by ChromeRegios

Peach 20

“What have I... DONE!?” Ishida shouts... looking at the file of ash and broken pieces of gems on the cave... Ishida lets out a very funny face as he gazed upon the inside of the cave, with a dazed dragon on the side... He also thought that he was sure that, that last shot it should have killed the dragon, but instead it turned it to a black dragon... He was about to go out when he spots some gems on the side of the entrance... His face glowed a bit, at least he could get some back at Rarity, instead of nothing...

Ishida picks all of the remaining gems and heads back to the boutique...

“I hope this is enough... I don’t ever... EVER want to do that again...” Ishida said, walking back to the same path...



Ichigo was sitting beside a frozen mountain, with Rainbow Dash... shivering and cuddling himself to keep him warm... Dash does the same...

“Ah-Ahchoo!!!” Ichigo sniffs, “I so hate this weather...” Ichigo comments...

“Speak for yourself!” Dash shot back, nearly falling off the edge.

“SHUT THE FUCK UP WILL YOU!” Ichigo shouts, nearly triggering an avalanche.

“Keep quite you egghead!” Dash said, preventing the mountain to collapse...

“Who’s an egghead? Egg face!” Dash shouts, causing the mountain to trigger the avalanche.
they both looked at each other in a bad way, before falling down the cliff


Both of them fell to the icy bottom of the mountain, and got buried in a pile of snow and ice...


Ishida was walking pass the forest, when he came across the cottage where Toshiro was... He was about to go in when he saw a note sticking out of the door... Ishida leans and reads the contents of it...

“We already went to the Castle, since Fluttershy already woke up... If you’re reading this Ishida... I suggest you... look behind you...”

“Behind me?” Ishida quickly looks behind him, and saw a bear about to slash him... “What the hell?!”

Ishida quickly dodges and kicks the bears lower jaw. Sending it to a knock out state... Ishida goes back to reading the paper...

“P.S, There is a bear that’s a pet of Fluttershy, whatever you do... don’t hurt it...”

Ishida was in a poker-face...

And just left the premises without another word....

He soon reaches the Carousel Boutique, as he was going up the door, he sees another note on the door and reads it.

“Dear friend Ishida. The time was already came, and Me along with my sister, went to the castle... I unlocked the door so you can just put the gems inside if you may... and be a darling and close up the shop and look for my other friends?”

Ishida was really getting irritated now... He went inside, put the bucket in, goes outside and shuts the door up with a loud bang....

Ishida didn’t even know who he suppose to go search for... So he tried to remember some of the small details he saw before leaving the castle earlier.... He first heard that Byakuya to a farm... So he went around town to ask is a farm was nearby and was directed to Sweet Apple Acres... he soon went back pass the Boutique and reached the farm, only to be told that Byakuya and Applejack went to the castle already...

Ishida lets out a poker face... he asked the ponies in that barn of Applejack and Rarity’s friends where they lived... he was given a short map, pointing out their houses... Ishida went to each one of them, but only to find more notes which saying that they already went towards Canterlot...
Ishida kneels down in depression...

He picks himself up and cleans the dust off he’s knees and went towards the castle instead.

“Damn them, leaving me alone and not even waiting for me to return... DARN IT RARITY!!”

He said, making the surrounding ponies to look at him.... while he raises his fist to the air...
Ishida took him a minute to realize that he was being watched by the inhabitants of the town.

“Uhmm....” He said, and just casually left the town center, like nothing happened... just then...

All of the ponies laughed themselves silly, because of that small outburst...

“Yeah! That’s right!” Ichigo shouts while he’s jumping all around Karakura, hunting hollows...

“Yeah Ichigo! You go Super Ichigo!!” Rukia shouts while wearing a funny hamster suit...

“Yeah that’s right, uh huh! Who’s your daddy?!” He shouts, while cutting hollows who have funny faces on them...

“Yeah! You’re so stronger than me!” Byakuya said, clapping his hands, watching the marvelous Ichigo.

“That’s me! The great Ichigo! Ahahahaha!!!” He said, laughing his head off... As he jumps off to be with his “Fans”. At that moment, he suddenly felt a cold slap hit him across his face.

“WHAT THE FUU~” Ichigo stood up, nearly hitting a low rock formation on top of him...

“Good, your still alive, egghead...” Dash’s voice echoes across the cavern...

“Damn... my head... where are we?” Ichigo asked, who stumbles as he gets up...

“Well, DUH! Were in a cavern.... we fell down that mountain because of your BIG mouth!” Dash said, in a frustrated tone...

“Who’re you blaming for this? ME?!” Ichigo shot back.

“Yeah! If you weren't asked me to race, we shouldn’t be in this mess...” Dash reasoned...

“Well you accepted my challenge! What should I do, give up easily?! FAT CHANCE!” Ichigo shouts...

“Yeah, AND I WON!!” Dash shot back...

“AS IF!”

“YES, IF!”

Dash and Ichigo stared in frustration at each other until they both looked away from each other with a~


For a moment there as silence among the two... sounds of ice falling from the ceiling and water dripping from the frozen spikes on top of the cavern was the only sounds were heard inside...
Ichigo can’t seem to be able to keep silent, and went to tap his zanpaktou in the ice to keep him occupied... Dash find this annoying and soon snapped...

“Will you STOP that noise! I can’t hear myself think!” Dash yelled...

Ichigo ignores Dash, and continues to make ticking sound with his zanpaktou.

“Why, am I annoying you?” Ichigo said, smirking...

“YES!” Dash shouts...

Ichigo took this as a chance to annoy her badly and just keeps doing what he was doing...
This drove Dash crazy and pounced at Ichigo, which he quickly reverses and was right on top of Dash, he was about to punch her when, he takes a good look at Dash...

She was all red, and breathing fast, she was burning up, and shivering in the cold...

She had caught a fever...

Ichigo stands down and instead of hitting her, he took her and carries her, feeling her head...

“This isn’t good...” Ichigo said... “I need to go back to the castle... But how can I get out of this freaking place?!” Ichigo digs inside his mind, for an idea to get out... then he thinks of only one thing in his shallow mind... He took his Zanpakto, and points over to an icy ceiling, then channels his spiritual energy to his blade....

“Getsuga.... TENSHOU!!!!”

The blast created a huge hole on the snow... Ichigo knew it’s only a matter of time before the hole starts to collapse, he pick up Dash and flash steps out of the cavern, and up to the surface while carrying Dash behind him. But he was embraced by the immense cold of the surface.

“Damn, its freezing! I better pick up the pace if I’m going to help this egg head!” Ichigo mustered up his remaining stamina and flashed steps out of the frozen wastelands... only problem is... he doesn’t know where to go...

“Son of a BITCH!!”