A Hero in need

by DrakeFang

Final chapter: The birth of a new Star

Chapter 13: The birth of a new Star

Hours had passed since Moon, Drake, Hot and Pinkie rushed to the hospital. In the waiting room, Hot was pacing around while Pinkie watched him, rolling her eyes and smiling. "Just relax, Hot. Your mom's gonna be just fine, I promise." Hot glanced at Pinkie. "Then why did dad have to go in with her?" Pinkie giggled. "Trust me, when you're older, you'll understand why. For now, you gotta have faith in your parents." Hot sat down, sighing. "I guess so. I just hope Moon's gonna be fine." Hot was clearly worried after hearing Moon scream and curse at Drake. After a while of silence, a nurse came in the room. "Are you relatives of Mrs. Fang?" Hot jumped up at the mention of Moon's 'nickname'. "Is she OK!? And the foal!?" The nurse gave a soft giggle and signaled Pinkie and Hot to follow her. "I'm sure you don't have to worry." As they entered the room, Drake stood next to an exhausted Moon. Something rested in Moon's arms, and both the parents were looking at it, crying tears of joy.

Hot's smile grew wider and wider as he trotted over. In Moon's arms rested a newborn pegasus filly. Her coat had a soft purple tint and her mane was as black as that of her father. The filly slowly opened her eyes, cooing at the sight of her big brother. Drake and Moon both chuckled when they saw Hot bursting into tears as well. Pinkie joined in the waterfall of happiness spreading across the room. "She's so tiny, dad..." As Hot said this, he found his hoof going through the little filly's mane. "She's beautiful, you two. Congratulations.", Pinkie remarked right away. "She's got the looks of her mother", Drake stated in a playful tone. Moon giggled and she dozed off from exhaustion.

"Did the two of you have a name for her?", Pinkie asked. Hot supported this. "Yeah, I mean, my little sis can't go living without a name, right?" Drake chuckled at Hot's comment on the filly. "Well, Moon and I had been discussing that for a long time. We're gonna name her StarFang." Pinkie nodded. "Quite the suiting name, Drake. You've finally let go of the past?" "What's the point of clinging to a past I can't recover when I have a future I can cherish?" Pinkie smiled brightly at that remark. "I can't wait to throw a welcoming party for the little filly. She's soooo cute!" Saying that last sentence, Pinkie's mane poofed up, now looking a lot like the old Pinkie Pie Ponyville knew. Hot looked up at his dad. "Can I hold her?" A nod from Drake followed right away. "Of course you can, son! You know how to?" Hot Shot glanced at Pinkie and nodded. "Pinks taught me how to." Hot decided to drop 'Pinkie' and replace it with 'Pinks', as that would sound cooler.

Now in Hot's arms, Star booped his nose and gave off an adorable giggle, one that any newborn foal would have. They'd never forget this day. Drake had a complete family once more. And this time, he wouldn't let them go.