//------------------------------// // A Plea for Help // Story: Pony Age: Friendship is Magic // by PonyTom //------------------------------// It had been an entire day before anypony could get Twilight to speak. The six mares didn't even notice something was wrong with her at first - they had simply assumed she was just shocked by the sudden attack. But by the time dinner had rolled around and she wasn't eating, they knew something was wrong. Even then, Twilight simply answered with short answers, rather than risk going into long conversations. She had never killed anything before - never even so much as a bug, really. It wasn't simply killing the creature, however, that had gotten to her. The pitiful way it died, the way it struggled to take away what was threatening it's life, the way it simply... gave up... it haunted her. "I did that..." she told herself a few times once ponies weren't listening. "I burnt it's core... lit it up from the inside out... with little more than focusing on wanting to ignite it..." On retrospect, she didn't know how she had expected that to end - all she knew was she and the other five mares were in danger, and she had to do something. Was it worth it? She believed so... after all, it likely wouldn't have given up until either it died, or they did. But still, it didn't make it any less horrific for her. And so, she slept that night, thankfully dreamless. Tomorrow, they would be upon Canterlot if all went well, and then, she would be one step closer to being in her tower. Locked away. As she deserved to be. As the world needed her to be. *** "Mmm-mm! This sure is a delicious breakfast, Applejack!" It was a surprise when everypony had awoke to a meal prepared for them by their resident apple farmer. They were simple oats with some apples on the side, but it still hit the spot for hungry adventurers and prepared them for the day ahead. Twilight looked to all of her friends, realizing that each one had a particular way of eating that sort of gave an idea of what kind of pony they were. Applejack ate rather sloppily, seeming to work to stuff the oats and food into her mouth as if she were dying of hunger. Rainbow Dash ate quite similarly, although the way she kept eying Applejack showed she might be doing so competitively. Pinkie Pie was, however, the worst, having her face outright planted into her bowl and gobbling the food down with breath rather than real eating. Fluttershy, ever true to her meek nature, would take small bits and chew them daintily, as if she was trying to not eat them too hard. Rarity ate a little more than that, but still with a refined manner and a calm pace. Twilight considered her own eating habits. She didn't think herself sloppy, but she didn't normally eat quite as paced as her friends did either. Of course, since the other day, she was eating much more leisurely. After all... it's hard to eat when your mind is so full of thoughts... Of fire... "Twilight, y'all sure you're okay?" She looked up to see Applejack staring at her with some concern on her face. She could tell from the past few days that the farm mare and her brother both shared a lot of characteristics - while Ser McIntosh was much more calm and didn't seem to talk when he didn't need to, however, she was expressive and emotive, and let her mind be known. "Ah know ya said you were fine, but ever since the other day you've been actin' strange. Ah saw ya take a pretty bad hit there, an' if somethin's wrong, please tell us." Twilight wanted to say something. To spill it all out. Every thought, every question, every bit of guilt... but she couldn't. "I'm fine, Applejack" she said dryly, before turning back to her meal and eating. For her credit, Applejack didn't seem to buy it, but went about her business anyway. After everypony finished their meals, it was time to pack up and resume their journey to Canterlot. They could already see it now - it was just in the distance, perched on a mountainside in glorious fashion. Twilight had remembered reading tales about the fantastic city - that it was built with the combined expertise of Earth Ponies, Unicorns, and Pegasai alike; a tribute to harmony and friendship, to ponies who got along despite the differences between them, as a symbol to the world of peace. As they trotted, they eventually reached a small caravan - two strange, pony-like creatures, it seemed, both seeming to be taking a break from their travels. As the mares passed, they seemed to take notice, and one of them, who had a scruffy beard, smiled and spoke up. "Oh! Hi! Hi there! Excuse me, lovely ladies?" The mares stopped to face the donkeys. They wore simple shirts that Twilight could recognize as the kind of shirt that Donkey nobility often wore. As she inspected them, she could recognize they were, in fact, Donkeys. The fact they were on the surface suggested a lot of them of course; from what she knew of their culture, once a Donkey breached the surface, they were an outsider to their people. "Yes! Hello! My name is Marty, and this is my son, Sandal! Say hi, boy!" The other Donkey looked to the mares, his stare somewhat dimwitted, but his smile cheery. "Enchantment!" Pinkie hopped up and down. "Ooo! Ooo! Character insertion! Character insertion!" "What?" said Applejack, looking at Pinkie Pie with a quirked eyebrow. ".... I dunno! I just wanted to say that!" "Sure is an energetic thing, your friend?" said the older Donkey, his friendly smile never fading. Applejack rolled her eyes. "You don't even know the half of it." The Donkey nodded. "Ah, well, yes! Well, am I to assume you are headed towards Canterlot, ladies?" The mares traded glances, unsure of where else they could be going, or why he cared to ask. "Sure are" said Applejack, returning the smile - after all, not everypony was up for suspect. "We got an important message to get to the Grand Cleric!" Marty gave a nod. "Ahh, gonna see the Grand Cleric? I do hope it's with good news. After the King went away on some quest, it seems a lot of pony folk are getting a mite worried that we're on the brink of war. They say there's unrest between the Free Plains and the Zebra lands, and that some of the Templars from Foalaise are spreading around trying to rally up escaped Unicorns from that Hoofwall incident a while back!" He shook his head. "I was there at the start of that whole mess, and let me tell you, it was a right frightening sight!" "Oh?" said Rarity, stepping forward, her curiosity piqued. "I always wondered what happened. Any idea?" The Donkey hummed. "Well, from what little I know, the First Enchanter of the Hoofwall Circle had been struggling against the Knight Commander there for years. Rumor has it that a Unicorn blew up the Chantry, and that in a fit of rage, the Knight Commander called for the Right of Annulment!" Rarity nodded, but sagged inside - she had already heard that rumor. "Me an' my boy were lucky to get away from THAT mess, let me say, but I must say that up until that point, it wasn't so bad. We got to serve the Champion of Hoofwall, after all!" Twilight looked toward the city. "Hey, I just noticed you're a unicorn!" She turned around to see that the Donkey was examining her horn. He smiled again though. "So was the Champion. I think his Apostate upbringing was obvious though - he fought with a little more physical prowess than most Unicorns do. No offense, but from what I've seen most of you unicorns rely almost entirely on your spell casting and utilize the minimal of physical effort." "Well..." started Twilight, blushing a bit. "We're often trained to focus our minds and clear anxiety as we cast spells. Becoming too frustrated may lead to desperation, and desperation often leads to Blood Magic. As such, we train to remain clear-headed during the heat of battle. 'That doesn't mean we're any less prone to mistakes.' "Ahh, I see" said Marty. "I had heard that Apostates and Circle Unicorns tend to learn differently..." "Well, the Circle does have it's rules, but it's for our own good" said Twilight, smiling. "Hm... well, I guess I can see the sense in that. Still, lotsa pony folk don't seem to think your unicorns get a fair deal. I don't know how I feel on the subject, but I typically try to keep my head out of pony affairs." Marty looked to the sky. "Well, as fun as it would be to converse with you further, I do believe my son and I must be on our way! Gold doesn't make itself, does it Sandal?" "Enchantment!" "Haha, yes Sandal! We'll get to enchanting as soon as we can!" With that, the two Donkeys waved, and continued on their way down the path the mares had just taken. With little reason to stare, they turned about to continue their path towards Canterlot. "... The King went on some kind of quest...?" Applejack nodded. "King Caramel? Yeah. He went off with some friends to do Celestia knows what. Aint heard from 'em in a bit. Lotsa ponies are beginning to wonder if it was a bad idea to give th' throne to a royal bastard - an' Ah mean the kind whose pa weren't married to his ma, so no jokes Rainbow - instead of givin' it to the last king's queen. As if the rumors that he was workin' with Foalaise weren't bad enough." "Well" said Pinkie, bouncing up between them, "I heard the poor pony just wanted to live a life of adventure! I think it's awesome that we have a king who actually goes out and does stuff!" "'Bout time too!" Shouted Rainbow with a grin. "If I were a queen, I'd go everywhere, and I'd like... make everypony love us... and... conquest?" "Rainbow Dear, no offense darling, but I don't think you could take over a bowl of oatmeal, let alone one country" said Rarity with a slight grin. "Pfft! I could too take over a bowl of oatmeal!" The mares shared a giggle and resumed their journey toward Canterlot. It wouldn't be long now. *** "Oh mah stars..." It was big. Bigger than any of them had really expected. They had seen it from the distance, sure, but somehow that didn't even begin to compare to looking straight up at the towering spires. "It's gotta have more ponies in one corner than all of Ponyville put together..." said Applejack. "It's the most beautiful thing I have ever seen!" Rarity's eyes were beaming, almost tearing up at the sight before her. "Yeah, it's pretty cool I guess..." Everypony turned to face Rainbow Dash. "What?" she said. "I've been here before. Once you see it, it becomes kinda old hat." Deciding to not continue on that trail of thought, everypony continued their stroll into the city. Applejack let out a whistle as she let her eyes wander to the market - ponies standing about, bartering and trading, getting packed by wanting customers. "Ah bet we could make a fortune if we sold apples here..." Rainbow Dash, meanwhile, was focusing on a nearby tavern, the smell of booze and the sound of fighting called to every fiber of her being. She reached for it, eyes big and watery. "What is it Rainbow" said Applejack, smirking. "Ah thought you had seen this place before?" Rainbow sighed. "Yeah, well, I'm a pegasus, remember? Last time I was here I was pretty much chased into the Alienage." "Don't they have taverns in yer Alienages too?" Rainbow huffed. "It's not like Ponyville, Applejack, where the Alienage is basically just another part of town that has been... remodeled to be Pegasus friendly." She looked towards a large, opened gate with a guard watching over it. "The Alienage here is a lot more restrictive. They don't mind you going in and out of the city, but they really don't like you to mingle with their nobles. You're not 'clean' or 'pure' enough to talk with Canterlot Elite." "I don't know" said Fluttershy with a smile. "I thought the way you talked about it sounded sweet, Rainbow Dash. Especially that they grew a tree in the middle of town..." "Ugh, you would like that, Fluttershy." Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, but smiled nonetheless. "But still. You're second class citizens, and they never let you forget it." "Well, Ah guess it's a good thing yer a Ponyvillian and not a Canterlot Pegasus eh?" said Applejack, grinning to the rainbow mare in a clear attempt to cheer her up. Rainbow Dash hadn't even realized it, but as she had been speaking she had grown more angry, and her friends could see it. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, shaking her head, and smiling sadly to her friends. "Sorry. I don't have many good memories of this place." Without pressing the matter, the ponies resumed their trot. Eyes scanning the various structures and buildings. It was then Twilight saw it. Her eyes widened, her heart swelling, and her spirits rising. The Wonders of Equus. Everypony stopped once they had realized she wasn't following them and returned to her, looking at the building. "Whatcha starin' at Sugar Cube?" said Applejack, puzzled over Twilight's behavior. "This store... it's... it's run by the Circle!" She said, her body trembling in anxious energy. "I-I-It's one of the ways the Circle makes it's money, by selling enchantments, enchanted items, and relics!" "Well, it's just a store, Twi-" Without another word, Twilight simply trotted into the store, much to her friends' dismay. Naturally, however, they followed her. Inside, the place certainly lived up to her description - there were countless bookshelves, all lined with various books on history, magic, religion, and whatever texts you might consider. Nearby, there was a unicorn dusting some of the shelves, horn glowing while a feather duster brushed off the filth of the day - he didn't seem particularly interested in his duties. At the very end of the room (not including the space one might ascend behind him, which seemed to have a long table and more tomes and other such items as if it were a leisure spot) was another unicorn. This one, however, had a strange brand burned into his forehead, just under his horn. As they approached, he simply nodded to them and spoke empty of any form of emotion. "Greetings, and welcome to the Wonders of Equus. We sell enchantments and enchantment accessories. I am Comet Tail. How may I be of service?" "Yeah, howdy..." said Applejack with a shudder - she wouldn't admit it in front of Twilight or Rarity, but the Tranquil, whenever she saw them, gave her the creeps. "Uhh... we're jus' browsin' thanks..." "I see. Feel free to peruse our wares at your leisure. Please do be mindful of our supplies and the law, however. A safe store is a happy store." "Oh, yeah, of course" said Applejack. 'As if y'all would know what happy felt like.' Twilight approached the Tranquil, gazing about the store. "Hey, just curious, but you wouldn't happen to have any spell books or enchanted robes, would you?" The Tranquil shook his head slowly. "As each Circle contains it's own public library of all spell knowledge that is allowed within their personalized laws, we at the Wonders of Thedas highly doubt that anypony would have need of such knowledge. If you are an apostate, I might suggest you turn yourself in to the Templars to be turned to the Circle, where you might be trained appropriately." "I'm not an Apostate" said Twilight, grimacing. "I just forgot to bring some books from me when I came here." "I see" said the unicorn with a nod. "I apologize then for the inconvenience, Circle Unicorn. Perhaps this is a chance to take a lesson - that one must always be prepared." Applejack smirked. If she didn't know any better, she would have thought the Tranquil was teasing Twilight. "If it is of any condolence, we do have special robes and staves designed to better channel magical energies and aid in Unicorn spell-casting." Twilight seemed to beam. "Oh! Show me those!" As such, Comet Tail reached beneath the shelf and pulled from it a catalog, showing it to Twilight. She flipped through the various pages, eying bits and pieces. Once in a while, she'd smile, frown, and even seem to get starry eyed. Eventually, however, her jaw fell, and her eyes seemed to grow. "C-can I see this?" "Ah yes, the Reaper Cloak. A wise choice." Applejack quirked her brow. "Wha?" Twilight grinned. "Reaper was an Apostate Unicorn who was noted for being particularly elusive. I don't even know if they intentionally put his cloak here - it sounds like the total opposite of what they might do!" Eventually, Comet Tail brought up a box and opened it for Twilight. She wrapped her magical aura around it, and withdrew it from it's wooden confines. It was a fine, dark blue color - a golden collar would fit on the neck, and from that collar hung a beautiful pendant with a red jewel in it's center. A fur coating spread from there that wrapped around the withers and back, and then the coat-tails would travel just below the flank. Rarity stared at it and hummed. "It does look rather... nice, given it is 'Circle Chic'...." Twilight turned to give a slight grimace towards the other unicorn, who blush and giggled nervously. "Not that there's anything wrong with Circle Unicorn robes, darling!" Twilight shook her head. "Besides, this isn't 'Circle' attire. These are the kind of robes that are often worn in the Chrystal Emperium..." She grinned as her eyes went over it. "The enchantments placed on it are said to make it as durable as plate armor, it is resistant to fire and to magical attack, plus it is said to increase the personal strength of it's wearer... " Her eyes fell to the book, and her pupils shrank. She frowned and folded her ears. "It's also way out of my price range..." Applejack quirked a brow staring at the robes. "Why the interest anyway?" The unicorn turned about. "This is an important piece of history! To have it in my possession would be so great! A piece of history just within my grasp!" Applejack trotted forward and looked at the catalog, reeling back. "Whoa Nelly! Ah was wonderin' how a lil' store could support that big ol' tower... guess Ah got mah answer" "If you do not have the funds to acquire this particular garb, I fear I must ask that you replace it within it's container." Twilight sighed and bowed her head. "Of course." Slowly, the robe was placed back into the wooden box. Comet took it in his hooves and gently placed it back under the shelf. "Well..." said Twilight, looking to her friends. "We've dallied long enough. Shall we continue?" *** "Here it is..." Everypony let their gaze trail upward toward the great cathedral. A symbol of religious strength and spiritual guidance. Twilight couldn't help but gaze upon it in reverence - this sacred place, this great building that inspired ponies and evoked so many emotions... it would be where she found her salvation, and the salvation of her home. The six mares trotted forward, until being stopped at the gate by two Templars. "What is your business here?" Applejack was a bit surprised - she hadn't known the Chantry to stop ponies at the doors from entering unless a Blight were around and they were filled with refugees like a few years back. "We're here on behalf of the Templar Order and the Circle of Magi" stated Twilight with a bow. "We come baring grave news in the hopes of receiving aid from the Grand Cleric." "Aid?" said the other Templar. "I thought you likes were told after the Blight that the Circle cannot expect charity from the Chantry. It is it's own organization, even if within the Chantry itself, and we can't be expected to clean up your messes every time an abomination runs loose or... or..." Applejack frowned. "What about a revolt where half the templars are killin' the Unicorns unprovoked and slaughterin' the tower?" The two templars stopped talking, then exchanged glances, before stepping aside and pushing the door open. "Right this way." As the ponies stepped into the building, everypony couldn't help but let their eyes wander. The building was, naturally, well lit with candle light and the light of the sun pouring into any window in the building (most of which were higher off the ground than most windows would be), pews at either side of the aisle for spiritual contemplation. At the very end was the dais, and a podium; behind it, a series of candles, and two statues; one was gold, depicting a mare with a horn and wings, holding a balancing scale and a book, and the other was made from what appeared to be onyx, or maybe a darker metal, being that of a similar mare, her hooves over a sword. Then they saw why the Templars might have been unwilling to let ponies in. A lot of ponies were already gathered around, talking about their fears and worries with the priestesses - fears for apostates running on the loose, looking to snatch their children up at night, worry that their Circle might rebel next and destroy their own chantries and kill their own Grand Cleric, and grave concern that what happened in the Free Plains was going to happen here. She heard some talk about the rise of the instances of Blood Magic, as well as a greater number of Unicorns fleeing their circles. It all gravitated around Unicorns. So naturally, when a bunch of ponies turned to them, she felt a deal uncomfortable. It didn't help that some of the ponies gave her uncertain, if not outright nasty and hateful looks. She lowered her head and folded her ears, hoping to not draw attention. Rarity, for her credit, seemed to be taking the words in stride - of course, with her hat on, she was disguised, and nopony was probably the wiser. Eventually, they approached a threshold that peeked into a room with several book shelves and a single desk at it's end. Sitting at that desk was an aged mare, wearing the robes of the Grand Cleric. Her eyes a light blue-grey, her coat grey through and through, her mane snow white. Before her was a Templar, much to Twilight's worry. "The ponies entering the building are becoming too troublesome, Grand Cleric. Are you sure we should not turn them down at the door? I have already ordered my stallions to block way unless important business were to come..." "Then please tell them to stop" said the Grand Cleric - it sounded more like a request than a command, caring and understanding. "The Chantry is for all ponies. We do not block our gates unless it would become troublesome for our flock to keep them open." "But your Grace, I--" "That is my decision. I appreciate your thoughtfulness, but these are times of trial and tribulation. If this is not what the Chantry is here for, to give peace to the weary and broken, then what purpose do we serve?" The Templar simply nodded. "Of course, your grace. Thank you." With that, the Templar turned and walked past the mares. Twilight didn't know if he didn't notice her or just didn't care, because he didn't seem to look back at her. She turned her attention back to the Grand Cleric, who looked towards her and nodded. "Come in." "Your Grace..." said Twilight, bowing a bit. The Grand Cleric simply smiled. "No need to bow to me, child. I am not royalty... just a servant of the people and the divine. Tell me, what can I do to ease your spirits?" Twilight grimaced and nodded. "Applejack... would you mind taking over?" The farm pony stepped forward and nodded. "Yer highness... er... holiness... graciness...?" She flustered and shook her head. "Ah come on behalf of mah brother, Ser McIntosh of the Templar Order who serves to guard the Circle Tower beyond Lake Everfree." "Oh?" said the Grand Cleric, her expression becoming curious. "And what news do you bring?" Applejack looked to Twilight and then back to the Cleric. "There's been a revolt in the Circle... an' before you make any assumptions, it's the Templars." The Grand Cleric fell silent, staring at Applejack, turning her gaze to Twilight and the others, as if trying to discern the truth in the matter. "Ah have a letter from mah brother, an' his signet hoofband for proof. He saved Twilight here from the tower, an' he couldn't be here himself due to injuries sustained durin' the process." Applejack reached into her saddlebag and produced from it a sealed scroll, handing it to the Cleric. She then removed one of her hoof plates to reveal there was, indeed, a band around her hoof with the templar insignia. The Cleric looked at the signet, then went on to read the scroll. "... Oh my..." she said, her expression becoming somewhat grim. "... It would seem there is truth to your words young... Applejack, was it?" "Yes'm" said Applejack. "... I see..." She seemed to read it once again. "... Yes... this is bad." She looked up to Twilight, her expression shifting to a sad, pitying smile. "You poor thing... you have endured a lot to bring this to me, haven't you?" Twilight simply nodded. The Cleric stared at her a few minutes. "... Twilight Sparkle...." She smiled a bit. "Yes, I think I do remember you." "You do?" said Twilight, tilting her head. "Yes" said the Grand Cleric, still smiling. "You were quite the inquisitive young mare, I recalled. I only saw you once, but for what little conversation we had, you were asking all kinds of questions I was surprised a foal so small would ask." She chuckled and shook her head. "It made the Templars quite nervous when you inquired about the difference between the Chrystal Emperium's Chantry and our own." Twilight blushed and giggled. "Oh, yeah... I can see how that would have made them nervous... but I was just curious." The Grand Cleric nodded and seemed to return to her thoughts. "... At the moment, however, I fear that there is not much I can do. Our resources are strained, and we've only a few Templars to quell the situation... much as I want to help, I am not certain my mere appearance will dissuade either Templar or Unicorn from fighting..." "What?" said Twilight, her eyes wide and her jaw dropping. The Cleric shook her head sadly. "I'm afraid the most I can do is send word for reinforcements, but that could take time. And with the growing strain brought up by recent events in the Free Plains, I do not know if they will be enough to suffice." Twilight seemed to just stare into nothingness, before falling to her haunches. "... So then... we can't do anything...?" The Grand Cleric seemed to ponder this question. "I wouldn't say that... it may take time for me to get reinforcements to the tower... but they will come. It will simply require a little time, is all." Twilight sighed and nodded in understanding. "Fear not, child..." said the Cleric, placing a hoof on Twilight's withers. "Good news comes to the patient... and I do believe your bravery and patience shall be rewarded..." *** Much of the day had passed since the group had met the Cleric. They had managed to get three rooms at the local inn, each room giving space for two of them. At Rarity's request, she was going to share a room with Twilight (who was not too comfortable with the idea), and Rainbow Dash would room with Fluttershy for familiarity's sake. This left Applejack a little annoyed that she was stuck with Pinkie Pie, who she was certain wouldn't get any sleep. "So... you're telling me that you just... go about your day doing mundane tasks? Nopony really tells you to do it, you just do?" Twilight shook her head. "Not quite... I mean, we do get chores, like anypony. We get duties and jobs to do, but it's not like slavery. We receive an allowance, our food and lodging are provided for us... for particularly good jobs, we might receive a bonus, and that's not accounting for the good image it gives the First Enchanter, as well as the rest of the Circle." She smiled a bit triumphantly. "If we're particularly good at what we do, we Unicorns can gain a lot of freedom through hard work. The First Enchanter can even permit Unicorns to leave their tower, for extended periods of time even!" She smirked. "Plus, occasionally, Unicorns who do a lot in service to the country and the towers are granted a sort of 'reprieve' and allowed to leave the tower to live lives as they choose." "But still, darling... you have to do it all at somepony else's comfort. What kind of life do you live if you're living it on Somepony else's terms?" Twilight sighed. "If their terms don't interfere with mine, should it really be a problem?" Rarity shook her head. "I don't know dear. All I know is it sounds restrictive. To be unable to live life as freely as other ponies for something you couldn't control? I mean, bandits and highwayponies are proof enough that one doesn't need magic to harm the innocent." "And that's why we have jails" said Twilight with a nod. "Then you're saying the Circle is a jail?" "What, No, I-" "One that takes it's prisoners BEFORE they can commit a crime." "That's not what I'm saying at-" Rarity stomped and looked Twilight dead in the eyes. "Twilight, look at you! You've been brain washed! You spent your whole life being told these stories, about how horrible a free Unicorn can be, about how good the Templars by their very nature are! It doesn't matter that you've watched ponies get slaughtered by the very ponies that should be protecting them in your argument - it stays valid!" "One isolated incident does not paint an entire picture!" shouted Twilight, turning on the other unicorn. "Just because a few Templars decide that they have a right to purge a bunch of Unicorns doesn't mean all Templars are like that, it doesn't mean all circles are like that!" "You're right dear..." said Rarity, her expression turning to pitying once more. "One incident does not paint an entire picture. And yet Unicorns will be locked in Circles for their entire lives for the deeds of the few and the long dead. Because a few decided to turn to cruelty, innocent colts and fillies will be taken from their families in the night and refused contact." Twilight wanted to rebuttal. Really she did. "Twilight, what about your family? Did you even know your family?" Twilight shook her head. "And there's where the difference stands." Rarity turned and trotted to the side. "I may live my life in fear of being found by the Circle... but my parents and I are close, as am I with my sister. My mother and sister are also unicorns. We live in hiding... but I would gladly continue hiding rather than living in one of those towers where the only chance at happiness for me would be appeasing ponies who may very well hate me for reasons beyond my control." She turned to face Twilight again, sadness painting her face. "What did they take from you? Do you not remember anything? Anything at all?" Twilight looked to the side of the room, wondering if she did perhaps have some sort of distant memory. She frowned. "I have nothing..." She held up her pendant. "All I have is this... and I'm not even certain I got it from my family..." Rarity approached Twilight. "Dear... you're a victim. You may not acknowledge it... but something was taken from you... and all you had to do was be born..." Twilight continued to stare at her pendant, thinking about it. Was it true that she was a victim? What did happen? Did it really matter? "I don't know" she admitted. "I have no idea Rarity. Maybe you're right. Maybe I was a victim... but regardless... that tower is my home... and it holds the closest thing to family I have ever known..." For her credit, Rarity didn't respond with anything. She simply nodded. "I see..." She moved her mouth a bit in want of words, which seemed to fail her. Rarity, with a little thought, finally spoke. "Twilight... I apologize if I seem... blunt... but... I pity you. I really mean no offense when I say that." She shook her head and turned to the bed, trotting to one side and climbing in, setting her hat on the night stand. "... There's so much you miss out on... and you don't even see it." Twilight grimaced. "Well what about you? You live every day in hiding. You have to wear a hat everywhere you go for fear of being captured. What kind of life is that?" Rarity smiled a sad, tired smile. "A hard one... but... at least it's guided by my choices, my desires. It's not an easy life... but it's mine. And I would die before I let anypony take it from me." The marshmallow mare tugged her sheets over herself and rolled over, closing her eyes. Twilight stared for a few minutes, letting those words roll about in her head for a minute, before shaking her head and climbing into the bed next to the apostate unicorn. She didn't know if she agreed with her... But at least she could understand her. *** The Grand Cleric sat in her study, writing a letter. Suddenly, she heard the clinking of metal armor. "As I have said, you need not worry for me, Ser knight. I shall turn to my chambers for sleep once I am tired." "Forgive me, your Grace. I simply felt you could use a cup of tea..." said the knight. She turned about to see that he was holding a teacup holder, with a cup of tea predictably sitting on it. He gently placed it before her, and she smiled. "How thoughtful of you. Thank you for your kindness, Ser knight." He nodded and trotted a few feet away. She lifted the teacup and took a sip from it. At that point, he allowed himself to look back at her. "You are welcome, your Grace... and have a pleasant rest..." He trotted away, his expression becoming grave. "Celestia and Luna forgive me for what must be done..."