//------------------------------// // The choice. // Story: A Final Choice. // by overlord-flinx //------------------------------// "Sunset..." "Twilight..." "Shimmer..." "Sparkle..." "I tried. I really, really tried to--" "Everything you are and everything you will be--" "--reason with you. But you just--" "--should've always been mine. You--" "--were filled with so much anger. I--" "--could've just given me what was mine; but--" "--couldn't break through to you. At the--" "--instead, you broke me down and threw me to the dogs! I--" "--time, I couldn't see another way." "--hated you for that!" "...But... Now..." "I can see so many new paths." "I've learned my mistakes." "I know there are ways I can make things right." "I learned humility, humanity, and the reward from what's right." "And when I thought of it..." "Because of all of that..." "...Something terrifying came into my head." "...I've been dying to tell you something for years now." "It's that thought, though--" "That's why, when the mirror opens--" "--that makes me want one thing..." "--I only want one thing to happen..." "I want to meet you again." "To set things right." "To make amends." "So I can endure a trial set by myself." "So I can see if hate can finally get out of my eyes." "I have to meet you again." "I have to see you again." "For my own good." Sunset Shimmer... When we meet again, I'm going to tell you something. Something I was never truthful with Applejack about. I never had the heart to tell Fluttershy. I lacked the belief in Rainbow Dash to tell her. I was never giving enough to Rarity to say it. And I didn't feel comfortable enough to tell even Pinkie Pie about. Something that, even I'm surprised to admit, only you could understand. You're a mare I only knew for about four days, yet I know... I can feel it... You're the only one that can understand it. Everypony I know, they can sympathies with me, and I'm thankful for that. But, to really understand is something only you can do, Sunset Shimmer. It... It makes me cry lately when I think about it... Because I know how you feel too. Abandoned... It's the only word that can really satisfy the emotion, isn't it? Abandoned... But worst of all, you feel unaccomplished. You did everything right, left no detail unchecked. But... Now you're heartbroken and you can't tell why. I know that feeling... I know it because I've never felt it. A lot of ponies would say "what?" if I said that out loud. But, you can't, can you? Because you know what I mean. Twilight Sparkle... We will meet again. And when we do, I'm going to admit something. A small few words, honestly. But words I need to be true to myself for when I say them. Kind of words that can break down the walls of kindness if not said right. The kind of thing you need to have an open heart to really convey. Small words that make you fight back tears when you say them from deep down. It's such a little thing, but it's something I've never really meant until I faced my own weakness. Weakness that a mare I never even knew forced me to learn. It hurt... It really hurt... That's why I need to say it to you and only you. I've made mistakes in my life, and Celestia knows I'll just keep making them until there's no mistakes left to make. But, you won't see that when I talk to you. No... You can't see my mistakes because you already know them. I saw it when we clashed in front of the school that night... You didn't know you were showing it to me, but I saw it plain as rain. It only took thirty moons for me to unravel it in my head to really get what it all meant. Now, I know what it all means... But, you've already figured that out; haven't you? That's why Celestia chose you out of every other unicorn in Canterlot. The exact same reason... Celestia, it makes me want to just... Why? That's why I need to say this to you. Because you'll already know the answer... I'll find you, Twilight Sparkle, and I'll say what I've wanted to say for thirty moons. "Sunset Shimmer..." "Twilight Sparkle..." "It's strange..." "I worked my whole life off day after day to reach a goal that I put out there for myself. I wanted to be powerful. To have the admiration of all the world. I wanted to be recognized like none other." "If things..." "Every other pony in the world just kept pulling me back down to earth and keeping me there. Living ties were the last thing I needed. All I needed was my teacher, my powers, and my endless possibilities." "...Had been just a little different..." "I never had a friend in my life. I didn't need them. I only needed myself." "...If it had been you trying out that day..." "...It could've just as easily been me behind that mirror today." "Our roles could have just as easily been reversed." At the hour of the moon's highest point in the night sky, Twilight Sparkle stood in the deepest chamber of the Crystal Empire's castle. Before her in the cool, shimmering encasement of the secluded crystal chamber, an ornate mirror casting her reflection right back at her stood as the only company she could have. Her face showed a hard resolve as she stood before it, a single hoof outstretched before her. As the base of her hoof pressed against the mirror, she whispered to herself. "It's time..."