Till Chaos Do Us Part

by Maple Drop

Chapter 1

"Just five more minutes love?" A strange figure with an array of different body parts asked a dark alicorn.

"You know that thou would love to stay in your... Arousing company, but thous sister has requested our presence for dinner this evening." The dark alicorn said as her indigo magical aura lifted her dark crown upon her head. "In a fortnight or so, we can be all alone for a couple evenings, as I've informed our sister of our absence to get some work done with our any... Distractions." At that the alicorn wink one of her long eyelashes at the discordian that laid on a bed of moss, watching her every move, or the movement of her wide flank.

"My dearest Luna, how much longer must we keep up this act? Someone some how is going to find out about us." The discordian said as he moved on to his stomach and propped his head in his paw and clawed, what he called them, hands.

"Dreariest Discord, please bear with us. Soon we will be able to live on our own with out as much as a care in the world, other than causing chaos and rising the moon!" The alicorn, Luna said as she slipped into her royal slippers and walked over to her lover, Discord who moved into a sitting position.

"Promise me you'll try to not get caught during tomorrow's brawl?" Luna said as she lean her head down low to Discords ears. "Tis would be a shame if we couldn't meet up in a fortnight." The alicorn said as she began to slowly chew on one of the creature before here's ears.

"If you keep doing that, I might not let you leave..." Discord purred as his pawed hand ran down the side of her stomach and firmly grasped her flank, causing the alicorn to give a short gasp of pleasure.

"Luna? Will you be joining me for dinner this evening or do I have to come and find you?" A voice with authority broke the lovers freshly started intercourse.

Sighing, Luna rolled out from under discord and trotted over to a stone table where a midnight blue gemstone sat. On one of the long smooth surfaces, a white alicorn with a flowing light shaded rainbow mane stared at her. "We shall be with you in within the next 10 minutes dear sister." Luna said, trying to look at her elder sister and not Discord who was putting on quite the one creature show.

"10 minutes. Not a minute longer." The white alicorn, Celsetia, said before the stone went back to its blank self.

"I take it your really now leaving love?" Discord asked, as Luna stared at the blank stone.

"Yes, I will be leaving now." Luna said as she hurriedly tried to brush out her mane with her front hoofs.

"Sit down my love, I can do that for you." Discord said as her stood up on the moss bed and snapped one of his claws. Out of thin air, a midnight blue brush with a silver moon engraved on the back appeared in his hands. He was now also wearing something different now. His once bare chest now had a white shirt over it and a curly black mustache sat upon his upper lip.

"What in Equestria is with your wears discord? And how did you get my brush?" Luna asked as she trotted to the edge of the bed and sat down, allowing the discordian brush her mane.

"This is what is called barbers wear," Discord said as he motioned to the shirt and fake mustache. "As for the brush, I just thought of you and it came out looking beautiful, just not as beautiful as the real you." Discord finished as he ran the brush through her hair like it was his everyday job.

"You are too good to us Discord. Thou wishes we could pay you pack somehow." Luna sighed.

After a quick inspection of his fine work, discord hopped off the bed and conjured a quarter shaped moon mirror out of nothingness and let Luna's magic grasp it. Luna's hair was done in a simple fashion, but it was much more fancy than her straight blue strands.

"Luna, dearest." Discord said as he got on a knee before the dark alicorn. "You can pay me back a thousand times and more if you would say 'yes'." Discord said as he produced a silver ring from Luna's mane.

"It's nothing too fancy, but I remember you once said you didn't like--" Discord was cut off my an alicorn flying into his arms yelling "yes!"

Stroking Luna's mane, Discord smiled. "I'm glad you said 'yes' my dear. Don't know what I would have done if you hadn't." Pulling back from his new fiancé, Discord smiled. "Now run along to that dinner with your ever so dear sister. I'll be awaiting your wonderful return."

Luna just smiled. "I'll try to get away earlier, for you." Than backing up and grabbing her gem, Luna transported away.

"...I love you Luna, I'll love you till chaos does us part." Discord sighed. He could feel the madness in him rising. He only wished he could have more time with her. When he was with her, time seemed to stand on end, and all his troubles seemed like nothing more than a spilled glass of chocolate milk. That reminded him, he was craving some chocolate milk. With a snap of his paw, a small cotton candy cloud appeared with a glass under it.

"I haven't gotten all blasted day, open up your chocolate milk stash and let go!" Discord almost yelled to the tiny pink cloud that just shuddered in response before letting a down pour of chocolate milk flow out of it upside down and into his glass.

"It's better than nothing," Discord sighed as he took a sip, the glass slowly disappearing with each gulp as if it was a liquid.

"Nice of you to finally join us, Luna." Celestia greeted Luna as she entered the grand dinning hall. The windows had been opened a bit, letting a gentle breeze flow through. The walls were covered in purple tapestries with images of the two sisters sewn in, each one done differently. The floor was rich marble, gold outlining each slab. From the ceiling hung two large chandeliers opposite each other that's candles shown down upon the rooms furniture. A large dining table that could fit at the least a dozen ponys comfortably was set for two opposite each other at the far end, Celestia sat at one of the places watching Luna slowly walk to her seat.

"What were you up to this afternoon, if I may so ask dear sister." Celestia said as her magical aura ran a small bell, informing the waiting servants that they were ready to be served.

"If you really must know, we were at our own castle." Luna said as she watched their meal be carried into the room and set before them. "If I'm to move there in a fortnight, I must have it all ready for both ourselves and the help."

Luna lifted a spoon wit her magic and dipped it into the soup that sat before her. "Mmmm, carrot pea soup, my favourite." the darker alicorn muttered as she swallowed the orange and green liquid before her.

Celestia took a sip of the soup from her spoon with her eyes looking downward at the table. "So what are your plans for that place? It's old and remote, surely you cant truly be considering moving in there."

Luna pushed back her half-finished bowl of soup wit her magic and stood up. "I'll be going now." Luna said before she turned and trotted out of the dinning room.

Celestia sighed as she once again rung the bell with her magic, brining a servant hurrying into the room. They cleared the table of the main dish and brought out a large slice of cake, Celestia style. As she ate the fairly large slice of cake, Celestia couldn't help but notice that Luna had been acting strangely lately. She'd confront her about it tomorrow, right now she had a cake slice and paper work to attend to.