In Love and War

by Rainbow_Danger_Dash

Chapter 3-Just Friends, Right?

Chapter 3-Just Friends, Right?

Rainbow Dash opened her eyes to discover that she was in her room. 'That's odd. I don't remember flying here.' She
replayed the events of the previous night, trying to figure out where something was missing. The last thing she could remember was looking at Soarin as they both were lying on the cloud. 'I must have fallen asleep because-' That was when it dawned in her. 'He must have brought me here once he realized I was asleep. Oh, that's embarrassing.' Of course she would be the one to fall asleep in front of her idol. She had always liked Soarin the best out of the Wonderbolt team, so that made it even worse.

A knock on her door caught her attention. Rainbow Dash shot down her stairs, hoping that Soarin had gotten the day off and was coming to see her. But the only pony greeting her at the door was Derpy the mail pony. "Hiya Miss Dash. I got a letter for you, from one of them Wonderbolt fellas. He said bring it to ya immediately, so I went ahead and-"
"Do you have it?" Rainbow cut her off, half of her hoping that it was her invitation to take her field exam, the other wanting it to be from Soarin.
"Uh, yeah, just a second." Derpy plunged her head into the mailbag she was carrying, searching for the one letter meant for Dash. After what seemed like forever to Rainbow Dash, Derpy emerged with a letter postmarked with a stamp displaying the Wonderbolts. "Here ya go," said Derpy from around the letter in her mouth. Rainbow Dash snatched it and flew inside, leaving a confused Derpy on her porch. "I wonder what that was all about," the gray pony said to herself before flying off to continue deliveries.

Rainbow Dash waited until Derpy had left before tearing open the envelope and reading through its contents

'Rainbow Dash,

We need to talk. How about tomorrow after the show? Meet me at the arena gate, 6:00. I hope to see you then! Well, that is if you don't fall asleep on me again. Ha ha.

Anyways, since I wasn't sure if you were going to be able to make it, here are some tickets on the house for you and your friends. Figured you didn't want to go alone. Talk to ya then!


Rainbow Dash checked the envelope once again and, sure enough there were six tickets pressed up against the side. She pulled one out and examined it. "Oh my gosh!" she exclaimed. "VIP seats! They are going to be so excited! I gotta go tell them about this!"

Rainbow Dash shot towards the Ponyville library, which was conveniently located close to her cloud home. "Hey Twilight, guess what I got-" Rainbow Dash started but cut off as she saw her friends circled around Pinkie Pie, listening intently.
"So Dashie and Soarin come into Sugarcube Corner at like, 1 in the morning. At first I just saw her, and was SO excited because night shift is EXTREMELY boring. Then Soarin came in, and I was all like 'Oh, are you guys on a date?' and she said they were just getting food, but I thought they were because who gets pies at 1 in the morning? So then they left, but I followed them because I just knew I was right. They had a race and everything! Then I saw Dashie sound asleep, being carried back tow-". Pinkie's story was cut off by a cyan hoof in her mouth.
"And I think that's enough story time for today, don't you," interjected Rainbow Dash, an annoyed expression on her face.
All of her friends sat in silence for a moment, before all beginning to talk at once.
"Rainbow, you didn't tell us there was anything going on between you and Soarin," Twilight said
"Yeah, why didn't ya say somethin' to us? We are your friends after all," Applejack said over the din.
"That's magnificent, Rainbow. Oh, to be dating someone of his prestige! How did you pull it off?" Rarity said.
Fluttershy tried to say something, but her timid voice was drowned out by the commotion. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash was lost in the madness, trying to figure out what was being said and who to answer. After a minute, she lost her cool.
"EVERYPONY SHUT UP! I don't know who put these thoughts into your head, but all Soarin and I are just friends. That's it. Now, I have an important announcement to make. I have managed to acquire some tickets to the Wonderbolts show tomorrow, and have enough for all of you. So, you all wanna stop spreading rumors and have some fun?"
"Oh boy, I love fun!" Exclaimed Pinkie Pie as she bounced over to Dash and grabbed her ticket. "This is going to be so--VIP seats! Dashie, this is awesome!"
"What the hay?" said Applejack. "VIP? How did ya ever manage to get ya hooves on these?"
"I got them from one of my friends from Cloudsdale."
"Does this friend fly for a team, say, for example, the Wonderbolts?" questioned Twilight.
"Uh, he might..."
"He? Does this friend's name happen to be Soarin?" Applejack asked.
"Ok, you got me. He sent the tickets to me. But that doesn't mean anything. It was just a friendly gift."
"I don't know Dash. VIP tickets are pretty expensive," said Twilight. "You don't just give them to just anypony."
"Look, I am sure you all want to think that Soarin and I have something going on, but in all seriousness, it is nothing. Now, if you all would please stop interrogating me, I am going to go home. See ya."
"Ah'm not so sure about that," Applejack said to the other ponies once Rainbow Dash left. "That would be an awful nice gesture for just friends."
"Well, it's not like he can't afford it," Rarity pointed out. "He is a Wonderbolt, after all."
"Still, I am not sure about this whole thing," said Twilight. "She did seem a little anxious to get out of here."

'Could they be right? Might Soarin actually like me? That would explain the tickets, the drinks last week, everything. What if he does? More importantly, do I love him back? I mean, he is nice, handsome, and funny.' Rainbow Dash realized where this was going and tried to force the thoughts out of her head. 'Stop it mind, you are starting to sound like Rarity now. And you are the awesome Rainbow Dash. You are supposed to be to cool for mushy stuff, right? Then why did you start to feel strange whenever Soarin is brought up around you?' Rainbow Dash continued to question herself as she flew towards her cloud home. All she could think about is whether what her friends had said could come true or not. She pulled out an apple pie from her pantry, and sat down, hoping to clear her mind with the rich flavor of a pie from Sweet Apple Acres. Her mind drifted back a few months ago, when Soarin had dropped his pie and she had saved it. Rainbow Dash suddenly realized that she was daydreaming of that moment, and shook her head. "Come on Dash, clear your thoughts," she said to herself. "Just focus on something else, like your Wonderbolt routine." But no matter how hard she tried, thoughts of Soarin continued to creep out from the back of her mind. Eventually, she gave up trying to fight it, and flipped open a Daring Doo book, losing herself in the adventure of her favorite series.

------------------------------------------------------One Day Later------------------------------------------------------------------

"I can't believe this is actually happening," exclaimed Rainbow Dash as she walked into the Wonderbolt arena. "This is going to be so AWESOME!" She stood in place for a moment, soaking in the splendor of it all. She tried to absorb it all, the statues, the posters, the retired uniforms hanging above her. "This is going to be the best day EVER!"
"Hey, uh, Rainbow, I hate to interrupt you mid-trance, but we might want ta start headin' to the VIP section if we wanna get good seats," Applejack said.
"Oh yeah, right. Let's get going!"

The group of friends arrives just in time to get the last front row seats. They were directly level with the racetrack the Wonderbolts raced in before the main show.
"Hey Dashie, did you know that my cousin is a Wonderbolt," said Pinkie Pie for no particular reason. "That's right, of you ever see Surprise, that's my cousin! I mean, we are more of distant cousins, not exactly directly related, but still we are related; so that means I am related to a Wonderbolt!"
Rainbow Dash looked over at Twilight and mouthed 'what', a look of pure confusion on her face. Twilight just shrugged, equally confused by Pinkie's ranting.
"Ah don't get it Pinkie," Applejack said, leading Pinkie to start going into a detailed story of her family tree.
'Oh boy, here we go,' Rainbow thought. 'I am going to get a headache before the show even starts. Lovely.'

Suddenly, the lights in the coliseum dimmed, and four spotlights converged on one corner of the coliseum while another focused on the center.

"Now, the moment you have been waiting for, the Wonderbolts!" On cue, sparks shot out from a corned entrance and each Wonderbolt flew out in turn, forming a single line. Suddenly, they divided, leaving their signature trails of smoke arcing across the sky. "This is so cool!" exclaimed Rainbow Dash as the Wonderbolts began to do their aerial maneuvers.


The rest of the night passed by in a blur. Rainbow Dash was having the time of her life. 'Nothing I have done can compare to this moment. Well, almost nothing. Sonic Rainbooms are pretty awesome. Still, VIP seats at a Wonderbolt show!'

At last, the final maneuver ended, and the Wonderbolts took a final dive, swerving between each other, smoke trails interlocking. They pulled up last second, circling around each other with only inches to spare at nearly breakneck speed, before mushrooming out and reforming a single-file line towards their exit.
"That was a great show," said Twilight. "I could see that all over again, and still be amazed."
"You said it sugarcube," replied Applejack.
The six exited the stadium as began to head back to Ponyville. Rainbow Dash lagged behind a little bit, remembering her meeting with Soarin they had planned afterwards.
"Hey Dashie, hurry up! You don't want to miss the after-show party I am throwing," yelled Pinkie Pie to her friend.
"You guys go on ahead; I'll catch up with ya in a few."
"Okie Dokie Loki," shouted back Pinkie before bouncing off to Celestia-knows-where.
"Alright, now I just gotta find Soarin."
"I don't think that will be a problem," said a familiar voice behind her. Se swung around to be face to face with none other than Soarin.
"Hey Soarin, what's up?"
"Come on; let's find a place where we can talk."

Soarin led her through the dissipating crowd of ponies, eventually finding a secluded spot where no one could overhear them. "Ok Soarin, what's up? Why all of this secrecy?"
"Well Rainbow, I need to ask you something," Soarin said, nervously scratching his mane with his hoof. "Will you, uh,-would you--I mean-"
"Come on Soarin; spit it out"
"Ok. Here it goes. Rainbow Dash, will you be my fillyfriend?"