have good breath while doing it. I usually take a mint before shouting out before enchanting my Shoop Da Whoop spell. So, Starswirl’s horn starts to glow and the whole dungeon starts to get windy as Starswirl begins to shout out his spell, “From all of us together, in a not-so-boring way. Lemme give you emotions, and it’ll be OKAY!” Starswirl yelled as magic get shot out of his horn and aimed right towards the krakens, but… he missed. He actually aimed for the glass vial right next to them. The vial starts jumping up and down in joy.

“Ok,” Starswirl said awkwardly. “I guess I still have to work on my aim. That wasn’t supposed to happen.” Just then, the vial starts filling up with water. “Oh, oh! Please don’t take it that way! You were more of a… a… test subject! Yeah! I was aiming for you this whole time!” Just then the water in the vial turned into fire, and then it beat Starswirl in the head in anger. “Well, I say, that was incredibly rude! And yet… lovely. I guess I deserved that. You did a good deed for me, little vial!” Just then, the vial blushes. “Ok then. That was just a test run. Now for you, krakens!” Starswirl’s horn begins to glow again and the room yet again gets windy as Starswirl resets the spell. “From all of us together, in a not-so-boring way. Lemme give you emotions, and it’ll be OKAY!” Starswirl shoots the magic spell right at the krakens. Another major shockwave spreads throughout the castle. The Doctor and Twilight felt it when they were walking down the castle corridors.

“We better hurry.” The Doctor said as the two of them started running as fast as they could to get to the dungeon where Starswirl was performing his experiment. Downstairs at the dungeon, the spell eventually starts to sink in to the creatures. Once all the effects wear off. Starswirl rubs his head after falling on the floor, and he immediately stands up and runs over to the creatures.

“Did it work?” Starswirl asked the creatures. “Umm… I find you to be quite lovely today.” The creatures just stared at him emotionless. “Ok, umm… hey, I found a treasure worth millions of bits! I’m willing to give it all to you!” the creatures still don’t do a thing. “Ok, that didn’t work. Umm… in the future, there’s going to be hundreds of recorded images on a black box! Even thousands!” The creatures still stare at him with a blank expression on their faces. “But nothing entertaining!” he added. “What? Wow, that one usually works. Maybe this spell is just a dud.” Just then, Crunch pants over to Starswirl and licks his face. Starswirl chuckles a bit and says, “Ok maybe it’s not dud.” He pats Crunch’s head. “Maybe these creatures are just immune to this sort of magic. I guess I’ll have to cancel it here. I’ll release four back into the wild tomorrow. I’ll try to put it in my schedule, hoping I won’t delay my arrival to Cerberus’ tea party, but in the meantime; c’mon, Crunch, it’s time for a walk. You know why you’re better than other dogs, Crunch? If I see rocks on the ground that weren’t there before after you ‘did your business’, I won’t have to pick them up!” So Starswirl and Crunch both walk out of the dungeon, leaving the four creatures behind, but when he leaves, the creatures start to glow.

“It is complete!” one of the creatures said in a familiar robotic voice. “We now have absorbed enough magic to take over this puny pony world! Now we can reunite with our spare parts!” Just then, the light bulbs on top of Starswirl’s desk begin to glow and they get removed from their sockets, but at the same time, over by the merchant we met before…

“Gravy! Get your gravy here! Buy yourself some gravy and put it on… umm… I’m not sure what type of food we use gravy for, but still, get your gravy!” the merchant calls out, but as he was shouting, the mixing beaters that the merchant had that the Doctor was suspicious about before start floating out of his cart and on its way to the castle.

Meanwhile over at the outhouse, Sergeant Blaze, whom was handling his business inside of it said, “That is the last time I drink sewer water. Hey, wait… what’s that thing next to the hole? Why is it floating? HEY!” Just then the door opens and the toilet plunger that was inside starts floating out. “HEY! Don’t open that door! Everypony will see me!” Sergeant Blaze yelled as he immediately closes the door after the plunger floats out. “Ah great! The door lock is broken now! That’s not all! I’m out of leaves! Umm… weird stick-laddle thing?!” Sergeant Goldheart cried out. “Can you bring me back some leaves?!”

Meanwhile at the dining room while I was eating next to Spike, I said to him, “Hey Spike?”

“Yeah, Flare?” Spike asked.

“Have you ever had a pot pie?” I asked.

“Yeah! That stuff is delicious!” Spike said.

“Did you start to feel weird after eating it?” I asked.

“If you count my taste buds having a nice feel of heaven, then yes, I did feel weird!” Spike said.

“Really? Cause when I had one of those pot pies, I started seeing rainbows, and I felt really relaxed. Next thing I knew, I woke up next to the Celestia statue at Ponyville and the ponies that sold me that pot pie was arrested for some reason. I wasn’t sure why.” I explained.

“That is weird.” Spike said. “Perhaps the veggies they used were stolen?”

“Probably.” I said. Just as I was talking to Spike, the weird flashlight thing I found and used when the castle was in darkness started floating out of my vest pocket. I didn’t notice though, but I did feel my pocket move. “Oh hey I think my phone is vibrating.” I said.

“How?” Spike asked.

“I dunno, let me check if I have any missed calls.” I said as I took my phone out. “No. Maybe it’s Facebook. I’ll check it real quick and- OH FRINKLEBERRY!”

“No, dude. You have your personal catch phrases, and I have mine. You have plenty.” Spike said.

“You can never have enough catch phrases, brah!” I said.

Meanwhile at the castle corridors as Starswirl was about to take Crunch for a walk, Twilight and the Doctor run into him. “Whoa, your highness! What seems to be the hurry?” Starswirl asked.

“That time and space spell you’re working on, I am regrettable to stay that you cannot work on it any longer.” Twilight said.

“What do you mean, your highness?” Starswirl asked.

“Time and space!” Twilight said. “A spell like that could destroy the whole universe?”

“That’s not what I said.” The Doctor said. “I said it could rip a hole in time and space, not completely destroy it. It will, however, temper it, big time.”

“Really now?” Starswirl asked. “Have you been looking at my plans?”

“Wha- NO!” Twilight said. “I mean… I do know a lot of your spells. I use them all the time.”

“You read my books.” Starswirl said. “All your magic isn’t original, Princess Twilight. You got your magic from me.”

“I know I did!” Twilight said. “But what does that have to do with anything?”

“You think you’re expert in making magic, but you’re not.” Starswirl said. “I’ve been making magic spells for many years! I am quite experienced in this procedure. You think a spell that I AM making, could rip a hole in the universe, but you forget who you’re talking to. I am Starswirl the Bearded! I am the most powerful unicorn in the history of the world! You cannot criticize my creations before even knowing what I’m trying to make!” Crunch then starts growling at Twilight and the Doctor.

“Starswirl the Bearded, may I interrupt for a second?” the Doctor asked.

“YOU are an earth pony! What do you know about magic, my boy?” Starswirl asked.

“It’s not the magic, more like the facts of time and space is what my expertize is.” The Doctor said. “This spell you’re working on, it could cause jeopardy in the universe. Research like this could only be used if only handled carefully.”

“You think I don’t know that?” Starswirl asked. “I use all my magic spells carefully. That’s why I always test them. The emotion spell I worked on turned out to be a dud on the krakens I was researching. I’m going to be returning them to the wild tomorrow.”

“Those krakens… I still need to see them.” The Doctor said. “It is a very personal matter I must attend to.”

“Ok it’s one thing for you to worry about time and space, but my krakens are harmless! They’re only baby krakens after all.” Starswirl said.

“Uhh, Doctor?” Twilight asked as a toilet plunger floated over her.

“The toilet plunger?” the Doctor asked. “What in the… OH NO!”

“What’s wrong?” Twilight asked.

“I have to see the krakens, NOW!” the Doctor demanded.

“I’m afraid I cannot allow that.” Starswirl said as he blocked the Doctor’s path with his staff.

“Let me through… NOW!” the Doctor demanded. “What are you doing with a staff anyway?! You’re a unicorn! Your magic comes from your horn!”

“A staff?” Starswirl asked. “No! This is my walking stick! I’m old!”

“How old are you?” the Doctor asked.

“42! I’m surprised to still even be alive!” Starswirl said. “Luckily with diet and exercise, and no wife whatsoever, I’m as healthy as rockdog!” Just then, Crunch’s belly starts to rumble, and then he starts pulling on his master’s cape. “Yes, yes, Crunch. I know you have to go. We’ll be heading out now, but first…” Starswirl uses his magic and blasted the dungeon door. “Now the door is completely sealed, and there is no weapon that’s invented that could penetrate it! You will not interfere in my work! If you start questioning my work again, I’ll report you to the princesses. You should know your place, Princess Twilight Sparkle. You may be a magic caster, but you’re not a magic inventor.” Starswirl said as he walks out of the castle with Crunch.

“Why didn’t you tell him you did invent magic once before?” the Doctor asked. “That’s how you became a princess, am I not wrong? Am I not clever and handsome enough to know that?”

“I’m not sure how you being handsome as anything to do with it.” Twilight said.

“Trust me, it is.” The Doctor nodded.

“Anyways, I didn’t tell him because the only magic I invented was actually started by Starswirl himself. If I told him all I did was finish a magic spell he made, he’ll think I stole from him, and it might cause a time paradox. Am I right?” Twilight asked.

“I… umm… I knew that all along!” the Doctor fibbed. “Yep, and you’re absolutely right, and I also knew it the whole time. I was just testing you.”

“Yeah, right.” Twilight chuckled. “So what are we doing to do? I don’t know any magic that could unseal Starswirl’s magic locks.”

“Hmm…” the Doctor wondered. He walked up to the door and he took out his sonic screwdriver.

“Uhh, Doctor?” Twilight asked, but the Doctor didn’t listen. He just used his sonic screwdriver on the door, but then the magic field backfires and electrocutes the Doctor.

“Vvvvvvvv!” the Doctor shivered in shock. “Twilight! Why didn’t you tell me the door had anti-sonic protection on it?!”

“You didn’t give me a chance to!” Twilight yelled.

“I’m the Doctor. I always work fast.” The Doctor said. “You have to catch up to me if you outta warn me about something.”

“Right.” Twilight said with an attitude. The futuristic tools that the krakens were levitating towards them became intangible as they went through the walls and into the dungeon.

“Those kraken-like creatures are doing that!” the Doctor said.

“How do you know?” Twilight asked.

“Because… they’re no ordinary krakens… they’re an alien race that’s been following me for eons.” The Doctor said.

“And who are they?” Twilight asked.

The Doctor paused for a moment, and then he whispered nervously, “The Daleks.”

“Do you have to do that in that tone?” Twilight asked.

“It brings drama.” The Doctor said. “Can’t have a cool time adventure without drama!”

Meanwhile, downstairs in the dungeon, the Daleks were taking the random futuristic objects from around Old Canterlot, like the beater, the flashlight, the toilet plunger, and the light bulbs, and they all started coming together to rebuild their dalek suits. The flashlight on their head as their eye, the beater as their laser cannon arm, the toilet plunger as their other arm, and the light bulbs that go on top of their head that light up when a dalek is talking. Once all the pieces come together, as well as the dalek creatures themselves, the dalek pieces and the daleks all collapse on the ground after the magic wears off. “ALERT! ALERT!” one of the daleks cried. “ARMORED BODY NOT DETECTED!”

“WHERE IS OUR BODIES?!” one of the daleks yelled.

“SEARCHING FOR OUR BODIES USING MAGIC COMMUNICATIONS!” one of the daleks said as that particular dalek uses its magic to send a little cloud of smoke to hover through the corridors of the castle, and along the streets of Old Canterlot.

The smoke glides passed two ponies and one of the ponies start sniffing. “PEE YOU!” the pony yelled as he held his nose.

“That wasn’t me this time.” The other pony admitted. The cloud of smoke continues to glide through the air until it reaches the Doctor’s TARDIS.


“BLUE BOX?!” one of the daleks cried. “THE DOCTOR IS HERE!”

“HE WILL BE EXTERIMATED!” one of the daleks yelled.


“BUT WE NEED TEMPORARY BODIES, DALEK LEADER!” one of the daleks said. The dalek leader looks around the dungeon and finds a couple of barrels right next to some pile of hay.



“ARE YOU QUESTIONING MY ORDERS?!” dalek leader asked angrily.

“NO, DALEK LEADER! WE OBEY!” the dalek said.

“THEN LET’S USE THE HAY STACKS!” the dalek leader said.

“WE OBEY!” the daleks said. Outside the dungeon, the Doctor uses his sonic screwdriver to scan the magic smoke coming out of the dungeon.

“Wow, that has never happened before!” the Doctor said surprisingly.

“What hasn’t happened?” Twilight asked.

“First off, you asking so many questions in one day. You usually have all the answers, Twilight Sparkle.” The Doctor said.

“I’m not a super genius like you, Doctor. Even then, you probably have so many questions to ask as well.” Twilight said.

“Indeed I do.” The Doctor said. “This magic smoke. The daleks are using magic.”

“Can they do that?” Twilight asked.

“They’re super geniuses, much like me, but they’re usually one step ahead of their plans. For the first time ever, the Daleks have learned to use magic.” The Doctor said. “And it’s bad, very very bad!”

“The Daleks don’t seem to be a very nice species.” Twilight said.

“All the emotions they have is hate. The Daleks are also kraken-like creatures. They were pretty much… evolved. They used to be more humanoid in the past before turning into these freaks of nature.” The Doctor explained.

“Ok, but one question.” Twilight said.

“Yes?” the Doctor asked.

“What does ‘humanoid’ mean?” Twilight asked.

“Did I say humanoid? I mean equestrian.” The Doctor said.

“Oh ok! I get it now! So they were pony-like creatures before turning these octopi?” Twilight asked.

“Umm… sure! Yes, that’s exactly right!” the Doctor lied. “Also, brilliant job using the plural to octopus in the right context.”

“I get annoyed when ponies use the wrong context all the time.” Twilight said. “OCD at it’s finest!”

“You remind me of myself when I was younger, Twilight!” the Doctor said. Just then, the Doctor and Twilight started hearing a strange laser sound coming from the other side of the dungeon door.

“HIDE!” the Doctor whispered as he grabs Twilight and pulls her against the wall next to the door with him. Just then, the door turns into ashes and the hay-stack daleks start rolling out of the dungeon.

“Those are the daleks?” Twilight whispered.

“Shhh!” the Doctor shushed her. “Wait… what the?”

“Shhh!” Twilight shushed him back.


“EXTERMINATE!” the daleks yelled. “EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE!” The Daleks kept repeating themselves as they rode through the corridors of the castle.

“We have to stop them!” Twilight said. “They’re heading to your time machine!”

“Relax. No one goes into my TARDIS without a key!” the Doctor said as he showed her his key. “They’ll never be able to go in.”

“What about the poor ponies that’ll be ‘exterminated’ by these things?” Twilight asked.

“I’ll handle that.” the Doctor said.

“But is there any way to stop them?” Twilight asked.

“There’s one way I know best of how to.” the Doctor said.

“And what’s that?” Twilight asked.

“They’re made of hay, right?” the Doctor asked.

“Yes.” Twilight said.

“Just light them on fire.” The Doctor said. “It’s kind of a foolish move for them to be using hay instead of something not so flammable. Barrels don’t light on fire as fast as hay does. Now then, Twilight, you go and use some sort of fire-spell or whatever to light the Daleks on fire. I’m going to warn the town.”

“There’s a bell tower outside if that’ll help alert the town.” Twilight said.

“Then there’s no time to lose!” the Doctor said as he started running through the corridors and on his way outside. “ALLONS-Y!” Twilight was about to do what the Doctor said, but you know how it is; Twilight never listens to anypony that’s not Princess Celestia, so she ran down to Starswirl’s dungeon. What a naughty little devil Twilight is!

So the Daleks were going through the corridors, and they started shooting the soldiers, but missing completely cause they were out of range. “ALERT! We have intruders!” one of the soldiers called out. More soldiers showed up and they started using bow and arrows to defeat the Daleks, but once the Daleks were hit by arrows, it did no damage. “THIS IS WHY I CHOSE THE HAYSTACKS! ARROWS PENETRATE BARRELS!” the Dalek leader said.


“SILENCE! WE MUST EXTERMINATE!” the Dalek leader yelled. “EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE!” the Daleks continued shooting the soldiers, hitting a couple of them while they were at it.

“Well… this seems like a critical shot.” One of the soldiers said before he collapsed on the ground.

“EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE!” the Daleks cried out as the guards and the Daleks continued fighting. The Daleks outnumbered the soldiers, not by quantities, but by qualities. Did I say it right? Ok, good.

“FALL BACK!” one of the soldiers ordered the others as they fell back.


“5 MINUTES LONGER TO BE EXACT!” another Dalek yelled.

Meanwhile, the Doctor runs outside and cries out, “RUN! EVERYPONY RUN! GET THE THINGS YOU NEED AND RUN!” One of the ponies runs inside his house to get a tray of tea cups and a tea pot, and then he runs away. Most of the ponies did actually listen to him. I mean, a lot of ponies back then were pretty gullible, that’s why TV was invented. The Doctor eventually made it to the bell tower, but when he tried to open the door, it was locked. He took out his sonic screwdriver and tried to break it, but it wouldn’t break. “A wooden lock?! Are you kidding me?!”

“We here in Canterlot love our wood!” one of the ponies said. I don’t think I really had to add that quote in. There are a lot of quotes that the characters of this story say that I forget to mention. I usually take out most that I don’t find that funny and replace them with something funnier, but these stories are true stories, very true.

Inside the castle, Twilight was looking all over Starswirl’s desk area. “Where is it? WHERE IS IT?!” she yelled. “Where’s the time and space spell? Did Starswirl hide it or something? I really hope the ponies upstairs don’t use fire against those Daleks.”

“What is with you dudes?” I asked the soldiers upstairs as they were holding off the Daleks.

“What did we miss?” Spike asked.

“Hay monsters! They’re attacking!” Sergeant Gun cried. “Hay monsters everywhere!”

“This place isn’t safe for you.” Sergeant Leafhorn said. “We’ll help you find Princess Twilight, and we’ll get you to safety.”

“Relax, Leafhorn! They could take care of themselves! Right, Flare?” Sergeant Gun asked.

“How did you know my name?” I asked. “I mean I know we were here before, but… we met in your future.”

“What?” Sergeant Gun asked. “Oh right, that… thing you said.”

“Yeah, we get it.” Leafhorn nodded.

“They get it?” Spike asked.

“Look, dudes, I don’t care about the jibberish you’re saying, but if you want to take down Daleks using haystacks for bodies, why don’t you use fire on them?” I asked.

“Tried it. Didn’t work so well.” Sergeant Gun said. A cutaway flashback shows the Daleks shouting ‘EXTERMINATE’ as they were attacking the guards, and then suddenly, behind one of the Daleks, an Olympics torch pony runs over to the Dalek and lights it on fire.

“LET THE GAMES BEGIN!” the torcher cried, but then the fire gets extinguished very suddenly. “Aaaaaaand the games are over now.” The cutaway ends. I didn’t want to show the part with him being exterminated… umm, which he wasn’t! Heeh-heh-heeeh!

“I remember Twilight saying something about Starswirl the Bearded creating a fire retardant spell and tested it on haystacks. Perhaps these are the ones she was talking about.” Spike assumed.

“They make great body armor for these guys! Perhaps the soldiers should use them too.” I suggested.

“Flare and his bright ideas, huh Weed?” Sergeant Gun asked.

“You got that right!” Weed agreed.

“What are they talking about?” I asked.

“How are those little fillies doing, huh?” Weed asked.

“I’m freaking out right now. I’m walking away.” I said as I walked away.

“How about you, Spike?” Sergeant Gun asked. “You too freaked to talk to us either?”

“I’m less freaked and more confused.” Spike said as he too walked away. “FLARE! Wait up!”

“EXTERMINATE!” the Daleks yelled as Weed and Machine and one other soldier were the only ones left, and- woops, too late. The other soldier got shot and collapsed on the ground.

“Bloody H! I was two days from retirement!” the soldier complained. As the Daleks continued firing, some of the shots went through the doors and some of the books in the library were burning up. In fact, he entire dragons section was burning up.

“NO! Our entire collection of the knowledge of dragons! It’s destroyed!” the librarian cried.

”Not all of it. There’s still one dragon book here.” I said as I picked up the last surviving dragon book. “Oooo! 50 Shades of Dragon! Sounds interesting!” I started reading the book, and I nodded when I read through it. I was pretty interested in it… that is, after I got further in the story. “Whoa! WHOA! Holy Wizard of- what?! Whoa! NO! NO! NO!” I started blushing as I threw the book on the ground, and then I took a torch and lit the book on fire. “NO! BURN IT! BURN IT! KILL IT WITH FIRE!” I cried; and now the entire collection of dragon knowledge has been destroyed.

Outside at the bell tower, the Doctor uses a shovel to break the lock, and then he runs upstairs as fast as could (getting a splinter on the way since the hoof-rails were made of wood as well), and once he got up there, he started pulling the string which rang the bell. “Ow! Rope burn! Ow! Rope burn! Ow! Rope burn!”

“Hey, Doctor? What are you doing up there?” Spike called out.

“Ringing this bell!” the Doctor said. “We have to warn everypony that enemies are coming, and we must evacuate!”

“Why? The village is already deserted.” I said.

“Really?” the Doctor asked. “Hmm… I guess I was screaming so loud that it was pretty much alarming enough for the whole village to hear. Ok then. Coming in here was a waste of time. By the way, the Doctor is not responsible for any property damage whatsoever.”

“DOCTOR!” Twilight cried as she ran over to us once the Doctor walked back downstairs and out of the bell tower.

“And Spike and Flare.” Spike added.

“Relax, brah. We’re pretty much part of the background at this point.” I said. “All the attention is being directed on the Doctor and Twilight now.”

“Did you do what I asked?” the Doctor asked.

“Umm… yeah, about that.” I said nervously.

“The haystacks are fire retardant.” I said.

“Uhh, Flare. Have you tried using your magic at all?” the Doctor asked. I just stood there with a blank expression on my face.

“I forgot I was unicorn.” I said.

“I think I might know a spell that could do the trick.” Twilight said. Just then, an earthquake begins at this exact moment, and the sky begins to turn orange; not because the sun is setting, but cracks in the sky also appeared. “What is happening?!”

“TWILIGHT!” the Doctor yelled. “Did you use the time and space spell?!”

“NO!” Twilight said.

“Have you tried looking for it?” Spike asked mischievously.

“Well, I... umm… maybe?” Twilight asked.

“’Maybe’ always means the opposite of what we want to hear.” I said. “If you were more enthusiastic, we would’ve believed you.”

“So if Twilight isn’t causing this apocalypse, who is?” Spike asked. “Actually, on second thought, forget I asked that. It was a stupid question.”

“DOCTOR!” one of the Daleks said as three of them were standing in front of us.

“Hello, old friends! What brings you here?” the Doctor asked.

“SILENCE!” the Dalek demanded.

“I KEEL YOU!” I yelled in an Arabian accent.


“Destroy it instantly? You mean you’ll destroy it slower if we do what you say?” Twilight asked.

“AFFIRMATIVE!” the Dalek said.

“What is it you need?” the Doctor asked.


“Ooooooh!” the Doctor nodded. “That’s what those strange-looking trash bins in my TARDIS were! I knew they seemed familiar! As well as those light bulbs, that mixer, that toilet plunger, and that flashlight! Of course! They were all pieces of Dalek armor! But ooooooh, you cannot start your mission without the final piece! The most important piece: your bodies!”

“AFFIRMATIVE!” the Dalek said.

“How would we know you’re not going to just destroy the universe once you’re done?” Twilight asked.


“For what reason, huh?” Twilight asked. “What have we ever done to you?”


“Communism in a nutshell.” I said. “We’re all equal, but some are more equal than others. Like the Daleks for example!”

“We can stop you!” Twilight said as she activated her magic and shot the Dalek with some sort of laser blast; kinda similar to mine, but not that much.


“Right. The hay isn’t just fire retardant.” Twilight remembered. “It’s impenetrable from any kind of magic whatsoever.”


“Then… then that’s it. There’s nothing I can do.” The Doctor said.

“You’re just going to give up like that?!” Twilight yelled.

“The Daleks are destroying the universe! They have the most powerful spell there is!” the Doctor said. “Look around, Twilight. If I am to save your world, I must give them what they want. If you’re really the smartest and most responsible pony you claim to be, you’d know what to do.”


“WE OBEY!” the two Daleks said. So the Doctor and one of the Daleks were on their way to the leader so the Doctor could surrender his key. Twilight, Spike, and I were just being held there as hostages until the Doctor does his deed. Then again, I doubt we’ll be surviving after this. I know the Daleks can’t be trusted.

“Twilight, is this the end?” Spike asked.

“No, Spike. We’ll be able to get through this. I know we will!” Twilight said.

“Twilight, do you know who we’re dealing with right now? These are the Daleks!” I said. “They don’t care if they break their promise to the Doctor. They’ll wind up killing us once the Doctor has done what they wanted.

“SILENCE!” one of the Daleks demanded.

“I KEEL YOU!” I yelled in an Arabian accent.


“As if annoyance is a crime.” I said.


“And listen to you and your stubbornness. Listen to you with ‘anything that’s not a Dalek’ is a crime. You should be arrested for hate crime, you know that, brah? It isn’t nice.” I said. The Daleks just looked at me, not saying a thing. “You know what you are? You know how you were made? You all are just spare utility parts! A trash bin, two light bulbs, a toilet plunger, a mixer, a flashlight! That’s all you are – spare parts! Even the cyberponies look cooler than you! They used to look like just a bunch of tin platings and rubber hoses they use on dryers, but at least they improved their looks! You, my friends, have not changed a bit! You think you look cool, but you’re just a junky sculpture from parts you can find from Home Depot! What makes you think much effort was put into you, HUH?! ANSWER ME!”

Just then, a couple of sacks were placed on the Daleks’ faces, and they started to freak out. “ALERT! ALERT! VISION ALTERED! CANNOT SEE! CANNOT SEE! CANNOT SEE!” the Daleks cried.

“Hello, Flare! Miss us?” Machine asked.

“You do look like you could’ve used our help!” Weed said cheerfully.

“YOU TWO FREAK ME OUT!” I yelled angrily.

“Sergeant Machine Gun? Sergeant Weed Leafhorn?” Twilight asked.

“And Sergeant Blaze Goldheart.” Sergeant Goldheart said as he joined the party. “Sorry it took me so long. NOPONY was around to give me any leaves!”

“Well you’re lucky we found ya, boy-o.” Weed said. “You should give us your thanks.”

“I guess.” Goldheart shrugged.

“Wow, Flare! That was amazing!” Spike said.

“What was?” I asked.

“You were able to distract the Daleks pretty well so Sergeants Gun and Leafhorn could save us from them.” Twilight said. “Do the Daleks lose focus that easily?”

“Oh sure! All they do is just sit there and stare at the Doctor when he’s talking. They don’t do a thing!” I said. “You just have to talk like you’re smarter than them, maybe sing, and then they’ll slow down. BIG TIME!”

“Hmm.” Twilight thought. “I think I have an idea on how we could defeat the Daleks, but I’ll need you two to help me.”

“Us?” Machine asked.

“No, Flare and Spike.” Twilight corrected him.

“Oh.” Machine said upsettingly.

“How unfortunate.” Weed said.

“Such a pity.” Sergeant Goldheart shook his head.

“EXTERMINAAAAAAAAAAAAATE!” the two blind Daleks cried out as they both slammed right into eachother. “OW!”

“If you three want to help; go protect Princesses Celestia and Luna. They may need your help.” Twilight instructed them.

“That’s right! Where are they?” Spike asked. “Shouldn’t they be protecting the kingdom?” A cutaway shows the princesses stuffing their faces at the banquet still.

“You think we should help the soldiers outside with those intruders?” Luna asked.

“Not to worry, Luna. I heard great things from these newcomers. They were pretty successful during World Party II.” Celestia said. Wow, if only we heard that. The cutaway ends.

“Anyways, Flare, Spike? Here’s what I want you to do…” Twilight started.

“Mind if I make a suggestion?” I asked.

“Here I have an idea!” Spike said. So the three of talked out our plan, but I won’t say whose plan we used though. I’ll just say, let’s go with it!

Meanwhile with the Doctor and the Dalek escorting him. The Dalek leader was using it’s magic to destroy the world. It’s nothing that the Doctor ever seen before. He was pretty amazed. Not in a good way though, believe me. “You must be the Dalek leader. What gave it away you might ask? I dunno. Daleks aren’t supposed to glow like that.”


“Now if I must, I have several keys with me, and they all look exactly the same.” The Doctor said as he took out his keychain that had like 20 keys on it. “It might take me a while to find out which one is the one to open the TARDIS.”

“THEY’RE ALL THE SAME KEY!” the Dalek leader said.

“Wow, you Daleks are geniuses.” The Doctor said impressively. “I must say, I am quite impressed. Hey how about you tell me, Dalek Leader, how did you obtain this magic?”


“Aren’t my friends really interesting?” the Doctor asked. “There’s Princess Twilight Sparkle whose-“

“QUIT STALLING!” the Dalek leader interrupted. “ONE WORD OUT OF YOUR MOUTH AND I WILL CONTACT THE OTHER DALEKS TO EXTERMINATE YOUR FRIENDS ONE BY ONE! NOW DOCTOR, OPEN YOUR TARDIS DOOR IMMEDITALY!” The Doctor just stood there silently. He knew he couldn’t stall them any longer, so he took out his key, placed it in the lock, and was about to turn it when suddenly, music started playing in the background. Something similar to a certain American song, and by American, I mean the music group.

The Daleks stared at darkness up ahead, as two shadows emerged, looking like they were descending from underground (ok this whole scene is being staged; all this for just a distraction). A light lit up on top of me and I started to sing one of my Flare Through Time duets with Spike. We chose ‘You Can Do Magic’ by America because it seemed to fit. Spike and I were dressed VERY similar to Elvis. I sang the first part in a microphone as Spike was right next to me as we stood back and back; Spike had his head down, until he sings his part, but in this case, I was first; “I never believed in things, that I couldn’t see. I said if I can’t feel it, then how could it be? No, no magic could happen to me; and then-“

Spike and I suddenly looked at eachother and we both sang, “I saw you!”

“I couldn’t believe it.” Spike sang.

“You took my heart!” we both sang as I was holding some lungs on my hoof (relax, they were props).

“I couldn’t retrieve it!” Spike sang.

“Said to myself-“ we both sang.

“What’s it all aboooout?” Spike sang.

“Now I know there could be no doooubt!” we both sang. “You can do MAGIC!” I shot a flare out of my horn and into the sky, and then the flare exploded like a firework. “You can have anything… that you desire! Magic!” I squirted water on one of the Daleks’ faces.

“ALERT! UNDER ATTACK!” the Dalek yelled, but they were still distracted over our musical number.

“And you know that you’re the one who can put out the fire!” we sang as Spike used a fire extinguisher to extinguish the fire on a burning building. “You know darn well, when you cast your spell!” I waved a stick around like it was a magic wand, and then a bang it on a Dalek’s head. “You can get your way when you hypnotize!” Spike and I then stared at the Daleks with hypnotizing Discord eyes. “With your eyes! A heart of stone can turn to clay!” I was standing next to a heart-shaped rock until it melted into… that’s not clay, that’s just molted rock. Oh well, what’s done is done. Just then, Spike and I started dancing with top hats and canes as we sang the ‘do-do do-do’ part of the song.

While we were distracting the Daleks, Twilight sneaks behind the Dalek leader and takes the time and space magic spell while it wasn’t looking. Twilight then runs behind the TARDIS with the scroll held with in her magical grasp. “Ok, Twilight; this is it! This is the ultimate spell you’ve always wanted to cast! It may take some getting used to, but I have to do this! For my friends, for Equestria, and for the universe itself!” Or maybe DHX could just draw another world to take this one’s place. Just a suggestion. Twilight suddenly opens the scroll and begins to read it. “From all of us together- why does all of Starswirl’s spells start with ‘from all of us together’? Ahem. From all of us together, I call for an emergency, let me control time, and time you shall see!” Just then, the color of Twilight’s magic glow on her horn begins to change.

Back with the Daleks and us, we were still attempting to distract the Daleks with our song. “And if I wanted toooo,” I sang, “I could never be freeee!”

“I never believed it was true!” Spike sang. “But now it’s so clear to meeeeeee!”

“THEY ARE TRYING TO OUTSMART US! EXTERMINATE THEM!” the Dalek leader ordered the other Dalek, and then the other Dalek started shooting at us, but missing every time because Spike and I were dancing around too much.

“You can do MAGIC!” Spike and I sang. “You can have anything… that you desire! Magic! And you know that you’re the one who can put out the fire! You know darn well, when you cast your spell!” I was now dressed as a magician, tapping on my hat on the counter, and then pulling out Spike wearing a bunny suit (a grey bunny suit, I couldn’t find a white one anywhere). “You can get your way when you hypnotize!” I was now wearing a some green hypnotizing glasses with a red nose and mustache (looks exactly like the one Pinkie wore from Griffon the Brush Off), and then Spike shows up with a swinging therapy watch. “With your eyes! A heart of stone can turn to clay!” Spike and I continued dancing as the Daleks were getting less and less distracted, and more and more angry. “You’re the one who can put on the fiiire!”


“NO!” the Doctor begged. “Please! Not them!”

“HEEEEEY!” I complained in an insulted tone. “These straw-bodied freaks called me a purple reptile! How rude!”

“Well, we’re dead.” Spike said.

“EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINAAAAAATE!” the second Dalek yelled as it fired it’s cannon right at us and it was just about to hit my nose.

“NONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONO!” I yelled, but then the laser the Dalek fires freezes in place. “NONONONONONONONONO!” I kept yelling.

“FLARE!” Spike yelled as I stopped.

“Am I dead?” I asked.

“Don’t ask me. I never tried it.” Spike said.

“Wh-what?!” the Doctor gasped and then looks behind him, and right on top of the TARDIS was Twilight, and she was glowing. She had a bright glow in her eyes, her horn, and her mouth when she talked. Her hair and tail was blowing in the wind. “Oh no! Twilight, please don’t tell me you did it!”

“I did, Doctor.” Twilight said in an echoy voice. “I have learned the magic spell that could control space and time. The ultimate spell I’ve wanted to cast for years.”

“But Twilight! It’s a very unstable spell!” the Doctor yelled.

“Like you said, Doctor, if I’m the smartest and most responsible pony I claim to be, I’d know what to do; and I know what I’m doing.” Twilight said. She then uses her magic to fix the sky, the ground, and all the burning buildings. All the soldiers that were shot back in the castle had their wounds healed, and were very much alive and walking.

“I’m a zombie!” one of the soldiers cried out. “I must be burned! This is witchcraft!”

“WE ARE SINS!” another soldier cried out. Yeah, ponies were very religious back then, weren’t they? Twilight then removes all of the Daleks from existence in this universe. All five of them. Yeah there was a fifth one somewhere in the future. Don’t ask me how I know. Princesses Celestia and Luna witness Twilight’s heroic actions, and they were pretty impressed.

“Princess Twilight Sparkle… that is… amazing.” Luna said.

“It takes true friendship to make Twilight who she is today!” I said. “She’s gonna be your student in the future, Celestia!”

“Is she now?” Celestia asked.

“She learned magic and friendship from you and her friends in Ponyville!” I said.

“Ponyville? Never heard of a town like that like.” Celestia said.

“Yeah the Apple family founded it.” I said. “Also you’ll be meeting Spike, the Doctor, and me in ten years in the future it seems.”

“Oh?” Luna asked.

“Oh!” I nodded.

“Well all four of you are very noble heroes.” Celestia said. “For this, you have our thanks.”

“Twilight, stop!” the Doctor cried. “We won! You fixed everything!”

“I can’t… I can’t stop!” Twilight cried. “Help me! I feel like… I feel like…”

“It’s too much for her!” the Doctor said.

“HELP ME!” Twilight yelled.

“Looks like you need a Doctor.” The Doctor said mischievously as he takes Twilight’s hooves, pulls her down towards him, and gives her a big kiss. Shippers be damned. Once the Doctor finished kissing her, all of the magic was taken out of her and put inside the Doctor, and then, Twilight passes out on the Doctor’s hooves.

“Wow… that was amazing!” Spike said excitedly.

“That’s gonna bring a lot of angry emails.” I said.

“Relax, Flare.” the Doctor said. “I didn’t do it because ‘I love her’ or anything.”

“HA! You admitted!” I teased. “LAWL! Doctor loves Twilight!”

The Doctor sighs. “I did this once before with one of my past companions. Kissing Twilight was the only way for me to erase her memories.”

“Erase her memories?” Spike asked.

“Yeah, you know. She forgets everything, or… something, or… most things, or… just a little bit of things.” I explained.

“I know what it means, Flare.” Spike said with an attitude.

“I had to erase her memories of everything we did during this trip.” The Doctor said. “It’s as if Twilight was never here. I’m only doing this for her own safety. Her remembering this trip could… be too much for her. We have to go back to the present as soon as possible. It would appear that our work here is done.”

“Canterlot is safe thanks to you four.” Celestia said. “You did a great deal for us all. Thank you.”

“Ah pshaw! It was nothing!” Spike blushed. “Ok, it was something. A LOT of something!”

“WHAT’S THE MEANING OF THIS?!” Starswirl yelled angrily as he joined the party along with Crunch, whom was growling at us. “I saw everything! She used my time and space spell without my permission! She should be put into custody!”

“Wow… some help you were in this battle, Starswirl.” Spike complained.

“I was taking my dog for a walk!” Starswirl yelled.

“You know, Starswirl. There is a lesson to be learned here.” I said. “You think you’re all powerful and great and think you’re the best unicorn in the world, but you’re not. If it weren’t for Twilight here, this world would’ve been doomed! You may know great magic spells, Starswirl, but it wouldn’t hurt to get a second opinion every now and again.”

“He’s right.” Celestia said. “Starswirl the Bearded, you are a great wizard, but it would seem you keeping your projects from us has brought Canterlot into jeopardy. From this point forward, you are to supervised, and must bring forward to us all your research before even testing them. You have become reckless over the years, old friend.”

“Well, I, uhh… yeah.” Starswirl admitted as he takes off his hat. “You’re probably right, princess. I have become reckless. It was wrong of me to keep my research a secret. I guess everypony should have a second opinion for everything they do, because… to be honest, I wasn’t 100% sure of my spells all the time. I’ve been keeping them a secret for so long because since they’re not perfect, I thought I’d be rejected.”

“Nopony is perfect, old friend.” Celestia said as she smiled at him. “Now then, Starswirl, I believe there is one last spell you should do after our visitors from the future leave.”

“It’s for the best.” Starswirl agreed. “I will erase everypony’s memories of everything that went on today… including mine, but the lessons I learned today will stay in there. Thank you, our most honored guests.” Starswirl said to us. “You, especially Princess Twilight here, saved our kingdom, and taught me a great deal. Although, I think it’s best that… we all forget this day.”

“I couldn’t agree more.” The Doctor said. “C’mon Flare, Spike. Let’s go before Twilight here wakes up.”

“I’ll be but a moment.” I said.

“Don’t take too long.” The Doctor said as he returns into the TARDIS.

“Sergeant Machine Gun, Sergeant Weed Leafhorn, and Sergeant Blaze Goldheart-” I started.

“Oh that reminds me,” Celestia interrupted, “the three of you sergeants were truly brave in this battle. You helped everypony in town get to safety, and we are in your debt!”

“We were just doing our jobs, princess.” Sergeant Gun said.

“You would’ve done the same!” Sergeant Leafhorn said.

“It’s true!” Sergeant Goldheart agreed.

“Sergeant Machine Gun, you are now being promoted to colonel! Same goes for you Sergeant Weed Leafhorn!” Celestia said.

“ALL RIGHT!” Colonel Gun cheered.

“It’s like skipping 16 school levels!” Weed Leafhorn too cheered.

“And Sergeant Blaze Goldheart, I hereby promote you to… Captain!” Celestia said.

“CAPTAIN?!” Sergeant Goldheart complained. “They get to be colonel, but I’m only a captain?!”

“You were in the outhouse for half the battle.” Colonel Gun reminded me. “Remember? HA-HA-HA remember Goldheart?”

“I hate you and Leafhorn so much now.” Sergeant Goldheart said angrily.

“Well that answers THAT question.” I said. “But my other question – how do you know us?”

“You were fighting along side us during World Party II. Remember? The Battle of Hoofington? It was five years ago. You had three fillies with you.” Colonel Gun reminded me.

“No I don’t.” I said.

“I guess that means we’re coming back here again, even further into the past.” Spike said.

“I guess so.” I shrugged. “So anyways, expect us ten years into the future, princesses! See you then, or… in this case… we already did. It was pretty much our past, but your future.”

“Our future?” Luna asked. “You were… wait… thou has confusued your princess.” And so, we left shortly after. Spike and I went inside the TARDIS along with the Doctor and a passed-out Twilight, and we travelled back to our present.

“Twilight Sparkle.” Celestia from the past said curiously. “I have to remember that name. Now then, Starswirl. These ponies must not remember this day. Too much for mortal pony eyes.”

“Then it shall be done, your highness.” Starswirl bowed.

“I’ll never get tired on ponies bowing to us.” Luna said with a smile. HA! Yeah right!

Anyways, we returned back to present-day Ponyville. Twilight eventually woke up from her ‘nap’, and was pretty curious. “Huh? What?”

“Twilight! Are you ok?” Spike asked.

“I’m fine. Where are we?” Twilight asked. “I was just in my library doing research on where I could find the time and space spell that Princess Celestia wanted me to research on.”

“I have a confession to make, Twilight.” The Doctor started. “It was me that sent that letter. It was just a… y’know… a foul prank.”

“Really now?” Twilight asked. “I knew there was something suspicious about that hoof-writing. Didn’t look anything like Celestia’s. I know her hoof-writing.”

The Doctor chuckles. “I know you do, Twilight.”

“But what about the missing time and space spell?” Twilight asked.

“Do you ever get the feeling, Twilight, that spells are missing for a reason?” Spike asked. “Perhaps some things aren’t worth discovering.”

Twilight sighs and then smiles, “You’re right, Spike. I guess there’s no such thing as a time and space spell.”

“Bingo!” Spike said.

“Why are we in your TARDIS anyway?” Twilight asked.

“You were… y’know… passed out from working so hard.” The Doctor lied. “I took you in to see if you were healthy enough.”

“Oh… ok.” Twilight said as the Doctor and I help her back on her hooves. “Well… at least that’s taken care of. There was no research paper after all.”

“I guess not.” the Doctor shrugged.

“Well then, back to finding the source of the keys for the chest! Let’s go, Spike!” Twilight said with a smile as she leaves the TARDIS.

“Right behind you!” Spike said as he follows along, but right after Twilight leaves, and right before he does, Spike turns around and says to the Doctor and I, “That was a fun trip! Hope to have even more fun next time!” he then runs out. The Doctor and I, afterwards, both walk out of the TARDIS ourselves.

“It’s too bad.” I said upsettingly.

“What’s too bad, Flare?” the Doctor asked.

“I was hoping for Twilight to charge up my Blessings of the Night, but… I guess not.” I said as I showed the Doctor my necklace.

“Maybe I can take care of that for you.” The Doctor said.

“Really? Thanks, Doctor!” I said happily.

“You’re welcome!” the Doctor said as he takes out his sonic screwdriver. “Ok… umm… so do I use this on that thing, or… what am I supposed to do? What’s the use of that thing anyway?”

“You just touch it.” I said.

“Touch it?” the Doctor asked.

“Yeah.” I said.

“Umm… ok.” The Doctor said as he touches my Blessings of the Night with his right hoof and it starts glowing. “I… umm… I’m not sure what the point of this is.”

“Magic!” I said then snorted twice.

“Well, well, well. Look who decided to show his face around here!” Derpy said angrily to the Doctor.

“Ditzy! What’s up?” the Doctor asked. “You would never believe on the adventure we just had!”

“I know you kissed Twilight!” Derpy said angrily. “You have some explaining to do, MISTER!”

“What? How- how did you know about that?!” the Doctor yelled. “Ditzy, please, I can explain everything! You see, it was the only way to- OW!” Derpy bites the Doctor’s ear and then walks away while pulling on it. “OW! Not the ear! I use that to listen with- OW! Why use your teeth?! I miss hands so much!”

“You and me both, brother.” Lyra said.