fluttershy's rabbid

by kratos


The rainbowed maned mare Glanced up quickly from her daring do comic surprised at her sudden arrival.
"What's wrong shy"
Rainbow dash looked mildly concerned it wasn't everyday that fluttershy burst through your door screaming for help
"oh i'm sorry dashie I didn't mean to startle you I better go"
Fluttershy turned and began to walk out with her head low to the ground when she heard her name
"Fluttershy for pete's sake you been running all 'round ponyville what's gotten into you"
Applejack quickly entered the cyan mares home with a scowl
"oh i'm sorry I was just leavi-"
Fluttershy was cut off by the clearly annoyed mare
"OH no ya don't sugarcube you're gonna tell me and Rainbow Dash what the hay's going on 'round here, you been runnin' 'round like chicken with... er never mind just tell us what's a matter"
"oh... ok if you insist"
Fluttershy a looked a bit upset at the near slip of that terrible analogy but, she continued anyway.
"I was in the everfree when I heard an animal in pain. It sounded miserable so, I rushed over her to get help! oh I hope it's OK"
"Then what are we waiting for girls, lets get a move on theres a innocent forest creature that needs our help!"
Rainbow dash flew out the door followed closely by Fluttershy bringing up the rear was Applejack as Fluttershy approached the border of the forest she glanced back seeing her friends following her closely as she touched down.The cries of the animal were long and, mournful but, also so garbled that they couldn't be identified.
"well sugarcube I hear it but I don't see it"
"over here!!!"
Looking up at the sky rainbow dash was hovering over a spot of particularly dense foliage, rushing to the scene they saw a sorry sight... It was a young timber wolf ,in its prime it, and it had been caught in some snares not only that but, it was burned black by a fire had recently, been in a large scuffle ,there were bite marks riddling the wood of its makeup, and, a large chunk of its face was badly rotted by water damage as well. The beast looked completely insane and, rage,if anything, was all it knew. Fluttershy approached timidly trying to sooth the creature with her calming voice. The creatures only response was a bloodcurdling roar as foam rushed from its mouth its green eyes flickering, it was in its death throes.
"Fluttershy sugarcube maybe we should leave it be "
Applejack gulped then quickly added.
"Let it die in peace"
Fluttershy hated that word
"But what if I can help shouldn't I try"
"But what if he bites you! I think he might have somethin'! "
"W- well maybe but I have to try he need hel-"
However good fluttershy's intentions were they were cut off as the wolf broke free violently snapping down on her outstretched hoof. Things happened quickly after that, Rainbow dash smashed the entirety of the creatures body with one flying buck from the air and the creature's body burst into splinter and twigs.then AJ pried the still living head from Fluttershy's hoof hurling it into a nearby tree and watching it turn into shattered hunks and splinters like the body. a green smoke emanated from the still semi magical wreckage of the creature. fluttershy began to sob and the life force of the magical creature gave out and, it ceased to smoke and, exist becoming a simple pile of rotted wood
Two concerned mares cried out in unison.