Into the Storm

by Dark Enigma

Where Lightning Breaks Away

The storm doesn't make the trip home any easier, but Thunderlane manages to carry Lightning Dust all the way there. He wakes Redheart to check on Lightning Dust. Redheart doesn't bother them about going out into a rouge storm. She knows it won't do any good. Thunderlane leaves Lightning Dust in the interns capable hooves and goes to check on his mother.

The hallway seems longer to Thunderlane. The news Redheart told him still weighs heavily on his mind, slowing him down on his way to his mother's room. The door creaks open and Thunderlane enters the room. Rumble is sleeping peacefully as the storm outside rages on. Thunder's mother is wide awake.

"Hey mom."

She turns to her son. Her eyes are watery, shimmering in the dim light within the dark room. Thunderlane hesitates and wonders why she is crying. A strange croaking sound resonates from her throat as she tries to say her last words to her son, but the intelligible noise just makes her cry even more. Thunderlane walks up to his mother's side, his own eyes tearing up. He sighs. "I love you, mom."

His mother nods in response since it's the only thing she can do to express herself.

Thunderlane wipes his eyes. "Look, I got my cutie mark. It kinda looks like dad's" He shows her his flank.

His mother smiles wider than ever before. She tries to lift her hoof but to no avail. She is getting weaker. Soon, she won't be able to move at all. All that will be left of her is a motionless doll waiting for death to claim her. The thought causes them both to cry. They cry and cry; they cry for the happy moments they had, they cry for the sad moments they had, but, in the middle of it all, they cry for each other: Thunder for his dying mother, Shower Flash for her healthy son. She's happy of what Thunderlane has become, and, most of all, she's glad Thunderlane has a bright future ahead of him. After being second best at everything--Lightning being first--Thunderlane got his cutie mark first. He knows who he is and he knows how far he can go. All he has to do now is take off and soar.

Thunderlane kisses his mother on the cheek and dismisses himself. He goes to see how Lightning is doing. She isn't with Redheart any more. Redheart is sleeping away the rest of the night. Talking with his mother took longer than he realized. Thunderlane goes to his room which he assumes is where Redheart placed Lightning Dust.

Behind the door, he hears hoof steps pacing around the room. Upon entering, he sees Lightning Dust placing her belongings in a saddle bag. "Wha-what are you doing?" he asks.

Lighting Dust looks at him in a loving manner. "I can't stay here. All I do is hurt you and mom, and I can't live with that so I'm going to find my own path."

Thunderlane closes the door so nopony can hear them. "Are you really going to abandon mom like this, now?"

Lightning saddles up. "I'm a wreck. I don't know who I am. You, on the other hoof, have your cutie mark. You can take care of mom a lot better than I can." She opens the window and steps on the window sill.

Thunderlane begins to cry. After saving her from the storm, he's still going to lose her. "NO! I won't let you go!"

Lighting Dust smiles at her little brother. "There's no way you can keep up with me." She takes off.

Thunderlane chases after her, determined not to let her out of his sight, but she's right. No matter how hard he flaps his wings, Lightning Dust is faster still. Soon she is a speck in his line of sight then nothing. He flies in the direction he thinks she went, but it's no use. She's gone.