Fear from the Heart

by Dragon Heart

See What I Have Seen (pt 1)

Hammerheart felt nothing. He felt as if he had no body. He tried to open his eyes, but could not even feel them. He kept focusing on regaining his senses until he finally opened his eyes, and was greeted with pitch darkness in his vision. His senses began to slowly come back to him. All feelings of nothing were replaced with the feeling of coldness. Hammerheart's bones started to get stiff from the temperatures, but he was not freezing. He could smell what smelled like the aromatic heat of fire. He could hear the low and normal beep in his ears from the silence. He could even taste chocolate for some strange reason.

Suddenly, two shining yellow anomalies pierced the darkness in front of him, and they drew closer to his being. As they came in, Hammerheart recognized them as Zaurus' eyes floating above the obsidian he had consumed. Then the sockets around the Dragon's eyes began to appear, but the rest was blacked out by shadows.

"Am I dreamin', or is this what the potion does?" Hammerheart asked himself.

"Hammerheart," Zaurus' voice said, "the kindle of peace is about to be set ablaze by the fires of war! If we are to keep this from happening, you must journey through my memories, and then see the Armageddon I have witnessed."

Hammerheart sighed. "Zaurus, old friend, what've ya gotten yerself into?" He said, "Whatever it is, I already don't like it." The obsidian started to glow white, and Hammerheart could see familiar past events occurring before him within the light. Zaurus' voice began to narrate.

"Friend Hammerheart, it has been four and a half years since you helped me save my race, the Knuckers, from the tyrannical clutches of the infernal Hydra, Legion."

"It was a brief, yet terrible war, but in the end, we overcame. Even though no battle is without consequence, their is no greater way for any Dragon to die, than to die fighting."

"But this is where the first chapter of a much more horrific story begins, even though we thought and believed it superstitious."

Within the swamps of a far away continent, fire engulfed large amounts of the area. The corpses of Knuckers laid on dirt and in water everywhere. In the center of the great swamp, a ginormous, countless headed Hydra sat in a large crater, surrounded by the skeletons and bodies of fallen Knuckers. It laughed sinisterly into the air, which had a haunting echo with every sound made.

"You Dragons are such foolish, pretentious creatures!" It bellowed. "Always thinking you can dominate without challenge or resistance! In the end, it will be your arrogance that will lead you and all others like you to extinction! If you had remained loyal to me, I would have help you cure yourself of your overweeningly blinding pride! Of course, it is never to late. Surrender now, and I, Legion, may show you some mercy against your sinful actions against me."

Elsewhere, Zaurus, Hammerheart, and a whole pack of Knuckers were gathered at a healing pond in a far south corner of the swampy map, and they were repulsed by the Hydra's horrendously infernal offer. The Knuckers were fighting to rid themselves of the chains and whips of Legion's tyranny, they were not about to give up and discard everything they dreamed to achieve.

"You may be a monster from the most voracious pits of Tartaurus, Legion," Zaurus shouted, "but that does not mean you are immortal! We know better than to accept your proposal of faux mercy! We are not fighting for pride, conquest, or anything else in hopes of personal gain! We fight for our freedom from one as heartless as you! Though you are many, so are we! We will fight to the death, until one of us falls! Marwolaeth I bob drwg!"

Zaurus and Hammerheart turned to the remaining Knuckers that still drew breath.

"My kin," said Zaurus, "we have suffered at the claws of tyranny. We have writhed at the whip of injustice. And we have dropped to our knees in defeat at the presence of indiscrimination. But now we say 'enough'! We will no longer stay our ground and watch as our friends and family are torn apart and devoured by the jaws of evil! We break free of the tyrant's grasp! We split the whip of injustice in two! And we stand against the one who self-proclaimed himself as ruler of us all! As a Shaman of our dying race, I must protect us all from dying at the feet of Legion, and I shall deliver the final strike myself, if I must! If we fall, then we will consider it a blessing, nevertheless, we must, we shall, win this day! Ar gyfer ein ras!"

The Knuckers roared in unison with selfless pride. Hammerheart looked upon everyone.

"You're quite the motivational speaker." He said. "I barely understood half the stuff that came outta yer mouth. But I promised I would help you, and I'm not gonna back out now!"

Zaurus looked to Hammerheart and smiled. "It fills my heart with great joy that an outsider and an outcast, such as you, would help us in our time of need."

Hammerheart gave a mixed look of thankfulness and annoyance, as he was not sure whether to take that as a compliment or an insult that doubled as a mean joke, but he knew Zaurus would never put him down.

"If it means the salvation of a Dragon race, than I will fight 'til the end." said Hammerheart. "To battle. Am y fraint o holl Dreigiau!"

Zaurus nodded. "Am y fraint o holl Dreigiau!"

Hammerheart flapped his wings, and was airborne. Knuckers, having vestigial wings, remained earthbound.

"Because we cannot strike anything that thrives in the air, you must keep all flying creatures from harming us, Hammerheart." said Zaurus.

"Way ahead of you on that one." said Hammerheart.

They began there move through the maze-like swamp. It was thick, foggy, and treacherous, but it was nothing to Knuckers, who relish in squelchy and humid habitats like swamps. They continued along the way, until they encountered horrific minions of Legion.

They were two-headed dogs with manes of snakes. Their drooled steamed against everything they touched upon dripping on the ground. They had black fur with red underbellies, and glowing red eyes to add onto the horror factor.

"Hellhounds!" said Zaurus, "Legion has summoned the very offspring of Cerberus!"

"Why ya flippin' out, lad?" said Hammerheart. "They're just dogs. Put 'em down!"

The Knuckers went in to attack. Zaurus kept his distance and spewed balls of venom at the beasts. Hammerheart breathed fire upon the hounds until they were killed off.

"Hmm, seems those mutts weren't flinchin' one bit from me flames." Hammerheart pointed out.

"Because hellhounds are born in the most volcanic pits of Tartaurus." said Zaurus. "Your gift of fire breath will not hurt them as much as it would appear."

With the hellhounds dead, they moved onward. When they moved another twenty feet or so, a loud screech echoed in the air. Horribly deformed winged monsters came towards them.

"Harpies!" said Zaurus, "Hammerheart, bring them low with your furious flames."

Hammerheart chuckled. "With pleasure." He flew forward and caught the harpies' attention. Hammerheart then unleashed his inner inferno at them. The blaze engulfed them, and they writhed and flailed in midair until they dropped to the ground below.

"Harpies are extremely vulnerable to fire." said Zaurus. "They will combust when you breathe on them."

With the monsters burnt to death, they kept moving on. The haunting echo of Legion's laughter surrounded them as they marched to battle.

"You miserable newts should have accepted my offer," said Legion, "instead you chose to continue defying my will. Now I shall slay you all, tear you to ribbons, and swallow your souls!"

The Dragons did not let Legion's threatening words despair them, and kept on moving. They came to a large, black, and ominous object that stood half sunken into the ground. It was guarded by hellhounds and harpies. They went in and attacked. Zaurus and the Knuckers fought the hellhounds, while Hammerheart torched the harpies. When the guards were slain, they brought their attention to the object.

"What in the name of all that is near and dear is that thing?!" said Hammerheart.

Legion laughed again. "Ah, it seems you have stumbled upon my children." He said.

Zaurus' face gave an expression of subtle horror. "Children?!"

"Yes! Even now, they feed off the souls of those pathetic Dragons who have fallen against my might, as well as the creatures you have killed! And in return for a delicious meal, they grant me the immortality that still gives me such a titillating feeling in my body."

"Well, then, I hope no one frowns upon us for killin' kiddies, then!" Hammerheart said before breathing upon the giant egg. Zaurus and the Knuckers also struck at the egg, until it cracked in two, and the yolk inside spilled out and headed for the center of the swamp.

Legion laughed again. "Killing my children matters little to me. Even if they die, they return to my essence, and I simply create more in their place."

Basically, the egg they destroyed would come back again. Meaning that, indeed, Legion would be immortal, no matter how many eggs they destroy, because another egg would take the place of the other.

"I will remain here and dispatch the egg when it returns, Shaman Zaurus." a Knucker said.

Hammerheart, Zaurus, and the remaining Knuckers kept going while the one that volunteered to stay behind remained. They came to a river, which separated them from the path on the other side.

"This river is vast and rapid." said Zaurus. "It is a good thing we Knuckers are excelled swimmers."

Zaurus and the Knuckers dived into the river and swam to the other shore. When they emerged and got back on dry land, their trek resumed. They soon found another black egg, also guarded by monsters. They quickly killed off the beasts with little trouble.

"I'll stay behind and destroy this grotesque creation on your call." another Knucker said.

Hammerheart spotted something strange not too far from their position. "Who or what in the bloody blazes are those things?" He said.

Zaurus looked in the direction Hammerheart was pointing and spotted a familiar sight. They were lizards, but they walked upright on their hind legs. They wore clothing made from whatever they could find in these swamps. They wielded axes made of wood and sharpened rocks, and bows crafted from sticks and thick strands of webbing from the large spiders that dwelled in these swamps.

"The Saurasks." said Zaurus, "If we recruit them for our aid, we could gain an upper hand against Legion."

They approached the Saurasks, who brandished their weapons upon seeing them coming.

"Who goes there?" a Saurask with a bow and arrow demanded.

"Saurasks, we come to you in need." said Zaurus. "Legion is threatening to throw the Dragons into extinction, and any others of our ilk."

"So you ask for our help against this 'Legion' creature?" a Saurask with a double-headed axe asked. Zaurus simply nodded. The Saurasks looked to each other, then back at them. "Very well, we shall join your cause."

Zaurus smiled. "Our thanks to you, Sons of Ymlusgiaid."

Now that they had Saurasks on their side, the battle was nearly half won. But Legion was quick to learn one's strategy through their actions.

"Hmm, what have we here? A presence I have not sensed up until now? You should have known better than to keep secrets from me. I think I will gather my own lizard minions after what you did." He laughed some more.

"Legion is making his next move by recruiting Saurasks, as well." Zaurus said. "We must find the others before he poisons their minds and brings them under his twisted will!"

Zaurus, Hammerheart, the Knuckers, and the Saurasks moved onwards again, but two more vile beasts from the dark forests of the world appeared to slow their advance.

"Chimeras. Abominable creatures that can breathe fire and use venom." said Zaurus. "Strike these monsters with extreme care, my friends!"

Hammerheart approached the mutant beasts and blew fire upon them. The Knuckers and Saurasks engaged as well, striking the beasts and trying to avoid getting bitten or burned. Within minutes, the chimeras were slain. The war party moved on, and soon found another black egg of Legion's.

"What are these things?" a Saurask said. "And what do they do?"

"These are Legion's dark eggs." Zaurus explained. "They contain his next of kin. They feed off the souls of whoever dies near them or Legion. In return, they gift their father with immortality. But even if we destroy them, another will eventually fill in the gap."

"I shall stay while you all continue." said another Knucker, volunteering to watch the egg.

They moved once more, and found another group of neutral Saurasks, who were fighting against a small pack of hellhounds. The Dragons approached and attacked the hellhounds from behind, and the Saurasks spotted them. When the hellhounds were slain, one of the Saurasks approached the war party.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"Fellow Saurask," said a Saurask among the Knuckers, "join us in ridding these lands of the one called Legion."

The neutral Saurasks looked to each other before nodding in agreement to the allegiance. There was now one more group to persuade, but Legion's haunting laughter did not invoke good news.

"My, my, my. These Saurasks, as they call themselves, are stubborn little things. But even they are susceptible to my influence."

"Blast it all!" said Zaurus, "We've lost a group to Legion. Be wary, my friends, for we may face against corrupted Saurasks along our way."

They once again found another egg, guarded by more monsters. They did away with the beasts, and another Knucker stayed behind to keep an eye on it.

"Keep going, friends, the hour of victory is not too far." He said.

They were getting close to Legion's crater, but on their way, they encountered the group of Saurasks Legion had taken under his control. Their skin color had changed from green to purple from the evil essence that consumed them.

"Our new Master has ordered us to exterminate the pests that are infesting his realm." One said with the same haunting echo as Legion's voice. "That includes you. Now, prepare to meet your ends."

"It may not be too late to save the fallen ones." said Zaurus. "If I can bind them and perform a Psychic Purge on their minds, they will be freed from Legion's lies."

Having the other stay back, Zaurus charged at the corrupted Saurask, threw his serpentine body around them, and constricted them in a binding grip. He then began to chant words in his native tongue. "Erbyn puro bydd y Duwiau Ddraig, yr wyf yn eich rhyddhau o is drwg yn!" His eyes shined brightly, and he spewed a white fluid all over the corrupted, which slid off their bodies and vaporized into thin air.

The corrupted Saurasks were back to their original green coloration again.

"Thank you for curing us, Knucker Shaman." one of the Saurasks said. "How can we repay you?"

"Please, friends, join us in overthrowing the one who corrupted you so, named Legion." Zaurus said.

The Saurasks bowed and brandished their weapons again. "It would be an honor."

With a full army, the Dragons and Saurasks headed downward, eventually finding another egg of Legion's. This one was guarded by the skeletons of dead Knuckers. Zaurus looked at them in horror.

"No, it cannot be..." He said.

Hammerheart flew over them and blasted his flames upon them, burning their bones to charcoal.

"We are very close, friends." a Knucker volunteering to stay behind said. "Go deliver the final blow to that tyrant!"

With the eggs being watched by their kin, the Knuckers, the Saurasks, Zaurus, and Hammerheart moved on, and had finally found Legion himself, basking in his own glory.

"You may have gotten this far, puny mortals, but know that it will have all been for naught!" He laughed. "Once I rid the Earth of the Dragons, I will move onto the next dominating species, and enslave them as well! Should they decide to try and overthrow my rule, they will meet the same fate as you! Now come, my pathetic subjects, the time is now that you feed me your bodies and souls!"

"The only thing we're feedin' you is the taste of defeat, ya fat, worm-headed, cocky, son-of-a-rascal!" Hammerheart chided.

"Such harsh words coming from such a fierce predator." Legion said in a mocking manner. "Now, show me what all you are capable of, hatchling."

Zaurus closed his eyes and focused on the five Knuckers that remained behind. "Brothers, strike while the time is ripening!" The five Knuckers heard Zaurus' voice, and they simultaneously struck the eggs until they shattered, and their dark yolks poured out back to their father. Zaurus felt the change clear as day. "Now, my friends and kin! Now is the time for us to be forever free from the clutches of tyranny! Onward, to glorious victory! ATTACK!"

The war party charged and unleashed their fury upon the vincible Hydra, who did not hesitate to strike back as well. The many heads swooped down like hawks, and caught a Knucker or a Saurask in their jaws. Some had managed to avoid being caught and still fought on.

Hammerheart lingered above and blasted fireball after fireball upon the horrid monstrosity. He had a promise to hold up to, and he was not going to break it.

Zaurus shot orbs of venom from a safe distance, but still grunted in frustration. "If we lose here, my race will be wiped off the face of the Earth!" He thought. "I refuse to let that happen!"

The thought of great loss was enough to push Zaurus over the edge. He lifted his head up into the air, and conjured a great ball of venom over himself.

Hammerheart spotted it from high up. "Everyone, get clear!" He shouted.

The Knuckers and Saurasks ceased their attack and turned to see what Zaurus was doing, and they retreated from the spot.

After a minute of building, Zaurus had finished forming his huge ball of venom. "Hammerheart, ignite!" He said as he threw the ball upwards.

Hammerheart dodged the incoming venom orb, and then set it ablaze with one breath. The flaming venom ball slowed its ascension, and then slowly dropped back down over Legion. The infernal Hydra roared and screeched with agony as it was poisoned and burned alive. When the giant ball touched ground, it dispersed in a nonlethal explosion.

The smog was thick, but not deadly. Zaurus coughed from the fumes. Hammerheart could not see anything from up high, so he flapped his wings with great force to try and clear the fog. When the fog did clear, everyone could see the cooked corpse of the titanic Hydra lay motionless in its place.

Everyone who survived cheered in their own fashion. The Knuckers gave a triumphant roar to the sky, and the Saurasks pumped their fists and pounded their axes on the ground.

Hammerheart landed next to Zaurus as they looked at one of the heads of the body. "So, is it over? We won?" Hammerheart asked rhetorically.

Zaurus nodded. "Yes, my friend and brother, we have won."

They turned and were going to head off, but the feeling of someone's breath made them freeze in place.

"No..." said Zaurus.

"It can't be!" Hammerheart whispered in disbelief.

They both turned around and saw the head's eyes slightly opened and staring at them with pure hatred.

"You... may have... defeated me here," Legion said with his dying breath, "But while you fought... and died against me, how do you know... that the chosen one... had not perished in the fight?"

Hammerheart and Zaurus looked to each other in confusion. "Chosen one?" they both said.

Legion chuckled. My Master tasked me... with slaying the one who would... jeopardize his plans of Armageddon, and I would say... that my original quest is accomplished. Soon, you will all... feel his wrath... and lie dead at his feet..." Legion then breathed his last breath, and evaporated into blackened dust.

"What does he mean 'chosen one'?" Zaurus asked.

Hammerheart grunted and waved a dismissive wing. "He's just speakin' nothin' but a bunch of jibber-jabber just to try an' scare us."

Zaurus sighed through his nostrils. "I hope you are right."

They turned and headed back to regroup with their comrades. Even though Legion's last words unnerved Zaurus, the beast had fallen, and the battle won.

"My friends and kin, at long last our salvation has been gifted to us." said Zaurus. "Legion has fallen, and our race is forever free from the injustice of tyranny! With our new found freedom, we must rebuild our desecrated home, and return it to its former beauty! Molwch yr Duwiau Ddraig!"

"Molwch yr Duwiau Ddraig!" they shouted in unison.

Zaurus then turned to Hammerheart. "Young Wyvern, you offered your help in our dire time of need. You could have just ignored us altogether, but instead, you showed us true selflessness through your valor. And for what you have done, we thank you very much." Zaurus bowed his head, and so did the other Knuckers.

Hammerheart chuckled. "I did what I had to for the sake of freedom for any and all Dragons of the world, but now, I must leave. I can't stay here forever. Y Duwiau Ddraig gwylio dros chi." He flapped his wings, got airborne, and flew off.

Zaurus simply stood and waved goodbye. "Y Duwiau Ddraig gwylio dros chi, hefyd." He said.